by Brad Ricca
missing. See missing-girl problem
Girls’ Vocational Club
Glendening, Parris
Glover, Mrs.
Goff, Justice
Goldberg, Elsie
Goldfogle, Senator
Goldmark, Marian
Goudart, John
Grace. See Humiston, Grace
Grace Club (rooming house)
Grace Humiston League
Green, magistrate
Green, Mary Jane
Green, Nelson Irow
confession of
Greenbaum, Charles
Greenville, Mississippi
Greenville Times
Grigg, Joseph
Guy, Charles L.
Hackensack, New Jersey
Haggerty, James
Hall, Dr.
Hamburg-American Line
Harlem, known as Italian territory
Harrington, Christie
Harrington, Governor
Hart, Albert Bushnell
Haskin, Frederic J.
Hayes, fire commissioner
Hearst newspapers
Heatherbloom petticoats girl sign
Heck, William H.
Helms, Willard A.
Hodges, O’Hara & Russell Company
Hodges Milling Company
Hoover, Herbert
Hopkins, Dr. Walton
Horthy, Miklós
The House of Bondage (film)
houses of ill repute, around army camps
Hughes, Martha
Hulbert, John
Humanitarian Cult
Humiston, Grace
apartments of
assassination attempt on
called by relatives “Auntie Disgrace”
Case of the Coroner’s Cabinet
Case of the Giant and the Chair
Case of the Marked Neck
Case of the Missing Skater
dance hall venture of
death and burial at age seventy-eight (1948)
as detective
divorce from Quackenbos
dressing in black
family roots of (the Wintertons)
hired by Henry Cruger
hit by a truck, injured, and hospitalized (1923)
immigration cases
interviews of
investigating vice around Camp Union army camp
investigative tour of Italy
investigative tour of Southern peonage camps
later years
at law school
life story
marries Howard Humiston
missing girls work
money problems, in later years
Mrs. Sherlock Holmes nickname
newspapers unkind to
notes of, burglarized then returned
office on East 42nd St.
People’s Law Firm of
pleads for Snowden’s life
police authority revoked
police unfriendly to
records about, sparse and scattered
returns to New York from Southern investigations
reward from Henry Cruger, declined
said to solve crime when police don’t
speech to Women Lawyers Association
testimony before Congress on peonage
testimony in Ruth Cruger case
threatened by the Black Hand
unauthorized use of picture in newsreels, suit over
Humiston, Howard
Hylan, John F.
Hyslop, Dr. James
in cities
employment agents seeking
on farms
poor and ignorant, oppression of
protection needed by
cases handled by Grace
Grace’s recommendations on
influenza epidemic of 1918–1922
innocence, prisoners claiming
insurance trust-buster cases
courtroom, incompetence of
investment advice, faulty
in Harlem
immigrants working as peons on farms
prejudice against
Italian Squad
Grace’s tour of investigation in
immigrants to U.S. lured by steamship companies
judicial system in
Jackson Lumber Company
Jean Valjean (character)
Jenkins, Mr. (Charles Phelps nephew)
Jessie. See Winterton, Jessie
Jewish Relief Society
Kalisch, Samuel
Kappa Sigma fraternity house
Károlyi, Mihály
Kaufman, Reginald Wright
Kennedy, man deputized as sheriff
Kerrigan, Thomas
for ransom
rescue of victims by Grace and Kron
King, Erwin
confession of, later retracted
new confession of
refuted by his own letters
suspected of Phelps’s murder
King, Mrs. (witness)
Kingsland, New Jersey
Knickerbocker, District Attorney
Knight, Michelle
Koester, prosecutor
Kohn, Stuart
Kron, Estelle
Kron, Julius J.
background of
death and burial
detective agency of
investigates Alfredo Cocchi
magazine stories about
marriages and children
and peonage cases
police authority revoked
poses as motorcycle repairman
records about, missing
white slave cases
working with Grace
Kuhn, Thomas
Ku Klux Klan
Kun, Béla
L., Esther
labor strikers
Lagarenne, John
trial of, for dereliction of duty
Lambert, father
Lane, Mr.
Larkin, surrogate
La Rue, Consuelo
Last Dance of the Last Mile
Lawrence (white slaver)
abundance of
unscrupulous, filing and fee gathering by
women as
Lee, Frank
legal aid for the poor
Legal Aid Society of New York
Leonard, Jake
Leonetter, Florence
Les Misérables (Hugo)
Ligmanti, Gaetaro
Lind, Edward
Lindbergh baby kidnapping
Lithauer, Marion
Little Italy, New York City
Little Valley, N.Y.
