Age of Vampyre Series Box Set

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Age of Vampyre Series Box Set Page 30

by Sophia North

  "We spelled Haan's ashes to never be resurrected again."

  "Which means?"

  "He is cursed to remain spirit forever. Without his remains, he has nothing to anchor to on this plane. Well, that was our hope, but we cannot be certain it is fool-proof. Haan's determination to interfere in our world has us asking questions."

  "Seems a bit too convenient to have Penny's safety rely on my breaking into the Great Archives to retrieve what you need," Vlad posed, arching his brow.

  Wilhalf laughed. "Always the sceptic, Vladimir."

  "Don't call me that," he hissed. The use of his full name brought back unpleasant memories from his childhood when he was known as Vladimir the Bastard.

  Wilhalf shrugged, unbothered by his aggressive tone. "Very well, allow me to provide you with some compelling evidence then. How you feel about Penny, that incredible longing you have for her. A longing which you fear. Yes, Barath, I am aware of it," Wilhalf said, watching Vlad shift uncomfortably. "Know this, you are not going to be the only vamp affected by her presence. She will be desired by many. And Haan wants this, craves it."

  Vlad pushed away from the wall. The need to punch something roared within. Penny was his Mate and he be damned if he let another vamp within ten feet of her from now on. "Then I will bring you these fucking papers. Just tell me how to do it. Like you said, Godfrey guards the Archives as if they were his children."

  "Yes, but he likes you. Charm him into allowing you access."

  "Cheers. That is most helpful. Charm the mute into giving me the papers."

  "Oh, no. Those you will need to locate on your own."

  Vlad looked at him in disbelief. "How?"

  Wilhalf laughed and turned towards the Spider. Lifting his staff, the car revved into life. "Trust your instincts. They will guide you. Godspeed, Elder Barath."

  In a flash of blue light, Wilhalf was gone.

  The fucker.

  Vlad raced to the car and got in. He needed to start his search now. The Great Archives were fucking huge and these fucking instincts of his were not tuned to find mystical papers. A hot stock option, yes. But he doubted Haan's medieval mind cared much for commerce.

  "Computer, systems status," he barked, revving the motor to life.

  "All systems are online and operational. You have two new voicemails."

  Thank fuck, he was up and running again. "Play them," he commanded.

  "Message received today at ten, sixteen p.m." The computer announced.

  "Master Vlad, it's Alfred. The Dragon...the dragon is receiving a lot of attention. You need to come to Mitchells right away!"

  "End of message," the computer completed. Vlad held his breath, waiting for the next one. "Next message. Received today at ten, twenty-three p.m."

  "Master Vlad, where are you?! The Dragon wants another vamp fish, she's baited her hook...Master Darius is very interested. Come quick, she's becoming extremely annoyed with me."

  Vlad's eyes shot to the digital clock. It read half-past ten. "How fucking far are we from London?" he barked.

  "From the present location, you are thirty-three miles from Trafalgar Square."

  "Computer, scan the area and bring up the image on screen."

  It was a clear run out of the cave and onto the nearby A24. Vlad hit the accelerator and the car’s tires squealed noisily as he drove into the night.

  Chapter Seven

  TRAFFIC HAD COME TO a stand-still, which made having over one thousand horse-power at his disposal completely useless. Vlad pounded the steering wheel in frustration. He'd made it to Kensington in record time, but even he couldn't defeat Central London Friday night gridlock.

  "This is fucking ridiculous," he growled. "Computer, switch to self-drive and meet me at Mitchell's."

  The Spider blacked out its windows to ensure no one was the wiser that the car was driving itself. "As you command, Elder Barath. Rendezvous, in twenty-seven minutes, thirty-two..."

  Vlad slammed the door shut. He didn't need to hear the particulars. Shimmering through the winding streets, it felt good to run. Clear his head.

  The building desire to haul Penny out of Mitchell's by her flaming red hair, pulsed through his veins. That she dared to go there, knowing he'd forbidden it, infuriated him.

