A Heart for Adam…& Rick!

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A Heart for Adam…& Rick! Page 1

by Larissa Lyons

  Praise for Larissa Lyons

  for Tied Between Two Lovers ~

  4 Stars from Romantic Times - The chemistry of this sexy threesome romance is hot enough to scorch the pages. Brooks and Lyons have written wonderfully scarred characters who develop into a solid unit able to heal some of those scars.

  4.5 Excellent - This is a fascinating and complex romance and worth every second spent reading. A lover of erotic romance could not ask for a better example of how it should be done. Romance Readers Connection

  for Restrain Me, CAPA nominee for Best Contemporary Erotic Romance of 2009 ~

  5 Hearts - Bo is an absolutely rugged alpha cowboy who will play on the reader's hearts. The naughty, raw, and delightfully submissive loving will have the reader turning page and after page… The Romance Studio

  TOP PICK! 5 Stars - This is the first book in a hilarious series…I think I have fallen in love with the McKenzie family. Terri for Night Owl Romance

  A Heart for Adam…& Rick!

  Larissa Lyons

  *MAD*FACTS* 6000 words • M/F/M Ménage • Contemporary Erotica • WINNER ~ 2009 BetterSex.com Erotic Fiction Contest

  Can one stressed-out mom let go long enough if the rewards promise to be worth it? This one can!

  Two years after being blessed with twin boys, Kelli’s still having a tough time feeling desirable. So when her husband whisks her away for a romantic weekend, complete with chocolate and lake house, she promises herself to leave her exhaustion and inhibitions behind.

  What she’s not expecting is for Adam to seduce her out of her swimsuit just in time for their good friend Rick to arrive—where both men proceed to show her just how sexy she really is.

  *MAD*WARNING* This short erotic story features a harried wife, her loving husband, and a friend of theirs who joins in the fun. Expect melting chocolates and sweaty bodies. Oh, and orgasms—several! This encounter is meant to entice and arouse. Mature audiences only!

  Blurbs and excerpts for Larissa’s other electronic and print titles can be read on her website, LarissaLyons.com.

  A Heart for Adam…& Rick! is dedicated to M.E. whose wisdom and encouragement have helped me tremendously. Thank you a thousand times over (I just had to get a Regency-ism in here somewhere). :-) Larissa

  Published by:


  A Heart for Adam…& Rick! © Larissa Lyons, 2011

  All rights reserved, including the right to decide how to market this book. By law, no part of this publication may be copied, uploaded or transferred to illegal recipients. Please respect the hard work of this author and only read authorized, purchased downloads. All characters are fictional creations; any resemblance to actual persons is unintentional and coincidental.

  Unedited version of A Heart for Adam…& Rick! first published on BetterSex.com.

  Edited by Elizabeth St. John

  Cover by Amanda Kelsey of Razzle Dazzle Design

  Electronic publication: May 2011

  ISBN 978-0-9834711-1-0 (ePub)

  At Literary Madness, we strive to create a book free of typos; if you notice an error, please email so we can correct it. Thank you.



  What the Husband Plots

  I’ve had it with excuses, and my cock’s had it with my hand. Time to prove to my wife she’s still the red-hot woman I married, and if she won’t believe me, maybe it’s time I took Rick up on his offer.

  From the moment we met, I thought Kelli was as hot as they came—firm tits, flat stomach, tight ass. Hair like sunshine glinting off strawberries. I was her first; taught her everything she knows. And I’ve loved it—loved her—the six years we’ve been together.

  But I’m beyond my wits’ end figuring out how to light her fire and give her back her confidence now that the babies and “damn cellulite” (her words, not mine) have arrived. To hear Kelli say it, “firm, flat and tight” now equal “saggy, baggy and pudgy”.

  Which is ridiculous—she’s still damn gorgeous, as are the two rambunctious boys she’s given me. Ever since I flipped the calendar over to the new year, I keep thinking it’s time I gave her something in return.

  Something special—that confidence she seems to have lost now that we have twin toddlers running around who keep us both on our toes but who also keep Kelli from taking any time for herself.

