Statistic - 2nd Edition

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Statistic - 2nd Edition Page 11

by Dawn Robertson

  The little kisses and gropes here and there have been keeping us at our own boiling points all week long. I can’t count the number of times I had to pleasure myself before bed after seeing him during the day on one hand anymore.

  Lunch together, texting constantly, late night phone calls… it all wasn’t enough anymore. Maybe if we were sixteen it would be. But we are both grown adults, and the more we learn about each other, the more we are attracted to the other. His love for 80’s movie classics was probably the last thing I learned before I knew I needed him in my life for good.

  Another thing I appreciated about the fact that we have been taking the time to actually get to know each other is we have learned the most random shit about the other person. Favorite colors, sleeping habits, smells we like and dislike, you name it… we have talked about it and actually taken the time to get to know each other on a personal level rather than a physical level.

  It really has given me a whole new perspective on getting to know someone.

  I just hope our sex life can be as explosive as our mutual love for The Never Ending Story. Wouldn’t it be a real shame if sex went down in flames? Shit!

  The doorbell downstairs rings and I can hear the front door open. I immediately know it is Jackson because he is the only person who has a key to the house. I know. I am crazy, but I trust him enough to bring our relationship to that level.

  “Aurora?” He yells through the still mostly empty first floor of the house. His voice echoing all around.

  “I’m up here!” I yell from my perch in my bed. I am not moving. Nope, that would ruin my plan. Instead I lay here on my bed, with the only light coming from the setting sun through the french doors on my balcony, and a few strawberry scented candles I lit around my bedroom.

  Boxes are still thrown all over the place, but I did my best to make it look like a bomb hadn’t gone off. Not that the current condition of my bedroom would distract from the black and pink teddy I was currently wearing on my bed. No panties, with black high heels. Yup, if he notices the condition of the bedroom it is probably safe to say this relationship is over.

  “I grabbed Chinese food, I put it on the counter down… Whoa.” Jackson comes to a dead stop in the doorway of my bedroom. His vision solely locked on me.

  Mission accomplished.

  “I wasn’t expecting this,” he says as he takes a couple steps in my direction. Only coming to a stop once he is standing at the end of my bed.

  “I know, isn’t that the best part of this all.” I laugh as he smiles and begins to kick off his work boots.

  “I really need a shower, Aurora. I’m all sweaty.” He says as he pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his glistening chest.

  “No can do. You’ll have plenty of time for that… later.” I lick my bottom lip and make sure my tongue trails across the pink flesh extra slow. “I’ve waited long enough…” I laugh.

  “You sure?” Jackson asks one last time as he takes another step in my directions. His pants hanging low on his hips, button completely unbuttoned, and the delicious indents of his V on full display.

  “Oh, I’ve been sure… I’ve been sure for an entire week since you left me all hot and bothered in the bathroom wanting more.” A smile pulls at the corner of his lips. Goosebumps skate across my skin, coating my body in every direction. My breathing quickens, and my heart starts to pound against my chest so hard, I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. My body reacts so strongly to just the sight of him undressing feet away from me.

  “Well… I can’t deny you any longer, Aurora. I’ve wanted you just as much as you’ve wanted me. I’ve dreamed about this more than a few times over the past week. I just didn’t think I would be this lucky. Hot damn… look at you. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning that gets to unwrap the best present ever.” I want to laugh at his words, but even though he was being funny, I can’t wait to feel his hands all over my body, undressing me.

  He unzips his pants and lets them fall to the floor. That is also around the same time that I figured out he decided to go commando today. Because instead of boxers like I was expecting. Like he wore to bed with me just last weekend. He is naked. Butt ass naked. Without realizing it I let out a small gasp, and he laughs.

  “See something you like?” Jackson asks as I just continue to stare at his naked body. Built in all the right places. Muscular legs and looks like he could run miles. Those abs I only had the chance to feel under the cloak of his shirt days earlier, oh and quite the impressive package. I mean, I’ve only actually seen one other dick face-to-face in my life. Yes, I certainly felt Wesley but… I didn’t even get the chance to see what he was workin’ with. In person that is. Ha!

