Courteously Seduced by an Enigmatic Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

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Courteously Seduced by an Enigmatic Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel Page 7

by Scarlett Osborne

  Yet here I am.

  That unnerved feeling rose up to greet him and he tried to tamper it down. To distract himself, he patted his horse, the one he’d been riding since he arrived in Gresham. He’d taken a liking to the horse and he wanted to think the horse reciprocated the feeling.

  “Mr. Albertson?”

  Rowland nearly jumped at the sound of her voice. He turned to see her looking up at him, eyes bright as usual. Her timid maid stood behind her, but she wasn’t looking at him. Her eyes were scanning the wide stables as if in search of something.

  Rowland returned his attention to Lady Hannah. “You must have the feet of a cat,” he said. “I didn’t hear you coming.”

  “The feet of a cat?” She tilted her head to the side, obviously thinking about it. Then she smiled. “I like the sound of that, though I do think it has more to do with the grass than my light feet.”

  “Ah, yes, I suppose you are right about that.” He wanted to keep this short, to be polite and keep on moving. “I took the liberty of preparing you and your maid’s horses like last time. I hope that is all right?”

  “That’s quite all right, Mr. Albertson. Thank you.” She smiled her gratitude at him. When she did, she pushed her shoulders back and her breasts strained against her riding habit.

  Rowland blinked, his body going hot all of a sudden. Did she do that on purpose?

  He couldn’t tell. She was moving on to the horse as if nothing had happened. The maid looked just as innocent as well, completely unaware of the fact that the image of Lady Hannah’s well-endowed chest was now ingrained in his mind.

  As if I wasn’t struggling enough.

  They set off in silence. This time, Rowland lagged behind her, watching her as she rode. She seemed to be in a good mood today. That tiny smile of hers was present and when she looked at him, her eyes twinkled.

  Rowland ran his eyes down the length of her. He had been doing well these past few days. Though he was well aware of how beautiful she was, Rowland had refused to allow himself to delve into more sensuous thoughts. Now, he couldn’t help it. Her slim figure, her hair tumbling down her back.

  Her straining bust. Her pouty lips. Her sultry eyes.

  “You seem to be in a good mood today, My Lady,” he said. Conversation should help. That would distract him, if only a little.

  “I am, yes,” she said, throwing a wider smile over her shoulder. “Do you trust me, Mr. Albertson?”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  His frown deepened. She stared at him openly, her gaze warm. But he didn’t miss the twinkle of mischief hidden beneath the green and golden eyes. Slowly, he nodded, wondering what he was about to get himself into. “I do.”

  Her full-blown grin nearly knocked him off his horse. “Then let’s go. Lily, we won’t go far. Don’t worry.”

  “Wait, M’Lady—”

  But again, Lady Hannah was taking off. She flew freely across the expanse, her hair flying out behind her. Rowland allowed himself a second of admiration before he took off behind her.

  He didn’t know why he was following her like this. He had refrained from doing so before when she behaved this way. He had patted himself on the back for not giving in to her whims. But now, it seemed he had no such control.

  Rowland forgot all about the fact that they were not alone. He didn’t even spare Lady Hannah’s maid a glance. He kept his eyes on her retreating form, spurring his steed on until he caught up with her.

  She was laughing. The sound wrapped around him, brought his own smile to the fore.

  When is the last time I smiled like this?

  Rowland didn’t know and he didn’t care to think about it. He only let the euphoric feeling consume him. She was right about one thing, riding at dawn with the wind nipping his skin and running through his hair was very fulfilling. Riding with her while at it, listening to her happy laughter as she sped ahead, made it even more so.

  They came to a stop at a stream. Lady Hannah hopped off her horse instantly and went to the water, dipping her hand into it. Rowland kept his eyes on her as he approached her.

  She looked up at him, eyes alight. “Come,” she said. “The water feels great.”

  He didn’t stop himself. He sank by her side and dipped his hand into the rushing water. The biting cold had him whipping it out nearly instantly.

  Lady Hannah laughed. “It’s a bit cold, I’ll admit, but I’m sure you’ll get used to it.” She continued to let the water run over both her hands, then she rose and sat on a fallen log nearby.

  Rowland glanced behind him. Lady Hannah’s maid was nowhere to be seen. Trepidation set in. Was that why she’d raced off like that?

  “Are you going to have a seat?” she asked, breaking into his thoughts. She had made herself very comfortable on the log.

  Rowland decided to stand. “We lost your maid.”

  “She knows where I am,” Lady Hannah said dismissively. “I come here all the time. She’s just taking a little while to arrive because she doesn’t like horses.”

  “Then why do you insist on having her chaperone us?” he asked. A second later, he realized how it sounded and quickly tried to remedy it. “I know one should be with you. Yes, of course, I’m aware of that. But why her when she so clearly doesn’t like the idea?”

