Turned Innocence

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Turned Innocence Page 5

by Mara Lee

  Sheridan didn’t think. She launched herself on him. Landing on his lap she wrapped her legs around him and grabbed his startled face within her hands. She captured his lips in a searing kiss, a kiss that was meant to consume him, drink him in.

  Sheridan traced his lips with her tongue and when he opened them to her she dove in. Her tongue teased the walls of his cheek, his teeth, and laved his tongue with merciless strokes. She kept her hands firmly planted on the side of his head to control the movements of her mouth and ultimately to control him. She would have him. And she would have him the way that she wanted.

  Xethre gasped, pulling suddenly away. “Sheridan, Sheridan … you don’t have…”

  Sheridan sucked the smooth, cool, flesh of his neck into her mouth and then nipped the sensitive skin with her sharp teeth. She smiled when she heard him growl deeply. “I don’t have to what?”

  Had he been speaking? Xethre couldn’t remember what it was that he was going to say. All he could feel now, all he wanted to feel now, was Sheridan. Her scent was intoxicating and it was filling him, taking him over.

  He reached for Sheridan and was surprised when she shook her head and grabbed his hands, pushing them back. His eyes widened slightly at her aggressive move. There was something in her eyes … something wild … something deliciously wicked.

  Xethre would play it her way. He allowed her to hold his hands firmly away from his body and firmly away from her. He would know what she was up to.

  When Sheridan spoke her voice was husky with need and pent up passion. “My way, my way or the highway,” she said, eyes alight.

  Xethre’s smile was brilliant. “As the lady wishes.”

  “I’m going to let you go, but no touching. If you touch me, if I feel the barest hint of your hands on me, I’ll stop. Do you understand?”

  His eyes went dark. “Oh, I understand.”

  Sheridan smiled an anticipatory smile. “Good. Now that we’re on the same page…” she let her words trail off.

  Sheridan unbuttoned Xethre’s shirt, slowly. When she was through, she peeled the two sides away to reveal perfectly smooth and muscled flesh. His skin seemed to glow, as if an invisible light was shining from within. She ran her hand across his chest, taking in the texture and learning the planes of him. She was more than a little shocked at her behavior, but it was too late now to have a change of heart. And if she would admit it to herself … she didn’t want to stop.

  Ever since the last time they had fucked, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. Nothing, not even his revealing his nature to her, had made her not want him. If anything, since feeling his body against her, in her, she wanted him more. Sheridan had never wanted anyone the way that she wanted Alexethre Roistkauff. Xethre, her strange and mysterious, Xethre. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. She couldn’t stop thinking about how it had felt to have him so deep within her that she had felt as if they had melded into one being.

  She wanted to feel that again. And she wanted to learn. She wanted to take her time and to learn more about him, more about pleasing him, more about pleasing herself.

  Sheridan moved down his body and unbuckled his belt. She unsnapped and unzipped his jeans and just as slowly as she had done with his shirt, peeled his pants down his legs.

  Of course he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Sheridan sucked in a breath. She should have expected that. Xethre was totally the commando type. God, he was so beautiful. And big, bigger than she remembered.

  Sheridan licked her lips. She looked up and saw that Xethre was watching her every move, his eyes burning with blue fire. Somehow knowing he was watching, waiting … longing, gave her strength—made her confident and powerful. She reached down and encompassed his hard cock with her hand. She started with the head, rubbing and caressing the soft skin. She moved then to the shaft, loving how different the texture was here. He was tightly veined, and Sheridan could see the fine blue and red lines beneath the pale and delicate skin of his shaft. She began to stroke him, using the entirety of her hand. She kept her grip tight, knowing instinctively that he preferred the hot, tight, vise. When he began to pant she quickened the motion of her hand, adding now her thumb to play over the bulging head.

  He was growing harder in her hand, his flesh pressing out from her grasp. And suddenly the urge was unbearable. Sheridan sank down and took him deep within her mouth. She opened wide and relaxed her throat. Saliva was already pooling and growing within the wet cavern of her mouth and he slid easily through. He was big, hard and very long. And soon, soon she could feel him bumping the back of her throat.

