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Exceptional Page 31

by Dick Cheney

  Korean War, 54–56

  Krauthammer, Charles, 4

  Kurdish Peshmerga forces, 239

  Kuwait War (1990), 70, 78–79, 91–93, 95. See also Operation Desert Storm

  Kyushu, Japan: and World War II, 36

  Latvia, 53, 87

  Lavrov, Sergei, 166, 195, 202

  Lawrence, Ernest, 57


  and benefits of strength of U.S. defense, 207–8

  bin Laden’s comment about U.S., 98

  bipartisan tradition of maintaining American supremacy and, 3

  British role in world, 39–40

  in Cold War, 88–89, 197

  as failure for U.S. military, 70

  importance of, 4

  and NATO, 249

  Obama and, 208, 212

  as reason for American exceptionalism, 2

  and restoring American power, 231, 249, 255

  role of Allied summits in world, 40

  Truman’s comment about, 231

  and U.S. defense spending, 212–13

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258–59

  and U.S. Regional Defense Strategy, 95

  and U.S. in World War II, 17–18, 38–41, 231–32

  Vietnam War and, 70

  Lebanon, 174, 245

  Lend-Lease program, 18–20, 21

  Levey, Stuart, 176, 177–78, 179, 183, 245

  Libi, Abu Yahya al-, 158


  China and, 224

  closing of U.S. embassy in, 168, 212

  and financing of illicit activities, 176

  ISIS in, 168

  missiles and, 224

  nuclear program in, 116–17, 254

  and restoring American power, 233

  and U.S. defense spending, 233

  See also Benghazi, Libya; Qaddafi, Muammar

  Life magazine

  and American exceptionalism, 41

  and role of U.S. in World War II, 20, 41

  Lilienthal, David, 57

  Lincoln, Abraham, 4, 38, 226–27, 257, 258, 259

  Lindbergh, Charles, 19–20

  Lippmann, Walter, 20

  Lithuania, 53, 87, 204

  Low, Rex, 28

  Luxembourg, 11, 52

  MacArthur, Douglas, 55

  Madison, James, 4

  Makiya, Kanan, 110

  Maliki, Nouri al–, 144, 162, 166

  Manchester, William, 40

  Manhattan Project, 33–34

  Mao Zedong, 56

  Marines, U.S., 35, 36, 55, 209, 211, 234–35. See also military, U.S.

  Marshall, George C.

  and American exceptionalism, 41

  D-Day and, 28

  Eisenhower’s letters to/from, 9, 33

  and European Theater, 24

  and expansion of Nazi Germany, 11–12

  Morgenthau’s meeting with, 13–14

  and need for building and equipping U.S. Army, 13–16

  and Pacific Theater, 23–24, 36

  and safeguarding American history, 5

  as secretary of state, 43–44

  and size of American army, 12–13

  Stalin’s meeting with, 43–44

  swearing in as Army chief of staff of, 11, 12

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258

  views about Soviet Union of, 44

  Marshall Plan, 5, 48–50, 170

  Masaryk, Jan, 50

  Massive Ordnance Penetrator, 246

  Massoud, Ahmed Shah, 102

  Mattis, Jim, 233

  McCarthy, Andrew, 95–96

  McChrystal, Stanley, 117, 148–49

  McCullough, David, 35

  McFarland, Katrina, 221

  McFaul, Michael, 197

  McNamara, Robert, 69

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 127, 199, 200

  Middle East

  Carter administration and, 78–79

  Iran’s influence/role in, 174, 186, 187, 191, 193, 204, 212, 241–42, 245–46

  and Nixon’s foreign policy strategy, 71

  and “pivot to Asia,” 214–15

  and proliferation of nuclear weapons, 194, 253, 254

  and restoring American power, 239, 241–42, 245–46, 253, 254

  Russia/Soviet Union and, 92–93, 204

  U.S. commitment to, 78–79

  U.S. Regional Defense Strategy for, 94–95

  U.S. retreat from, 187, 211, 241, 258

  See also specific person or nation

  Midway, Battle of, 5, 26

  Mihdhar, Khalid al, 105

  military, Chinese, 221, 224

  military-industrial complex: Eisenhower and, 61–62

  military, U.S.

