Statistic - 2nd Edition

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Statistic - 2nd Edition Page 13

by Dawn Robertson

  “Of course. I would love to come with you and meet everyone. You met the most important person in my life. I guess it is only fair right?” My phone starts ringing in the kitchen, I am startled by the sudden shrilling and run to the kitchen to grab the phone before the rings can wake Liam up from the second floor.

  As I silence the rings, I notice Brent’s name on the caller ID and I realize that he never texted me earlier in the day. I hold the phone up in Jackson’s direction and say, “I have to take this.” and mouth the word sorry.


  “Hey, I hope it’s not too late?” Brent asks.

  “No way, I’ve been worried about you all day. What the heck is going on?”

  “I have no idea. The police were here most of the day asking me questions about Megan and our relationship. We only had gone on two dates so I wasn’t very helpful to them. I guess she was seeing quite a few guys.” He admits as he lets out a long breath. “I just can’t win, A. Every time I get involved with someone, some bullshit like this happens.” I can hear his voice cracking and have no idea how to reassure him.

  “I’m sorry, Brent. I wish I knew what to say. Or how I could help. This must be really hard for you.” I am honestly at a loss. I just don’t know how to go about handling this at all. Heck, I’ve never even known anyone who has died.

  “Do you think we can meet up for lunch tomorrow?” Brent asks, and I let the question hang for a couple minutes before I answer him.

  “I will give you a call in the morning and see what my schedule looks like. I will try and make it work. I know you need someone to talk to. Get some sleep. It sounds like you need it.”

  “Sorry about that. My friend Brent is having a really hard time. The girl he was dating turned up strangled to death. The poor guy is falling to pieces now that he learned he was just one of a bunch of guys.” Jackson listens carefully, taking in every word and nodding.

  “I heard about that on the news this morning. Seems like the town is really shaken up.”

  “Hell, I am shaken up by it. It is just a little too close to home. I wonder if the met her killer on Fish in the Sea. That is where I met Brent.” I let my thoughts come out of my mouth before I actually realize what I am saying.

  “They aren’t the safest sites, but Aurora… bad things happen every day, whether it started on an internet dating website or not. If you never signed up on there, we would have never met.” He winks at me, and I feel somewhat better about everything.

  “You close with this Brent guy?” He asks, and I can see the tiniest bit of jealousy begin to surface.

  “Jealous, Mr. Revere?” I tease him.

  “Oh, not at all. Just like to know the men in my lady’s life, that’s all.” He smirks and pulls me back down on the couch. “I know you only have eyes for me after the way you looked at me this afternoon.” He adds and I wonder what the hell he means.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Exactly what I said. Don’t think too much about it, Aurora. So, how did you meet him?” He turns the conversation back to my friendship with Brent.

  “We met on Fish in the Sea. He is a single parent, widow. We went out on a date but we are better just as friends. But our boys have actually become very close friends. If you hear Liam talk about Max, that is his son.” Jackson sits quietly, taking in everything I say.

  “So just friends?” he asks.

  “Yup, it was like kissing a cousin. We both agreed on that one.” I laugh and I can see a bit of Jackson’s body start to relax.

  “And you are all mine?”

  “Only yours, Jackson Avery Revere. Only yours.”

  The rest of the week flew by without a word from Brent. No phone calls, no text message, nothing. I wondered if he was arrested for something to do with that woman’s murder, but I could see the read receipt on all of my test messages so I just figured he was hanging low and didn’t need my support right now. If space is what he needed, I would give it to him.

  Today is picnic day. Last night, after Colin picked up Liam for the weekend, I packed up a small overnight bag and walked down the street to stay at Jackson’s house. It seemed silly to pack stuff like shampoo and body wash since I only lived a handful of doors away, but I didn’t plan on going back to my house until Sunday night rolled around and Colin would be bringing our son home. It was fine by me, because Jackson and I were still in our little honeymoon getting to know you phase.

