Ray of Light

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Ray of Light Page 18

by E. L. Todd

  I made a gagging face.

  “You have yourself a deal,” Rae said.

  “Good,” he said. “I expect you here by nine. What are you guys doing anyway?”

  “We’re going to go to the arcade.” Rae waited on the line for him to say something.

  He was quiet for a long time. “The arcade?” The sound of longing was unmistakable. “Like, the big one downtown?”

  “Yes.” Rae smiled because she knew where this was going.

  “Well…can I come along?” he asked hopefully.

  “You guys are both five-year-olds,” Rae said with a sigh.

  “The arcade is awesome,” Ryker said. “I’ll never grow out of that place.”

  Rae turned to me. “Is it cool if Ryker comes?”

  I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to. I interrupted their plans to begin with. “Sure.”

  Rae turned back to the receiver. “Can you be here in an hour?”

  “Sweetheart, I’ll be there whenever you want me to be.”

  I shoved my finger down my throat and pretended to gag.

  Rae kicked me in the shin. “See you then.”


  “Dude, Ms. Pac-Man is the best game ever.” I used to play it all the time as a kid. Even when there was no one else to play with, it was a great game.

  “Definitely a classic,” Ryker said.

  “I’m gonna get a soda. My hand is cramping.” Rae was great at video games, probably because she played them with me all the time.

  Ryker watched her go before he turned back to me. “Want to have a match?”

  “Depends,” I said. “Are you ready to be castrated?”

  “Your sister already did that when she beat me at Mortal Kombat.”

  I put the quarters in the machine and we started to play. We both had our own screens and got all the white dots and the fruit extras. Ryker was just as good as I was, and soon it became tense.

  We kept playing until one of us lost our three lives first. Thankfully, it was Ryker.

  “Sucker,” I said.

  “You just got lucky.” He glanced over my shoulder and looked at Rae, constantly keeping her in his sights.

  It would take me a while to get used to the fact that they were together.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “I guess,” I said. “You just did.”

  “Is Zeke going to be a problem?”

  I froze on the spot and forgot to breathe. “Huh?”

  “I know Zeke is into her. Is he still after her?”

  How did he know that? He said it with such certainty I couldn’t believe it. There was no way Zeke would tell him. Did Rae know how Zeke felt and tell Ryker? That didn’t seem likely either. “I don’t know where you’re getting that from, but it’s not true.” I’d cover for my best friend until the end of time.

  “It’s obvious in the way he looks at her.” He said it with complete confidence, like there was no room for misinterpretation.

  “Well…I guess that’s your opinion.”

  Ryker ignored what I said. “Will he be a problem for me?”

  “Zeke isn’t the type of guy to interfere in a relationship, if that’s what you’re worried about. Just the other day, he and I tag teamed these two chicks. He’s the last person you should be worried about.”

  He nodded in satisfaction. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  I stuck my hand in my pocket and looked for more quarters.

  “You seem a lot more relaxed about Rae and me.” Ryker was different than Zeke and I. He alluded to things rather than just coming out and saying them.

  “I knew I needed to back off.”

  “I really hope you and I can be the friends we were before.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Because your friendship does mean something to me.”

  “Just don’t fuck with my sister and nothing will change.”

  “That seems pretty simple.”

  When I looked over my shoulder, Rae was eating a corn dog while seated at the table.

  Ryker grinned from ear-to-ear. “She can make anything look sexy.”

  I cringed. “Keep it PG around me. Otherwise, I’ll throw up all over your shoes.”

  “I’ll try.” Instead of walking over to Rae, he stood by me. There was no other explanation for it unless he had something else to say. “Rae told me about your mom… I’m sorry.”

  I assumed he already knew. “Thanks.”

  “She told me you took over as her legal guardian. That must have been rough.”

  “It wasn’t a walk in the park…” That was an understatement. It was damn hard. Rae was difficult to manage because she went into shock. She started doing crazy things, and I had to go from being a knucklehead to a dad overnight.

  “I want you to know I would never hurt Rae on purpose. I care about her and will always respect her the way she deserves. I can’t promise we’ll be together forever or anything like that, but I won’t cause her any further pain. She’s an incredible woman, and I’m not oblivious to that.”

  Those words finally put me at ease. The last time we spoke about this, I got in his face and threatened to kill him. He never had a chance to say anything because Rae came over. The fact that he said all of that with such sincerity made me realize he wasn’t taking her for a ride like all the others. It didn’t seem like he loved her, but it seemed like he really did care for her. And that’s all I could ask for. “You’re a good guy, Ryker.”

  He smiled then clapped me on the shoulder. “You’re a good brother, Rex.”

  I cleared my throat. “Should we go over there and stop her from eating everything at the concession stand?”

  He chuckled. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  Ryker and I joined Rae at the table. The paper tray was empty with the exception of the ketchup and mustard. She sipped her soda then handed it to Ryker. He took a long drink, holding eye contact with her.

  I tried to ignore it.

  “Hungry?” Ryker asked.

  “I couldn’t turn down a corn dog,” Rae said. “I love those things.”