  benefits of strength of, 207–8, 212–13

  and China, 221, 247

  during Cold War, 94, 124

  diplomacy and, 254–55

  force structure and size of, 213–14, 215, 234

  Kennedy’s views about, 227

  NATO and, 249

  and Nazi expansion in Europe, 12

  Obama and, 3, 124, 204, 208–11, 213–14, 226, 234

  as option in Iran-U.S. relations, 189, 192, 193, 246

  as option in Russia-U.S. relations, 203, 249–50

  reductions in, 3, 204, 208–20, 226, 233, 234–35

  and regional threats to U.S., 242–43

  and restoring American power, 232–33, 234–35, 238, 242–43, 246, 247, 249–50, 254–55

  role in U.S. of, 62

  and safeguarding American history, 5

  technology and, 215–16, 247

  terrorism and, 238

  and “two-war” strategy, 213–14, 234

  and Ukraine, 250

  and U.S. role as world power, 232

  See also defense spending, U.S.; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Special Operations, U.S.; specific person or branch

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 20–21

  Ministry of Defense, Iran’s, 179


  Carter and, 77

  and Cold War, 60, 62, 65, 66–67, 71–72

  Eisenhower and, 62

  Kennedy and, 62

  New START treaty and, 217, 251

  Obama and, 126–27, 217, 236, 250, 252

  Reagan and, 83–85

  reductions in U.S., 204, 236

  and restoring American power, 236, 241, 251, 252

  SALT and, 71–72

  and SDI, 83–85

  See also Cuban Missile Crisis; specific treaty or nation

  Mogadishu, Somalia: downing of U.S. helicopters in, 96–98

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 108–9

  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 11

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 43, 44, 49

  Moniz, Ernest, 188


  and differences between Iran and U.S., 193

  and Obama’s comment about moral authority, 126

  and similarities between Russia and U.S., 196

  Morgenthau, Henry, 13–14

  Morrell, Mike, 157

  Mosaddeq, Mohammad, 180

  Mousavi, Mir Hossein, 182

  Mullen, Mike, 151

  Munich Agreement, 11, 193–94

  Murphy, Robert, 44

  Muslim Brotherhood, 241

  Mussolini, Benito, 18

  mutual assured destruction (MAD), 68

  Nagasaki, Japan, bombing of, 5, 34, 35, 36

  Napolitano, Janet, 137

  Nasr, Vali, 153

  National Archives: Obama speech at, 134–35

  National Association of Evangelicals: Reagan speech before, 83

  National Counterterrorism Center, 136

  National Defense Panel (NDP), 207–8, 211, 234, 235, 250

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  authorizations for, 103–6, 133, 235, 240–41

  and intelligence about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, 99

  National Security Council

  and Afghanistan War, 147, 150

  Bush (George W.) and, 147

  and d
evelopment of nuclear weapons, 56–57

  and ending wars, 131

  and enhanced interrogation methods, 107, 108, 133, 134

  Iran and, 183, 184

  Iraq War and, 138

  Obama and, 131, 138

  NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  natural gas, 237, 251

  Navy, Chinese, 222

  Navy, U.S., 211, 222, 234–35. See also military, U.S.

  Nemeth, Miklos, 86, 88

  Netherlands, 13, 52

  neutron bombs, 77–78

  New Economic School (Moscow): Obama speech at, 195–96, 197

  New START Treaty (2010), 200–201, 217–18, 251, 253

  New York Stock Exchange, 15

  New York Times

  and authorizations for NSA, 105

  Helsinki Accords story in, 76

  and Khrushchev-Kennedy summit, 63–64

  Marshall interview in, 13

  Millay poem in, 20–21

  Nimitz, Chester, 26

  9/11 Memorial & Museum (New York City), 106

  Nitze, Paul, 45, 56–57

  Nixon, Richard, 60–61, 69, 70–72, 76

  Noonan, Peggy, 82

  Normandy. See D-Day

  Normandy American Cemetery, 31–32

  North Africa, 25, 27, 39, 154. See also specific nation

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 5, 52–53, 55, 67, 126, 129, 189, 197, 198, 203, 204, 249–51, 258