Loeb, Sophie Irene
lumber trusts
Lupo, Ignacio, the Wolf
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
Lynch, J. J.
Madison Avenue Baptist Church
Madonia, Benedetto
Magrini, Emma
Magrini, Maria. See Cocchi, Maria
Mahoney, Mike
man, in taxi accosting Ruth, alleged
Mancuso, prosecutor
Manhattan Project (atomic bomb)
Manhattan State Hospital for the Insane, Ward’s Island
Mann Act
Many, Seymour
Marcus, Aaron
marriage, cases involving
Marshall, Marguerite Mooers
Martin Donnelly Detective Agency
Mary, houseworker, falsely charged with prostitution
Matthews, James
Mazella, Gennaro
McAntee, Peter
McCarter, Robert
McCarthy, policeman
McClellan, mayor
McClure’s magazine
McDonough, Thomas
nbsp; McFadden magazines
McGee, Frank
trial of
McIntyre, Judge
McQuade, Rose
Medina, N.Y.
Meier, W. E.
Mercer, James
Metropolitan Motorcycles shop
cellar of
girls reporting abuse at
Grace scouts out
Helen visits, looking for Ruth
lists of names found at
Maria refuses search of
police uniforms stored in
for sale sign
skates sharpened at
Meyers, O. K.
Milholland (Boissevain), Inez
Miller, Alice Duer, poem by, on Grace
Miller, Spencer, Jr.
Miner, Miss
Minnick, Frank
missing children, nationwide and worldwide
missing-girl problem
blaming the girls
number of girls
missing persons
number of, in New York
reporting of
Missing Persons Bureau
Mitchel, John Purroy
assassination attempt on
death of, falling from a plane
Henry Cruger’s open letter to
Mitchell, Elizabeth
“monkey money” (private currency)
Moody, William Henry
Moor, George Caleb
Morality League of America
Morello, Giuseppe
Moretto, Gaspar
Morgan, coroner
Morris, Thomas J.
Morschauser, Joseph
mortgage payment on tools and furniture, a tailor unable to make
Mothers’ Committee (of Washington Heights Baptist Church)
motorcycle squad, New York City
Mount Vernon, false lead to
Mulqueen, Joseph F.
murder on order
Mureal, Madame and Philippa
Murray, Ella Rush
Murri, Augusto
Mutual Welfare League
Muzzi Brenno family
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
National Woman’s Party
Negroes, criminality of, suspected
New Justice Detective Bureau
New Justice magazine
New Orleans
newspapers in New York
typographers strike of 1962–63
New Tenderloin
Newton, George W.
arrests Charlie Stielow
getting false confessions from Charlie
tricked into admitting his knavery
Newton’s Corners, N.Y.
New York American
New York Charity Organization Society
did not bar clients with money
New York City
Doyle’s visit to
vice in
New York Evening World
New York Herald
New York Infirmary for Women and Children, Bleecker Street
New York Sun
New York Times
New-York Tribune
New York University School of Law
New York Women’s Home Defense League
Nichols, sheriff
Notlek outdoor ice rink
Nott, district attorney
Novitsky, Jacob
O’Bannon, justice of the peace
Ochsenhirt, John
O’Connell, Clarence
O’Hara, F. J.
Olympic steamship
O’Neill, Mr.
Ordway, Judge
Orleans County, N.Y.
Osborne, James
Osborne, warden
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, celebration
“Our Missing Girls” column
Owens, C. B.
Parsons, Dr. Frederick
Pasternack, Rosie, child support owed to
Pattison, Reverend
pawnshops, search for Ruth’s jewelry in
Penland, sergeant
peonage (wage slave labor)
debts of workers in
difficulty of proving
People’s Law Firm
Percy, LeRoy
Perkins, Mary
Petrosino, Joe
Pettek, Charles
Phagan, Mary
Phelps, Charles
Pickford, Mary
Pierini, Allessandro
Pierini, Humberto
Pindall, Xenophon O.
Pirolla, Michael
play streets program
Poe, Edgar Allan
police, New York City
burning of evidence archives (1924)
case files as source for reporters
condemned for failing to solve Ruth’s disappearance
discarding and trashing of police records (1973)
headquarters and operations
investigation into Ruth Cruger failure (grand jury)
missing people cases
motorcycle squad
Polk, Frank
Poole, Ernest
Poor Little Rich Girl (film)
poor man’s lawsuit, net-worth test
Power, J. M.
