River Falls: The Wolves

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River Falls: The Wolves Page 27

by Lizzie Wildblood

  “No, It’s not what you think. Logan didn’t do this. I hit a deer in the road and crashed the car. Logan and his friends found me, and took me back to his house. He has a relative who is a doctor staying with them."

  “Really, you expect me to believe that. Alex you don’t drive, stop making excuses for him.” Its actually getting under my skin now that he is even saying what he is. That Logan would hurt me. I’m finding out that I don’t like it when he says things that aren’t nice or true about Logan. I suppose it has something to do with the mate bond.

  “Yes Chris actually, I do expect you to believe me. Go check for the car if you want. It's not there, it’s lying on its side with the front screen smashed out. Logan saved me, and then his family has done nothing but be nice to me and take care of me since. Not that I even have to explain any of that to you.” I’m trying to not raise my voice too much, conscious that there’s a werewolf outside with super hearing, and I’m not sure how super it actually is.

  “Damn it Alex, can't you see he’s just after one thing with you and is now using this as an excuse. Well that’s if he didn’t already get it, I mean you did get back home half naked wearing his clothes.” All thoughts of keeping my voice low has just flown out the window along with any sense of guilt I had.

  “How dare you say that? So tell me how is he any different to you? What is it exactly you want from me, because from where I was standing the other day when you kissed me it's sure not friendship.”

  “You know full well what I want. I’ve never hid that from you, but a quickie when you’ve been in a car crash wasn’t it. I was foolish enough to think you actually wanted the same thing. Guess you’re just a really good actress, hey maybe that’s a career choice for you.” He starts pacing away from me, the guilt starting to seep back in. There was truth in his words and the truths always hurts the most.

  I did lead him on.

  “Chris I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this. I really do like you and I couldn’t imagine living here in this town with out you, but I’m sorry I don’t feel the same way. I thought I could. I wanted to. I really did, I tried, but with him, I can’t explain it. I’m sorry Chris, Please tell me what I can do, I can make this up to you; I can.” I suddenly panic that I’m about to loose the best friend I have in River Falls. The one person who has been there for me whenever I needed them.

  “Choose me, stay away from him, like you promised to. I thought your promises meant something.” I think my heart just stopped.

  “Chris, That’s not fair.” I know I’m being selfish but I want them both in my life.

  “Just think about it Alex, we could be good together. We are good together, you know I’m right. If you didn’t have any feelings for me, you would have punched me or pushed me away when I kissed you. I told you what I was about to do. All you had to do was say no. But you didn’t. You responded, You kissed me back. I know you feel something for me.” He comes to stand in front of me again and takes my hands in his.

  “You know its true baby. I can make you happy.” I pull my hands from his and wrap them around myself.

  “Okay yes it is true, I do feel something for you and I know you make me happy, but it’s just not that simple Chris. I’m sorry.” I take a few small steps away from him and drop my gaze from his.

  “It actually is simple Alex, It’s me or him I won't live like this anymore.

  You need to choose.”


  River Falls

  The Rogues



  A noise outside the window wakes me while its still dark out and I get up to look out the window. The last person I thought I would see, is standing there.


  I don’t know whether to be happy he’s here or not. I’m not too sure what Logan would do if he saw him here.

  He’s just stood there. Staring up to the window of Logan’s room. I’m not even sure how he knew what room I was in. What on earth was he thinking of coming here?

  I quickly slip on a hoodie and my trainers and quietly make my way down stairs. Just as I expected everyone else is in bed, so thankfully no one can see me. Trying to remember my way around the house I find the backdoor and slip out into the cold night air.

  I quickly spot Chris. He is still just stood in the same place but this time his face is directed at me.

  I want to shout out to him, to ask him what on earth he is doing here? But I don’t want to risk someone hearing me and finding him. I don’t know what they think of humans being here on their pack land. As I’m getting closer to him I notice a dark shadow moving behind him. This time though I do call out to him.... But no sound comes from my lips.

