MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 27

by L. Ann Marie

  Kate smiles at them. "I will have ten kids in less than two months. There will not be an eleventh." Tess smiles at her. Ut oh. Her eyes are laughing. "Don't you even look at me like that Tessa Anne LaPonte-Karr."

  Rich cracks up. "When she uses your whole name you're in trouble."

  Tess' face falls. He goes over to her telling her she's not really in trouble. "He didn't have anywhere else to go. Ben has to help him." She says with tears in her eyes.

  Kate gives Ben a death glare and pulls her from Rich. "I'm sorry, whatever happens, happens. We need for that to happen without me knowing though. Right now I can't even think of more kids." She takes Tess in the house.

  Danny is holding his balls making me and Rich hold our mouths trying not to laugh. I look at him and we burst out laughing. Ben is bent over holding himself.

  "Fuckin kids." They say together clearly in pain making us laugh more.

  We go into the house and check it out. It's awesome. Typical beach house if you’re a fuckin Kennedy. It has six bedrooms, five bath, hardwood floors, tons of bunk beds in all but two rooms, big family room and a huge old fashioned country kitchen. Kate absolutely loves it. She doesn't go down but we check out the 2 guest suites downstairs. This must have cost a small fortune. One of the rooms has towels and bathing suits on the bed. Rich laughs, "This one is ours."

  Tess looks at me with a big smile. I look at Rich, "Really. They're giving us a room in their new house?"

  "Yeah. They're telling us we're always welcome here. Fuckin 'rents." He smiles at us.

  "Fuck, they're too much sometimes. I love this fuckin family." I tell him. Tess goes out and back up the stairs. We follow. Coming around the corner we see her hugging Kate.

  Kate's smiling. "Ben had a key made for you. Anytime you want you're welcome, there's a separate door down there." She looks at me and Rich. We go and hug her too telling her we love her. The kids come in running to the rooms, the boys claim one and Ally claims the one next door to them. We laugh watching them try out the beds. Rich does a time check telling them we need to go. We spend twenty minutes thanking kissing, hugging and saying goodbye. We tell Danny and Ben we hope they feel better tomorrow. They don't say anything making us laugh again. "Leave Devan here tomorrow. Little Ben is going to be with you. Elizabeth and Devan can play together here with me and Jess." We get the kids in the suv and head to Boston for our show. Fuck it took forever to get out of there; I think Kate was right making them get fixed. They don't need any more fuckin babies.

  "Wonder why they did that?" Rich asks, not saying the word so the kids don't pick it up.

  "I made a joke about Danny and Ben being grandpas. They told Kate. She doesn't want her kids younger than their grandkids." Tess says so matter of fact. I crack up.

  Rich looks thoughtful. "Makes sense. It would be funny if a middle schooler called an elementary school kid uncle or aunt." I crack up again. I realize I spend quite a bit of my time laughing. Fuck it's been so fuckin good.

  Forty Three

  One month


  "I'm not taking her up there. I'll stay here. Go with Digs and Bob." I tell him again.

  He gives me a look. "I'm going to just ask her."

  "Fuck Patch, it's packed with fuckin bikers. The last thing she needs is to be dragged through the middle of them. She was a fuckin slave for the Outlaws! Who the fuck knows who they let at her? I don't want to put her in that position. Do you really want to find shit like that out?" Why the fuck do I have to say that fuckin shit out loud. They were trying to sell her. I'm fuckin sure she was tried out before Kate noticed her being washed like a dog. He doesn't say anything. He's going to ask her, fuck! I have to walk away. I go see my dad. Fuck. He's out with Kate. Ben asks if I want to come in. I don't know what to say.

  "I've been known to give pretty good advice." He smiles at me.

  Fuck. I walk in. "I could use some." He gets us beer and walks to the patio. I smile. This is where my dad talks to me too. We sit and I struggle to find my voice. "I don't know why I just assume Patches talks to you and I talk to my dad. I've never had reason to think it. It's just one of those things in my head."

  He smiles. "You and your dad are alike. You're both dominant personalities. Ruggedness and strength roll off you. You're both extremely intelligent but it's hidden and you're humble in nature. Me and Patches are both more sensitive, we show our intelligence outwardly and our strength is hidden. Yin and yang."

