MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 17

by L. Ann Marie

  She collects the box and walks out. I look at Karen. We laugh. Danny knocks on the door. Karen opens it. “They are going to have a heart attack when they see you Tess. Simply beautiful.”

  “Thank you and thank you for walking with me.” He laughs. “Since we’re in my house I can honestly say it’s no trouble at all.”

  I laugh. “I guess not huh?” He walks me outside and I see my guys. They are so handsome; they’re wearing black jeans and white shirts with their vests over them. I’m glad that I got to pick.

  Danny laughs. “See.” He whispers. Patches is holding his chest. I smile huge. Rich chuckles putting his hand on Patches arm. He relaxes. When I get to them Ben tells them to go ahead so we’re not like Steve and he has to wait. I laugh but Patches cuts it off kissing me. Rich gives me a peck on the lips and says he’s saving his. Everyone laughs.

  Ben marries us and we dedicate ourselves to each other. Rich is very sweet with his dedication. He surprises me with his pretty words. He finally kisses me and I get the whole body tingle. I love them. Patches hugs me forever. Ben tells him I'm his, he can let me go now and I can't run away. When he does I hug Danny then Ben. They're surprised. I tell them I psyched myself out for the hug. They crack up. Kate kisses me telling me how pretty I am. I love her so much.

  A limo drives us the whole five minutes down the road. The guy goes so slow I tell them we could have walked faster. We make it to the Community Center and surprise everyone dancing. Rich spent a whole month teaching me and Patches how to do some dances so we could all have fun. We do. Danny dances with me. I didn't freak out! When I yell to Sally that I didn't everyone laughs. I don't care. Ally yells at them "So What!" Making them laugh more. I told her sisters got to stick together. The guys stay away from me so I'm not nervous at all. We have so much fun I don't really want to leave but they're leaving tomorrow and I promised them I'd show them how I can take care of myself with the new vibrator the girls got me. They don't want to wait so we leave. Everyone says goodbye. I look at everyone most of the time and thank them for coming to our party.

  They take me home and I show them I got the vibrator thing down pat. They agree and make love to me so sweet and slow so it will last me until they get back.



  "We should have fuckin waited to get married." Patches says for the tenth time. We're three hundred mile into the trip and I want to send him home or in the truck with Petey. I shake my head. He's terrified Tess will get scared and shut down while we're not there. Both Sally and I tried to tell him this is a good time for her to try her wings out without using us as a safety net. He left her lists and cards all over the fuckin house. I pulled a roll of toilet paper from under the cabinet and found a fuckin card stuck in the roll. I laughed for a good five minutes trying to tell my dad what he did. After he finished laughing he said since Patches lost his family so young he has anxiety that we don't understand. I told Tess so she would understand. She cried then said it is sweet. Fuckin Tess thinks everything and everyone is sweet, she makes me smile.

  I sigh. "Brother, she's going to be fine. She would have been alone married or not. She's got Sally and Doc staying with her. She's fine." I tell him for the tenth time.

  "Danny how come Ben didn't come? He always travels for shit like this." Patches asks trying to take his mind off of Tess I bet.

  "He was going to, but I've never been and he needs some time with Kate. Giving them time alone is something I was trying to figure out. This is the perfect opportunity. It will be good for the kids too." He says without a trace of embarrassment or resentment.

  "Wow dad. Do you think we'll need to do that too?" I ask surprised and curious.

  "I don't know how you feel Rich. Me and Kate were already established, Ben joined later. You've all had the same time together. Ben never had that. I don't want him feeling like he's the outsider, if it's going to work we need to give each other what's needed. I think he needs the time alone with Kate and I want this to work, so I'm giving them that time." He stuns me again.

  "Wow. I hope we work that well. Don't forget this conversation Patches. 'Give what the others need.'" I tell him, he cracks up.


