A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology

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A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology Page 12

by Anthology

  “Well, that was different. I mean, well it wasn’t…” she trailed off in confusion.

  “It’s not different,” he said. “Believe me.”

  Louisa froze as his words crashed through her mind, dragging up a memory from years ago.

  After their kiss, Louisa had dashed off into the house, desperate to seek her sisters’ council, though Sara had been far too young to discuss such things.

  Being unable to find them in their bedchambers, she had searched the house and had finally moved toward the voices she heard coming from the library.

  It was only as she reached the partially opened doors that she realized they were male voices, specifically those of Hugh and his brothers.

  She shouldn’t have really, but she settled in to eavesdrop. After all, they had just shared a wonderful, romantic kiss. Hugh was bound to be telling his brothers about it, perhaps even seeking Lucas’s advice on how to proceed with a courtship.

  What she heard, however, was decidedly not what she had wanted.

  “Ugh, you kissed one of the vipers?” Jackson asked, his tone filled with horror.

  “Shut up, Jack,” Hugh responded and Louisa had felt a surge of affection. He would defend her honor.

  “But, why?” The younger man had sounded horrified.

  The silence stretched so long that Louisa thought perhaps he meant to ignore the question altogether.

  Finally, he answered, “Because I could.”

  “Do you care for her?” That was Lucas’s deeper voice.

  “Of course not. It was a joke. We’re always playing them, aren’t we?”

  Louisa’s face burned with humiliation.

  “We’ll have to cancel all of our plans. Get the frogs back and everything,” Jackson sulked.”Everything’s different now.”

  “It’s not different. Believe me. Just another way to humiliate one of the little witches.”


  She came back to the present with a terrible thud.

  What was the point in all of this? She had barely gotten over her humiliation then. Now, with her heart involved, she refused to take the risk.

  HUGH WATCHED LOUISA’S FACE as a myriad of emotions flitted across it. She’d never been able to hide her feelings, even when they were children.

  It was one of the things he loved about her.

  As though a bolt of lightning had just lit the sky, the thought burst brightly through Hugh’s mind.

  My God. He did. He loved her, the annoying, sneaky, beautiful, charming little minx.

  He couldn’t stop his sudden grin.

  It seemed so obvious to him now.

  He loved her.

  They would marry and fill a nursery and she would live with him on his own vast estate, separate to that of his family, whom he loved but who would most definitely be in the way with what he planned.

  It would be bucolic bliss.

  Hugh was about to tell her all of this when he noticed her expression change once more.

  “I want to, but I do not believe it,” she said now, sounding colder than he’d heard in days.


  “No, Hugh,” she shook her head, moving out of his grasp. “I was foolish enough to believe that you had changed three years ago. I will not allow my sister to make the same mistake now.”

  He frowned in confusion.

  What the hell was she talking about?

  “I heard you, you see,” she continued and he could see the blush staining her cheeks, even in the moonlight. “All those years ago after we’d — well, after.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said carefully, not really knowing what her mood was or where this conversation was headed.

  “No, I expect you wouldn’t. The whole thing was rather boring and insignificant for you, I’d warrant. But it bothered me, I’ll admit. And I haven’t forgotten it.”

  Without saying another word, she turned and marched toward the maze, following the crowd.

  Hugh felt his temper flare.

  And just like that, she was ruining all his hastily made plans. She couldn’t just stomp off without explaining why.

  “Would you care to expand, Miss Bright?” he called, rushing after her. “For I am at rather a loss as to what you are going on about.”

  “After you kissed me all those years ago, you couldn’t wait to run to your brother’s and fill them in on your inspired idea to humiliate one of the little witches. Wasn’t that how you referred to it?”


  “Louisa, we were young. We were enemies. You cannot think that this is the same?”

  “I can and I do. I can’t trust a Mayford any more than Meredith can.”

  Hugh couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  Was she really going to hold the sins of his past against him? He hadn’t even meant what he’d said. He’d just had no idea how to deal with the visceral reaction he’d felt when touching her.

  “Louisa, I didn’t mean it. I was trying to save face. You have to understand.”

  “Oh, I do understand Hugh.”

  He watched helplessly as she removed his jacket and thrust it back at him.

  “Can we please talk about this?” he asked desperately.

  She sighed and looked suddenly exhausted.

  “I’m tired and I’m cold. We can forget all of this ever happened. My sisters and I will leave after Christmas Day and you can all get back to your bachelor ways.”

  He watched as she walked away.

  She couldn’t leave it like this.

  He wouldn’t let her.



  I refuse to allow a stupid mistake from three years ago come between us now. Meet me in the conservatory when everyone has gone to bed, around one o’clock.


  If you happen to forget about it, I shall come and fetch you from your bedroom. And don’t think I won’t!


  The bloody man was a nuisance.

  But he was a determined nuisance, and Louisa knew he meant what he threatened. He would cause a huge scandal rather than allow her to ignore his summons. He really was that stubborn.