  Swerving effortlessly between pedestrians and vehicles, Vlad arrived at Mitchell's impressive red front doors in record time. The bouncers backed away in immediate recognition as he strode through the doors, his long black leather coat slapping against his boots menacingly with each stride.

  Entering the main reception hall, Vlad scanned it for any sign of his prey. The place was packed with vamps looking for a good time.

  "Elder Barath, what a pleasure to see you again! It's been far too long," the Master of the House, as he preferred to be called, crooned as he emerged from behind the podium he used to keep tabs on the club.

  Vlad was not a fan. The vamp was a fat, slimy piece of shit who ran a nasty little operation below stairs catering to the more debauched sorts, be they human or vamp patrons.

  "Where the fuck is my brother?" Vlad growled, uninterested in the man's ass kissing.

  The portly little pig of a vamp stammered, his grotesque lips coated in bright red lipstick, trembling in fear. Vlad had the power to make his life exceedingly difficult should he choose to do so and they both knew it.

  He wasted no time in telling Vlad what he wanted to know. "In a booth...on the balcony."

  Stalking through the packed hall, the crowd parted in deference of his presence. There were the odd shout outs in greeting as he went, but Vlad didn't bother to return any of them. His focus was on getting to Darius, and if his gut was right, Penny as well.

  The surge of jealousy Vlad felt at the mere thought of Darius touching his woman was dangerous. He had no reason to believe his brother would lay a finger on her. It wasn't in his nature. Darius could be a cunt, but Vlad knew he would never betray him or Dante.

  So why the rage? Wilhalf's words repeated themselves over and over in his brain. If others could feel what Vlad felt for Penny, brotherhood wouldn't matter.

  Bounding up the central stairs to the balcony, the sound of Penny's laughter stopped him in his tracks when he reached the top. And that's when he spotted her.

  Sat in a booth, with Darius beside her, Penny looked like she was having the time of her life. A fact that did nothing to ease his ire, especially as the pair were sitting far too close to one another.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Vlad saw Alfred approaching, about to head off in their direction. In a flash, he grabbed his arm and hauled the servant over to a secluded alcove.

  "Master Vlad, thank the heavens! Where have you been? I've been..."

  Alfred's exclamation was cut short when Vlad leaned in to harshly whisper, "Shut it, Raven. Why the fuck did you allow Penny to come here?"

  "The Dragon is not exactly the most reasonable of women, Master Vlad. What would you have had me do? Tie her to a chair in my Lady's salon?" Alfred returned drolly, dusting down his outfit like it was a non-existent suit. He was dressed in clubbing clothes, but didn't look very comfortable in them.

  Vlad wanted to snap absol-fucking-lutely, but refrained. He couldn't really blame Alfred. The Raven had been desperately trying to reach him to come and sort out this mess.

  "How long has that been going on?" Vlad asked, nodding in Penny and Darius's direction.

  "It's been one vamp after another all night, Master Vlad. I've never seen the like. It's a wonder I've remained in one piece. Holding off horny vampyres is not in my job description," he muttered indignantly.

  Vlad didn't wait to hear anymore. Alfred had just confirmed his worst fear and he was more pissed than ever, if that was even possible.

  "Brother, good to see you," Darius called out magnanimously as Vlad approached their table. "Penny and I..."

  Vlad did not bother with pleasantries. "You're coming with me," he growled at Penny, ignoring Darius completely.

  Pulling her from the
booth to his side, Vlad's gaze travelled the length of her. Her outfit for the evening left little to the imagination. Her full breasts were dangerously close to spilling out of the black leather corset she was wearing.

  "Unhand me, you great oaf!" Penny cried, trying to free herself from his grip.

  Removing his long coat, Vlad wrapped it around her. Those were his breasts and he'd be damned if they were put on display because of her foolhardy attempt to resist his will.

  Penny could not believe his arrogance. And to think, moments ago, she'd actually been excited to see him. That ship had now sailed. She was furious with his behaviour.

  Their exchange was starting to cause a bit of a stir. Vamps were whispering furiously with one another, speculating on what might happen next.

  Vlad did not give a flying fuck. Smiling dangerously at Darius, he met the vamp's gaze head-on. "Evening, brother. I'll deal with you later."

