Turned Innocence

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Turned Innocence Page 3

by Mara Lee

  Xethre reached down and cupped her breasts. He ran his finger over her pebbled nipples and felt himself go harder still when Sheridan groaned out her pleasure. With one arm he moved Sheridan until she was lying over the arm of the couch and with the other he continued the slow and steady assault on her heated flesh. He pulled her dress down her hips and was enthralled by the milky white skin that continued being revealed to him. She was perfect. She was his.

  Xethre moved his mouth over her hard nipple and closed his lips around it. Sheridan shivered and arched. Xethre began to suck. The steady suction brought Sheridan deeper into his arms, as her body pressed and bowed. Xethre’s hands were busy kneading her soft skin as his mouth took in the texture and the taste of her beautiful body.

  Sheridan was lost under a blanket of pure, unadulterated pleasure. She could feel each stroke of Xethre’s tongue against her flesh and she arched helplessly into his embrace. She wanted more. She wanted everything.

  When she felt him take her nipple between his teeth and bite gently she moaned, low and ragged. It was incredible. She dug her fingers into his shoulder blades and tried with her frantic movements to speed him on. He obviously wouldn’t have any of it. In fact, he slowed his suction, gently taking her breast in his mouth and laving her hot flesh.

  “Oh … oh…” Sheridan tossed her head from side to side.

  Xethre lifted his head from the cushion of Sheridan’s breast and smiled. “Oh? Is that all you can say, little one?”

  Sheridan gasped as Xethre’s hand began to knead her thigh muscles. She lifted her head slightly and noticed that save her pink lace panties she was completely naked. When had he rid her of her dress? All thoughts were lost from Sheridan’s head when Xethre cupped her through her panties. She could feel the heat of him there, pressing, and rubbing gently. It was exquisite torture. She began to squirm.

  “Please,” She whispered.

  “Please what?” Xethre murmured.

  “Please … please I need you.” Sheridan felt pressure building and she was climbing toward something … something glorious.

  “Tell me, Sheridan. Tell me.” Xethre slid his finger under the lace of Sheridan’s panties and began to caress her softly.

  Sheridan pressed toward his finger. Her breath hitched when he inserted his finger just a fraction of an inch into her already dripping pussy.

  Xethre slid his finger in and out of her smooth passage. She was hot, and gloriously wet. He brought his mouth to the underside of her breast and began to lap at her hot skin, never stopping the motion of his finger. When Sheridan arched and moaned louder, Xethre slowly inserted another finger into her.

  Sheridan groaned and widened her legs, letting one fall helplessly over the side of the couch.

  “I’m still waiting…” Xethre said, from the side of her breast.

  Sheridan swallowed thickly. How could he still speak? Her own words stuck in her throat. All she wanted was to drown in the sensations that he provoked within her.

  Xethre withdrew his fingers and gently teased the soft folds of her pussy. After three butterfly soft strokes he removed his hand completely, content to let it lie on her soft stomach.

  “No … please, more…” Sheridan gasped out. She grabbed Xethre’s hand and tried to force it back. “More…”

  “Tell me.” Xethre’s words were more forceful now. “Tell me!”

  Sheridan dug her nails into the flesh of Xethre’s hand. “Fuck me, Xethre.”

  “I can’t hear you, Sheridan.”

  “FUCK ME!” Sheridan screamed.

  Xethre’s smile was luminous. “You needn’t yell, my love. I am more than willing to accommodate you … accommodate us.” Xethre tore Sheridan’s panties off and thrust three fingers into her welcoming warmth. She arched and groaned. Her eyes screwed tight. “You are so beautiful. Do you know how beautiful you are, Sheridan?”

  Sheridan’s response was a guttural moan.

  Xethre stood abruptly and began to undress.

  Sheridan’s bright eyes took in everything. When Xethre stood nude before her breathing became difficult. He was beyond perfect. “Oh my…” Sheridan bit her lip nervously.

  Xethre returned to the couch and with one sinuous movement covered Sheridan’s form with his own.

  The moment their flesh touched, both moaned in unison.

  Sheridan’s body felt like it was on fire. Her blood was boiling and her heart was beating like a wild bird within her chest. There was no fear now. There was nothing but him—Xethre.