  I'm finally getting my tattoo. Doc came with me last week and talked to Amanda and Kellan. Kellan will do the stems and vines in black and the flowers blue using the scar color to enhance the coloring on the flowers. Amanda is doing the MC logo with LaPonte on top and Karr on the bottom. I didn't want ‘property of’ on my body. I give it to them freely but I can't write that on me. Sally and Doc say it will be perfect the way I want it. They show him the design on the computer over the picture of my bare back. He's impressed and tells me it will be beautiful. He knows I hate people seeing the scars. I'm glad he's helping me with this. I want to surprise Rich and Patches. I should be all healed by the time they get back. Doc has some cream that will help me heal fast.

  Laying down I wait for Kellan to do the paper thing then he starts. It hurts like a bugger but I want this so I put my new iPod on and listen to my music. I love country music. I don't remember liking it before, but I love it now.

  I fall asleep with my music and jump when Sally shakes my arm. I'm glad it was Sally. I would have shown my boobs to Kellan. I pull the towel over me and she helps me with one of the shirts she bought just for this. I don't want to see it until it's done so I don't even try to look. Sally wants to peek under the bandage but she says she'll wait until Doc puts cream on it. I spent six hours today. Tomorrow night Amanda will start the logo, she says it will be about three hours. It will take about eighteen hours total. Kellan laughs and says I'm the only woman he's ever had fall asleep on his table. The other people laugh but I can't look at them. I don't know who they are. Sally holds my hand and takes me out. Doc is waiting. He's taking us to dinner. I think they should go alone but they want me to go with them.

  I'm excited to get the call from Patches. They're taking turns calling me, tonight's Patches night. I found one of his cards. He's so sweet I'm going to save all the cards I find. I found some ribbon to tie them up with.

  Twenty One

  Four days


  Finally a fuckin minute alone. Rich is in the room so I had to find a place to call Tess. It took me twenty minutes to get away from the fuckin whores and guys at the bar.

  In the patio I close the door and zip my coat. I was going to Petey's truck if this was occupied. I hit number one. "I'm so glad you called!" I smile. She says the same thing every time.

  "I am too. I missed you all day long. What did you do today baby?"

  She giggles. "We stole the kids from Ben and Kate. Doc got them from school and I left a note that we aren't returning them until Monday after school. Jess and Steve are taking the big kids tomorrow and we'll have Devan and Elizabeth." She so cute.

  "That was nice. Did you plan this with Doc and Sally?"

  "No. Rich told me about Danny giving them time so I decided I'd take the kids. When Jess found out, she wanted to help; she planned a day out with the big kids. Penny is coming Sunday to help. I'm so excited." She laughs.

  "You sound it. Are they all asleep now?" I'm hoping she says yes.

  "Yep. They are so good, even Devan has been awesome. What did you do today?"

  "More training. They're typing up an operations manual. So they can follow for all kinds of situations. I've been organizing information and working with the old ladies to show them how to organize the women for lockdowns. Their buying buildings here like we did when we started. They'll open their first clean business next month."

  "That's so good! I'm so proud of you. It's a great idea to help the other clubs like this. Do they have kids so you can do the Little Brothers thing there?" She's so curious I love that she asks all the questions.

  "I start on Sunday with the guy they want running it. The kids are excited. I'm going to call Little Ben in the morning. I texted him earlier, he says he'll be able to talk at ten. There's a boy here that i
s his match. I thought it would be good if they talked before we start." I tell her thinking about Cal and his advice to his Little Brothers.

  "That's awesome! If you were here I'd kiss your lips." She laughs.

  "I'd kiss you back. I miss you Tess. I'm glad to be here helping with the start of clean for them but I can't wait to see you." I think I'm going to ask Rich to set us up with Skype or the video chat so we can see her.

  "Jessie said he's going to show me how to use the computer so I can see you and talk. He's so smart."

  I crack up. "I was just thinking of that. It's a great minds moment."

  "I found one note and two cards. I never had a pet and I want a dog. A big dog not a little yippie one that bites everyone's feet." She sounds disgusted by yippie dogs. I hate them too.

  "Big dog, what kind?"