  North Korea

  and American leadership and supremacy, 2

  and financing of illicit activities, 176

  nuclear program in, 125–26, 141, 217, 220, 252

  Obama and, 125–26

  and restoring American power, 252

  See also Korean War

  Northern Alliance, 102, 103

  Northwest Airlines Flight 253: attempted bombing of, 136–37

  Norway, 52

  Novak, Robert, 76–77

  NPT. See Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

  NSC-68, 57–59

  nuclear agreement, U.S.-Iran (2015)

  and destabilizing activities of Iran, 174

  and disclosures about Iranian nuclear activity, 188–89, 244

  and growth of Iran’s nuclear program, 204

  and inspections/verification, 188, 191, 244

  and Iran’s missile program, 189–90, 194

  Munich agreement compared with, 193–94

  non-negotiable elements for, 244

  Obama Cross Hall speech about, 186–87

  Obama falsehoods concerning, 186–89

  Obama press conference about, 189

  Obama’s gamble on, 3

  and proliferation of nuclear weapons, 187

  and restoring American power, 243–46

  “sunset” provision in, 187

  and U.S. military option, 189, 192, 193

  weaknesses in, 186–94

  withdrawal from, 243–44

  nuclear framework agreement, U.S.-Iran (2013), 185

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 172, 174, 185–86, 203, 253

  nuclear program/weapons

  al Qaeda and, 93

  and American leadership and supremacy, 2

  Bush (George W.) and, 216

  Carter and, 77

  Cold War and, 56–59, 66, 68, 70, 216, 218

  detection of, 253–54

  development of, 56–59

  importance of, 220

  ISIS and, 168–69

  Kennedy and, 216

  “Nuclear Posture Review” and, 218

  Obama and, 3, 125–26, 208, 216–19

  proliferation of, 2, 187, 237, 251–55

  Reagan and, 85

  and restoring American power, 251–55

  terrorism and, 101, 220, 252, 254

  Truman and, 216

  and U.S. military as an option, 255

  and U.S. as “nuclear umbrella,” 187, 219, 252

  See also nuclear agreement, U.S.-Iran (2015); nuclear framework agreement, U.S.-Iran (2013); specific nation or treaty

  nuclear program/weapons, U.S.

  Clinton’s (Hillary) comments about, 200–201

  and education of specialists, 237

  inspections and, 201

  Kennedy and, 232, 252

  loss of preeminence of, 216–19

  modernizing and upgrading, 236–37, 253

  as nuclear umbrella for other nations, 187, 219, 252

  Obama and, 125–26, 201, 204, 252

  and restoring American power, 236–37, 252, 253

  size of, 94, 125–26, 200–201, 204, 219, 232

  and Soviet-U.S. relations, 232

  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 68

  Nunn, Sam, 78

  Obama, Barack

  and American exceptionalism, 2, 126

  apologizes for America, 128

  assessment of American foreign policy by, 124

  and bipartisan tradition of maintaining American supremacy and leadership, 3

  as diminishing American power, 3

  elections of 2008 and, 112, 123, 131, 147

  elections of 2012 and, 146, 151, 153–61, 199

  and ending wars, 131, 138–53, 156

  foreign policy of, 3, 71

  goals/objectives of, 137–38, 148, 225

  inaction of, 170

  inaugural address of, 171

  legacy of, 226

  politics and, 149, 151, 153

  and restraint of American power, 3

  State of the Union Address (2012) of, 146–47

  and U.S. as creator of world problems, 123–24, 125–26

  world tour of, 125–26

  worldview (vision) of, 3, 127–28, 196, 205, 208, 225

  See also specific person or topic

  Odierno, Ray, 117, 140–41, 210, 212

  Office of Navel Intelligence, U.S., 222

  Ogburn, Charlton Jr., 35

  Ohrdruf-Nord concentration camp, 33

  oil, 184, 190, 237, 251

  Okinawa: in World War II, 5, 36

  Oklahoma City bombing, 101

  Omaha Beach: in World War II, 6, 28, 31

  Oman: and Iran-U.S. relations, 184–85

  Omar, Mullah, 102–3

  Operation Desert Shield, 95

  Operation Desert Storm, 70, 78–79, 91–93, 95, 109–10, 113

  Operation Torch (1942), 25

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 34

  Orszag, Peter, 209

  Ortega, Daniel, 127

  Pahlavi, Reza (shah of Iran), 78, 173, 180

  Pakistan, 148, 152, 155, 241, 252

  Palestine: British forces in, 53

  Panetta, Leon, 109, 132, 165, 251

  Patriot Act, 177

  Patton, George, 33

  Paulson, Hank, 176

  Pearl Harbor, 21, 22, 29, 93, 100

  Pelosi, Nancy, 116


  September 11 bombing of, 100, 105, 119

  See also Defense Department, U.S.