  “I just don’t feel sexy anymore,” she confesses in a whisper then ducks into the bathroom with an apologetic shrug as if embarrassed by the admission, but not about to let me get close to her physically…using the asinine excuse of an extra pound or two, a faded stretch mark or three to keep me far, far away.

  So, she won’t believe me when I tell her how hot she still is?

  Well, maybe she’ll believe Rick…

  Chapter One

  What the Wife Thinks

  “Gravy boat,” I murmured as the late-morning sun warmed every inch of my oiled body not covered by my husband’s massaging fingers.

  “Gravy boat, huh?” Adam roved dangerously close to that intimate part of me that had never seen the light of day before now, the part that was sweating with pure, liquid lust, teasing me, taunting me before retreating to smooth his hands over my buttocks.

  It was shaping up to be the best Valentine’s on record. Adam had whisked me out to the very lake house we’d rented to celebrate our engagement. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed. Any more and I’d melt right to the deck—that or dissolve in a puddle of pure sexual want.

  Today was the first time in ages I didn’t have one ear cocked for the two-year-olds’ cries, crashes or calls of Mommy! I’d become so attuned to listening for. The first time in ages I felt completely connected to myself and in my own skin. Now if I could just quit worrying about what the view of my plump rump looked like from Adam’s perspective…

  Squinting, I angled my neck to glance up at him. “Yup. Gravy boat.”

  “I’ve got my wife alone for the first time in years, got my—” he paused to pick up the bottle of massage oil and drip some more over my lower back, reading the label while he did so, “Plumeria Passion’ed gloppy hands all over her naked backside and she’s thinking gravy boats?”

  “Um-hmm.” Closing my eyes, I stifled a chuckle and rested my head on my arms. I felt way too good to worry about my bulgy bottom. Or why we hadn’t thought to do this sooner. “But not just any gravy boat. Great Aunt Sophie’s gravy boat,” I stressed. “The sterling Sheffield from the ’30s. Mom’s been after me to let her have it. Think I’ll offer up the boys instead. Will she go for it, do you think?”

  Adam leaned forward and rubbed the flowery-smelling oil over my shoulders. I felt his hard, muscular thigh graze against me. Mmmm. I’d just decided lake houses with outdoor, fenced decks—complete with a Jacuzzi and full-length lounge chairs—were better than homemade brownies. With icing.

  “Let me get this straight.” Adam interrupted my chocolate reverie. “You’re offering to trade our sons in lieu of a gravy boat?” He punctuated the question by biting down on my ear the same second he slapped one side of my ass.

  I reared up, another long-missed flare of need crashing through me. He’d been doing this since we left the kids at my mom’s last night—keeping me in a near-constant state of arousal. Without once giving me satisfaction. Or his cock!

  For months now, he’s been pestering me for sex. Nuh-uh. Pester isn’t the right word…hinting. Strongly hinting. But it’s difficult to feel sexy on command with B-cup breasts gone XXL from nursing two babies. With a stomach that won’t go concave no matter how many sets of hundreds I do. With the expectation of being interrupted any second. But not today, I reminded myself. Today—heck, the entir
e weekend—was all ours and I could feel every cell of my body responding to that knowledge.

  When I didn’t answer soon enough, he sucked the lobe of my ear inside his mouth and spanked me again. I just might be quiet more often.

  A couple slaps later, after he’d thoroughly heated my bottom, he wedged the tips of his fingers in my crack, sliding them down until he nudged my anus. I groaned and widened my thighs, my pelvis pressing into the towel-covered deck chair just as my head tilted toward his tormenting tongue.

  “You gonna keep teasing me all day or do something about it, Romeo?” I tried to lift onto my knees, press my butt against his probing fingers, but he released my ear and pushed me down with one hand lodged between my shoulder blades.

  “Not yet. Close your eyes.”

  “Already done.” The distinctive clunk of a car door heralded the arrival of neighbors.

  “Darn it,” I whispered. “Someone’s rented the other half.” The bi-level lake house was a mirrored duplex, each side having two bedrooms upstairs, a huge sunken living room and well-stocked kitchen downstairs, plus the pièce de résistance—the fabulous deck outside.

