Out Of Bounds (Balls To The Walls)

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Out Of Bounds (Balls To The Walls) Page 3

by Lolah Lace

  There was a young Mexican girl in gray sweats that looked like a teenager, maybe fifteen. Fifteen was just me being generous. She actually looked like a pubescent twelve-year old with a huge pregnant belly. The girl’s mother was sitting next to her with a major scowl. I had to push my face back into the magazine to stop from staring. I guess I could have kept staring. The young girl’s face was blissfully engrossed in her cell phone and the mother was staring into space like she was in a coma. If my ladybug were a pregnant teen I would probably have the same look.

  Sooner than I imagined I followed my wife back to the examination room. She left the room briefly to be weighed and to pee in a cup. It was confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I felt the old Asian doctor’s glare as Kari introduced me as her husband. That is I, the husband. But am I the father of her child? If only Dr. Kim could pull a paternity test result out of my wife’s vagina.

  There was a thick silence as we rode the elevator down to the ground floor. There was no elevator music in the damn elevator, just silence. What were we supposed to say to each other? It was so early in the pregnancy we just couldn’t be sure who the father was. The car ride home wasn’t better. We sat silently in the Rover, no conversation, no eye contact, no singing along with the radio. We left all the singing up to Katy Perry. She was belting out Dark Horse.

  The baby news was not good news. The baby news should have made us closer, made us a happy couple. But it was putting a communication wedge in between us. I was not able to communicate my feelings for fear I would hurt Kari. This is real karma for a cocky motherfucker like me. This shit hurts me deeply. Can I even realistically hope this baby is mine? Can this baby be mine? Kari wasn’t talking but I caught her with a pen, paper and a calendar. I knew what she was up too. She was trying to figure out the provability of me being the father. She was counting the days in her head. She was frustrated and I knew better than to bother her.

  We finally made it home and we both went upstairs to the bedroom. I thought about leaving her alone in the bedroom but I lingered around.

  I was on a mission to stay out of her way. I wasn’t sure where her head was. I wasn’t sure if she was going to blame me for this entire fiasco. If I’m not the father I’m not sure I’m ready to hear that information today. So I will keep my distance until I feel the coast is clear. Or when the coast is not quite so blazing foggy.

  I thought I was going to keep my trap shut but then my big mouth got in the way of my common sense.

  “So what, you giving me the silent treatment?” I asked. Why did I ask?

  “Mason please, I’m not in the mood.”

  I chuckled. She wasn’t in the mood. “Huh, what the fuck does that mean?”

  “Why are you cussing at me?”

  “Why are you avoiding my question? What do you mean by I’m not in the mood?”

  “I don’t want to talk to you.” Kari sneered.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m going through a thing. I just found out I’m really pregnant. It’s confirmed.”

  “I just found out my wife could be carrying another man’s baby but I’m not acting like a bitch.”

  “Did you just call me a bitch?”

  “No I said you are acting like a bitch.”

  “If I’m acting like a bitch maybe we should part ways.”

  “Woooooh, do you want to die?” Damn! I guess I shouldn’t have said that.

  “Do you?” She pushed her pink freckled lips out at me.

  “Kari, don’t talk to me like that.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “Yes mam.” I shook my head to give her definite confirmation. “That’s a threat.” I was in her face. I hadn’t realized I stepped forward.

  “Fuck you.” She raged.

  “Sounds like a great idea. I need to fuck you.”

  Kari frowned. “Are you serious? You need to get the fuck away from me.”

  “Hell yeah I’m serious. I need to pound a better attitude into your pussy.”

  “There is nothing wrong with my attitude and you better not think about my pussy.”

  “You are mine. Your pussy belongs to me. If you think you can mope around here and deny me what is mines then you are fucking delusional.”

  “No homeboy, you are the confused, delusional muthafucka.” Kari was looking up at me. We were very close. Close enough for me to snatch her ass up. Drop her ass on the floor and launch my cock rocket into her very rude pussy.

  What? Stop Mason! I held back my smile. Kari was getting extra black. I was getting turned on.