  "I never thought about it like that. Thanks. My problem is Patches wants to go to Laconia. That's not my problem. He wants to take Tess. I think he should go up with the guys but he wants her to go. I can't figure out how he sees that as a good situation to put her in. I need the other side." I wipe my hand down my face.

  "I'm not sure Patches understands what you're concerns are. It's obvious to me. She was a slave, she was being sold. You know a taste of her services were offered for the possible sale and however many were partying or visited them also sampled. Patches has never been exposed to that side of the flesh peddlers. The older brothers lived it. This club ran flesh for years. You might want to get someone like Petey to talk to him." He's waiting for me. I look at the water. "You're wanting an answer that doesn't involve bringing someone else into the know about her past. The thing is, everyone knows. They'd probably be pissed that he's thinking about bringing her."

  "Fuck, I know you're right. I wish it didn't have to be that way. I can't say what I want to him. I don't fuckin get it. We talk about everything."

  "Two reasons. One: you know it's going to hurt him to realize the extent of slavery she lived. He has no experience with this, no clue about the true nature of that trade. Two: you're afraid you'll tell him no."

  I look at him. Fuck he is good. "That's exactly it. How the fuck can I tell him what she's lived through and who the fuck am I to say no to him?"

  He laughs. "You're her husband too. You have a right and obligation to protect her even if it's from Patches. It's the same for him. You have two choices. You tell him or get someone else to. If it's someone else it has to be someone that has experience with it. Anyone else he'll blow off."

  Fuck he's right. I nod looking out. "Anything else I should know here?"

  He smiles. "Kate isn't going and neither is Jess, Nancy, Peg, Sally, or Kelly."

  I smile. "Perfect."

  He laughs. "No perfect is Kate will hunt him down if she finds out he wants to bring her up." He looks at me. "I think Patches should know what a true slave is though. You're not being fair to him if you don't share the information but expect him to make an informed decision."

  "Fuck, you’re right. I would be fuckin pissed if I didn't have all the information. Thanks Ben. I need to talk to him before Tess gets back." I stand and jog back home.


  "Why the fuck didn't you say something! Fuck!" I can't fuckin believe this. Holy Fuck! I stand and pace back and forth. They fuckin tried out the merchandise like taking a fuckin test drive? Fuck!

  "Patch. You knew she was a slave. I didn't know what you knew or didn't know. It's not like we had a conversation about it. Fuck, we talked about everything but how a slave was used." He says it so low I have to stop and look at him.

  He's fuckin right. Fuck! "If they weren't dead I'd kill them. Fuck! They were selling her, how many fuckin guys tried her out? Fuck she lived like a fuckin dog. Literally. How could people do that Rich? She's so small and fragile."

  "First, Tess is not fragile. She's as fuckin strong as any man I know and I have some pretty good fuckin men to compare her with. Second, she was a slave. Remember the Roots movie we had to watch in school, like that but only used for sex by members, officers, anyone that visited, she served men and women. Lived in a fuckin room with chains on until they brought her out to serve them however they wanted. She lived through that and grew into our Tess with so much fuckin love in her, she's strong Patch. We need to be strong for and with her and never forget to protect her from anything that would bring
back that memory. I was pissed you'd forget so quick what she lived through. I didn't want to say the words out loud. I didn't want you to be hurt knowing all of it and I just didn't want to make it real by saying it. But I should have told you so you'd understand why I was so against her going back there." He looks down like he was wrong. Fuck.

  "Look, I didn't get it. I heard stories but nothing in enough detail to give me a clue. I guess I didn't think about it either, I didn't ask because I didn't really want to know. Fuck, her turning over and the whip scars were hard enough. I don't want to take her up there now. Fuck I don't ever want to take her up there." He looks at me.

  "I want to take her on runs and chapter meets Patch. I don't think she's ready right now but I want to do normal things with her when she is ready. She's learning bikers aren't all like the Outlaws were. She just needs some time."

  "Yeah." I start pacing again. Fuckin Outlaws.

