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Pinprick Page 14

by Matthew Cash

  “I bet they felt the full wrath of the village, going in league with the enemy.”

  Jennifer smirked as they passed the window of the shop. The sign hanging on the glass said closed. Shane stopped dead in his tracks as a fluorescent orange poster caught his eye. Jennifer stopped too and arched her eyebrows in surprise.

  “Isn’t he the writer of that comic you had?”

  Shane nodded but still stared at the poster. ‘Mark Somerfield’s London Leaves 20th Anniversary Edition, Book Signing Event.’

  Paranoia seeped into his mind as he felt more and more like everything around him was preordained. The book-signing was the next morning, before he was due to leave.

  His gut instinct told him to just ignore the event and just go back to London. He tried to tell himself there would be other signings, but then he remembered that the author was a recluse who didn’t do many signings.

  And now that he thought about it, he recalled reading an article in a newspaper a few years back, about how Somerfield had moved to the middle of nowhere in rural East Anglia, but here? Everything was too coincidental.

  “That’s awesome then, you’ll have plenty of time to go to that before your train. At least if you go to a signing in a shitty little village you might get to talk to the man,” Jennifer said cheerfully.

  Even though his instinct told him to run he had to admit she had a point.

  “I’ll be there.”

  The only familiar feature in the pub was the wishing well that stood to the left of the bar. The little wooden well had been treated and cleaned up since he first came in with his dad as a kid. He used to stare down into its dark depths morbidly wondering what it would be like to fall in. He ran his fingers over the old wood and fished out his wallet.

  “You’re not going to throw money down are you?” Jennifer said surprised her uncle believed in wishing well magic.

  Shane nodded.

  “I’m sure the proceeds are given to some charitable organization, they always used to be.”

  He didn’t have any coins in his wallet and he wasn’t going to throw paper money down there. He smirked as an idea crept into his head.

  “Well I hope it takes plastic!” Shane said and Jennifer saw a blue credit card between his first and second finger. She gasped out aloud as he casually flicked the card into the well. Shane chuckled at her shocked expression but his laughter was instantly diminished when he realised he’d thrown his new, rather than defunct, credit card into the well.

  “Shit it’s the wrong bloody card!” Shane said and held his breath as Jennifer tried to reach the card.

  Jennifer burst out laughing.

  Shane peered over the edge. It was a miracle! His card was suspended mid-air in the tattered remnants of an old spider’s web about two feet down below the metal safety grid.

  “I-can’t-quiet-reach-it,” Jennifer stretched one arm down with her face turned up, “I need longer arms. Don’t want to knock it down.” She pulled her hand back through the metal grid and stood up.

  Jennifer giggled as her gangly uncle bent over the edge of the well, one bony leg pointed out like a ballet dancer, to reach his card.

  As his fingertips brushed a corner of the card he stared down the well. A sudden blast of putrid air erupted from the well like a belch that reminded him of rotting meat. and Shane’s stomach rolled and immediately released a burning torrent of bile. The stench clogged up his nostrils and made his eyes stream. He could even taste it. More and more stomach acid splashed over his lips as he retched into the depths.

  A tiny light, just a pinprick, shone up from far down into the well. Even though the light was small it seemed as bright as a sun beam. It shot up into his eyes and seemed to ignite the tinnitus in his head.

  A purple-tinged flashback;

  “Come on.” One of his friends jumped over a low wall and everything fell into silence…

  Hands on his shoulders hauled him backwards…

  Shane sat on the floor of the pub drinking a pint of water. His niece and a stranger stared down at him. The man, who looked to be in his early fifties, offered him a hand. Shane accepted it and allowed the man to heave him to his feet. The man was taller than Shane’s six feet, and thick set. He had a ruddy complexion above a bushy brown beard. He was dressed in a three piece tweed suit, complete with silver fob watch.

  “Thanks,” Shane muttered as he wiped perspiration from his face with a hand.

  “My name’s Brian Dury and you must be Brantham’s celebrity” he said warmly, with a presence which reminded Shane of Brian Blessed.

