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Science and Islam_A History_Icon Science Page 19

by Ehsan Masood

  Cairo 4–5, 9, 33, 83–90, 110, 121–2, 127, 145, 169, 173, 175, 178, 187


  Abd al-Malik 35–6, 60

  Abu Bakr 26–7, 54

  Abu’l-Abbas 38

  al-Hakim 84, 88–90, 121–2, 173, 210

  al-Mahdi 44

  al-Mamun 9, 39, 44, 55–64, 74, 83–4, 121, 125–6, 140, 161–3, 170–1, 177, 183

  al-Mansur 11, 39, 41, 124

  al-Mutawakki 83

  al-Rashid, Harun 11, 40, 44, 55, 140, 156, 161

  al-Walid I 31–2

  Marwan 38

  Muawiya 26, 29


  Arabic 53

  Chinese 53

  Cambridge University, see universities

  Canopus (star) 148

  Catholic Church, the 3, 138, 188

  Champier, Symphorien 181

  Charlemagne 11–12

  Chaucer, Geoffrey 75, 124

  chemistry, see also alchemy 3–4, 54, 153–60, 179, 209

  chess 12–13, 49, 70

  China 17, 30, 40, 44, 53, 80, 90, 133–4, 210

  Christianity 6, 17, 30, 32, 84

  Christians 30–1, 42–7, 66, 70–1, 86, 97

  clock-making 191


  atomic 146, 214

  development of 163

  elephant 163

  programmable 214

  water 12, 74, 163

  coins, minting of 36

  Cold War, the 180

  Columbia University, see universities

  Constantinople 1

  Cooperson, Michael 62

  al-Ma’mun (book) 62

  Copernicus, Nicolas 4, 75, 87, 136–8, 165, 169

  Commentariolus (book) 137

  Cordoba 9, 65–85

  Damascus Palace 68

  hospitals at 75

  mosque 68

  Rustafa garden 72

  sack of 108

  Umayyad library 68

  Cremona, Gerard of 109, 180

  Crusades, the 10, 90, 179–81

  cryptography 51–2

  Ctesiphon (Persian capital) 20, 41

  Damascus 26–31, 37, 39, 65, 67, 77, 81, 97, 110, 113, 187, 212

  Great Mosque 135

  Damascus Palace, the, see Cordoba

  Dar al-Hikma, see House of Wisdom

  Dark Ages, the 2, 6–10

  Darwin, Charles 184

  Origin of Species (book) 216

  Deneb 117

  dinars, Arabic 11, 36, 44

  Diophantus 145

  Dioscorides 97

  De Materia Medica (book) 97

  East India Company 196–7

  Edinburgh 196

  Egypt 28, 33, 64, 66, 80, 82, 85, 89–90, 153, 156, 175, 194, 208

  Elborz mountains, the 82

  electromagnetic radiation 170

  elephant clock, see clocks

  Elijah 201

  energy, identification of different forms 104

  English Channel, the 11

  Ethiopia 12

  Euclid 3, 144

  Elements (book) 46

  Fifth (or Parallel) Postulate 147

  geometry 147

  Euphrates, the 39, 66, 164

  Europe, Western 3, 7, 11, 109, 160, 165, 175–6, 180, 188–93, 205, 216

  extramission theory, the 170, 175

  Fairouzabad 41

  Faraday, Michael 3

  Fatima 82

  Fatimids, the 82–90, 173, 178

  Fez 85

  Fihrist (dictionary) 154

  First World War, the 179, 189, 191

  flight, early pioneers of 72

  Ford, Henry 6

  Formalhaut 117

  France 12, 180–1, 188–91, 194

  Fustat, see Cairo

  Gabriel, the angel 22

  Galen 45, 47, 98–102, 110, 131, 170, 181–2, 200–2

  Galileo Galilei 3, 145

  gems, trade in 20

  Genghis Khan 90–1, 126, 133–4

  geometry 119, 126, 135, 147

  Germany 175, 180–1, 189

  Gibbon, Edward 6, 69

  Decline and Fall (book) 6

  Gibraltar 66, 124

  Straits of 67

  Gilchrist, John 196–7

  Giza, Pyramid of 64

  glassmaking 14, 71

  Goody, Jack 2

  Google 208

  Granada 80, 85

  Greeks, Ancient

  medical ideas 97

  philosophy 43, 60

  Greenwich Mean Time 191

  Grierson, George 204

  Gundeshapur 57, 97

  Gutas, Dmitri 43

  Hagar (second wife of Abraham) 21

  hakims 202–4

  Hanbali School, the 113

  Hartford Seminary, Connecticut 43, 107, 150