  Lady Hannah shrugged. “I’m not sure. She’s the one who insisted on coming with me.”

  Rowland wondered if it had anything to do with what she was looking for in the stables. He dismissed the thought.

  After the run, Lady Hannah didn’t look any less perfect. He expected her to be more winded, her hair less put together. But she was the picture of flawlessness. Her hair had settled back around her shoulders, her cheeks flushed. She was neither breathless nor did she look the least bit tired.

  “I have a question, Mr. Albertson,” she said. When he stiffened, she said, “It’s about New South Wales.”

  Rowland relaxed. “What would you like to know?”

  “How different is it from England? I know it cannot possibly be the exact same.”

  “It isn’t,” Rowland said with a shake of his head. “Though there are some glaring similarities. I suppose the best way to describe it is by saying that things are a little more relaxed in the colony. Titles and everything that comes with them doesn’t hold such value there.”

  “Ah, is that so? I’ve been reading a book that makes mentions of the colonies but it hasn’t been as forthcoming as I hoped it would be. I hope you don’t mind my questions.”

  “Why are you so curious about it, My Lady?”

  “I find it hard not to be when I have a guest in my home that resides there. Tell me, Mr. Albertson, were you born in the colony?”

  Rowland was answering before he knew it. “I was born in England, but my family went to the colony when I was a baby. I lived there my entire life.”

  “I suppose that means you aren’t that well-versed on the English way, then, are you?” she asked.

  “I’ve read books,” he said. “But, yes, there are a few things that I don’t know. Things I would have to learn through exposure.”

  “My father wants to prepare you for the dukedom. I wonder if he also hopes you will learn the ways of England, as well.”

  Rowland wondered if she was aware of her father’s wishes when it came on to the two of them. She couldn’t possibly be. Was she? Was that why she had such an interest in him?

  “I’ve always dreamed of traveling,” she said, completely unaware of the direction of his thoughts. “I haven’t been to many places. Only London, now that I think about it. And when I’m married, I’m not sure if I’ll get the chance again.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Well, because I will be expected to bear children and raise a family, that’s why,” she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Perhaps later when my children are older, I’ll have the chance again.”

  “Do you want to get married?”
/>   As soon as the question was out, Rowland cursed himself. Lady Hannah adopted a thoughtful look as she pondered it. “I do,” she said finally.

  And she left it at that. Rowland stared at her, expecting to hear more, but her transparency was over. She merely looked over in the direction from where they came and sighed. “It seems like our time is up, Mr. Albertson.”

  Rowland followed her gaze to see her maid trotting up to them, eyes wide with horror. She scrambled off the horse in a very unprofessional manner and rushed over to Lady Hannah. “M’Lady,” she panted. “You shouldn’t run off like that.”

  “Don’t worry, Lily,” Lady Hannah said as she rose. “We were only having a normal conversation while you caught up with us.”

  Lily looked as if she wanted to say more but she glanced up at Rowland and swallowed the words. Lady Hannah sighed again. “Let us head back, shall we?”

  She took one step forward before Rowland saw her tip forward. He acted on instinct, reaching out a hand to grab her. His hand clamped around her upper arm before Lady Hannah could go crashing to the ground and he whirled her back into a standing position. She collided into his chest, knocking the wind out of them both.

  Her scent settled around him. Every sane thought fled his mind, one by one, as he stared down at her, her face only inches from his. Her lips parted, her breath brushing the hairs on his face and it made him tremble with need. Without thinking, he tightened his grip on her arm, pressing her closer to his body. He couldn’t help but think how perfectly she fit against him, how soft she was.

  “Mr. Albertson…”

  Her words were but a whisper. She held his eyes. Any other lady would have reacted strongly to this. Pushed him away, screamed. If it was a lady with as much spunk as Lady Hannah, perhaps she would have slapped him. But Lady Hannah did none of that. She didn’t seem to want to leave this odd embrace. She stared back at him, willing him to do something.

  It was the shadow of his own lust shining in those mismatched eyes that brought him to his senses. He pulled away as if burned.

  She didn’t look away from him. Now that there was some distance between them, he could no longer see the hint of yearning in her eyes. She only stared.

  He cleared his throat. “We should head back.”

  “Yes.” That was all she said in response before heading back to her mare. Rowland couldn’t help watching her, staring at her backside.

  My hand was inches away from her breasts...oh God.

  There was no denying how he wanted her now. It was blatant to them both, a problem that was bound to make his time there drag longer. Her maid stared him down as he passed by her but he didn’t say anything. He only got on his own horse and left, following Lady Hannah, who was already a good distance away.

  Chapter 11

  “M’Lady, he is a rake!”

  Hannah sighed, this time in longing. She’d been sighing a lot since she arrived back at the manor. “It does seem that way, doesn’t it?”