  The shadow is getting closer to him now so I start to run, to warn him. He is so focused on me, he doesn’t even realise the danger he has placed himself in. I tried to warn him, I did. I told him to be careful, but he didn’t listen. Why didn't he read my message?

  I try shouting at him again, to tell him to run, but yet again no sound comes out.

  I point towards the shadow, I can see what it is now.

  A huge wolf, and its no stranger to me, I’ve seen it before; and just like before it fills me with fear, and panic sets in.

  I can feel the tears start to run down my cheeks and even though I’m running to get to Chris he is still the same distance away he was when I started running. I feel like I’m on a treadmill. Running, but not going anywhere.

  I yell over and over but nothing happens. He doesn’t move, or respond. I don’t understand why he isn’t moving. Why hasn’t he noticed the grey wolf stalking towards him. I push myself to get there faster but again I get nowhere.

  I shout louder trying with all my might to make Chris hear me. To save him. I need to save him.

  But I don’t try hard enough, I finally get close enough for him to look me in the eye. The look that I will never forget or be able to remove from my memory. His bright eyes have lost all their sparkle, and they are full of hurt and betrayal. I betrayed him, I hurt him.

  I didn’t choose him.

  I couldn’t save him.

  Books In This Series

  River Falls

  When new girl Alexia Johnson is brought to town by her aunt after tragedy had struck their family she is thrown into a world she never thought was possible.

  Along with some friends Alex tries to navigate her way through the drama of high school, gaining the attention of two of the hottest guys in school and a mysterious stranger who keeps sending her messages claiming her for himself.

  Her life is tipped on its axis again when she discovers the thing’s she always thought to be myths and stories might actually be very real and living in her new home town, and will play a much bigger part in her life than she bargained for.

  Finding her heart torn between a best friend who openly makes his feelings known and a guy who makes her heart stop beating with just one look…

  Who will she choose?

  Will she follow her head or her heart?

  With the help of her new friends Alexia must overcome the loss of her parents and learn to trust herself to make the right decisions and choices in her life.

  Should she give in to destiny or create a new path for herself?

  The Wolves

  Alexia Johnson's life was turned upside down when her parents both died in a car crash, now moving to a new town to live with her aunt she finds out what it's like to be the new girl.

  Along with her new friends Alex tries to navigate her way through the drama of high school, gaining the attention of two of the hottest guys in school and a mysterious stranger who keeps sending her messages claiming her for himself.

  Her life is tipped on its axis again when she finds that thing’s she always thought to be myths and stories might actually be very real and living in her new home town, and will play a much bigger part in her life than she bargained for.

  Who will she choose?

  Will she follow
her head or her heart?

  The Rogues

  Continue Alex, Logan and Chris' journey in the second book in the series.

  When Alexia came to River Falls she never envisioned being thrown into a world of werewolves and her heart being divided and made to choose between two of the greatest guys she has ever met.

  Is it possible to love two people at the same time?

  With new friends Alex learns more about the werewolf world and discovers more about the identity of the mysterious stranger that caused her to crash her car and is still threatening to claim her as his own.

  When the unthinkable happens Alex must find the courage to fight for what she wants and the fight to survive.

  The Warriors

  When Amber was taken with her best friend, she discovered that monsters really did exsist; now she is stuck with the scars of her past, both inside and out.

  What happens when she finds that the only place she feels truly safe is with one of the monsters.

  Follow the lives of the Warriors of River Falls as one of them discovers the war is never over, and second chances only come once in a blue moon.

  The Hunters

  Chris had come to terms with having the only girl he ever loved not love him in return, staying away from River Falls and Alex was a wise choice to make, but when fate decides to intervine in his life, going back home may just be the wisest choice of them all.

  About The Author

  Lizzie Wildblood

  Lizzie lives in the middle of the beautiful english countryside with her husband, two children and two dogs. River Falls - The Wolves is her dubut novel, And part of a four book series.




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