  He sat beside her. “I know you do, sweetheart.”

  I tried to ignore that too. “We need more quarters.”

  “I don’t have any more cash,” Rae said.

  “What good are you?” I demanded.

  “I just gave you twenty bucks to spend at the arcade,” Rae argued. “That’s generous enough.”

  Ryker put his arm around her waist, being more affectionate with her than usual. It was probably because he knew I was finally cool with everything.

  “By the way, I spoke to Kayden today,” Rae said casually.

  “What did she say?” I blurted.

  “She said she got a message that her grandmother was sick.” Rae gave me a triumphant look. “I told you it had nothing to do with you.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god. I thought I really did something stupid.”

  Ryker furrowed his eyebrows. “What are you guys talking about?”

  I told him the story for what felt like the zillionth time. “At least it had nothing to do with me. I’d kill myself if I made her cry.”

  Ryker had the same look on his face, like he was still confused. “If that’s true, why did she come back from the bathroom and talk with you for a little bit? Why did she get upset after you showed her the phone numbers?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe something triggered it.”

  He didn’t seem convinced. “It sounds like the phone numbers set her off. Maybe she was jealous you were hitting on other women.”

  “But that doesn’t make any sense.” At all. Why would she care?

  “It does if she has feelings for you,” Ryker said with confidence. “Why else would she always be quiet around you but normal around everyone else? Why would she storm out after you said two beautiful women just hit on you? Am I the only person who has connected the dots?”

  “That’s just not possible,” I said. “I’ve kn
own Kayden for…a hundred years now. She doesn’t see me like that.”

  “Or does she?” Ryker said.

  I turned to Rae. “Ryker is off his rocker, right?”

  Rae pressed her lips tightly together. “I can’t picture Kayden having a thing for my brother. It would have come up a million years ago.”

  “Maybe it’s a recent development,” Ryker said.

  “I find that unlikely,” Rae said. “She would have told me. And if she didn’t, she would have told Jessie, who would have told me.”

  “When’s the last time she had a boyfriend?” Ryker asked.

  I shrugged because I had no idea.

  Rae searched her mind. “I’m not sure… It’s been a while.”

  Ryker had a triumphant look on his face. “I’m telling you, that’s it.”

  I still wasn’t convinced. “Nah. I’d believe that grandmother story over that any day.”

  “Me too,” Rae said.

  “Whatever,” Ryker said. “I guess time will tell.”

  Kayden didn’t see me as anything other than a friend. If she did, she would have hit on me or something. She was beautiful with a smoking body. She could have anyone she wanted. There was no reason why she wouldn’t just walk up to me and tell me she wanted to jump my bones if that’s how she felt.

  I knew I was right.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I moved out of his arms before he could snatch me again. “I shouldn’t stay. I’ve got work tomorrow.”

  Ryker continued to lie on the bed, looking gloriously naked. His chest was like a slab of concrete. I loved digging my nails into the muscle when I rode him like a stallion. His semi-hard dick lay on his stomach, and his muscular thighs and toned legs stretched out before him. “What does that matter?”

  “I’d have to get up early and go home. You know me. I treasure my sleep.”

  “You could just bring your stuff here…” He rested his hands behind his head.

  “Too much preparation.” I found my panties and pulled them on.

  He sat up and leaned back on his elbows. “Give me a kiss before you go.”

  I stared at him suspiciously, wondering if it was some kind of ploy. He always walked me to the door so why would he want a kiss now? “That’s an odd thing to say…”

  “That I want a kiss?” he asked. “I don’t think so. I love kissing your lips—both of them.” He kept the same look on his face, one of innocence.

  Something was off. I could feel it.

  “Fine.” He lay down again. “But don’t expect me to kiss you when you’re in the mood for it.”

  Finally convinced there wasn’t any foul play, I crawled over the bed to plant a kiss on his lips. I inched closer until I was hovering over him.

  He looked up at me with a slight smile on his lips. Then he went for it.

  He grabbed my arm and twisted me until I was on my back. He moved on top of me, pinning me down with his enormous size. His lips hovered over mine, along with a look of victory in his eyes.

  “Damn, I knew you were up to something.”

  “These lips aren’t going anywhere.” He gave me a slow kiss before he brushed his nose against mine.

  “I have to get up thirty minutes earlier just to get to my apartment before I shower.”

  “Then don’t go to work tomorrow. You’ll get a paid leave of absence.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That doesn’t solve anything. I want to work.”

  “Your priority should be pleasing your boss.”

  “And your priority is going to run your business into the ground.”

  He smiled. “There are more important things in life.” He settled beside me and pulled me into his chest, locking his arms around me so I couldn’t escape. He pressed a few kisses to the back of my neck.

  “I need to feed Safari.”

  “I’m sure Rex, however stupid, can manage.”

  “And I didn’t take him for a walk today.”

  “You can do it tomorrow.”

  “I have laundry to do.”

  He tightened his arms more. “Make all the excuses you want. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  I sighed and felt my body give in to the fatigue. It took all my energy to get out of bed the first time. There was no way I could manage it a second time. “You’re the devil.”