  With that, he picked Penny up, threw her over his shoulder and strode off.

  Pummelling his back, Penny didn't let up. "You're making a scene. I'll never be allowed back here again." The looks of surprise on the faces of those they strode past made her cheeks flame red. How dare he embarrass her in public like this?

  Tightening his grip on her squirming body, Vlad didn't break his stride. "Oh, love - I guarantee you won’t. Hey, shithead," he bellowed at the slimy proprietor hovering near the door, anxiously wringing his hands. "If I ever learn you've admitted this woman again, I'll make it my mission to see your establishment is closed. Permanently."

  "Of course, Elder Barath. Your wish is my command. Never again," he whimpered, keeping his eyes downcast in supplication.

  "My purse! My coat. They're in the..." Penny gasped, realising he wasn't slowing down.

  "Alfred!" Vlad called, knowing the manservant was close behind. "Collect Penny's belongings, will you. She's lost her mind and needs to go home...immediately."

  On that note, Vlad disappeared out the door, with an outraged Penny on his shoulder.

  Chapter Eight

  SILENTLY SEETHING, PENNY sat passenger seat of the Spider with thoughts of murder swirling around in her head. Vlad's behaviour in the club had been outrageous. Did he really think so little of her to believe she would be capable of copping off with one of his best friend's?

  "You can stop your pouting and be thankful I resisted the urge to haul you over my knee and thrash you senseless for being at Mitchells tonight. I believe I made myself perfectly clear on your going there the last time I pulled you out."

  Penny didn't deign to respond. Instead, she stiffened, as if insulted, and turned to stare out the window.

  Vlad looked at her askew, saw her impertinent stance and gunned the Spider faster down a back alley shortcut.

  "Silence. Not the typical female response, and one I'd wouldn't have believed you capable of," he growled. He wasn't in the mood to tolerate any more of her insolence. He wanted to goad her into saying something. Anything. He loathed being ignored.

  Carrying on with the one-sided conversation, Vlad pressed on. "Did you go to Mitchells to make a point? If so, I am mystified as to what you thought it would be," he remarked dryly, shifting gears and squealing onto the Victoria Embankment to head towards Tower Bridge at high speed.

  Penny was amazed by her restraint as much as he. Holding her tongue did not come naturally, but she didn't trust herself to speak. She was tired of not knowing what to say or how to behave with Vlad.

  He ran hot. He ran cold. She couldn't keep up. Maybe it was time to face the truth. They were literally from two different worlds and a future together seemed sillier and sillier to hope for, the further they went with their relationship. Maybe it was time to end it. The thought of it broke her heart, but for the sake of both their sanities, perhaps it would be best.

  "Slow down," Penny warned him, noting the speedometer creeping towards seventy miles an hour.

  "Hark, the Dragon speaks," Vlad quipped, throwing the Spider into third and opening up even more. It was nearing two in the morning and Central London was amazingly quiet for once.

  The Victoria Embankment stretched in a straight line along the river, a thick mist hung low, illuminated by the rosy glow of the lamps dotted regularly down its length. The capital had changed a lot in the last couple of hundred years, but its bones were a gift from a bygone era when the British had a clear vision for its future.

  They'd wanted a society where ingenuity and progress would be viewed by future generations as something to build upon and take to new levels. And few could argue that the British Empire, for all its faults, had done exactly that. The problem was along the way, it lost that 'can do' spirit and the result was its current political mess, which strangely mirrored Lowerton and the vamp world he now inhabited.

  The Spider clipped along at a rapid pace. In the distance the London landmark Tower Bridge was fast approaching. Vlad maintained his speed, deftly manoeuvring the car around any poor soul out on the roads at this time.

  Veering in a wide arc through a particularly complex combination of roundabouts, Vlad ran every red light there was as he curved onto the road that accessed the bridge.

  "For fuck's sake, Vlad. Slow down!" Penny screeched in tune to his tyres as the sports car took the change of direction expertly.

  "Remember this demand of me, Dragon," he murmured enigmatically under his breath, easing off on the speed.