  And, truth be told, Louisa was worried that she was being rather ridiculous.

  If her sisters had accused her of conceding their war three years ago; she probably would have denied everything, too.

  Besides, it was different now.

  She certainly felt different. Couldn’t she trust that he did too?

  After they’d gotten back to the house, the rest of the party in fine spirits, Louisa had sat in a corner and brooded.

  Brooded and watched.

  She was pleased to see that Hugh seemed to be brooding himself. She would likely have thrown something at him had he appeared to be enjoying the festivities.

  Mostly, she watched Meredith and Lucas. And the longer she watched them, the more she was convinced; they were two people completely in love with each other.

  Louisa sighed and paced her bedchamber as she had been doing for hours now.

  She knew she could probably convince Meredith that Lucas wasn’t to be trusted, and she could manipulate her sister into leaving this place.

  But Meredith was happy, truly happy… with Lucas.

  Her confusing thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

  Horrified, her eyes flew to the carriage clock on the mantle.

  It was almost time to meet him, but not quite.

  He couldn’t be here already, could he?

  “Yes?” she called trying not to sound panicked.

  “May I come in?” The door cracked open slightly, revealing Meredith.

  “Meredith? Why in heaven’s name are you in your nightclothes! Someone could see you!” she exclaimed as Meredith came farther into the room.

  “Why are you not ready for bed? It must be near one in the morning!” Meredith responded, looking a little too closely at Louisa.

  “I wa
sn’t tired,” she said as casually as she could manage but she couldn’t help glancing toward the hall lest Hugh should suddenly appear.



  “Are you meeting Hugh?” Meredith demanded. Usually Louisa would have been happy to sit and have a coze with her sister. But this was most inconvenient.

  There was no point in denying it either. Meredith was like a bloodhound when it came to finding things out.

  “That’s none of your concern,” she said with a sniff rather than deny it.

  “Do you realize this is Hugh?” Meredith demanded, crossing her arms, ever the bossy big sister.

  “You do realize you’re being quite the hypocrite. Lucas is just as attentive as Hugh. More even.” Louisa shot back, hating feeling so defensive.

  “Yes but…”

  “No excuses. I’ll let you have your secrets. But let me have my own as well.” Louisa softened her tone, and her expression. It wasn’t Meredith’s fault that Hugh Mayford had her tied in knots.

  Louisa was more than capable of handling this thing herself, in any case.

  “Very well, though I’ll expect a full report in the morning, mind you.” Meredith finally relented and Louisa could breathe a little easier.

  “Yes, Mother,” she answered cheekily.

  “I’ll leave you to your secrets then. Does Sara have any such secrets or will I find her in her room?” Meredith asked as she walked towards the door.

  Funnily enough, Louisa hadn’t seen Sara on their return from the maze. Or Jackson, for that matter.

  “I’m not sure,” she answered truthfully.”You’ll have seek those answers yourself.”

  She knew she was practically shooing her sister out the door but if Meredith were still here when Hugh arrived it would be a catastrophe.

  Sending Meredith off with a wink, Louisa waited until her footsteps padded down the hallway then swept quickly from the room.

  HUGH COULDN’T BELIEVE HOW anxious he felt as he checked his watch once again and resumed his pacing.

  What if she refused to come?

  Well, he’d meant what he’d said. He would storm up there and carry her from her bedchamber if he had to.

  Of course, if he stormed up there, the last thing he would want to do is leave her bedroom. He’d infinitely prefer to make use of it.


  He swung round and saw her standing in the doorway, looking more beautiful than any woman had a right to.

  “You came.”

  He was an idiot. Of course she came, she was standing there.

  “I didn’t think you gave me much of a choice,” she said ruefully and he was relieved to see a soft smile play around her lips.

  “No, I don’t suppose I didn’t,” he responded.

  She shivered and he immediately moved to her side.

  “You’re cold,” he said.

  Yes. Definitely an idiot.

  “The conservatory wasn’t going to be terribly warm on a winter’s night, was it?” she quipped in response.

  He smiled self-consciously.

  “Let’s move to the library,” he said, offering her his arm.”It will be much warmer there.”

  She hesitated for a moment before finally nodding her agreement and taking his arm.

  “Why did you want to meet me?” she asked quietly as they walked.

  This was the hard part.

  Hugh had spent hours deliberating over what he should say. How he could explain that he’d been a fool three years ago, that he was desperately in love with her, that he wanted more than anything to make her his wife.

  But suddenly, the words wouldn’t come.

  He was as skittish as an unbroken horse.

  He searched frantically for something to talk about but it was so hard to concentrate.

  Every time she touched him, even on the sleeve of his coat, it set his heart racing.

  And as far as his coat went, when she’d returned it, it had carried the floral scent she always wore and had nearly brought him to his knees.

  Finally, he alighted on a topic that would keep her talking, at least long enough for him to pluck up the courage to tell her how he felt.

  “Ah — it was about Lucas and Meredith. I wondered if you had thought about what you will do.”

