Dungeon Madness: The Divine Dungeon Book Two

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Dungeon Madness: The Divine Dungeon Book Two Page 12

by Dakota Krout

  The air tremored again as I drew hard on the dense Essence in the air, while Dani stared contemplatively into the distance.


  Dale awoke to the sound of rolling thunder, and stepped out of his tent expecting to be soaked in rain within a few moments. He looked up to check the cloud cover, but was instead able to see a clear, beautiful morning. He frowned, normally a clear day helped to cheer him up, but now he was only suspicious. By the time he had eaten and gotten ready for the day, the intermittent sounds had faded to nothing.

  “Anyone know what’s going on?” Dale asked his friends quizzically.

  Adam looked up from a dauntingly huge plate of eggs, “Hmm? Well I hear that a group of Nobles is going to be showing up today. I don’t really have the details on that.”

  “Not what I meant, but that is certainly good to know. I was thinking more about that thunder.” Dale gave a half-smile at his friend.

  “Most likely no reason to worry.” Hans popped a Basher-sausage into his mouth.

  Rose snorted, “Everything worries our fearless leader.” The dichotomy of the statement got a chuckle from the group. A knock at the door cut their merriment short.

  Brianna opened the door and stepped inside, “Dale, have you heard that thunder? We were worried that-” Her mouth fell open as she saw Rose at the table. “Rosey? Little Sapling-Rose?”

  Rose flushed and muttered, “Hello, Aunt Ironbark. Good to see you again.”

  “Rose!” Brianna rushed to hug the uncomfortable young woman. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were here?! You look so well! Of course you would be here, you can cultivate here!”

  “You are babbling again.”

  Brianna snorted, “I tend to do that when surprised! To my point, why didn’t you come see me?”

  Rose blushed and looked down, mumbling.

  “They did what?” Brianna roared.

  Everyone jumped, and Hans looked around in confusion, “You could hear that? I couldn’t hear that. You?” Adam shook his head, eyes wide.

  “She said that she tried to come see me, and the guard told her in no uncertain terms that a half-breed was unwelcome anywhere near me!” Essence was flashing in her eyes, and a buildup of unreleased Mana was tearing a hole in the visual world around her, distorting her visage. She growled, “Who were they? Heads will roll!”

  Chandra bustled in at a sprint, “You! Stop that at once. Losing control of yourself like this… Oh. Hello, my niece. Calm yourself.”

  “Pff.” Brianna seemed to drain of anger. “Just because your daughter married my brother does not make me your niece.”

  A pounding on the stairs announced a new presence. “Hey! Whoever is throwing around highly concentrated Mana like that had better stop. You made my portal flicker, if someone had been in there at that time they would have been sliced clean in half!” High Magous Amber burst into the room and glared at the occupants. “Who did this? Who woke me up at this ungodly hour?”

  “Heh.” Hans whispered to Dale, “Look at that! We have Amber, Brianna, Chandra, and Dakota all in the same room! Go talk with them, it’ll be a conversation between A, B, C, and D!”

  “Who is Dakota?” Dale whispered back.


  “You said ‘and Dakota’.” Dale narrowed his eyes, “Did you just… you just got my name wrong! Hans!”

  “You must have misheard.” Hans brushed him away, “You better go, it looks like we are about to have some bloodshed otherwise.”

  Dale glowered at his friend still, but stood and addressed the deadly women glaring at each other, “The situation is over and done with, please act like the adults, business leaders, or heads of state that you are. Thanks.”

  Hans gaped at Dale as he sat back down and started eating. “Very political. Smooth even.”

  Dale shrugged, “They aren’t fighting each other anymore, right? Acting professional again?” Dale was facing away from them as they stalked closer, ready to start yelling again. “After all, I would hate to order them to leave. We can’t have people that could single-handedly destroy a city acting like spoiled brats. People would get nervous.”

  The ladies paused, passed a considering look around, and straightened themselves. Dale turned around to see them starting to make polite conversation. “By the way High Magous, I hear we are going to have some Noble visitors arriving soon? Do you have any information about that?”

  She looked for a moment like she was not going to say anything, “Ah well, they will be here soon and everyone will know anyway. Yes, there is a full entourage of Nobles arriving. There will be a Prince and Princess, but mostly there will be… how to say, non-main branch family members?”

  “Ah. I see.” Dale paused, “Non-main because they were born into those families or because they failed to achieve ‘greatness’ in a fast enough time?”

  Amber looked surprised while Brianna smirked. Amber responded slowly, “I would say born into the family. I would also remind you not to ask them that question if you meet them. Most are in their mid-twenties and therefore not at the end of their trials as it is, and it would be considered the height of rudeness. Actually, since you are here I was hoping to go over some land issues, and building areas for the Nobles’ contingent. Obviously, they won’t want to stay in tents, but…”

  Dale waved her down as his team gave low groans. “No, sorry, no city business right now! Get it approved by the council, then the city planner, and then me. We talked about this. We are just about to head into the dungeon, the team is getting a bit anxious to go.” His group looked very relieved upon hearing this.