  "Patch you can't treat her different because you know. She's come so far, she needs support from us not pity." He says stopping me in my tracks.

  Fuck. All I can think is I want to hold her shield her and make sure nothing ever hurts her again. How the fuck am I supposed to forget? "How do I get there?"

  "When she walks in that door remember that's the same person that walked out. She loves us, trusts us and lives her life to make her and us happy. That's all she is. Her past has to stay there. She's moved past it, we have to. Every fuckin time I see her I'm so fuckin proud of her Patch. I don't think of what she did as a slave. I think about what she's accomplished since I've known her. That alone makes her fuckin amazing." Fuck he's so fuckin right.

  "She is. Fuck, thanks for telling me. Next time we're on different sides I'm asking you what else I need to know. It always fuckin works for you."

  He fuckin laughs. We hear the alarm beeps. "There's our girl now." Max comes in first, she took his vest off.

  I bend and pet him. When I look up Rich has his arm around her. I smile. "How was your first girl’s night out?" I ask but don't really need to; she's got that huge fuckin smile on her face.

  "I told two guys I wasn't interested and one guy to take a hike with the drink he brought over. I even looked at them. I remembered everything you told me and we had a blast. Anita is crazy, Penny is so funny when she has a drink in her and Amanda and Karen are like pit-bulls snarling at every guy that got close to our table." She smiles so proud of herself. My fuckin Tess. "I can't wait for the next one!" We crack up. Fuckin Tess.

  Forty Four


  I'm so excited about the Colorado chapter coming. The old ladies are helping plan a three day stay and two day party with activities for the adults and kids. Ben has every room in the hotel booked for them. With Colorado, New Hampshire, New York and Connecticut there's more than a hundred and thirty expected plus some whole families. We have two restaurants booked, one in New Bedford and one in Newport. There's so much that goes on it makes my head spin. Rich will be doing the Shoot Out and Crotch Rocket competitions so he won't be able to go on the run to Newport. I don't want to miss watching him; it's going to be so good. Patches is excited to have a meeting with all the Little Brothers together. Two of the old ladies want to meet about the Little Sister program. My sisters are working with the boys on recycle and composting, Petey is their lead. It's going to be awesome. I've seen some of the people and Rich in my dreams. Since its good I don't say anything but I can't help smiling when I think of it.

  Me and Max started running with Jess. She runs right by our house and picks us up on the way. I'm doing pretty good. After three weeks I'm able to make it back without feeling like I'm going to keel over and die. Jess just keeps running and Max watches me not even breathing heavy. Today I walk into the house and get a drink without collapsing on the front lawn first.

  Patches meets me with a glass of water. "You're getting faster Tess. Good job."

  "I'm not really any faster I just didn't need to die on the front lawn today. I made it last time too. No more crawling up the stairs for me. I think Mr. Raposa was nervous about that. He kept coming out to check on me." I drink while he laughs.

  "Fuckin Tess." He says. I put the glass down and look at my handsome husband with the laughing eyes.

  Rich comes down the stairs dressed for work. He's so damn handsome in his black pants and golf shirt with MC Security on the pocket. He smiles but he's more intense in his look. "You made it again?"

  "Yep, I just told Patches Mr. Raposa is going to have to find another cause. I'm officially off the death watch list." He laughs then bends to kiss me.

  "I'm proud of you Tess you never quit." He says in my ear before kissing it. I get tingles.

  "I'm going to need my hand or vibrator if you keep sending the tingles through me." I tell him Patches cracks up. I look at him wondering why.

  Rich looks at his watch and pulls his phone out. "I'm going to be late. Thanks." He looks at Patches. "The bench." Pulling my shirt then sports bra off he kisses my neck. "We can't spend the day with that picture in our heads. Pictures of a satisfied Tess are better." Lifting me up he walks into the living room where Patches is putting the hallway bench down. Rich kisses me making my whole body tingle. This is different I wonder what they're going to do. Patches is undressed when Rich turns me around.

  "I'm all sweaty and gross." I tell them. Patches just smiles.

  "Babe, hot and sweaty is the way we like you." Rich says making my body shiver. I like this already.