  Since the night he met Liam, he hasn’t mentioned Brent again. No questions, no prying, and life has gone on very uneventful. Working, being mom, a little time here and there when we could sneak it in… and now I am standing in front of his bathroom mirror carefully putting makeup on and getting ready to meet his family.

  The short floral print sun dress falls around my knees, and my long strawberry blonde hair is pulled into two braided pig tails on each side of my head. After a little light makeup and lip gloss I am ready to rock n’ roll.

  “You are ready already?” Jackson asks as he steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist. Water dripping from every deliciously chiseled inch of his body. I really should stop looking or we are never going to make it out of the house on time.

  “Yup, I’m not very high maintenance.” I say, turning to walk into his bedroom. Leaving him very naked in the bathroom. Must not go back in there. Must not go back in there. Must not go back in there.

  “How could you leave me in there. I thought for sure you wouldn’t let me out of that bathroom without making me a happy boy.” He winks at me and I laugh at him and roll my eyes.

  “So, I didn’t make you a happy boy… twice this morning already?” I sass him back. I remember the long morning we spent in bed exploring every inch of each other’s bodies. No interruptions. No worries about time. Well, until noon when we finally had to get out of bed to make the picnic for 2 p.m.

  “You always make me happy, Aurora.” he takes a couple steps in my direction, cupping my chin with his big, rough hand. “Don’t ever think you don’t make me happy. I haven’t been this happy in a very long time.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Now go get dressed before we never leave this house. Then I am going to make you late and nobody is going to like me!” I laugh as I push him back into the bathroom. When my bare hands push against his still wet chest, I can feel my body starting to overheat. I want him like I’ve never wanted anyone before. The attraction between us has entered atomic levels and if we didn’t have this huge family picnic today which could be a huge make or break thing for me with his family and friends… I would say screw it and drag him to bed for the rest of the day.

  “I hate how you can resist me, Aurora.” He laughs as I close the door in his face. “Damn you woman! Damn you!” I laugh and lay back on the bed scrolling through all my Facebook posts. Wondering maybe Brent has said or posted something on Facebook.

  That is when I see the post on his wall.

  Heading to Florida to spend some time with my mom after her fall Friday morning.

  If you need me, call me or message me and I will get back to you when I can.

  I guess that explains the lack of messages he has replied to. Family comes first and that is one hell of a long drive.

  “Ready to head out?” Jackson comes out of the bathroom with a freshly trimmed beard, and his hair is messy and wet. God he looks good. Damn it. This whole picnic thing is just unfair when he looks that good right now.

  “Promise me something, then we can leave…”

  “Anything…” he teases me.

  “When we get home later, you will take another shower so I can get that messy, fresh shaven look in bed with me tonight…” I let out a laugh as I turn for the hallway.

  “If that is what you want. But, I have one stipulation.”

  “Uh huh…”

  “You have to join me in the shower.” Jackson laughs.

  “Now that is a deal I can make.”

  “Relax, everyone is going to love you.” J
ackson whispers in my ear as we walk hand and hand to the front door of his brother’s incredibly large house. I can’t help but notice all the cars parked up and down the small dead end street.

  “I hope so. I hate this whole process. Meeting all these people. I’m not going to remember anyone’s names.” I find myself rambling and I smile because I know exactly where Liam gets it from. I can see him and his million questions for Jackson the other night when they first met. I guess the apple really doesn’t fall too far huh?

  The door opens before we reach it and a slightly older carbon copy of Jackson stands in the doorway with the most petite blonde woman I have ever seen.

  “We were beginning to think you weren’t going to make it, Jack!” The man booms in a deep voice as he makes his way onto the porch. “Well this must be the Aurora we all have been hearing so much about. I guess I would be late too, brother.” the petite blonde elbows him in the gut and he lets out an ooooof noise. Sounds like it hurt. I try not to laugh.

  “Don’t listen to my idiot of a husband.” the small blonde says as we make our way up the few steps to the porch. “If you stick around, you will see the Revere men never know when to keep their comments to themselves. I think it’s genetic.” she laughs and wraps her arms around me in a welcoming embrace. “I’m Laura, that is my bonehead of a husband Jeff.”