  My God, thought Shane, a villager that hasn’t scowled at me!

  “Yes. I s’pose I am,” Shane began, “So you own the booksellers?”

  “Yes indeed!” Brian Dury said jovially. “My pride and joy is that there shop!”

  “Well, thanks for giving me a hand there,” Shane nodded in the direction of the wishing well. He placed the credit card he was still holding back in his wallet.

  “Don’t mention it, lucky I was here having a sneaky ale. I’m about to open up for the afternoon. Would you care for some refreshments? I’m sure you could do with some more water and I’m positive young Jennifer here would love some of my daughter’s lemonade.” He smiled and winked at Jennifer.

  Shane raised a quizzical eyebrow at Jennifer who smiled back with a hint of embarrassment.

  The shop was bigger than he expected, the building had been opened up at the back and a large extension built. Shane pretended to listen as Dury explained about how all the furniture and shelves were made from materials sourced locally.

  “We had to wait so long for these units to be made Morgan thought we’d never open…”

  Shane nodded politely, and regretted taking Dury up on his offer of showing him the shop. The man could talk for England and he couldn’t get a word in edgeways. Jennifer vanished into the rows of books and left them to it. Shane was about to make an excuse to leave when a woman’s voice broke through his train of thought.

  “Ah I thought I heard voices,” Shane turned to the owner of the voice, a petite young lady with long raven black hair. She had unusually pale skin that enhanced her dark almond-shaped eyes. She wore a black blouse and an ankle length skirt.

  “Speak of the devil! This is my daughter Morgan,” Dury said introducing the woman with pride. Morgan moved to Dury’s side. “This is our local celebrity Shane Colbert.”

  Morgan smiled showing perfect white teeth.

  “Pleased to meet you at last Mr Colbert, I’ve heard so much about you,” she stepped forward offering her small hand. Shane shook her hand enjoying the touch of her smooth skin.

  “I would say that I hope it’s all good, but seeing as I’m not the most popular person around here I doubt that’s the case.”

  Her brow crinkled. “What a terrible ordeal you went through at your dear mother’s wake. It’s such a shame people can’t express their feelings in private.”

  “Oh,” he said taken aback. “You were there?”

  Morgan nodded. “Of course Mr Colbert. Your mother was a good woman.”

  “That she was, that she was,” Dury said soberly beside her.

  “Your mother was a good customer to us. Whenever there was a latest publication of a TV chef’s book she’d be in to snap it up,” she reminisced. “She was forever watching them on TV and recreating their recipes.”

  Shane didn’t know this about his mother but it didn’t really come as a surprise.

  “I think she used to carry a torch for Keith Floyd.”

  Dury let out a booming laugh at that, whereas Morgan laughed gently and held a hand in front of her mouth.

  “We all have our guilty pleasures Mr Colbert,” Morgan said and turned to her father as if awaiting instruction. Dury patted her on the back and mumbled quietly to her. Shane watched with disappointment as Morgan sped off out of the back of the shop.

  Dury led Shane to set of leather chairs amongst the shelves and sat down.

p; “Catherine tells me you travel a lot?”

  “Yes. I’ve been very fortunate.”

  “It’s good to meet another man of the world,” Dury chuckled. “I’ve been all over myself. From Timbuktu to Alaska you name it I’ve been there. It all started with-” He launched into a long list of places he’d visited while Shane wondered if Morgan was going to come back.

  “…after New Orleans we travelled up to-”

  “There you are,” said Shane with ill-disguised relief as Jennifer appeared. He looked at his wristwatch. “Would you look at the time! We should go or your mum will wonder what’s happened to us.

  “Before you go – do you like reading sci-fi?” Dury asked puffing out his moustache. “We’ve got a famous author Mark Somerfield coming in for a book signing tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. I’m a big fan as it happens.”

  “In that case you should come along and I’ll arrange for you to meet him afterwards.”

  “Really?” Despite his earlier doubts, Shane felt like Christmas had come early.

  “Yes. It’s no trouble. He’s a friend of mine.”