  Brianna piped up, “Still no other armor Dale?”

  “It is rather expensive to-” Dale began when Tom cut him off.

  “Ha! As if he needs armor! Not a full day previous, he stood amidst the foes in the dungeon and battered them down with his bare hands. The carnage he blissfully brought down upon his foes was glorious to behold, and he stood like a true warrior! Barely armored, he weathered the storm. In my culture, he is at last considered a man!” Tom boasted on behalf of his leader. A shocked silence followed his words.

  Brianna recovered first, “Well I am sure he appreciates that. Moving on — quickly — does this mean you are planning on changing your entire fighting style?”

  Dale nodded, “All of that armor weighed me down, and I still needed to dodge almost everything or I got seriously hurt. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad I wore it in the past, I have muscles I never expected, but without it I can slip past most of the attacks that come my way and counter them much easier.”

  “Hmm. Well, talk to Craig, your mentor.” Chandra joined the conversation out of the blue. “He is a master of hand-to-hand fighting techniques, and I am sure he would be able to teach you.”

  “I plan on it, we have a training session after lunch and- “

  Brianna broke in, “He is a master of human hand-to-hand fighting, but if you want a true martial art… I know a guy. You could be the first ever human to learn the Moon-Elf style. You are entitled to it as an Elven Noble after all.” She ended tantalizingly.

  Stunned silence met her words. Hans broke it with a drawl, “Yeeeah, I would go with that one. The Moon Elves are considered the deadliest fighters without weapons in the world. More deadly with weapons of course, but, you know.”

  “What is the catch, Aunt Ironbark?” Rose rejoined the conversation with evident suspicion.

  “Not so much a catch… as a commitment. Once you start training you cannot stop for five years, and you will not master it for at least a decade. You must promise not to teach another the style unless given permission.” Brianna spoke seriously.

  “I would need to go there for five years? I can’t do that.” Dale reminded her, “I have too many commitments as it is!”

  “You would not need to leave, but you would need to commit two consecutive hours to training per day, seven days a week, for at least five years. The only cost would be the standard fee for a mem
ory stone.” Brianna promised with a half-smile.

  “So, with a memory stone it would take a decade?” Adam spoke for the first time. He looked exhausted, apparently the training he was receiving from Father Richard was intense.

  Brianna nodded yes, “I explained to Dale yesterday, just because you know how to do something does not mean that you can do it. The flexibility training alone takes a year, but it is worth it if you know what I mean.” She winked at Hans.

  “I don’t. It is good for you? Allows you to dodge easier?” Dale muttered. “Doesn’t matter, the important thing is that I have been working hard on long-term investments into myself, my team, and this area. If this is just another thing that is a big payoff eventually then it is worth it to do.”

  “It is very worth it. I will set up the training.” Brianna gave Rose a kiss on the cheek and a promise to catch up, then walked off briskly.

  “I have a kitchen to run. Have a good day!” Chandra turned to leave but was stopped by Dale.

  “Madame! Any word on those other tutors or information memory stones? I remember that the funds had been transferred to you, but have heard no word.” Dale watched for her reaction carefully.

  Chandra turned back, “They are on the way, but when they heard where they were going, the representatives insisted that the tutors deliver the stones personally. I am unsure why, but you can expect some visitors in the near future.”

  “I see. Thank you. High Magous Amber, before you run off could I ask you why the Nobles are suddenly rushing here en masse?” Dale turned to the other member of his council. He tried to hurry as his team was starting to fidget.

  “Why not? The rumors have started already.” Amber gave a frustrated sigh. “There are rumblings of war, of an undead army overrunning the northern borders and killing small towns. There is no proof of this yet, but the Nobles near the border are sending their children to… shall we say, neutral locations? The High Nobles — the Princes and such — are coming here as a show of solidarity, as a temporary measure.”

  “Bleh. Nobles suck.” Hans muttered not quite quietly enough.

  Amber gave him a pitying look, but ignored him, “As it stands, I need to go and oversee the portal. Have a pleasant day, and please try not to die.” With those words of ‘encouragement’ she took her leave.

  “Well that was fun. Let’s go kill some angry rabbits.” Hans suggested shaking off the chill Amber’s look had given him.

  Rose chuckled, “Good plan, but I was hoping to stop by the job board first. I could use some extra coins.”

  “Job board?” Adam politely wondered. “I haven’t heard of this?”

  “Yes, it is fairly new. It is a simple concept, people who want something specific from the dungeon post their requests. That way they can get around the brokerage fee that the Guild takes, by going directly to the supplier.” Rose informed them all. There was a resounding round of nodding as the others agreed to take a look.

  They walked toward the dungeon, and, sure enough, there was a large board near the clerks’ stand that had drawings and postings for equipment and materials. There were offers for weapons, armor, potions, fur, meat and so much more.