  Sheridan curled her lips over her teeth—she didn’t want to bite him—not yet. And widened further still. When she had taken all she could take she began a slow, rhythmic sucking motion designed to drive him mad. She may have been a virgin until the age of twenty six, but she hadn’t been a nun. Sheridan knew how to use her mouth—she knew how to use it well.

  She brought him all the way out, only to swoop down and take him to the root once again. She swirled her tongue around his pulsing flesh and sucked her cheeks in, tightening the vise her mouth made over his cock. She could feel him jumping and leaping in her mouth. His cock was quivering with each stroke, each suck, and he was barely holding on. She knew it. And she loved it.

  “Sheridan, ahhhhh …ahhhh … Sheridan…” Xethre groaned. His voice did not seem his own. It was low and wrenched from his throat.

  Sheridan smiled. She would have it all. She gently cupped his balls with her hand, rolling the heavy sacks within her palm. His cock leapt and Sheridan increased the pressure on his balls. She slowly traced the ridge of vein that cut across the soft flesh of his balls and applied just a bit of pressure to the base.

  Xethre let out a strangled moan. He thrust out his hips, begging her without words to finish it, finish him.

  Sheridan couldn’t refuse him. Because more than anything she wanted to taste him, bathe in him. She quickened the motions of her mouth, and when she felt the desperate shivering of his cock she knew it was time. She squeezed his balls, scraped his cock lightly with her teeth, and tightened her mouth over the head of his hard flesh.

  Suddenly it was there.

  Xethre screamed, hips arching and then stiffening.

  Sheridan felt the desperate, frantic, quivers of his cock and then the stillness right before his seed exploded into her mouth. She swallowed, once, twice, three times and still could not capture it all.

  Sheridan moved up his body. She waited until his eyes rested solely upon her, before licking his juice off of her lips and sucking on her fingers, one-by-one.

  If he hadn’t already been dead, that would surely have killed him. Xethre watched Sheridan lick his seed off of her fingers, like a cat with so much cream, and grew hard once again. That had been incredible, more than incredible, but now he wanted to feel her, plow into her depths and touch the very center of her.

  He didn’t dare move his hands, even though every nerve in his body was awake and screamed at him to grab her, take her, to wrap her around him so tightly that she could never escape.

  Xethre swallowed when he saw that Sheridan was slowly undressing. She was peeling away her clothing and revealing herself to him. In moments she stood, still straddling his legs, in nothing but a light green bra and matching thong panties. Her generous breasts were swelling over the cups of her bra and he could see the fine shadow of her pussy hair behind the delicate fabric of her panties.

  He dug his hands into the sofa. He knew he was leaving marks.

  Sheridan shook out her hair. It fell in long soft waves to her waist. She licked her lips. “Don’t think we’re though. And don’t think of moving, or touching me…”

  Xethre growled. “If I can’t touch, how…”

  Sheridan laughed. “—I’ll think of something.” Sheridan palmed her breasts. She pulled the cups of her bra down to reveal the soft, full, white globes of her breasts with their strawberry-colored nipples—they were hardening under the wei
ght of his stare. Sheridan tweaked the hard nubs and gasped when she felt pleasure shoot through her body. She pulled harder, this time scraping the nipple ever so slightly with her nails. The sensation was exquisite.

  Sheridan’s smile was luminous as she took in Xethre’s tortured expression. She widened her legs and cupped herself through the lace of her panties. She was already dripping and moisture was seeping through the lace to cool on her hot hand. “Do you want to see me?” Sheridan asked. Her voice was low and smooth like whipped cream. “Do you want to see all of me?”

  Xethre could find no words. He settled on jerking his head up and down. It was amazing how the suave and utterly in control could become hapless and lack-witted in the presence of such amazing beauty.

  Sheridan slid the panties down her legs and tossed them aside. She unsnapped her bra and let it fall to her feet. She stood, bathed in lamplight, naked under his hot gaze.

  She smiled. “Would you like me to touch myself?”

  “Yes,” Xethre hissed.