  Jackson on the other hand.

  Oh. My. God. Praise the Lord and pass the damn ammunition. Because this girl was going to need something. Anything. This shit is going to be one wild ride.

  “You know you are making me feel a little self conscious just staring like that. You could say something. Or at least wipe that little bit of drool up from the corner of your mouth.” His words snap me out of my daze and I can’t help but toss one of the decorative throw pillows in his direction. “Feisty… I like that” he laughs as lunges towards the bed.

  His hands grab my ankles and tug me down the bed in his direction. I only come to a stop when my pussy is directly in his face. The realization is clear as day as his face is full of pleasure.

  “No panties either, Aurora? You are a naughty girl.” He lets out a growl and I just want him to take me, right here and right now. I need him to touch me. I need his mouth on my body. Kissing and licking me in all the right places. I don’t care how or why. I just care that I finally have him in a position to give myself to him.

  Then I feel it. His mouth on my inner thigh and I am pretty sure I lose myself in another world. A world of feelings and ecstasy. Pleasure and anticipation. A place where I am finally giving myself to this man who may be new in my life but has already made a world of difference.

  His lips and tongue work up my thigh until they are teasing the lips of my freshly shaven pussy. A shiver runs through my body, and I let out a quiet moan while I bite down on my bottom lip. His fingers slowly open me up, and his tongue comes in contact with my clit sending me almost over the edge. My moans become louder, echoing through the nearly empty bedroom. With each swipe of his tongue, my cries get louder. But then without warning, his mouth closes around my tender clit, sucking hard and my orgasm crashes over me like a tidal wave.

  “Oh my GOD!” I scream across the room as he continues to lap up my sweet juices. I have to push his mouth away as the shockwaves of pleasure become overly intense. “Holy shit… Oh my… Whoa.” I laugh, and struggle to catch my breathe. I’ve never felt anything like that before. Hell, not from oral.

  “Oh, I’m not done with you yet…” Jackson says as he picks me up and tosses me up the bed. I start to laugh as my ass bounces against the mattress and he starts climbing up the bed. “God you taste amazing,” he says before his fingers are pulling the fancy lingerie over my head and tossing it on the floor. I feel vulnerable and exposed to him. I haven’t been fully naked in front of anyone since I had Liam, only Colin and he was very vocal with his displeasure.

  “Aurora Alexander… my god. You are a work of art,” his words take me off guard as I try to cover up the exposed parts of my body. His hand pulls at my arm, pinning it to the bed and grabbing the other to do the same. I’ve been been restrained in this way, but I am exhilarated by the thoughts of what could happen. Where this could go.

  “Stop trying to cover up that body or I am going to have to tie these wrists up. And I don’t wanna do that, because I wanna feel your nails digging into my ass when I finally plunge my cock inside that delicious little pussy.” His words set me on fire. I would have never guessed Jackson for this kind of guy, but damn if it isn’t perfect.

  “I’m sorry,” I say as I relax my body under his. “I won’t try and cover myself up again.”

>   “Good girl, Aurora. You are beautiful, there is no reason for you to cover up your body. Not from me.” He lowers his lips to my neck and slowly begins to kiss down my body, coming to a stop once he reaches my breasts. Slowly taking one nipple in his mouth at a time, until both are hard.

  “I don’t think I will ever get enough of this body,” he admits in between showering my body with kisses. Up, and down my curves.

  I spread my legs, giving him free reign to finally take me. Because if he waits any longer, I just may spontaneously combust. Hell, I am shocked I haven’t already… especially after that orgasm he gave me right out of the gate.

  He gets up from the bed, and rummages through his jeans for something, only getting back onto the bed once he has a condom safely in place, ready to take me.