Powers, Agnes
Pozzi, father
Pratt, justice
Probst, Mary
Professor Moriarty (character)
Prónay, Pál
a charge of, case
Grace’s plan to stop
twenty-two cellars of
See also white slavery
Quackenbos, Henry (Grace’s first husband)
Quackenbos, Mrs. Mary Grace. See Humiston, Grace
Ramsey, Charles
Redleaf plantation
Robinsonville plantation
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rockefeller Commission on White Slavery
Roemmele, Herbert
Rohmer, Sax, Fu Manchu books
Romanik, Herman and Lotta, unlawful deportation of
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rorke, Alexander
Rosa, Jerry
Rose, Evelyn
Rosenstock, Morris
Rosenthal, Herman
Rubien, Henry (cab driver)
Ruspoli, Prince
Russell, Charles W.
Ruth Cruger Emergency Fund
safety of city streets
Saint Raphael Society
Sayre, Tiffany
Schlansky, Dr. J.
Schmidt, Hans
Schoch, Edward
Schultze, Dr. Otto
Schwartz, Claire
Schwartz, S. S.
Scobell, Charles
Scotland Yard
Scull, Guy
Shelby, N.Y.
Shelley, Miss (telephone operator)
Sherlock Holmes (character)
sign with a black hand pointing
Simon, Carleton
Sing Sing prison
slavery, by another name (peonage)
Smith, Al
Smith, Stephen
Snowden, Hazel
Snowden, John (“Scoop,” black suspect in Brandon case)
Snyder, Milt
Society for Italian Immigrants
Solan, Paddy
soldiers. See army, U.S.
Sonta, Annie
Sonta, Joseph
attempted assaults on Antoinette Tolla
autopsy showing bullet’s path
shot to death
Sonta, Mrs. Joseph
Sonta, Rocco (child)
Sorrentino, Father Vincent
South, peonage slavery of white men in
Southern Agricultural Colonization Society
Speirs, Miss
Spillane, Richard
Spittle, John
S. S. McClure Company
S. S. Schwartz Employment Agency
Stella, Dr.
Stephen, Isabel
Stielow, Charles
false confession of
film about
full pardon to
Grace’s representation of
last meal
later life
pleas for clemency
sentence commuted to life imprisonment
small vocabulary of
stay of execution for
trials of, condemned to death seven times
Stielow, Ethel (daughter)
Stielow, Mrs. Laura (wife)
Stielow children
Stimson, Henry L.
Stokes, Edward C.
subpoena power
Doyle’s remarks about
in England
Grace’s support of
Stimson’s remarks about
“suitors” (men propositioning girls)
Sulzer, William
Sunny Side plantation
escapees from
testimony about
Susan B. Anthony Club of Cincinnati
Swann, Edward
accused of colluding with white slavers
claims Ruth will be found
criticized by Burns
gathers testimony for the trial of Alfredo in Italy
grand jury investigation of police
Henry goes to
interrogates Maria
later life
offers Grace a job
wants to extradite Alfredo
Széchenyi, László
Tabijian, Benoni
Talley, Alfred J.
Tammany political club
Tandlisch, Michael
Tantalus, myth of
theft of personal valuables
third-degree interrogation
Times Square, electric signs in
Tolla, Antoinette
defense of
her story
trials for murder
Tolla, Catherine and Mary
Tolla, Giovanni
the Tombs (New York City prison)
Toomey, George
Traffic in Souls (film)
traffic tickets, fixing of
Trenton, New Jersey
trespassing, an investigator charged with
Triolo, Francesca
Truman, Harry
Turner, Tim
United Hebrew Charities
United States Mortgage and Trust Company
United States Supreme Court
Universal Animated Weekly newsreel
Universal Film Manufacturing Company
vagrancy, an investigator potentially charged with
Van Cortlandt Park
van Deman, Esther Boise
Vanello, Marie
Vardaman, James K.
Venturini, Signor
vice in New York
Vigiani, Antonio
Voorhees, Mrs.
Wadhams, Judge
Wadleigh High School
wages unpaid
Walls, Manuel, burglarized valuables of
Wallstein, Leonard M.
Ware, Rosalind
Washington, D.C.
Washington Heights Baptist Church
Washington Post
Washington Times
Watchorn, Robert
Weber, Lois
Welch, Mr. (pseudonym)
Wells, Miss
Wheeler, Burton K.
White, David