  “It appears that we have been rather inefficient with the usage of our time in this place. Look at the standing offers for unrefined Beast Cores! A dozen gold for the lowest quality!” Tom amazedly recited the offer.

  “Have we seen anything with a Core?” Dale looked around, but the others shook their heads. “That makes me nervous. They must be in there… the Cats, maybe? I’m wondering more about the herbs, personally. Look at this! They are paying silver for a large enough amount… why so much, and who is offering it?” Dale looked at the requestor's name and where to deliver goods to, paling as he did.

  “Dale? What? Who is it?” Hans poked him in the ribs.

  “HE LOOKS LIKE THAT BECAUSE HE- “ The booming voice startled them all, then softened after a moment, “Because it used to be his job to bring good spices to my mess hall, and he suddenly stopped without so much as an ‘I am done’.”

  They turned to see the massive cook from the mess hall glaring at them. “Oh, you are so lucky you haven’t had to eat the gruel that I’ve been forced to serve recently! Now there is some issue in the dungeon that is stopping my other suppliers from gathering enough! Tell you what, fill my order and I won’t start telling people that you are the reason they got food poisoning the other night.”

  “So good to see you a-again.” Dale stammered, “Of course I’ll get some, it would be my pleasure to help you out.”

  “Mmhh hmm.” Grunted the cook, eying Dale critically, “See that you do soon, oh fearless Baron.” He turned and walked off in the direction of his slacking kitchen help. They needed to learn how to properly make that porridge.

  “Why is he so terrifying?” Dale muttered softly to Hans.

  Hans patted him on the cheek, not very gently, “Yeah. Let’s go.” He started walking down to the dungeon entrance.

  “That isn’t an answer!” Dale shouted at his retreating friend.


  I thought at my floating friend. She was playing with Snowball again.

  “Yes… Why do you ask?” I was about to respond when she answered her own question, “Oh, you must have heard someone mention something.”

  I was a bit nervous, though I was certain I could correct any damage they managed to do.

  “When they say ‘going downhill’ I am almost positive they mean it as a colloquialism.” A moment of silence passed. “As a figure of speech, Cal. Not a literal reshaping of you. If there are Nobles coming, there will also be a lot of other people tagging along, either taking care of them or trying to flatter them.”

  I was already almost drooling.

  Dani grinned, “Almost certainly. Along with that, Nobles have access to weapons, armor, and items that other people simply do not. This could work out well for-“ She had ignored Snowball during their play session, and he was able to land a blow for the first time ever. It was certainly a play attack, but Dani instantly vanished!

  I screamed in horror,

  Snowball was looking around in confusion, then peered at my location and cocked his head to the side. While I was franticly looking around for my beloved Wisp, Snowball took a few wobbly steps and fell. This caught my attention, and I peered closely at the gigantic Cat. His eyes were pink!

  I whispered.

  The Cat nodded, a distinctly non-catlike movement. He stood up and began circling the large open space, Dani obviously getting better at having limbs. Soon the Cat was leaping into the air and spinning, then making complex motions and occasionally vanishing into the steam that permeated the room. After a time, the Cat came near the tree and fell, panting. He sat on his haunches and closed his eyes. Essence streamed out of its head, accumulating into Dani’s normal form.

  “Wow. That was intense.” Dani slurred, flying toward me drunkenly. “Is that how you always feel?”

  I assumed wonderingly. I directed Essence from the room into her and she quickly perked up.

  “Not sure, but that was so fun! Is that why you join in during battle?” She enquired excitedly, back to her old self after a bit of food. Did Wisps get something like low blood sugar when they were low on Essence?

  that we can fight together!> I was so enthusiastic that she was reluctant to interrupt me, but she eventually did.

  “I need a lot of practice, and right now Snowball can use his body a lot more efficiently than I can. Let me practice for a few weeks while you think about a Mob that would work well in here. We already know that Glitterflits just get eaten, but maybe something along those lines?”

  I snickered condescendingly.

  “You know I can hear you.” Dale thought at me.

  I replied flippantly.

  “I’m at what?”

  I breathed smugly, watching a Glade form near the group of gatherers. Dale was wary, but the others were unaware of the danger as the Mob reached its full growth. Rose turned around just in time to see a spiked tentacle flying at her. She dove to the side, crying out a warning. The mini-boss roared, furious that its prey had momentarily escaped. Barbed thorns began launching from its body, seeking to impale the adventurers.

  I had to admit that without armor Dale was far better at avoiding attacks, but I was excited for the first blow to land. Surely he would not last long once he started losing blood! The party attacked, throwing themselves at the Glade. The tentacles were far smarter than the main monster, and it showed in battle. Daggers and arrows penetrated the soft mushroom body but did no real damage. When Adam or Tom — especially Tom — swung, the tentacles would do their best to dodge the blow. Watching a tentacle contort at the last second to avoid the enhanced force inscription on the Warhammer was a thing of beauty.

  The wild blows were having another effect, and I was cheerfully taunting Dale as it happened,

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