  Without any warning, I feel him start to push his cock into my waiting cunt. Inch-by-inch as he stares into my eyes. Never breaking our connection as he takes me for the first time. I should feel anxious or excited, but as we join together for the first time I feel a sense of peace. Something new and beautiful building between the two of us. Our relationship shifting, changing from flirty friends who can’t get enough of each other to actual lovers. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that I could seriously give this man my heart. No matter how bad I may end up hurt in the end.

  Jackson is it for me. He is my one. He is the man I’ve been waiting for and damn it was worth kissing all those toads to get to this moment.

  Our bodies move in sync, as Jackson pumps in and out of me bringing himself to climax. What I never anticipated was joining him at that peak again. Not after the pleasure he gave me a short while ago.

  “My god, Aurora…” he whispers in my ear as he lets himself go. Releasing his own orgasm into the waiting condom as he continues to make love to me. This isn’t fucking. Everything about our sex has been sweet and slow. Considerate of each other’s pleasure. Not fast and searching for a quick lay. Perfect, and loving… everything Jackson is.

  “So, I am pretty sure it’s all cold now.” Jackson laughs as we make our way to the kitchen for a midnight snack. His dinner plans clearly lost when I seduced him. I laugh as my stomach grumbles loud enough for him to hear and join in with my hysterics.

  “I’ve been thinking…” I say as I pop the Chinese food containers into the microwave.

  “That sounds bad…” Jackson laughs as he pulls a couple plates out of the cabinet. I am surprised he actually remembered where I stored them away when we unpacked the kitchen a couple afternoons earlier.

  “Nothing bad at all. I think you should meet Liam.” I pause for a moment waiting for his reaction. When he turns around he has a huge smile on his face, and I know I am slowly inching in the right direction. It isn’t too soon or too late. I think the timing for their meeting is perfect. And with everything Colin has been throwing his way, he needs to understand that his mommy is also going to be moving on, so he expects it from more than just Colin.

  “I think that would be great, Aurora. I mean, if that is what you are comfortable with. I don’t want to push you into anything you or Liam may not be ready for.” He is sincere and I know he is concerned for my well being just as much as he cared about the well being of my son. It is touching. Heartwarming even.

  “Well, his father is moving on. He is going to have a new little sibling and I think he doesn’t expect me to move on as well. I want to get him used to the changes in my life as well. I know it is a lot for him to take in, but I think it is better off if I do it right now than later.” I explain, watching Jackson’s reaction carefully.

  “A new sibling huh? How do you feel about that?” Jackson asks me and I am momentarily taken off guard. How am I supposed to feel about something like this? Jealous? Upset? Mad? I am not really anything. I guess I am just sort of becoming indifferent to everything Colin does. Yes, we have made leaps and bounds in the co-parenting department but we still have a long way to go before I will be able to forgive him for all that he has done over the years. Maybe once I do that it will lift a huge burden off of me?

  I guess I over think shit too much too.

  “I guess I don’t really care. I mean, it is his problem that he has to deal with. I just hope for Liam’s sake that this all doesn’t go down in flames. He would be heartbroken because he is already attached to the baby and Jillian, Colin’s new baby-momma.” I laugh.

  “So you aren’t jealous?” another question I am taken off guard by. Do I look jealous? Or act jealous when I talk about it?

  “Jealous, no way. Last time he was with a pregnant woman he decided it would be an awesome time to try his hand at infidelity.” I guess I am lying to myself. Liam is four. I thought by now we would at least have a second child. A sibling for him but all my plans were thrown in the garbage by Colin and his roaming eyes.

  “Do you want more kids?” Jackson asks while he makes his plate, popping a piece of chicken in this mouth and making his way across the room to the makeshift dining room table I have set up.

  “I do. I thought I would have had at least a second child by now. But, I also never planned for a cheating husband and a divorce. It is what it is though. I am not in a hurry after the pregnancy I had with Liam.” I laugh remembering how downright miserable I had been for months on end.