  “Now.” The one word was breathless as it left her lips.

  Xethre grasped her thighs and widened her legs. He was hard as stone and aching. “Yes, Sheridan, now.” Xethre probed her hot, wet, entrance with his cock and watched as her mouth parted and her eyes went instantly hot and glassy.

  Sheridan arched her hips wordlessly.

  It was all Xethre needed. He pressed homeward, to the hilt, and stopped instantly. Shit.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Xethre ground out.

  Sheridan bit back her pain and smiled slightly. “When … when … would you have had me tell you? It’s not something one brings up over dinner. ‘Hey, did you know I’ve never had sex before?’ I wasn’t, uh, expecting…” Sheridan broke off.

  Xethre ran a hand across her downy soft cheek and stared into her eyes. “I’m the first.” He whispered reverently.

  Sheridan swallowed. “Uh, yeah.” She bit her lip when Xethre moved slightly. There was a sharp twinge of pain, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been a moment before. Actually, it was feeling rather … intriguing. “You, uh, you can move now. Well, uh, actually, I’d love it if you did.” Sheridan said shyly.

  A huge grin split Xethre’s handsome face. “Unbelievable. You are unbelievable, Sheridan, my sweet.”

  Xethre molded his hands around Sheridan’s lush breasts and began to move steadily within her. She was like liquid heat around his cock and already her moisture was coating him, caressing him lovingly. He watched as the emotions flickered across her face, and her eyes opened and shut. Her hands clutched the sofa desperately and her legs had moved to wrap themselves instinctively around Xethre’s hips.

  Xethre quickened and lengthened his movements. He thrust deeper, desperate to feel her completely around him. He kept one hand on her breast … the other went to her hair. He wrapped his hand around the thick strands of her golden hair and pulled her head back gently. He kept her imprisoned as he began to pump strongly within her. He could feel his need rising quickly. He could feel both needs rising. He yanked her head to the side to expose the shining column of her pale white neck. Her flesh called to him and the blood beneath beckoned strongly.

  Xethre was pumping furiously now. Sheridan’s cries and mews only stirred and forced his hunger to rise to the surface in great torrential waves.

  “Oh, oh, oh my God.” Sheridan was panting now. Her eyes were tightly closed and her back arched helplessly off of the couch. Her hands gripped Xethre’s back and scored his flesh desperately. “Yes … it … it’s so … sooooo…”

  “—amazing.” Xethre finished with a great rush. He wrapped one arm around Sheridan and forced her even closer to his pumping, thrusting body. He bent his head over her neck and when he felt her pussy clench and pulse he sank his teeth into the soft flesh of her throat. He reveled in Sheridan’s screams, shudders and shakes and continued to drink of her lifeblood. She tasted unbelievable. He had never, absolutely never, had anyone like her before. And he had had a lot of flesh, and tasted a lot of blood over his many years of life.

  Sheridan. There could only be Sheridan.

  * * * *

  Sheridan lay limply against the couch. Her hair fell free, streaming over the arm of the sofa and her body gleamed bright from sweat and the afterglow of truly incredible sex.

  She turned her head to look at Xethre, who now sat several feet away from her at the other end of the sofa. He seemed unfazed by his nakedness. But then, with a body as glorious as his,
there was no need for shyness. Sheridan drank him in, like a parched woman rescued from the Sahara. His skin was pale, almost too pale, and it shone, like a star, under the artificial light of the room. His amazing blue eyes seemed even brighter and bluer and his impressive cock was still impressive as is lay sated against his thigh. Could there be Gods on earth? Because Alexethre Roistkauff could certainly claim God-like status.

  “How do you feel?” Xethre’s voice came out as smooth as fresh dairy cream.

  Sheridan smiled widely. “I feel…” Sheridan laughed. “There aren’t words to describe how I feel.”

  Xethre sighed and pushed a strand of hair out of his face. “You should have told me.”

  Sheridan shrugged nonchalantly. “Why?”

  Xethre narrowed his eyes. “Why? You’re really asking me why? You’re what, twenty, twenty one, and you’ve never had sex.” Xethre looked away. “And I took you, your first time, on the couch in my living-room.”