  Patches bends and kisses me lifting me up. My legs wrap around him without me telling them to. Holy Cow! He's sending shivers down my back. Rich tells Patches to come to the bench. He's straddling it. Patches turns me around and sets me on the bench as if I'm light as a feather. I get another shiver; I love how strong he is.

  I slide right down on Rich; usually they make me come first. Patches sits behind me, I hear the rubber. When did he get that? Rich kisses me with his hands on my boobs. I don’t care about the rubber anymore. They move their legs all around sitting me on top of both of them. Holy Cow, Patches slides in my ass and I'm ready to explode into bliss. "You're so beautiful pretty Tess. I love the flowers on your back baby." Patches says against my neck. I use my legs to push me up. They're sore from running. Rich helps me holding my waist. Patches has a hand on my stomach and one on my boob. I'm not going to make it three minutes. I drop down hard and scream. Rich catches my mouth and my scream turns into a moan. He's moving me up and down. They're talking to me but I can't catch everything they're saying. My body is full with them both in me sliding against each other. It's hard to concentrate one hand is touching Rich's arms and chest the other over Patches hand on my stomach. Rich moves me faster, I hold on to his arm for dear life. I'm ready again, I push Patches hand hard, my whole body shivers and I explode. Holy crap! I can't understand what they're saying; my ears get that whooshing sound. Rich is pushing me down hard and fast. My body is moving without my help. Patches yells out my name. I hear him but he slides his hand to my clit and I'm lost in bliss again. I'm going to have a heart attack I just know it. I make an almost giggle sound.

  "You ok baby?" He asks, he can't breathe either. I smile against Rich's chest, he's having trouble breathing too, I'm happy to note.

  "Just wondering who's gonna let the paramedics in and what they're going to make of this." It takes me three breaths to get it out but they laugh.

  "Not happening babe. No one get to see our Tess." Rich says. How the heck does he catch his breath so fast?

  "I'm good with that." I mumble out. He laughs. Patches lifts me off them. We all moan together. "I love the bench but I need a shower and a nap." They smile. Rich carries me up to the shower washing me thoroughly. I get nothing when he touches my pussy not even a little twitch. He laughs when I tell him and tells me I'm done. I'll go along with that if it means I can take a nap. "Ok." He laughs.

  Drying me he lays me on the bed reminding me of the cleaners today. I nod closing my eyes.

  A whiny noise wakes m
e up. I hear heavy breathing. Max has his head on the bed. I sit up fast grabbing my phone and putting my legs off the bed where Max can lean on me. I wait trying to focus. Oh buggers! Kate is having the baby early. I'm looking around for a clock. Eleven fifty five she cries out. No one is home. I pull away. I'm so damn proud of myself then I look at the clock. Holy Cow! I call Danny. "Kate is going to have the baby early. At eleven fifty five she's at home alone crying out in pain."

  "Thanks Tess. She's not going to make the cesarean if we don't get her to the hospital now." I can hear the truck start. "I'm picking up Ben. I'll be right there. Can you stay with her until we get there?"

  "Yep I'll run over there now." I hang up and run around like a crazy person getting my clothes on. I make it to their door in seven minutes. Max doesn't have his vest on I notice when we walk in.

  Kate is at the table, she smiles at me. "They're all at the dock fishing."

  "I came for you. I think you should get dressed. Danny and Ben are on their way."

  "No. Shit I have three weeks left." She says getting up. She calls the doctor as she walks out. I smile watching her go. She didn't ask me one question.

  Just when I decide to check on her Ben runs in the door. He's a mess, I point upstairs and he keeps going. I'm smiling when Danny comes in. He's much calmer. He sits and waits. I smile bigger. "She let the doctor know."

  He nods. “I called on my way. This is going to be as entertaining as Janelle. He can run ops for a damn gang war but unravels over a baby." I crack up. "You did good all by yourself today. Got day and time with no prompting." I smile proud nodding my head. I did good. Ben and Kate come in. Kate is calm and dressed; Ben is pulling her with a small suitcase in his other hand. Danny stands smiling at Kate. He walks to her stopping Ben. Putting his hands on her face he asks, "How are you doing beautiful Kate." He's so gentle with her tears come to my eyes.


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