  Sheridan laughed throatily. She rubbed two fingers over her soft pussy lips and gently messaged the delicate skin. She threw her head back as small shivers wracked her body. It felt good. It felt better than good. She widened her legs and slowly inserted just two inches of her finger within her warm, wet passage. When her flesh immediately gripped her, she couldn’t resist; she added a second finger and plunged both within her tight pussy. She screwed her fingers deeply within her passage, tickling the soft and sensitive flesh. She found her clit, hard and ripe as a pomegranate seed and tweaked it.

  Her body flushed. Her breath escaped on a sigh.

  “Sheridan, please…” Xethre moaned.

  Sheridan withdrew her fingers. They were coated with her thick juices. She gave him a heavy-lidded look. It was powerful, this. She was just realizing how much. She smeared her cream-coated fingers over his hard cock and positioned herself over him. She gave him the barest of smiles. “You won’t touch me, will you?”

  “No … no … I…” Xethre’s voice broke off.

  “Good.” Sheridan sat down upon his cock, burying him to the root within her. She grabbed his hips to steady herself and gingerly moved side to side. She could feel him hard and already pulsing within her. God, he felt amazing, like a piece of hard, large stone lodged within her

  Sheridan saw Xethre’s hands move up from the sofa and she stilled herself completely. “Don’t…” she whispered and prayed that he would listen to her command. She didn’t know what she would do if he didn’t listen to her. She wasn’t prepared to carry out her threat. She wasn’t prepared to stop. How could she?

  Xethre clenched his hands but then stilled them completely.

  Sheridan let out an inward sigh of relief. She began to move in a rocking motion, back and forth, back and forth. When that wasn’t enough she bounced up and down, all the while digging her hands into the flesh of his thighs for support.

  He was growing harder, thicker, larger, within her and she was growing wetter and hotter with each pulse of his cock.

  Sheridan clenched her pussy muscles and felt him leap in response. She clenched and released and then ground down completely upon him. This made him moan raggedly and she could feel her liquid begin to pool out of her.

  She quickened the motion of her hips, and when her rhythm got just so, she let go of his hips with her hands and grabbed her breasts. She squeezed the globes like dough, reaching around to pinch her hard nipples.

  Xethre was panting. Or was that her? She didn’t know. She could only feel. Her heart was pounding furiously and her pussy was clenching almost painfully around Xethre’s demanding cock. Little white lights began to dance in front of her eyes and her breath was torn from her body on ragged sighs and moans. She felt Xethre arch his hips and she felt his cock leap desperately within her body and she knew … she welcomed it.

  She let herself go. Her pussy clenched once, twice and on the third clench she met him at the crest.

  Sheridan screamed, tossing her head back, and digging her body against him. She felt her release like a wild thing and her cream gushed from her body at the same time she felt Xethre’s seed explode within her.

  She collapsed against him, sweaty and exhausted. She kissed his chest once before she gave herself up to the welcome hand of sleep.

  * * * *

  Xethre desperately tried to get a hold on his emotions. His cock, still housed within his beautiful Sheridan’s body was now slack, but was in no hurry to leave her warmth. He could hear Sheridan’s heart beat, ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump, within her chest. It was strange, comforting and oddly melodic. He wanted to wrap himself within that beat, nestle close to the ticking of her body, and let it wash over him like a blanket of shared time.

  His own heart was still. And although it remained in his body, it no longer knew the machinations of time. It no longer counted down the measured beats of a life. It was a useless organ that only caused to remind him of how dead he truly was.

  But now … now he could hear hers … he could feel hers. With Sheridan close he could share the sensation of a mortal heartbeat; it was truly wondrous.

  Xethre lifted her up gently. She did not stir. He made his way downstairs to his bedroom and placed her upon his giant bed. He sighed. Why was it that they were always having sex on couches?

  He smiled. Well, that just meant he would get to break her in on the bed, next time. He laughed. Or perhaps, she would break him in. Mmm, yes, that did sound good.

  He pulled the blankets to Sheridan’s chin and settled down next to her. He twined his hands within her hair and let the stark death of sleep claim him.