  “Yeah, and I loved it,” Sheridan shot back. “And I’m twenty-six, by the way.”


  “—Shut up. Just shut up, Xethre. It was incredible, beyond incredible. Don’t cheapen it by feeling guilty, or trying to find excuses for why it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t want to hear it.” Sheridan sat up, scooted toward Xethre and placed her hand on his thigh, reassuringly. “I wanted it. I wanted you.” She looked into his turbulent eyes. “Do you hear me? I wanted you, only you, Xethre. It was perfect. Whatever you may be thinking, you made my first time perfect. I will cherish this memory forever, Xethre.”

  “Forever,” Xethre whispered quietly.

  Either Sheridan hadn’t heard him, or she was ignoring him. “So … you got some food around here? I am totally starved.”

  Xethre suddenly found himself caught in a fit of coughs. He cleared his throat and shook his head, trying to keep a straight face.

  “That would be a no, Sheridan. But would you like to order out?”

  Sheridan nodded, happily. “Yeah, I’d love to. Do you have any menus?”

  Xethre scowled. “No.”

  “Hmm, well, okay. I guess we’ll have to go out to eat.”

  Xethre sighed. “It’s three thirty. I doubt anything will be open, Sheridan.”


  “I said it is three thirty in the morning.”

  Sheridan tilted her head and looked at him through confused eyes. “How do you know that? I mean, you’re not wearing a watch … and I don’t see a clock anywhere around.”

  “Lucky guess?” Xethre said dryly

  “I don’t think so.” Sheridan said. She hugged her knees to her chest and began to bite her lip again.


  Sheridan cleared her throat. “How do you know what time it is, Xethre?”

  “I can scent it.”

  “Scent it?” Sheridan repeated stupidly.


  “Uh, like you could scent my fear, before?” Sheridan asked.

  “Exactly.” Xethre smiled. “You have a good memory, little one.”

  Sheridan nodded slowly. “What is going on, Xethre? Is this like some weird ‘Sixth Sense’ thing?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You know, the movie, ‘The Sixth Sense’ where the kid sees dead people. Are you like that, or like some psychic or something?”

  “Or something,” Xethre said dryly. Xethre couldn’t believe he was actually contemplating telling Sheridan everything. The Council would never have agreed to this course of action. They would have told him to bite her, turn her and to hell with the explanations; that explanations were wasted on humans. Xethre looked into Sheridan’s guileless, beautiful face and knew that the Council could and would go to hell—he would tell her what he wished. “I can scent the upcoming dawn, Sheridan. I can scent it, because I need to know when to go under.”


  “Yes, under. I must be properly buried before dawn, else the sun shall fry me alive.”

  “Fry. Alive.” Sheridan didn’t seem to be getting any of this.

  Xethre sighed. “Sheridan, I am a vampire.”

  Sheridan’s eyes widened. “Sure you are.”

  “Sheridan.” Xethre said, exasperated. “Did you hear what I said? I am a vampire.”

  “Xethre, if you don’t want to see me again, you just have to tell me so.” Sheridan didn’t tell him that she would probably be crushed if he told her to get lost. He didn’t need to know that little tidbit. “You don’t have to make up all this phony shit.”

  “Sheridan, I am not…”

  “—I mean, come on, what’s next? Are you going to tell me that you sleep in a coffin and can’t stand garlic?” Sheridan continued as if she didn’t hear Xethre.

  Xethre pressed his hand against Sheridan’s mouth to hush her. He hadn’t wanted to resort to this, but it seemed that he had no choice. He let his Glamour pour over him. It covered his body and began to radiate outward. His eyes deepened, his skin began to glimmer and shine and his hair—suddenly seemed to have a life of its own, it was so smooth and shiny.

  Xethre knew the effect he was having on Sheridan. Her breath quickened and her eyes widened. She began to sway toward him and her heart sped up considerably—he could hear each beat of that living pulsing organ.

  “I am Alexethre.” His words came out as if they had been spoken through a long tunnel. “One of the dark horde, blood is my countenance and sunlight my enemy. I am a vampire, as vampires are known, and you … you, Sheridan, are my target.”