  I stand there, smiling politely and exchange greetings. The boys go back and forth about some sports team scores, and then I see him out of the corner of my eye. A man I had spoken with on more than one occasion on that stupid Fish in the Sea website. I should know his name off the top of my head, but as I am standing here holding onto Jackson’s hand for dear life I can’t recall it.

  The man comes closer and closer, and my heart leaps up into my throat. I am starting to have trouble breathing, but I am also trying to hide my nerves from Jackson. The man slaps Jackson on the back in greeting, “Jackson, whats up big bro?”

  Did he just say bro?

  “Hey Jeremy. I want you to meet my girlfriend, Aurora.” and as his eyes meet mine, they go wide with recognition of who I am.

  “Oh, I know this beautiful lady already.” Jeremy replies as he presses a kiss on my cheek and wraps his arm around my shoulder in one of those half hug type things. I am instantly uncomfortable and Jackson begins to pull me closer to his body.

  “Back off little brother.” He warns.

  “Jack, I’m not kidding. I know her.” and Jackson looks at me for confirmation. By this time, his older brother Jeff and his wife have beat feet and left us alone for this uncomfortable meeting. I really know how to fuck up meeting family for the first time, huh?

  “I met her on that Fish in the Sea site. We never actually met, but we chatted a couple times. I couldn’t forget that face.” Jeremy says, and I am almost positive Jackson wants to lay him out right here on his brother’s porch.

  “We messaged a couple times before we started dating.” I admit to Jackson. “But, we never actually met. No biggie.” I shrug my shoulders and hope that the whole issue is resolved.

  “Well, I mean… at least you know she is attracted to good looking guys.” Jeremy cracks and Jackson actually smiles for the first time since the awkward meeting began. A big wave of relief starts to wash over me, but I won’t really be comfortable until I get the meeting of the mother out of the way.

  “It’s okay. He’s just a dick,” Jackson whispers into my ear as Jeremy begins to walk away. “He’s had a lot of problems since my father was killed. I feel bad for my mom since she has had to deal with most of it. When his fiancé skipped out on him, that was a real doozie for all of us.”

  I feel bad for Jeremy, and his mother. I can’t imagine the kind of stress that has caused for the family over the past couple years. I am almost grateful I don’t have any family or family drama to deal with. But, it certainly does make for a pretty lonely existence sometimes.

  “My mom is coming this way. You ready?” Jackson warns me and gives my hand a tight squeeze. I see her from afar at first, a little lady almost as petite as the short blonde I just met. Her long grey hair is natural, braided in one single long braid down her back. She is wearing a long flowing hippy type skirt. Not exactly what I envisioned as the mother of a brood of military men. She is happy, smiling from ear-to-ear, and everything about her screams calm and nurturing. She is the kind of person you would want to be your mother or a grandmother to your child. She is that friend’s mom that growing up, you wished would have adopted you.

  “My goodness. You must be Aurora,” she says as she walks up to me with open arms. Jackson drops my hand and nudges me in her direction. “My gosh Jackson Avery, you didn’t tell me how stunning she is. No wonder you couldn’t wait to bring her home to us.” Her smile gets brighter when she addresses her son. Her arms wrap around me in a warm embrace, before she backs away to look me over once again.

  “Don’t let this one go, boy.” His mother warns, and he throws his hands up in the air in surrender.

  “I don’t plan on it Momma. I don’t plan on it one bit.” He winks at me and his mother begins again.

  “It’s about time you finally settle down. You and Jeremy. You are too old for this dating stuff. It’s time to get married and have some kids. I need some grand daughters, those brothers of yours can’t produce nothin’ but boys. “Where is your little boy?” His mother turns back to me and asks.

  “Oh, Liam is with his father for the weekend. We share custody.”

  “You’ll just have to bring him over and meet Granny Revere one day soon.” I smile thinking about how much my boy would love this lady. Reality is Liam really has no grandparents that are close. My mother is useless, living on the other side of the country. Colin’s parents live in Vegas, too concerned with anything that doesn’t involve gambling. It could be a really great opportunity for my boy to understand what a real family is.