  Chapter Six:

  Sheridan woke up in total darkness. She felt the suffocating weight of it like a tangible thing on her skin. Where the hell was she?

  “Oh God, okay … okay … I’m just fine,” she muttered. She started to get up and found she couldn’t. She was somehow tied down. She reached around with her hands in the dark and stopped when she encountered the hard, smooth, expanse of a body.

  She screamed. She was trapped in the dark with a body.

  Sheridan struggled but her hair was caught on fingers? When she reached around to untangle her long locks she stopped fighting. She knew those hands—those smooth, tapered fingers. In fact, she knew this body.

  Sheridan sighed and almost wept with relief—Xethre. She looked around but it was hopeless. She couldn’t see a thing.

  Sheridan took a deep breath and began to disengage herself from Xethre. She frowned. He had wound himself like a vine around her. She wouldn’t care except in the dark she could barely see to free herself. Finally her hair was untangled from his fingers. Sheridan felt with her hands and when she came to the edge of what she assumed was the bed she slid off.

  Shit. She hit the cold stone of the ground, knees first. Damn, the bed was further up than she thought, that or the ground had risen up to meet her.

  “Damn you, Xethre, haven’t you ever heard of a night-light before?” She assumed a night-light wouldn’t fry his ass. Only sunlight had the death effect, right?

  Sheridan took a couple of tentative steps forward; when she didn’t bump into anything she gained a little courage and took a couple more. She was grateful when her toes met what was obviously the bottom of a mass of stairs. She reached over and felt for a railing. Yes, success.

  Sheridan quickly made her way up the stairs. She cursed when her head bumped the ceiling. The ceiling, what the hell? Sheridan pressed up with her hands and sighed happily when the ceiling opened up. Oh, a trap door, how so not cute, Sheridan thought sourly.

  She was in a bad mood. It was obviously morning.

  Sheridan climbed out of the hole in the ground and quickly closed the trap door, effectively sealing out the light. She looked around, and blinked, letting her eyes adjust to the light.

  “You are so weird, Xethre,” Sheridan muttered. She looked down. She was naked. Great, well, she couldn’t exactly go out like this. She’d get arre
sted, or worse, she’d get hit on by construction workers.

  She went in search of her clothes.

  * * * *

  An hour later found Sheridan sitting comfortably in Xethre’s kitchen. She had found her clothes, but hadn’t put them on. Instead she had opted first for a delightfully hot shower, after which she had explored Xethre’s truly amazing house.

  She had thought to make her way through the entire house. She had given up after half an hour. The place was huge—and it had nooks and crannies everywhere. Considering she had woken up in a room below ground, she assumed he had to have secret rooms stashed all over this home of his.

  “Ugh, you have no food…” Sheridan stopped and laughed nervously, “Oh yeah, right, you don’t need food. Well, not normal food.” She rested her elbows on the pristine kitchen table and her head on her hands. “I really should get out of this place.” She looked around. It only made sense. It wasn’t as if she lived here. Fucking didn’t mean cohabitation. She was sure Xethre would not appreciate waking up and finding her making herself at home in his place.

  Decision made. Sheridan left the kitchen.

  When she reached Xethre’s front door she frowned. She had no way of locking the door. Sheridan opened the door and checked the lock; she sighed—the door would lock automatically after her. Great, one less thing to worry about, she could leave him with an easy conscience. No scary vampire-killer would be able to get in after she left. Of course, if someone wanted in, they could easily get in. They could break one of the windows or kick down the door or—

  She rolled her eyes. He was a vampire, A VAMPIRE, he could take care of himself. With one last longing look at Xethre’s home, Sheridan bounded down the front steps and walked across the street, away from the house, and away from Xethre.

  * * * *

  “You want me to do what?”

  “Woo her, Xethre.” Sophie’s voice was lilting and sweet coming from the other end of the receiver.

  Xethre glared at the phone. It was awkward and strange under his hand. He would have much preferred to communicate with Sophie telepathically, as was their usual way, but something stopped him—Sheridan.


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