  “Holy…” Sheridan breathed out.

  “Never that, Sheridan, never that.”

  Chapter Four:

  “You’re a vampire.” Sheridan was pacing Xethre’s stark kitchen. After Xethre’s admission, she had needed to get away. Get out of his room, out of his house. She had made it all the way down the stairs before Xethre had stopped her with a firm hand to her arm. He insisted that they talk some more. She had decided that the kitchen would be the most neutral ground in the house. Of course … kitchens made one think of food. And food to a vampire would be—

  “You’re startled, of course, but…”

  “—startled? Are you crazy? That’s an understatement. You just told me that you’re a vampire. A VAMPIRE!” Sheridan screamed. She continued to pace. “First, you want me to believe that vampires exist. Then you want me to believe that you just happen to be one. And then, of course, there’s all that creepiness about me being your target. Target—what the hell does that mean?”

  Xethre took a couple of steps toward her, but stopped when she began to move back.

  “It means that I was ordered to find you—ordered to study you.”

  “Study me?” Sheridan asked. “Like some weird science experiment?”

  “Not quite.”

  “This is crazy you know. Totally, utterly crazy.” Sheridan ran a hand through her hair and took a deep steadying breath. “If—now, I say if—I happened to believe you. Let me ask you a question.”

  “Of course.”

  “Why me?”


  Sheridan’s eyes narrowed. “You heard me. Why me?”

  Xethre remained silent.

  Sheridan was suddenly filled with fury. No longer afraid, she advanced on him. “NO! You owe me answers! You promised them to me, even before we … we…”

  “Had sex?” Xethre said dryly.

  Sheridan blushed and nodded. “Yeah. I wanted answers then. I want them now. Why me? Why would anyone ask you to stalk me? I’m nobody.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  Sheridan drew back. “Excuse me?”

  Xethre sighed. “If the Council asked me to seek you out, then you’re obviously somebody. So whether or not you wish to believe it—you yourself have the answers to your questions.”

  Sheridan hated twisted logic. She absolutely hated it. Why couldn’t anyone give a straight answer nowadays?

  “This is all madness. I don’t know what is happen
ing here. I’ve never met a vampire…” her voice trailed off, “…well until now. And I most certainly don’t know what a vampire would want from me?”

  Xethre smiled.

  Sheridan shook her head quickly. “Oh no … no. No, no, no. Absolutely not. You’re not sucking on my neck.”

  Xethre laughed. “Have you forgotten so quickly, Sheridan? I have already bitten you and tasted your blood. You taste wonderful.”

  Sheridan gagged. “That is disgusting. I can’t believe you … you … drank my blood.”

  “I’m a vampire, Sheridan. That’s what we do.”

  It was such a simple answer. One that Sheridan did not want to hear. “I can’t believe you’re dead.”

  Xethre sighed. “I’m of the living dead, or undead, if you prefer.”

  “I…” Sheridan shivered. “I had sex with a corpse.”

  Xethre ran a hand through his hair. “Do not think of it like that, little one. I am not a corpse. I walk, talk, make love, like a man … am I not therefore a man?”

  Sheridan mulled that over. “You don’t breathe?” She saw him nod and continued. “Your heart doesn’t beat?” Again he nodded. “And your blood doesn’t … uh, move through your body—you’re cold, right? Technically you’re a corpse.”


  “—no, please. I … I … this doesn’t make any sense. I’ve never, I mean I haven’t…” Sheridan broke off. She sighed. “I never had sex before. And the first time I find someone … well decide to sleep with someone, well, they tell me that they’re a vampire.” Sheridan felt suddenly so lost—her happiness crushed under the weight of disbelief and more than a little bit of fear. If she chose not to believe him it meant that he had to be blowing her off. Giving her a load of bull to make her turn tail and run—and if she chose to believe him—well that was way too complicated to even consider.

  “Sheridan. There are more important things at hand here than your fear.”

  “Oh really, there is?” Sheridan’s voice was laced with heavy sarcasm.

  Xethre chose to ignore the sarcasm. “We must know why the Council wants you. The Council does not just ask for anyone, Sheridan.”


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