  “Of course!” The timid and kind Lily was outraged, something Hannah had only ever seen once before. “No proper gentleman with good intentions would ever do what he did.”

  “What did he do, though? Other than saving me from a rather embarrassing fall?”

  “Saving you is one thing, M’Lady. But the way he held on to you for so long afterwards? That only means he has set his impure sights on you. Oh, M’Lady, you can’t continue to go riding with him.”

  Hannah looked up at her sweet maid. She didn’t know exactly when they had crossed over into friendship but she relished Lily’s fierce protectiveness of her. “I think we might be reading a little more into this than necessary,” she said. “I doubt Mr. Albertson has any intentions toward me at all. I don’t think he even wants to be my friend. I had to use my wit to get him to go riding with me.”

  “Perhaps at first, M’Lady, but you are a beautiful lady. He would be quite daft to not find you attractive.”

  Hannah chuckled at that. “Thank you for your concern, Lily, but I think I’ll be all right. Mr. Albertson has never made any untoward move at all. He has barely looked at me for longer than three seconds. I highly doubt he suddenly has his eyes on me in such a manner.”

  Though that wouldn’t be so bad.

  Lily sighed, defeated. “I hope you are right, M’Lady.”

  Hannah knew Lily would feel much better if she knew just how affable Mr. Albertson truly was, but there was no use explaining it to her.

  “I do think I am. And besides, holding me steady for a few seconds after he’s righted me hardly counts as rakish behavior.” Heaven knew she wanted him to do much more than that.

  Hannah knew she’d basically begged him to kiss her. She hadn’t said the words out loud, but the way she had leaned into him, the fact that she hadn’t tried to pull away. It was clear as day what that meant and she was both happy and disappointed with the fact that he hadn’t taken the bait.

  She looked out the window of her bedchamber, remembering his late night walk. She had intended to ask him about it this morning, but she couldn’t figure out the best way to say it. After a while, Hannah had forgotten about it and when he caught her from falling...well, all sane thoughts had left her brain after that.

  They hadn’t said anything to each other on the way back, not even in farewell. Mr. Albertson hardly looked at her when he left but she stared after him, not caring if he were to turn around and catch her. She figured it was what she was due after being left high and dry at the stream.

  “Will you tell Her Grace?” Lily asked. She was back to her old demeanor. Her anger was usually fiery but short-lasting.

  “My mother does not need to know anything about what transpired.”

  “Yes, M’Lady. And what of Mr. Albertson? Do you think he will mention it to His Grace?”

  “I doubt it,” Hannah said. She shot Lily a curious glance. “You hate horses, do you not? Why do you insist on coming with me during our rides?”

  To Hannah’s surprise, Lily’s face went bright red and she looked away. “I-I thought it would be nice to have some fresh air during a morning ride,” she stammered.

  A lie.

  But Hannah didn’t mind. Lily wouldn’t lie for no reason and she didn’t want to push the girl.

  She turned to the window, her thoughts going back to Mr. Albertson. He hadn’t been here long and already, she felt herself inexplicably drawn to him. That should bother her, but Hannah didn’t care to let herself be troubled by it.

  She preferred to daydream instead.

  In her mind, it didn’t happen the way it did in reality. In her mind, he kissed her. Slowly, brushing his lips against hers first. With that simple brush, her body tensed with electricity and he wrapped an arm around her waist and deepened the kiss. He continued to kiss her until his hand began to trail down the front of her riding habit and…


  Hannah resisted another urge to sigh. “Yes, Lily?”

  “His Grace summons you to the main drawing room.”

  Hannah nodded and rose. Lily fell in step behind her as they left her bedchamber and made their way to the main drawing room. There Hannah saw that her mother and her sisters were already gathered, which she expected to see. She did not expect to see Mr. Albertson standing in the corner of the room, as if he was trying to separate himself from everyone else around him.

  Hannah only looked at him for a brief moment because she knew his eyes were heavy on her. It made her skin tingle to feel the weight of his gaze but she tried not to show it.

  She made her way next to her mother and sat, keeping her back slightly turned away from him. She could see him with her peripheral vision if she turned to the side just enough, but Hannah wasn’t going to give in to the temptation. Not here where her entire family was gathered. God forbid if her sisters noticed anything, just as her mother had.

  “Is everything all right, dear?” the Duchess murmured to her. Her Grace had a habit of looking at other things, or busying
herself, when she asked Hannah a question she already knew the answer to—and this time was not different.

  Hannah didn’t think she could say it. She loved her mother and they were close. She knew that her mother’s upbringing meant she would never judge Hannah the way other mothers might have. But Hannah was much too embarrassed to even think about saying it out loud.

  “I’m simply wondering what Father wanted us for,” she said, keeping her voice level. Her Grace didn’t even move, her gaze on the door. “It’s one thing to want to speak to the entire family but it’s another thing entirely to invite our guest.”


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