  I took a single step forward which was more like a half step because we were already so close. I ripped Kari’s shirt open exposing her camouflage colored bra. Buttons tumbled to the carpet and landed god knows where.

  “Mason!” Kari’s brown eyes grew the size of my balls and my balls are large.

  “What?” I peered down at her using my height to intimidate her.


  “I’m your husband.” I had no idea why I made that declaration.

  Kari’s eyes caught fire. Damn, her glare was pure evil. She was going to rip me a thousand new assholes but I was quite fond of the one asshole I have now. So fuck that! I’m in charge. I’m the man.

  “Look fool I don’t give a fuck who you are. You could be Beyoncé’s husband.” She roared.

  “Watch what your mouth Kari Lynn.”

  “You can’t handle my muthafuckin’ mouth. This baby probably ain’t even yours. I bet it’s Jack’s baby!”

  Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck? That was mean as fuck! She was trying to hurt me. She just crushed my balls with her venomous lips. Kari was genuinely pushing my buttons. But baby girl may have not realized I got more buttons than she has fingers, so push away.

  “I don’t give a fuck who this baby belongs to. This baby could belong to Louis fucking Farrakhan. You are my wife. You belong to me. This is my pussy.” I swatted her snatch with the palm of my hand.

  Shit bricks, she’s stunned. I won.

  “You are a bastard.”

  “Yes, news flash, you married a bastard. Get use to it.” I was pissed but not pissed enough to be blind to her creamy breasts snug, tight and swollen in her bra. Her caramel tits were spilling out the top of the thin fabric.

  My cock was growing as I tried to avoid gawking at her soft satin pillows. My cock sent a telekinetic signal to my hand. My evil twin was on high alert. He said Mason grab the center of her bra. So that’s what I did. I clutched the place by her heart right where the little green bow sat. I snatched her close to me and the bra almost snapped apart but the actual clasps where in the back.

  Kari was too slow, too startled by my full frontal assault. She tried to raise her hands to my chest or maybe she was trying to strike me in my face. But I had already whipped her body around and pushed her the long way down to the floor where the air mattress softened her fall. Her body bounced and her left tit popped out. Her chocolate nipple pointed toward me. Or at least that’s what I thought.

  I was quite sure that Kari was trying to kill me with her fierce gaze as she stared up from the mattress at me. But I wasn’t dying, I was coming to life and my cock was doing somersaults in my boxers. I am going to fuck her senseless. That’s a fact I can divulge with the utmost certainty. She should be happy I decided against gagging her with my cock. The thought of stuffing my eight-inch cock in the place where she spewed her hateful rant was appealing. It was downright delectable but I had others plans for my king cobra.

  “Mason!” Screaming my name is not going to make me stop what I have planned. I did a quit abracadabra with my jeans. One second they were on my body the next minute they had disappeared. Well they were planted at my feet. I pretty much hopped out of them and dove down on my new perfidious wife.

  I was out of control. I smacked her knees apart and roughly grabbed her thong and pushed the cloth out of my evil twins way. Kari tried to sit up. I felt her fingertips as the dug into the
cotton of my shirt. I plunged my cock inside my favorite place. I ripped through her pussy lips. I closed my eyes as her nails dug into my pecs.

  I jack hammered her cunt and savored every thrust as she grew wetter with every deep penetrating stab. My right hand staggered up to Kari’s head. I smashed my hand over her face. I watched her squirm as I covered her face with my large hand. I brushed my hand over her cheek and pushed into her hair. I grabbed a handful of her thick hair. I dug my hand into her scalp and pulled hard. Her exposed neck jetted up to view. A painful moan escaped her lips. I was pounding the shit out of her. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop myself. Kari was screaming so incredibly loud. The yelps fueled my passion and unleashed my fiery. Her shrieks gave me the gas I needed to hit her juicy walls without restraint or remorse.

  “Mason, I’m pregnant, not so rough.” I bent to brush my lips over her earlobe.

  “Barely, shut up.” I whispered and trailed my lips from her ear to her neck. I took a rough bite out of her taut tanned skin.