  “And you’re an angel.” He kissed my bare shoulder and made my skin come alive. “You’re the light to my dark.”

  “I don’t know… I’m pretty dark.”

  “I’ve yet to see it.”

  “For one, I’m sleeping with my boss. That’s pretty skanky.”

  “You didn’t know I was your boss.”

  “But I do now. Yet, here I am.”

  He kissed the back of my neck. “I think it’s sexy.”

  “Actually, your dick thinks that.”

  “Believe me, we aren’t that different. Whatever he’s thinking, I’m thinking.” He rested his face in the crook of my neck and pressed his hard-on into the area between my cheeks.

  “It’s almost one in the morning,” I whispered. “We should get some sleep.”

  “Why sleep when I can look at you?” He kissed the shell of my ear.

  “You’re never satisfied, are you?”

  “No, I’m always satisfied.” He pressed his lips to my ear. “I just love being satisfied over and over.” His fingers played with my underwear until he pulled them to the side. Then he pressed his tip against my entrance, the thick cock stretching me wide.

  It felt so good I forgot about getting up early the next day.

  He got his head inside and moaned when he realized how wet I was.

  Sometimes, I wished I could hide it from him.

  “I knew you didn’t want to leave.” He gripped my hip as he moved farther inside me.

  I grabbed his hand and squeezed it when I realized something. “You forgot a condom.”

  He stopped moving, his dick already halfway inside me. “You’re on the pill, aren’t you?”

  Yes. But I never told him that.

  “And we aren’t sleeping with anyone but each other.” He kissed my ear as he spoke. “No condom.” He started to move again, his body tensing in pleasure at feeling me bare.

  I grabbed his hip and steadied him. “Whoa, hold on.” I wanted to keep going, but my health was more important. “I’m not going to have unsafe sex.”

  “It is safe.”

  “How do I know it is? How many girls have you slept with?”

  He sighed in irritation.

  “We don’t have to have the conversation if you just put something on.”

  He stilled, like he was about to open his drawer and pull a rubber on. “I don’t have anything. But if I get checked out, can we go bareback?”

  He was willing to get checked out? That sounded like too much work for a guy. “Yes.”

  “Then I’ll do it tomorrow.” He pulled out of me then rolled a condom on. When he was ready, he was on me again, grabbing my thigh and lifting it up as he inserted himself inside me.

  I gripped the sheet as he stretched me to the limit.

  One hand snaked around my neck, and he left it there, keeping me in place as he had me.

  I’d never been grabbed like that before, and I actually liked it.

  He slammed into me like he owned me, like I was his plaything to do whatever he wanted. He breathed hard into my ear as he thrust at a quick pace.

  I gripped his forearm and just enjoyed it.

  “Say my name, sweetheart.”


  He twisted my face toward his and looked down at me with fiery eyes. Then he gave me an aggressive kiss to match. “Your pussy is fucking crack.”

  An involuntary moan escaped my lips, practically coming out as a scream.

  “And it’s mine.”


  I removed my lab coat and goggles before I washed my hands in the sink. My hands were cracked and dry from washing them so much. Whe
never I wasn’t at work, I lathered them in lotion. Otherwise, they would callus.

  “Clocking out?” Ryker’s voice sounded from behind me.

  I couldn’t pretend to be surprised. I’d grown used to him popping up whenever my back was turned. “Yep.” I dried my hands with the paper towels then retrieved my belongings from my locker.

  “Had a good day?”

  “It was all right,” I said. “I had a hard time focusing because I was so tired.” I shot him a glare.

  He smiled and didn’t show an ounce of remorse. “Maybe you should have taken the day off like I offered.”

  I shouldered my bag then walked up to him. “Well, I’m going to head home. I’ll see you later.”

  He grabbed me by the wrist so I wouldn’t go anywhere. The touch was gentle but hinted at everything he wanted to do to me right on my table. “There’s something I want to give you.” He pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me.

  I opened it. “What is it?”

  “Read it.”

  It was the lab results from his STD panel. It said he was clean. “You thought it was the best idea to give this to me at work?”

  “Jenny is gone for the day, right?”

  “Not the point.” I folded it up and placed it in my purse.

  “I’m clean like I told you.”

  “Good to know.”

  “So…let’s go to my place.”

  “Right now?” I asked incredulously.


  “I’m going to head home. I haven’t spent time with Safari, and I’m sure Rex has trashed the house by now.”

  Ryker gave me a look of murder.

  “Maybe you’re used to girls doing whatever you say, but I’m not one of those girls.”

  “I’ve noticed,” he said darkly.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Like, later today?” he pressed.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Whenever.”

  He grabbed me by the wrist again. “Pack your things and stay with me tonight. This is not up for discussion.”

  I’d always had a hard time taking orders—always. “Excuse me?” Maybe other girls liked being bossed around by a beautiful man, but I didn’t. “Ryker, I’ll see you whenever I see you. I have other people in my life besides you.” I twisted from his grasp just the way Rex taught me.

  Ryker knew he crossed a line with me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so…forceful. I’m not myself.”


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