  perestroika, 85

  Pershing III intermediate-range ballistic missile, 251

  Petraeus, David, 117, 151

  Philippines: in World War II, 24

  Pillsbury, Michael, 223

  “pivot to Asia,” 214–15, 220–24, 249

  Pointe du Hoc (France), 5, 28, 31


  German invasion of, 11–12, 29

  John Paul II’s pilgrimage to, 79–82

  missiles and, 126, 197, 198–99, 250

  as NATO member, 53

  Obama’s comments about, 126

  Russia and, 197, 198–99, 204

  Solidarity in, 82, 86

  Soviet invasion of, 127

  U.S. relations with, 199


  Afghanistan War and, 149, 151

  and ending wars, 153

  Obama and, 149, 151, 153

  Poroshenko, Petro, 202

  Portugal, 52

  Potsdam Declaration, 37, 38

  Powell, Colin, 97

>   power grid, U.S., 236, 237, 247

  preemption principle, 101

  presidents, U.S.

  and indispensable nature of American power, 2

  and restoring American power, 232–55

  See also specific president or topic

  private sector: and financing of illicit activities, 176, 245

  Putin, Vladimir, 100, 194–95, 196–97, 199–200, 202, 203, 204, 249, 250, 258

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 116–17, 163, 254

  Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), 213, 234, 235, 250

  Quds Force (Iran), 173, 174, 243, 244

  RAND Corporation study, 154–55

  Rangers, U.S., 28, 31, 97, 103. See also military, U.S.

  Rayburn, Sam, 32

  readiness requirements, DOD list for, 234

  Reagan, Ronald

  and appeasement, 171, 258

  Berlin and, 72

  at Brandenburg Gate, 85–86

  British Parliament speech of, 82–83

  Carter policies comments by, 79

  as Cold War leader, 88

  communism comments of, 43

  D-Day speech of, 6, 31

  defense spending and, 83, 84

  détente policy and, 72, 82

  and elections of 1980, 79

  Gorbachev and, 84–85, 193, 218

  and Hitler’s attack on Great Britain, 17

  INF Treaty and, 85, 201–2, 218

  and Iranian hostages, 79

  missiles and, 83–85

  National Association of Evangelicals speech of, 83

  as negotiator, 253

  and nuclear weapons, 56, 85

  as presidential role model, 232

  religion and, 83

  and safeguarding American history, 5

  Soviet Union and, 72, 82–86, 218

  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and, 83–85, 253

  and strength of defense of U.S., 207, 226

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258, 259

  red line, Obama’s: for Syria, 164–65, 186, 202, 242

  Regional Defense Strategy (U.S. Defense Department), 94–95, 248

  regional threats, and restoring American power, 242–43, 248


  communism and, 79–82

  Reagan’s comments about, 83

  Republic of Fear (Makiya), 110

  Reston, James “Scotty,” 63–64

  Revel, Jean François, 3

  Reville, John, 28

  Reykjavik, Iceland: Gorbachev-Reagan summit in, 85, 193

  Rhodes, Benjamin, 159, 188

  Rice, Condoleezza, 177

  Rice, Susan, 156, 157, 159, 183

  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: bombing of National Guard building in, 96, 98

  Robb-Silberman Commission, 114

  Roberts, Andrew, 2, 22, 40, 51

  Rockefeller, Jay, 115–16

  Romney, Mitt, 146

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  “Arsenal of Democracy” comment of, 2, 10, 19, 258

  Churchill’s letter to, 17–18

  Churchill’s meeting with, 22

  and D-Day, 29, 40

  death of, 32, 33

  fireside chats of, 9–10

  as great political thinker, 4


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