  “Ugh!!!!!!” Kari moaned and almost summoned the cum from my over stimulated cock.

  I felt her legs tumble open to welcome me, receive me, to fucking beckon me. I sank deeper inside her creamy tunnel. Christ! She’s sloshy wet just the way I like her. I tried to grab any image other than her soppy wet cunt. The Bulls have a home game tonight at The United Center. Are they playing the Miami Heat? The Cubs played today. Fuck me! It’s not working. I’m going to unload all my poison inside of her. Mason just slow down I told myself. Go slow bro! I slowed my frantic pace. I stirred my cock slow hitting her walls while she hummed me a soft pornographic lullaby.

  Kari’s arms reached up and pushed through the space in between my biceps and my armpits. She wrapped her arms around my back. She was forcefully pulling me down on top of her. I moved down to my forearms. She wrapped her long smooth legs around me and lifted her body off the mattress. She was rolling her hips and fucking me from underneath. Damn you Kari Lynn!

  All my movement stilled. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her slow rock and roll. My balls hang happily on her cushioned wet ass. I want to get into her asshole. No Mason don’t think about it. You will blow your wad, you will cum. Relax twin, hang in there. Don’t let your wife control your cock Mason. Control your own cock. Fuck that! Kari Lynn Rizza do whatever you want to do with my cock. I give up.

  “OHHHH MASON!!!” She groaned. My eyes popped open with the salacious murmur of my name. I intently watched Kari as she cherished how my super-sized cock felt planted in her flowerbed. Daises, Tulips, Roses, one day I will get to plant my seed and I will know it’s my seed.

  “Tell me.” I whispered.

  Kari’s eyes sluggishly opened to mine. She was biting her bottom lip and had a firm grip on it. She never stopped winding her hips as she gazed into my soul.

  “Mason, I love you.” Her breathy claim ignited me. I quickly flipped Kari over so she was straddling me. We had never broke contact. I was still buried in her rabbit hole.

  “Ride my cock, baby.” I cupped her ass cheeks with both my hands. I kneaded her plump round ass with the strength of my fingers. Kari was riding my white horse only the way she could. I had never seen a black cowgirl ride in the rodeo but Kari was a fucking professional. She was trying to open my fire hose and make me spray the sidewalk, curb and the street. I reached up and grabbed her bra and pulled it down. Her tits rested above the cups of her bra. Her tits bounced in all directions as she worked my evil twin over. She was fucking me like it was her job. Shit she is my wife. It is her job. She is my personal whore, a hot wet whore that I love more than life.

  Fuck the shit out of me! Ride this cock! I am your new husband and your white knight. Give me all that fat juicy pussy.

  Without proper warning I came and my body shook like an earthquake had demolished La plaza de Mason or plaza de Rizza or whatever she called this house. My toes curled until they cramped. I’m spent. I’m tired as fuck. I’m sleepy. That’s the last thing I remember.



  Shit got real two weeks later when Kari started having morning sickness. The retching and the stench of vomit was a constant reminder of Jack. I hate that self-serving Ken doll. I couldn’t help Kari with the morning sickness and it made me feel worthless.

  It had to be his kid to do this to her. My baby would never make her sick. My logic was dumb as fuck but it was mine. My mind was all over the place and I knew I was doing a dumb thing but I felt compelled to do it. I went into work but I left the job midday.

  I had to clear my head. I needed an immediate release. I needed a fight, something to calm the fire coursing in my veins. I needed to put a punching bag somewhere in my new house. I knew exactly where to go to look for one, a fight, a duel, a pissing contest.

  In this unconventional love story I often wonder if I’m the hero or the villain. I don’t know if I really cared about the distinction. It was just one of my many reoccurring thoughts.

  I drove to his office. It was the only place I knew I would catch him since he moved most of his things out of Kari’s place. My car radio’s playlist was Chicago’s own Kanye West. Rap music can always get me pumped. I was planning on throwing daggers not daffodils.