  It was a blatant lie.

  He didn’t care a jot what she would do at this particular moment.

  She heaved a sigh and gave him a sideway glance.

  “Honestly,” she said after a moment or two, “what can I do? If they truly love each other, I wouldn’t be able to keep them apart for long. And nor would I want to. If my sister finds happiness, even if it is with your brother, then that’s good enough for me. I just have to believe that he will treat her well.”

  Hugh heard the genuine worry in her voice.

  They had reached the library door but before they went inside he turned her to face him, gently clasping her shoulders.

  “He will treat her like a queen, sweetheart. I am sure of it.”

  “How can you be sure?” she asked with a slight frown.

  “Because he loves her. And when we Mayfords fall in love, we make sure the whole world knows it.”

  Was it wishful thinking or did she look suddenly wistful?

  He felt a thaw in her demeanor and it gave him the courage to go on, to tease a little, even.

  “And will your sister be good to my brother?”

  She grinned saucily and shrugged her shoulders.

  “If she’s foolish enough to love him then she will no doubt be good to him.”

  “You think she is foolish to fall in love?” he asked, feeling suddenly uneasy.

  “Not at all. Foolish to fall in love with a Mayford, perhaps.” She smiled.

  “Hmm. And if we are so abhorrent, how come your sister did, in fact, fall in love with one of us?”

  “Who knows? Perhaps she couldn’t resist his charm.”

  He winked and gave her his most charming smile.

  “And who could blame her?”

  “Not me. Such charm is terribly difficult to resist,” she responded as he leaned closer. “At least one of you has some.”

  By God she was a saucy one.

  He growled in frustration, prompting her to shush him frantically. He opened the door of the library and swung her inside, closing the door behind them.

  Without giving her the chance to object beyond saying his name in a very disapproving tone, he pulled her toward him and crushed her lips to his.

  If she wanted charm, she’d get it.

  SHE WOULD NEVER RECOVER from his kisses, Louisa knew.

  She would never want to.

  The man had seeped into her heart and soul and he would never leave.

  His lips were playing havoc with her senses, demanding she respond, demanding she give in to him.

  And she did.

  Louisa threw everything she felt into that kiss, reaching up to run her fingers through his sable hair, losing herself to the feelings he evoked.

  She could stay like this forever. In fact, if they never —

  Louisa froze as someone cleared his throat behind them.

  Someone was here!

  Panicking, she shoved Hugh away from her, or at least tried to, and spun round to face whoever it was.

  “Louisa, is that any way to treat a suitor?” Meredith was grinning, seeming highly amused.

  Louisa felt a wave of relief. If it was only Meredith and Lucas then they were safe. Neither of those two were in any position to judge.

  “You!” She breathed in relief. ”I thought it was someone important.”

  “Just me,” Meredith responded, looking meaningfully at Lucas who looked far too amused for Louisa’s liking.

  “Need help brother? With the way she shoved you I can’t exactly tell if you were doing something wrong, or very right.” Lucas laughed now.

  “Something very right.” Hugh smiled in return, sounding as smug as she’d ever heard hi
m. She rolled her eyes at him.

  “I’m afraid that they have never outgrown their overconfidence.” Meredith said. She seemed far too comfortable with this whole situation. Louisa would rather the ground opened up so she could slip away.

  “Indeed,” she responded, glaring at Hugh who still looked entirely too pleased with himself.

  Didn’t he understand what had just happened? They’d been caught!

  “Well, would you two like to be the first to know?”

  As Lucas spoke, he moved and wrapped his arms around Meredith.

  Louisa’s breath caught in her throat.

  “First?” she managed, her eyes darting between her sister and Lucas.

  “The first,” he repeated, “aside from all of our parents, of course. I have to do a few things according to decorum, you understand. Can’t be a rebel all the time.”

  Were they going to announce a betrothal?

  She was horrified at the spike of jealousy she suddenly felt.

  She turned to glance at Hugh in confusion and was touched when he lifted his hand and gave her shoulder a squeeze of support.

  “You can tell us now,” Hugh said to Lucas.

  “I’ve decided that the best way to make peace, was to simply make love.”

  “What?” Louisa demanded at the same time as Hugh.

  It had actually happened? They were to marry?


  Meredith scolded but her face was flushed, and the picture of pure happiness.

  Lucas laughed unrepentantly.

  “I’m simply stating that Meredith has agreed to bless me with the honor of being my countess,” he confirmed.

  Louisa felt her heart stop.

  Here it was; the thing she’d wanted to prevent.

  “Meredith!” she exclaimed.

  Looking over her shoulder once more, she saw that Hugh was watching her, his expression intense. She knew he was waiting to see if she would object or stick to her word and give her blessing.

  She also knew that he would be disappointed should she cause a scene, and, suddenly, the thought of displeasing him was unbearable.

  So, without another second’s hesitation, she moved the pompous earl out of the way and threw her arms around her sister.”I am both shocked and yet not,” she smiled through sudden tears.


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