  Shane left the shop with a spring in his step.

  They had gone back into The Bull and this time stayed away from the wishing well. The barman gave Shane a disgusted look. Shane suggested that maybe a pipe or something had leaked into the well which could be what caused the smell. The barman not wanting to taint the reputation of his pub said he would get it sorted immediately.

  Shane looked at the finger shaped bruise on his hand. It was proof he wasn’t mad and if he wasn’t mad… then what was happening to him? There was something going on here. The village held the answers and he was determined to uncover them. He decided that when he returned to London the next day he would look into hiring yet another investigator.

  Jennifer had asked him something.

  “Sorry Jen my mind was elsewhere.”

  “Never mind. Is there anywhere else you want to see in the village before you go back tomorrow?”

  “Now that you mention it, something tells me I should go to the Decoy Pond before I go back. It’s where me and Johnny-” Jennifer watched as Shane’s jaw dropped and he stared in horror over her shoulder. She felt the hairs on her arms stand rigid. Her skin crawled as the temperature in the room dropped rapidly. Fear stopped her from turning round.

  The lights faded in their alcove and she felt herself go rigid in horror as she heard a rasping breath behind her; on the edge of her peripheral vision stood a dark figure.

  “Johnny!” Shane whispered, hoarse with fright. It was Johnny, but it was Johnny fallen through the ice. The skin on his face was pale grey and blue round the mouth and eyes. Ice particles formed on his wet hair and his winter clothes hung heavy and wet. His black mouth yawned wide and dark pond water ran in a constant stream. When he spoke his tongue undulated like a black slug around the slurred words.

  “You must leave this place,” every word was a chore to say. “If you stay here now you will be here forever. Brantham is rotting; its core is black and infested with the bodies of thousands. Go and let it be over.”

  “What, I don’t understand?” Shane managed to find his voice. “Tell me Johnny, tell me what to do!”

  The apparition of his lost friend staggered across the room towards the wishing well, leaving a trail of sodden footprints that soaked into the carpet. Johnny leant on the well and looked mournfully over his shoulder at Shane.

  “Go!” A strange smile took over his face and he vanished over the side and into the well.

  Enough was enough; Shane got shakily to his feet. He wiped his face on the back of his hand and didn’t care that his nose was bleeding again. He was going to get out of this place as soon as possible.

  As he staggered out of the pub the bright sunshine smacked him in the face and made his head giddy. He needed to get to the station and leave, whatever he left at Catherine’s could be replaced. He had to get away from this village for good. Fuck Catherine, fuck Jack and fuck his nieces. Wartburg could have the house and the land; the sooner this village destroyed itself the better. Fuck them all.

  Something had gone terribly wrong inside his head. He felt drugged and could only manage a few steps before everything started spinning. He fell and struck his cheek against the glass front of Dury’s bookshop. He slid down like a drunk onto the pavement. His heart thundered in his chest and throat. He stared at blue sky.

  When he came round he was sitting in the leather chair back in the bookshop. Dots of daylight shone through the closed metal shutters over the windows and door. In the chair opposite him was a giant of a man with a full head of auburn hair flecked with grey. He’d only ever seen the man once in person twenty years ago. Mark Somerfield.

  He tried to get up but a strong pair of hands pushed him down and Brian Dury said calmly, “Don’t try and get up my boy, you’ll only go and fall over again.”

  “What’s going on?” Shane asked, his throat felt rough as though he’d swallowed a pint of sand.

  “It’s been twenty years since you lost your friends Shane,” Somerfield spoke with a slight West Midland twang. “Soon you will have your answers but there are things that need to be done first.”

  Morgan appeared from behind him carrying a tray. Somerfield stood up and took a large syringe from it and flicked the needle. Shane struggled against Dury but the big man overpowered him and held him still. Somerfield jabbed the needle into his arm. Darkness closed in.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The door slammed shut and Jennifer rushed at her mum with a hug.

  “What’s wrong?” This wasn’t like her.

  “He’s gone mum. We went to the pub and he was sick in the well. Then when we went back, there was this weird shadow just behind me and he was staring at it and acting really weird like he’d seen a ghost and then he ran off.”