  They drove in silence the rest of the way to her place. Neither quite sure what to say. The tension between them palpable.

  The Spider soon drew up outside her front door. Vlad parked the car. "Computer, after I depart, return to base," he instructed.

  "Post haste, Elder Barath. And if may I be so bold: sunrise in three hours and thirteen minutes. Enjoy the rest of your night," the system replied.

  "Sweet Jesus, the car talks!" Penny yelped in surprise.

  Vlad chuckled at her wide-eyed look. "Yes, the Council has finally modernised. Come, I'll see you safely inside."

  Penny turned to glare at him. "There is no need. We are done for the night," she said haughtily.

  Vlad dangled his keys in front of her outraged face. "Afraid not, sweetness. Unless you've added the ability to walk through solid objects to your list of extraordinary accomplishments."

  "You think I'm extraordinary?" she asked, unable to help herself.

  "You must be to nearly drive me to the brink of madness," he sighed. "Come on, move it. I need a drink to calm the numerous nerves you've managed to hit thanks to your latest antics."

  He pressed a button to open the butterfly doors and in a flash was at her side, offering her his hand. "Allow me to assist you. I fear you may trip on the hem of my coat."

  With a huff, she slipped her hand into his and got out. His long leather coat looked ridiculous, given her small stature. But to Vlad's thinking it was better to have her drowning in his coat than looking as sexy as hell.

  He could do without the distraction of Penny's tight leather corset hugging her body quite so temptingly. Unfortunately, the knowledge of what laid beneath his long coat made her all the more appealing.

  The Spider's doors slid closed, its engine started and the car silently drove away.

  "Amazing. MI6 might be interested in Vamp technology," she said in astonishment.

  Vlad put his arm around her shoulders to escort her to the door. "Who do you think is their biggest supplier?"

  Penny stumbled slightly. "You're teasing me."

  Vlad arched one of his golden brows at her. "If it will help you sleep better, then yes I am. We've never done business with Her Majesty's secret service." He unlocked the door and ushered her in.

  Entering her studio, Penny's cheeks flamed in embarrassment. Her place was a still a wreck from the previous night.

  "My, my Dragon. You are full of fire, aren't you?"

  Moving to clear up the worst of it, she glanced over her shoulder at him. "Where are the drinks you mentioned? The least you can do is make yourself useful

  Vlad cheekily saluted her and turned to wander into the kitchen.

  Returning to her tidying, Penny moved to her studio area, worried that in the midst of her episode she'd damaged her Mystery paintings.

  The first thing she noticed were two new paintings drying on easels. Done on much bigger stretched canvases than her other Mystery works, she was amazed she'd painted them within such few hours. But it was the paintings themselves that really floored her.

  Wow! What had she done?

  The first one she studied was fairly clear to the eye. The image was dominated by a large, tempestuous body of water in the midst of a storm. Huge, menacing waves loomed over a vulnerable harbour where several wooden boats of various sizes were docked. Some of the boats were already damaged or destroyed.

  But it was the way she'd done the ominous looking sky that required closer inspection. It was grey, with several dark clouds and a few forks of lightning. She'd used a swirling style to depict destructive winds and torrents of rain.

  Yet, within these dark swirls, was the outline of a woman's face.

  The technique took her breath away. The obscured face was of a great, vengeful goddess directing the storm at the vulnerable harbour. The swirls of the storm behind her profile made it look as though she had long, dark, wavy hair. Her eyes were almost like stars, beaming horribly down at the carnage below.

  Penny could not believe what she'd produced. It was almost a bit frightening, especially as she could not recall painting it. She must have been in a deep trance-like state.

  "Good lord, woman. Where do you hide the booze?" Vlad boomed from the kitchen.

  Startled from her inspection, she spun round to face him. "There's a bottle of whisky under the sink," she snapped.

  "Of course, why didn't I think to look there? It is obviously where most people keep their drinks cabinet," he replied, exasperated. "Dare I even ask where your glassware might be."

  Penny shot him a withering look, unappreciative of his cheeky comments.


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