  “I don’t have any kids and I come from a large family. I want a couple of my own someday. Is that something you would be open to?” I guess we never really had this convo. Maybe it was time.

  “I would. I would like maybe two more. Depending on how different things would be this time around. Ya know, pregnancy-wise.” We chit chat over dinner about my bed rest issues that plagued my pregnancy with Liam and a little bit more about the never ending drama Colin filled what should have been the happiest time of my life with.

  The more I spoke, the more I sounded hung up. A victim that couldn’t let go of the past. I am sick of thinking about everything that happened. Sick of talking about it. Here I am moving on with my life with a man who is damn near perfect and all I can whine about is how much Colin fucked me over.

  Well, no more. I am done with it. I am sick of using it as a crutch in life. They say life is what you make of it, and it was finally time for me to take it by the balls and take my life back.

  I am not a victim. I am a strong independent woman.

  I am not a single mother. I am a mom who chose what to do what is best for her child.

  I am not worthless and ugly. I am beautiful and a catch for any man who can see that.

  “Nice place ya got here. I have to say, it is an upgrade from that hole in the wall you were at.” Brent said as him and Max made their way through the front door of my new home.

  “MAXXXXXXXXXX” Liam barreled through the living room from the open french doors where he played in the back yard.

  “LIAM! We brought the Lego Movie!” Max bounced up and down waving the DVD in the air. His auburn hair flopping all over as his body flew threw the air. From a few feet back, Brent stood watching him with a huge smile on his face. Content to see the happiness of his little boy, whom had become such a close friend of my son. I can remember how many times Brent had told me what a difficult time Max had making friends, which was always so shocking to me considering him and Liam quickly bonded.

  As the boys ran through the living room and out the back door into the yard, Brent and I sat down at the table to chat about life. I feel like it had been forever since we had the opportunity to catch up on whatever we were both doing. Between my work picking up, Jackson being a full time staple in my life and moving we had lost most of our contact.

  “I was beginning to think I lost a friend,” Brent laughed as he sat down on a bar stool at the breakfast bar.

  “No way. Life has just been crazy. What’s new with you?”

  “Went on a date with a girl a couple towns over. I think we are going to go out again next week. She seems pretty nice, not as pretty as you though.” Brent says.

  I laugh at his statemen
t, trying to push off his little flirty comment. Something that is pretty typical for him.

  “Yeah, but at least kissing her isn’t like kissing your sister right?” I laugh and try and put that distance back between us. The distance we both decided would be best after our first kiss. It just wasn’t right. There was nothing romantic there, at least on my end. I often wondered if he only agreed with me because that is what I was comfortable with or if he actually felt the same way.

  Either way, it was too late because I was happily moving on.

  “Aurora, you know you’ll always be my number one lady,” he laughs before changing the subject. “Did the police ever find out who broke into your condo?” Such a sore subject, I don’t even wanna think about considering they didn’t find the criminal.

  “No, but they think it was just a crime of opportunity since I wasn’t home. If it was someone trying to target me specifically, they are pretty sure whoever it was would have tried something again already.” The truth is, I’ve been in touch with the local police chief almost daily waiting for some kind of answers.

  “They’ll figure it out eventually. At least they didn’t steal anything.”

  “That is true. So tell me about this woman. What’s her name?”

  “Megan Little, she is thirty and lives in Tidewater,” he pauses and rubs his neck. “What about the guy you have been seeing?” He quickly changes the subject, uncomfortable to talk about this woman with me, which is a first since we really started sharing our dating tales since we met each other. I’ve always been more comfortable with male friends, that didn’t change when it came to Brent.

  “Jackson lives up the street actually. Owns his own landscaping company, never married, no kids. There really isn’t much else to tell. He is a pretty simple guy, I like that about him.”

  “You really like him, don’t ya?” Brent pushes, clearly wanting to pry into the details of the relationship.

  “Yeah, I think we fit together well.”

  “Has he met Liam yet?” The overprotective Dad begins to rear his head.


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