  Harvard University, see universities

  Harvey, William 3, 111

  heaven and hell, traditional view of 107

  Helagu (grandson of Genghis Khan) 91, 92, 133, 122, 210

  Heraclius, Emperor 27

  herbal medicine, see medicine

  Hermes Trismegistus 56

  Herrin, Judith 7

  Hijaz Railway 191

  hijra, the 23

  Himalayas, the 18

  Hindoostanee, see languages

  Hippocrates 45, 98, 101, 182

  Hira, village of 22, 42

  Holland 188


  at Baghdad 99

  at Cairo 87, 110

  at Cordoba 68, 75

  at Rayy 99

  development of 212

  medieval Islamic 14, 87–8, 96, 122

  House of Wisdom, the 57–9, 88, 140, 162

  Hroswitha of Gandersheim 67

  human origins 170, 182–3

  humours, the 101–2

  ibn al-Athir 81

  ibn al-Haitham, Hassan 5, 84, 87, 89–90, 121–2, 131, 145, 147, 169–70, 173–5, 210

  The Book of Optics (book) 173

  Doubts Concerning Ptolemy (book) 173

  On the Light of the Moon (book) 173

  On the Spherical Burning Mirror (book) 173

  ibn al-Nadim 49, 154

  ibn al-Nafis, Abu al-Hasan Ali 4, 9, 69, 87, 108, 110–11

  Commentary on Anatomy in Avicenna’s Canon (book) 110

  ibn al-Shatir 122, 135–8, 212

  ibn-Arabi, Muhammad 76–8

  ibn-Athar, Messahala 120

  ibn-Batuta of Granada 79–80

  ibn-Firnas, Abbas 4, 71–3

  ibn-Hanbal, Ahmad 62–3, 113

  ibn-Hayyan, Jabir 4, 54, 153–4

  ibn-Ishaq al-Kindi, Ya’qub 49

  ibn-Ishaq, Hunayn 42, 47–8, 59, 96, 171–2

  ibn-Luqa, Qusta 48

  ibn-Musa al-Kharwizmi, Abu Ja’far Muhammad 124

  Algoritmi de numero Indorum (book) 142

  The Compendious Book on Calculating by Completion and Balancing (book) 144

  ibn-Qayyim Al-Jawziyya 113–15

  Medicine of the Prophet (book) 113

  ibn-Qurra, Thabit 48–9

  ibn-Ridwan 127

  ibn-Rushd, Walid 69

  Incoherence of the Incoherence (book) 76

  ibn-Shuhaid 122, 212

  ibn-Sina 84, 96, 103–15, 122, 127, 153, 170, 173, 180–2, 191, 202, 214–15

  The Canon of Medicine (book) 84, 104–5, 110, 180–1, 191, 202

  ibn-Tulun 87

  ibn-Yunus 87

  ibn-Zuhr, Abu Marwan 76, 79, 86

  Al-Taysir (book) 76

  Ihsanoglu, Ekmeleddin 192

  ilm (knowledge), concept of 60

  India 4, 13, 34, 44, 59, 80, 103, 141, 144–5, 178, 188–9, 196–9, 202–6, 211

  Indian numerals, see numerals

  Industrial Revolution, the 13, 165

  intromission theory, the 170, 172

  Iqbal, Muhammad 184–5, 200

  Iran 28, 34, 82, 92, 155, 209–10

  Iraq 4, 27, 33, 37–8, 42, 69, 80, 82, 156

bsp; Isfahan 86, 91, 126

  Islamic empire, the 25, 30, 34, 56, 79, 81, 84, 91, 96, 108, 121, 126, 188–9, 198, 204, 208, 212

  Ismaili, see also Shia Islam 83–4, 89, 133, 173, 184, 200

  Istanbul 121, 187, 191, 194

  Izn-Rand Onda (modern Ronda) 71

  Ja’far (Barmakid vizier) 41

  jahiliya, the (age of reckless ignorance) 20

  Jebel al-Tariq, see Gibraltar

  Jeddah 21

  Jerusalem 28, 32, 60

  Jesus 23, 32

  Jews, the 17, 30–1, 42, 70, 80

  Muslim discrimination against 71

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 200

  Jordan 27

  Jupiter 135

  Ka’bah, the 21–2, 119, 148, 150

  Kabul 85

  Kepler 129, 136

  Kepler, Johannes 175

  Khadija (wife of Muhammad) 22–3

  Khayyam, Omar 5, 86–7, 104, 145–7

  Khomeini, Ayatollah 210

  Khorasan 37, 132, 155

  King, David 2, 120, 123, 148

  King’s College London 7

  Kufa 4, 33, 37–8, 40, 51, 156

  Landi, Bassiano 181


  Arabic 8, 11, 17–18, 30, 35–7, 40–9, 52–3, 57, 70, 78–80, 86, 97, 99, 103–5, 117–18, 123, 138–9, 154–5, 158, 165, 170–1, 179–80, 196–7, 204–5, 213