  “Come on out back. There are a lot more people I want you to meet. Now, get ready. This is going to be a lot of names at once. Many of them are local police and Sheriffs office, a lot of my military buddies, and some of the guys that work for me. I don’t expect you to remember everyone.” He smiles and gives me a sweet peck on the lips before we make our way to the backyard.

  As we walk through the house, I notice how gorgeous all the decor is. I am going to have to talk to Laura about her taste in home decorating, because I clearly need her to help me with my new house.

  The introductions in the yard go by in a blur of blondes and brunettes on the arms of men who look like they still belong in the military. Lots of high and tight haircuts and perfect smiles. Athletic and that whole don't fuck with me attitude. I actually feel incredibly safe around them all as well. It isn’t until a few hours later and a couple glasses of wine that I am able to sit down and relax and chat with some of the women. Most are stay-at-home mothers with a flock of children. There are a handful that work outside of the home in various local doctors’ offices. Out of them all, the most down to earth women in the whole place besides Jackson’s mom is Laura his sister-in-law and Maddie, one of the officers wives. She is a graphic designer that works from home also, and I think that is one of the reasons we hit it off so well.

  “Don’t you worry about his safety?” I ask Maddie as I sip on my final glass of wine for the day. The boys are off in the distance lighting the fire pit and I wonder who is going to lose an eye first since they all seem like a bunch of big kids.

  “I do. I worry about him every damn day. But the flip side of it all is how proud I am of him. It is what he loves and there is nothing cooler than knowing your husband fights the bad guys for a living. He takes pride in what he does and I support that.” She beams when she talks about him and how proud she is of his accomplishments and I guess it all really makes sense.

  When you love someone, you accept them for who they are.

  It doesn’t matter what they choose for a career. You will find a way to be their biggest cheerleader whether you love or hate their
job. It is just what a real relationship is about. Give and take. Compromise. Support.

  “Smores time!” Jackson jumps over the railing of the back deck and picks me up from the lawn chair I was comfortably drunk in.

  “Don’t spin me or you’ll be sorry!” I laugh as he slowly puts me down onto my extremely shaky feet.

  “Jackson Avery Revere don’t chu manhandle that girl!” Jackson’s mother comes out of nowhere. “Put her down. She’s comin’ with me.” she says, and I stick my tongue out at him as I walk away with his mother. Big grin in place.

  “I’ll get back at you later, Aurora! Mark my words!” He laughs as he makes his way back to the fire pit.

  “That boy is all talk. Don’t let him fool ya.” His mother says with a serious tone. I laugh thinking about the back and forth this adorable woman has with her sons.

  “Oh, I’m not worried about him at all. I can hold my own with Jackson. That’s for sure.” I laugh and follow her into the dining room where she sits down and kicks her feet up on the chair across from her.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Jackson this happy. It’s been years.” the smile on her face is huge. “Not that he is an unhappy man. He has just been missing something and the change he has gone through in just the short period of time you have been around has made me such a happy momma.” I can’t help but smile, and I am sure with the amount of alcohol I’ve had with my lack of tolerance for it, I am cheesing like a goofball. But, I don’t care because Jackson makes me just as happy as I seem to make him.

  “I like him, a lot.” I say, without trying to sound too… girly? I have no idea. I don’t want his mother to think I am someone I am not, or some kind of stage five clinger. But, I really am just not thinking clearly at all. This conversation should have happened about four hours ago before the police wife sorority force fed me homemade sangria.

  “He likes you a lot too, Aurora. He gushes about you and your little boy, even though he just met him. He wants you both to come back over without the firing squad around. I understand it must be hard as a single mother opening up and bringing your child into a new family like this. I’ve never been in the situation, but I want you to know I will treat him like one of my own grandkids. I don’t know your situation, or what your relationship is like with your parents or your ex-husband’s parents, but just know that this Granny is always here with open arms.” Her words warm my heart.


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