  The rental opposite ours had been vacant when we’d arrived late last night, and after dipping in the Jacuzzi together, Adam had lovingly dried me off, slowly escorted me to our bedroom, thoroughly kissed me good night then—despite my every expectation—promptly fell asleep.

  Leaving me horny and aching for the first time since I don’t know how long.

  Then this morning he’d woken stiff. I’d woken agreeable.

  And yet… Yet he’d hustled us outside where he’d plied love words and plumeria until he sweet-talked me plumb out of my one-piece and I now lay languorously languishing—with a very revved libido—under the expert seduction of my nimble-fingered spouse. One who caressed my nape and assured, “Never mind about that. We won’t be interrupted.”

  “Better not be,” I grumbled, tempted to roll over and pull him down on top of me—oily-slick skin and all. Bet I could get him out of his swim trunks and inside me in five seconds flat but, drat it, remnants of self-consciousness held me back. We were outside. What if a helicopter flew overhead? A bird? Okay, that was silly, but still…

  “Let’s go upstairs. To the bedroom,” I suggested instead.

  “Let’s not.” His voice was firm. As were his fingers.

  He pushed them lower and found my aching pussy. Wet and ready. He wiggled them inside. I arched back in invitation then I heard something behind us. I froze. “What—”

  Adam turned my face with the hand at my nape and thrust his tongue in my mouth.

  “Mmm,” I moaned around the sensual intrusion, loving how he stroked his tongue deliberately against mine. Loving him.

  Still kissing me, he moved to the side. I felt the pressure of his massaging fingers change and I moaned again, glad we’d remained outside, ready to give myself up to whatever he wanted—if he’d only satisfy the ache he’d been building since yesterday. All week, if I counted the unexpected gifts and sexy little notes he’d placed strategically throughout the house, priming me for “The Best Valentine’s Day Weekend” ever.

  Fingers against my cheek, he kissed me deep, sucking on my tongue before finally releasing my mouth to stare into my eyes. He cleared his throat. “Kelli. I have a surprise for you. Something that, uh…” Was he blushing? Adam—blushing?

  The fingers between my legs flexed. A deep groan rumbled and I squealed. Squeaked! Screamed as I saw both Adam’s hands scrub at his jaw. With a startled yelp, I scrambled to flip over and found myself staring into the smiling eyes of our closest friend. “Rick!” Rick? “What are you— Eeeeeeiiiiii! My robe!”

  I’d had a hard enough time letting Adam see me naked this morning, I couldn’t imagine strutting around nude for anyone else. Especially not Rick—the only man besides my husband I’ve ever even remotely considered in a sexual way.

  As I lunged for the heart-covered pink and red terrycloth (one of this week’s gifts), both men grappled on either side of me and caught an arm, pushing me back down until I lay on the lounge chair, blinking up at them.

  Leaving me heaving with embarrassment (or was that excitement?), straining with shame (or simply confusion?). Whatever mixed-up emotions were swirling through me, they paled in comparison to the sun-bright vision my eyes slowly grew accustomed to, granting me the sexiest, most horny-inducingest sight on the planet: Adam—dark-haired, lightly furred, muscular Adam, and bare-chested, sandy-haired Rick, that patented devil-may-care glint sparking in his eyes.

  The dork was wearing his straw cowboy hat, a Speedo and nothing else.

  It was the first time since his ex-wife left him for the lure of Nashville and his marriage went south I’d seen that ol’ relaxed, dimpled grin on his features.

  “No robe, sweetheart,” Adam said, drawing my attention. “Rick’s here at my request, and trust me, clothes do not enter into the equation.”

  “Sure don’t,” Rick chimed in, leaning over until he blocked out the sun and hovered directly above my face. He winked. “Got a duty to perform.”

  “Duty?” I repeated. At the word, the boiling desire heating my insides cooled a fraction. I avoided looking at my naked self in the mirror these days; how could the thought of my two best friends from college seeing me this way turn me on so much? Impossible!

  Though there was no denying I was already so very excited, and at the thought of Rick joining us? Oh God.