  Aramaic 45

  English 18–19, 35, 197, 199, 200, 205

  French 18, 192

  Greek 30, 45–50, 100, 130, 170

  Italian 192 ‘Hindoostanee’ 197

  Persian 14, 17–18, 196–8, 205

  Syriac 48, 100

  Urdu 197–8, 205

  Latin America 211

  Le Gai Eaton, Charles 179

  Islam and the Destiny of Man (book) 179

  Levant, the 18, 27

  Lindberg, David 171–2

  Ten treatises on the eye (book) 172

  Theories of Vision: From Al-Kindi to Kepler (book) 171

  Madras 87, 194, 199

  Madrid 73, 86

  majalis (salons) 41

  Makdisi, George 176

  Malaysia 209–11

  Malik Shah, Sultan 87

  Maragha 121, 126

  observatory at 122, 134, 210

  Mars 74, 135

  Martina (wife of Heraclius) 27


  Muslim 24, 63

  Martyrs of Cordoba 71

  Marwan, Caliph, see caliphs

  Matar, Nabil 12

  mathematics 4, 54, 119, 134, 139–40, 142, 145, 148–9, 155, 169, 174

  measles, identification of 100

  Mecca 20–6, 80, 87, 119, 145, 148–50, 191, 214–15

  Black Stone 21

  Sacred Mosque 21

  medicine 14, 42, 54, 83, 88, 95–99, 102–8, 112–15, 169, 178, 180–1, 191

  Ancient Greek or Unani 103, 179, 181, 203

  Ayurvedic 202

  Chinese 100

  development of 212

  herbal 102, 112–13, 160, 170, 209

  Islamic 103, 179

  modern 202

  the Prophet’s Medicine 112–15, 202

  Medina 23–5

  Medinat al-Zahra 75, 108

  Mediterranean, the 18

  meningitis, treatment of 102

  Mercury 74, 135

  Merv 37, 56

  Mesopotamia 86

  metallurgy 51

  mi’raj, the 32

  Michot, Yahya 43, 107, 150

  Microsoft 208

  middle ages, the 160, 175

  Middle East, the 10, 17–18, 33–4, 175, 178, 208

  mihna, the 61

  miracles 106–7, 181

  Mohammed, Mahathir 210

  Mongolia 33

  Mongols, the 17, 81, 90–1, 133–4

  Moors, the 197

  Morocco 33, 80, 85

  Moses 23, 201

  Mosul 38

  Mozarabs 70

  Muawiya, Caliph, see caliphs

  Mughals, the 188

  Muhammad, The Prophet 29, 77, 82, 95, 106, 117, 185, 194

  music notation 14

  Mutazilites, the 60–1

  National Scientific Research Centre, Paris 145

  Naubakht dynasty, the 118

  Nestorians, the 30

  Netherlands, the 6

  Neugebauer, Otto 137

  Newton, Sir Isaac 3, 160

  Nile, the 89

  Nishapur 90, 133

  norias (water wheels) 34

  numbering systems, see also numerals 140–1


  Arabic 141–2

  Indian 140–1

  Roman 141

  Offa, King 11

  Old Testament, the 201

  Optics 5, 84, 90, 169, 173–5, 178–9, 210

  Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) 209–11

  Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor 67

  Ottoman Scientific Society 191

  Ottomans, the 188–90, 194–6

  Oxford University, see universities

  Padua 175, 180–1

  Pakistan 103, 184, 197–8, 200, 208–11

  Palestine 189

  Papacy, the, see Catholic Church

  papermaking 52–3

  Paris University, see universities 138

  Pergamon 98

  Persepolis 43

  Persia 9, 13–14, 17–20, 27–30, 37, 41–6, 57, 81, 97–100, 105, 108, 118, 120, 124, 126, 133–4, 155–6, 160, 163, 196–9, 205