  Malibu Ken’s office was in a gentrified area of the city. I’m sure he got the space cheap from some down on their luck minority business owner. He was a fraud as far as I was concerned. Maybe that’s an exaggeration on my part. Maybe I don’t give a fuck. Maybe I’m just tired of Jackass throwing sand in my eyes every chance he gets.

  Jack was an opportunist pure and simple. That much I was sure of. As soon as there was an opening to be with Kari, he pounced on it. There was no bro-code for Jackass. He had to have what I had. What I would never let go of.

  I parked my Rover in the lot adjacent to the building. When I turned off the ignition a sharp piercing rage jumped to the surface but quickly stifled itself. I had to remind cool.

  I entered the upscale building and walked pass the middle-aged security guard who only nodded at me. I nodded back. I couldn’t leave him hanging and I may have to scuffle with him later. Why did I think such a messed up thought.

  I went directly to the glass reception desk. This place was nothing like my construction offices. It was all nouveau riche, classy but I bit over the top. It felt like it was trying too hard to be impressive. There was an appearance of randomness about it. I really didn’t care.

  The cheery strawberry-blonde receptionist told me to take a seat since I didn’t have an appointment. You could see her crossed legs through the glass desk. She was all right in the looks department. But she was no match for my Kari in the face, looks and leg department.

  I stood instead of sitting. I pretended to admire the bizarre artwork on the walls. Bizarre was an understatement. This crap was like Picasso and Andy Warhol had a baby. I overheard the blonde make the call to Jackass. Her voice was pleasant and irritating all in one breath, too nasal, too shrill and whiny.

  I suspect Jack would want to see me. I had no doubt about that actually. He could try to make me wait but I would just leave without him getting to see why I was here.

  Then there was the possibility I would air his dirty laundry in front of his employees. That was where we were different. Appearances meant next to nothing to me. I was the same man one hundred percent of the time. Jack was not. I was very sure he didn’t want the details of how he was left at the altar on blast. Like Kari would say, I could blow up his spot.

  “Mr. Rizza, Mr. Unger will see you now.” The receptionist called to me as she stood. Just I expected Jack wouldn’t make me wait.

  “Follow me.” She extended her hand and I followed the receptionist to Jack’s office. His name was on the door. Why? She opened the glass door and led me inside. She closed the door on us as soon as I entered.

  Jack was sitting behind his massive desk with both of his hands on the armrests of his leather chair. He didn’t give anything away in his face. He didn’t loo
k like a broken bum. He actually looked like a man in control. Like I said, appearances meant something to him. I took a seat in the vacant chair in front of him. I was cool as long as he was cool. We needed to rap about a few things and no rapper can rap quite like I can. Mason Rizza is hard as hell or I’m going to act like I am.

  We glared at each other for far too long. We both were trying to read the other man’s mind but we both are not psychic. The entire stare down was dumb.

  “Mason.” His mouth finally moved and my name was all he came up with.

  I’m giving you what you give me bro. “Jack.” I felt my eyebrow arch.

  “I don’t recall inviting you to my office.”

  “I don’t recall you inviting me to marry your fiancée but shit happens.” I smirked.

  “You are still a jerk.”

  “You are still the player that sits on the bench.”

  “You and you little sports analogies.”

  “I got more. Listen Jack, you were traded. Your game wasn’t up to par. That’s what I hear.”

  Jack forced a chuckle. “So what now? Are we going to trade insults for the duration of your visit?” He was pretending to be at ease with my presence but I know he is a bit uneasy now that I am here in his territory. He believes he has home field advantage but I know better.

  “I think it’s about time we bury the hatchet, sit down and play nice with each other? If that’s what you want to do?” This was bullshit but what else was I going to say to this clown.

  “That’s up to you.”

  “Yes it is.” I was trying to play nice but I had come here looking for a fight.

  “We could talk or fight. You like to fight, right? I’m ready for whatever you dishing out.” Jack smarted.

  “Dude, hold your horses. I have no reason to fight you. Been there, done that. I’ve already won. Kari is my wife. You lost her to me.”


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