  Catherine couldn’t believe her useless piece of shit brother had up and left without saying goodbye. She’d spent all morning trying to persuade Jack to be civil when he returned from work since Shane was due to leave in the morning and probably would never come back again. She just wanted him to leave on good terms.

  “He ran off and I couldn’t find him anywhere and then Morgan Dury said she saw him get into a taxi and speed off.”

  When Jennifer calmed down a bit she went to her room for a nap, giving Catherine a moment to look in the guest room. Shane had left all his new clothes and an expensive looking briefcase that was locked with a combination.

  She would give the clothes to the collection for the school jumble sale when they next came round. There was no point in doing anything drastic to the briefcase just in case he came back for it.

  Maybe things would get better now, she thought, we can all just get on with the rest of our lives.

  Her brother had always run from everything. His friends’ disappearance probably had something to do with him, and even then his subconscious ran away from whatever he had witnessed. He ran from the village now, as he did back then when he went to university. If he stayed here the people, eventually, would have accepted what had happened. Maybe they would have even started to believe his story.

  To strike up such a bond with Jennifer, such a bright impressionable girl, only to cast her aside when things got too much was just wrong. She was furious at him for hurting her.


  He was cold and uncomfortable, tied to a capsized wooden chair. A puddle of dried vomit stuck his face to the rug. An open doorway revealed the end of a single mattress lying on the floor. Morgan lay on the mattress, her long black hair fanned out across the floor towards the open doorway. Dury held her left hand in his and made soothing shushing noises to her. Shane could see one of her long bony arms stretched out, muscles taught, fistful of mattress. What the hell were they doing to her?

  Shane said nothing as he saw Somerfield pull on purple latex gloves and reach for something out of sight. A metal kidney dish. He put the dish on the floor and selected a pair of long s
ilver surgical tweezers.

  Somerfield looked at Dury, “Ready?”

  Dury placed a hand each side of her head and nodded. Somerfield looked down at Morgan, “Ready?”

  Her breasts rose and fell rapidly. The way she lay cast her hair to the floor like a black waterfall. As Somerfield lowered the tweezers towards her face Shane had to unstick his face from the sick on the floor to see what they were doing. He saw a sliver of black curved needle clamped in the tweezers, trailing black thread. He watched through groggy eyes as Somerfield moved the needle towards Morgan’s face. Morgan whimpered and flinched slightly as her father mumbled some kind of mantra in her ear. Shane’s tongue was a dry piece of meat in his mouth. He had to do something to stop this insanity. He licked his lips as Somerfield worked steadily with no resistance from Morgan or Dury.

  “What are you doing?” Shane croaked at them. Dury was startled slightly but took his daughter’s hand in his. Somerfield got to his feet and began searching for something.

  “What are you doing to her?” His throat felt raw as he shouted. Somerfield clambered clumsily over the mattress, another hypodermic syringe in his hand. There was no way they were going to knock him out again. When Somerfield’s ankle was close enough Shane bit down hard on Somerfield’s Achilles tendon, tasting dirt, sweat and blood. Somerfield shrieked like an animal caught in a bear trap. He bent over and beat at Shane’s head with one huge fist but Shane held on, fighting the pain in his jaw. He only released his grip when he heard Morgan’s voice close to him.

  “Shane, please stop biting Mark’s ankle.”

  Shane let go, spat blood onto the floor and stared in horror at Morgan’s face. Her right eye was almost completely sewn shut. From the corner of her eye the thread and needle hung and swung. Despite the crude black stitches over her delicate eyelid, there was little blood. Now that she had his complete attention she smiled, that pretty smile now seemingly sinister. She reminded him of an unfinished shrunken head.

  “Now Shane, believe me if it was an option for you to keep your eyes shut, then we would have done it when you were asleep but unfortunately it isn’t.’ She reached up and snatched the hypodermic off Somerfield. “We don’t need your mouth though.” Morgan grinned as she jabbed him in the shoulder with the needle.


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