  But what did he mean by duty? I squeezed my eyes shut and tugged against their unrelenting grips, all the while praying they wouldn’t let go. Four strong hands tightened along my arms. The sun beat down from overhead. My insides were melting like chocolate hearts left on the dash, oozing with the proof of my growing passion. “I’m dying of mortification here,” I confessed, eyes still clamped shut. “Can you both please leave me to expire in peace?”

  “Oh, you’re gonna die all right, Kelli mine,” Adam said so seductively I pried one eye open. He was gazing at my breasts…and licking his lips. “Die of pleasure.”

  “Of orgasms,” Rick promised. My other eye rebelliously flicked open. Rick was staring at my recently shaved pubic hair. “Well, well. What have we here?”

  Oh shit! I’d trimmed the reddish-blonde tufts into the shape of a heart to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the style I knew Adam wanted. It’d been awkward enough—the thought of having him see my “gift”; it certainly wasn’t intended for anyone else! Though before I could breathe my last, Rick added in a deep baritone better suited to smokey dives than sunlit patios, “Multiple orgasms.”

  A bead of moisture slid from my depths and began a slow, tortuous glide toward my ass. When Rick leaned in closer and brought his face to mine—moving one hand over to trace that stupid heart!—I started gasping for air.

  Adam pressed a kiss to my heated cheek. “If you don’t want this, say sassafras right now and we’ll stop. Otherwise…”

  “Sassafras?” I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s our safe word?”

  As one, their remaining fingers tightened along my outstretched arms. Rick kicked up one side of his lips. “You sayin’ it, Kelli cutie?”

  “Ah…mmm.” I kept my mouth shut. Firmly shut. In response to Rick’s exploring fingertip, I clamped my aching thighs together and squeezed.

  Rick looked over at Adam. “Appears the lady doesn’t protest too much.”

  My husband trailed his hand up my arm and threaded his fingers in my hair. “I noticed that. Also noticed she’s the one who brought up the term ‘safe word’. Think our little gal here has been giving this scenario some thought?”

  Rick dragged his blunt fingernails up my shorn mons. “Hope so. I know since my ex said adios, I’ve been hankerin’ for some lovin’ from Kelli here. Hell, even before.”

  My eyes widened at that admission. I may have thought about it a time or two, but Rick certainly hadn’t ever so much as hinted at how he felt.

  Chapter Two

  What She Fi
nally Realizes

  Really? Rick had wanted me? Considered me…sexually? Before his marriage ended? Or was that just a line?

  Doubt must’ve shown on my face because Adam flexed his fingers on my scalp, regaining my full attention. Well, as much of it as I could pull from the seductive lure highlighting Rick’s familiar features.

  “He’s talking true,” Adam said. “Has claimed several times he wished he’d been smart enough to snap you up for himself since I called dibs junior year. So what do you have to say, sweetheart? Not ‘sassafras’, I hope.”

  “Mmm,” squeaked from behind my closed lips as my gaze flicked between them.

  Rick tipped his cowboy hat back and kissed my bottom lip then started working his way down my chin…my neck…

  All the while, Adam kept up a litany of love words. Words I’d been too stubborn or maybe simply too harried to hear lately. But I was listening now. “…since I decided you needed more convincing, Rick’s joined us at my invitation,” Adam was saying. “He’s told me more than once how much he’d like to fuck my fine, beautiful wife. Why do you think that is, Kelli mine?”

  “Mmm.” I bit my bottom lip when Rick’s mouth closed around a nipple. Bit my top lip when he pried my clenched thighs open and speared his fingers past the pointy vee of that shaved heart to start pushing my swollen inner folds apart.

  Adam blew a stream of hot air into my ear. “Since you didn’t answer me and his mouth is busy, think I’ll answer that question myself. Rick has dreamed of fucking you because you’re real. You, my love, are a knock-out. A flesh-and-blood woman who bakes pizza on Friday nights, cleans the house on Saturdays, and lets me and the boys park our carcasses on the couch for football on Sundays. Because you’re the hottest thing on two legs, and that sexy, round ass of yours draws every man’s attention when you walk by. Because—”


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