  Persian Gulf, the 20

  Petrarch, Francisco 6, 181

  philosophy 43, 46, 57, 76, 79, 112, 177, 182, 208

  ancient Greek 60, 129

  phlebotomy, see bloodletting

  physics 2–3, 104, 191

  plague, the 18, 114–15, 202–3

  Plato 46, 170

  Poetry 14, 20, 51, 103–4, 185

  Pormann, Peter 46, 103, 111

  Portugal 6, 188

  Postel, Guillaume 137

  precious metals, trade in 20

  Prophet’s Medicine, the, see also medicine 112–15, 202

  Prussian State Library, Berlin 110

  Psalm 84 22

  Ptolemy, Claudius 46, 48, 86, 125, 128–36

  the Almagest (book) 46, 56

  Handy Tables (book) 125

  Planetary Hypotheses (book) 125

  Pyramid of Giza, see Giza, Pyramid of 64

  Pythagoras 59, 145

  Qadisiyyah, battle of 28

  Qalawun 87–8

  qanats 34, 91

  Qasiyun, Mount 125

  qibla, the 119, 148, 150

  Qulawun, Sultan 87–8

  Qur’an, the 32, 60–3, 76, 103, 114, 117, 120, 125, 149, 182–4, 201

  Quraysh tribe, the 20, 22, 26

  Ramadan 194, 214

  rationalism 56, 62, 113, 177, 205, 208, 215

  Rayy 99, 126

  Red Sea, the 21

  Renaissance Europe 6, 8, 10, 180

  Rigel 117

  Rinio, Benedetto 182

  Roderick, King of the Visigoths 66

  Roger, King of Sicily 79

  Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church

  Roman numerals, see numerals

  Rome, Ancient 6–7, 98

  Romulus Augustus, Emperor 1

  Rumi, Jalaluddin 184

  Russia, see also Soviet Union 80, 188, 194

  Sabian community, the 48

  Sabra, Abelhamid 2

  Sacred Mosque, see Mecca

  Safavids, the 82, 85

  Saiyidain, K.G. 185

  Iqbal’s Educational Philosophy (book) 185

  Saliba, George 4, 36

  Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance (book) 4

  Samanids, the 82, 85

  Samarkand 85, 121–2, 126, 210

  Sarah (first wife of Abraham) 21

  Sassanid empire 18, 20, 24, 27, 41, 82, 97

  Saturn 104, 135

  Saudi Arabia 113, 191

-Smith, Emilie 111

  Sayili, Aydin 123

  Sayyid Ahmad Khan 200–1, 206

  Scheherezade 40

  scientific texts, translation of 36–7, 47

  Scotland 196

  Seljuk Turks, the 86–7

  Seville 70, 76, 85–6

  Shamsiya, observatory at 58

  Shelley, Mary 157

  Frankenstein (book) 157

  Shia Islam/Muslims 26, 65, 83, 154

  Shiraz 126

  Sicily 12, 79, 82

  Sinai, Mount 28

  Sindhind, the 124

  Singapore 210

  smallpox, identification of 100

  Soviet Union, the, see also Russia 30, 180

  Spain, see also Andalusia 12–13, 17, 34, 668, 75–80, 85–6, 180

  Spanish Inquisition, the 80

  spices, trade in 20

  Sufi, Muhammad 203

  Sufism 111, 113, 215

  Sumatra 80

  Sumeria 140

  Sunni Islam/Muslims 26, 65

  surgery 76, 88, 108–9

  sword-making 51

  Syria 20, 28, 30, 34, 38, 40, 68, 80, 86

  Tables of Toledo (astronomical tables) 74

  Tallas, battle of 52

  Tamerlane the Great 91–2, 126

  Tariq 66, 124

  Tartars, the 91–2

  Tashkent 85

  Tehran 126

  theology, Islamic 62, 106

  theory of everything, the 77, 107

  Tigris, the 39, 164

  Toledo 13, 70, 73–4, 85–6, 163, 180

  Toledo School, the 70

  Trevelyan, Charles 199

  trigonometry 119, 126, 135, 148, 150, 169

  Tuareg, the 78

  tuberculosis 105

  Tulunids, the 82

  Tunisia 82

  Turkey 17, 28, 48, 98, 123, 161, 164, 209–11

  Tus 132, 155–6

  Tusi Couple, the, see also al-Din al-Tusi, Nasir 134–7

  Ulugh Beg 122, 126

  Umar 26

  Umayyads, the 26, 37, 67, 69, 81, 85

  United States, the 180

  universities, development of 169


  al-Azhar 83, 88, 90, 178

  Bologna 175–6, 180–2

  Cambridge 43, 175, 200

  Columbia 4, 36

  Harvard 2

  London 12

  Manchester 5

  Oxford 111, 175–6, 200

  Padua 175, 180–1

  Paris 137, 175–6, 180

  Siena 175

  Warwick 46, 103, 111

  Yale 43

  Urdu, see languages

  Uthman 26

  Uzbekistan 9, 103, 121, 140

  Vatican library 137

  Venice 182, 188

  Venter, Craig 157

  Victoria, Queen 206

  Visigoths, the 1, 66

  Warwick University, see universities

  Washington, George 101

  water clocks, see clocks

  Watt, James 6

  Yale University, see universities

  Yarmuk, battle of 27–8

  Yemen 12, 20

  Zab, River 38

  Zamzam, well of 21–2

  zero, concept of 141

  Zewail, Ahmed 208


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