  "A Shepard or Lab. I like the Shepard better though." She says like it’s a secret.

  "That's what I always wanted too. One of the foster homes I was in had one, he was the best fuckin dog. He was trained really well." I smile remembering Bud.

  "I found the card at the bottom of the bed in the sheets and the one in my coat pocket. It was a little chilly today. I laughed at the snowman. It wasn't cold enough to snow though. I miss you in the bed too."

  "I'll call you back in two days baby. It's late there and I'm beat. I love you." I wait.

  "I love you too Patches. I'm looking forward to more surprise cards and notes." She always sounds so fuckin happy I say good night and hang up with a smile on my face.

  When I turn around a whore is at the door. "Sounds like you're happy with the old lady. No chance of a quick fuck?"

  I'm a little surprised she stood there listening to me but she's a whore. I'm disgusted that she followed me again because I've told her no three times already. "I would say no again but that's not working. How about I say, not in this fuckin lifetime would I disrespect my old lady like that. I'd appreciate if you'd stop following and asking." I wait until she stalks off and go back in.

  Danny is talking to one of the High Security guys. The same fuckin whore is siding up to him. He looks at her, “I'm taken. To clue you in, where we come from the women are protected and cherished. One form of protection is not disrespecting them by our actions. We treat them how we want to be treated. If you see a ring on one of my Brothers fingers he'll shut you down. This is the second time I told you no. Make this one stick." He turns away from her. She's pissed.

  I laugh. Danny looks at me. "I said no three times and just now explained why. I like your explanation better. I'm gonna use that one next time."

  "Glad to hear it wasn't a lie. Tess doing ok?" He always asks.

  I smile, "Yeah, she stole the kids and left Ben and Kate a note that they'd see them again on Monday afternoon. She's so excited it's hysterical."

  He laughs. "Ben told me. They went to Boston for the night." He smiles genuinely happy. Rich is so much like him. I would be a fuckin wreck wondering if she'd want me back.

  "I'm hitting the hay. I'll see you tomorrow." I slap his shoulder throwing chin at the guy he's with.

  "Night Brother."

  Twenty Two


  "Patch, Hannah got the art from Amanda. She can do them tonight. I'm not going in her room alone though. We stick together, the fuckin women here don't quit."

  He nods, "Your father tells them we treat our women like we want to be treated and our protection comes in the form of not disrespecting them. It worked on one whore so far."

  "Fuck, I'm going to use that one. No does not mean no here." He laughs. I grab my bag and coat. "I'm on sniper training. I'll see you once I can't feel my fuckin hands." He fuckin laughs again. He's inside all fuckin day; if I lived here I'd find a desk job for the winter, the mountain wind is brutal.

  It's a fuckin cold long day. I get back and eat so we can get to Hannah's and get this ink done. I'm so fuckin glad Amanda had no problem given up her art. She's the best artist I've seen.

  We go in and sure enough she offers herself before we start. Patches gives her my dad’s line. She smiles and says she'd give anything to be treated like that. I want to tell her to get the fuck out of the club, whores don't get treated like nothing but whores but I want this ink so I keep my fuckin mouth shut.

  She starts with Patches, he has to move her hand once but otherwise she does nice work and follows the art Amanda sent. She'll shade it tomorrow. Nice! I sit and she tries with the fuckin hand right at the button on my jeans. "The ink you’re putting on me is for our old lady. She was a slave for six years, picked up from a church that her father was a pastor of when she was sixteen. She's free now and trusted us to protect and love her. There’s not a fuckin minute that her wellbeing is not on my mind. I'd be no good to you or any other woman knowing I was disrespecting her after what she's been through." She moves her hand and doesn't step over the line again. She starts and asks about Tess. Patches tells her and she stops to wipe her eyes telling us to always treat her right. A fuckin hour ago she's trying to touch my dick, now she wants to protect Tess. What the fuck ever. Thank god she's done. I tell her I can do the cream and cover. She nods. I pay her for both and tell her we'll be back tomorrow for the shading.

  I go straight to the room so I can call Tess. "I'm so glad you called!" She cracks me up.

  "Me too, you always make me smile with the way you answer. I miss you babe."

  "I miss you too. Peg gave me a gift today from you. I love you so much. I can't wait until you get home so I can thank you. We're married now so I can do that right?" She's serious.

  I crack up. "Yeah Tess you can say thank you with sexual acts all you want as long as it's with me and Patches." She giggles. "I love hearing that sound pretty Tess."

  "I love the cups. I always look at them but never wanted to spend so much on cups. I love the color. Thank you for thinking about me. The cups match the flowers you sent. Light blue is my favorite color." She tells me as if I didn't know. I hold in my laugh.

  "What did you do today?" She asks but sounds like she's clenching her teeth.

  "Is everything ok baby? You sound like you're in pain." What's going on?

  "You know when you stub your toe? That hurts like a bugger." She so cute.

  "Yeah baby. I'd kiss it better before I sucked on it to take it all away." My voice drops as my dick starts swelling.

  "You can't say that, what if someone hears you?" She's shocked.

  I laugh, "I'm in my room baby. No one to hear. Are the kids asleep?"

  "Yes. Can you hold on for a minute?" She sounds funny. Like something's wrong.

  "Yes." She covers the phone and I hear muffled conversation. What the fuck is going on? I wait with every fucking thing flying through my head. If it was the kids she wouldn't cover the phone.

  "Sorry. That was Doc." She says. Still not a reason to cover the phone.

  "Tess I have no reason not to trust you but all kinds of shit is going through my head. What's going on?"

  "It's a surprise for you and Patches. Please don't make me spoil it." She sounds like she's going to cry. Fuck!

  "You don't have to spoil it. Just knowing you have a surprise for us is enough. Thank you. My head was imagining all kinds of shit being wrong."

  "We think you're going to love it. Doc and Sally helped." She's excited now.

  "So fuckin cute. I love you baby. I can't wait for my surprise now."

  "I came home and made coffee today so I could use my cup. I gave Sally and Doc juice in theirs. They didn't want coffee."

  She cracks me up. "I saw you looking at them in surveillance and picked them up."

  "You're like the eye in the sky, you see everything. Thank you. I miss you." It sounds like it.

  "I miss you too babe. Are you ready for bed?"

  "Yes. I was waiting for you to call. It's later than usual. I was going to use the vibrator but Doc and Sally are still up." She doesn't sound happy about that.

  I'm fuckin smiling. My dick jumped to attenti
on. "Fuck Tess, all I'm going to think about is you and your vibrator."

  She laughs, "Not tonight. I have to use my hand and cover my face with a pillow." She giggles.

  There's my fuckin girl. "I'm so fuckin hard right now. With the biggest smile on my face. I love you babe. I'll think about you and your hand while I'm in the shower."

  She giggles. "Then I'll think about you in the shower while I'm using my hand."

  "Fuck! If you weren't so loud I'd listen to you use your hand for me. I'll let you get to it. I need a shower and some sleep. We're training tomorrow so I'll be up early. I never told you, I had some ink done, that's why I was late calling. It's a surprise for you. I can't wait for you to see it. Love you babe."

  "I love you too. I can't wait to see your new tattoo." She's smiling I can hear it.

  "Goodnight my pretty Tess." She says goodnight. I get in the shower and think about her using her hand to get off.

  Twenty Three


  Penny and Sally have the kids while I get the final color added to the flowers. Then Amanda is shading the wings and I'm done.

  It only takes two hours and I'm back home playing guitar hero with the kids. Devan even tries it. We all clap for him and he does a little dance. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Everyone starts dancing and we make a video for Patches and Rich.

  I send it and Rich calls me right away. "That is the cutest fuckin thing I've ever seen. How the fuck did you teach Devan to do that?" He's laughing. I can hear it in the background; he must be watching it while he talks to me.

  "He just started dancing so we took the video then we started dancing with him."


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