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Release Page 12

by Brenda Rothert

  “Orion’s staying with his mom this summer,” I said, washing my hands at the sink. It was true. He technically was.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Liz said skeptically. “Is that why his Escalade is parked in front of Petra’s house most every night these days?”

  I turned, shaking the water from my hands. “Why is everyone in this town so nosy?”

  “What does it matter that everyone knows? He’s the best catch in Henley, Samara.”

  Continuing this conversation would just provide more gossip fodder. What was between me and Orion was private to me. Sacred. It was special, and I didn’t care to share it with anyone.

  “Want me to start baking cakes?” I asked Liz.

  “Sure.” She stopped stirring batter and looked up at me. “Is there a reason you started parking right by the door?”

  I tensed, looking down at the dishes I was gathering. “Just … since it’s still dark when I get here … you know, I feel safer.”

  Her brows lowered skeptically for just a second, but then her face cleared. “Sure, not a problem.”

  I’d never felt unsafe before Matt was paroled. But now I found myself looking over my shoulder every second I wasn’t with Orion. Though we never got much sleep, I always slept soundly in his arms. He’d become my lover, best friend and protector. I told myself to enjoy the time we had left and not count the days, but I couldn’t help it.

  We had five more nights. And after that, I’d be as lonely as I’d been when he got in my line that day at the Supersaver. I’d also be terrified every second that Matt would appear and finish the job he’d started three years ago.


  Matt Carlson didn’t look like the type who got his ass kicked often. He was lean and muscular, with dark, hard eyes and a shaved head.

  He walked out of a liquor store and got in the passenger seat of the truck that had brought him here. Once the private detective connected us with him, we’d trailed him from a run-down apartment to a gas station and now here.

  “These guys might have guns,” Niko said, giving me a serious glance. “Keep your guard up.”

  I nodded, staring out the windshield at the back of the truck as we followed it to the outskirts of the small town. When the truck parked in front of a tiny dump of a house, Niko met Lyov’s eyes in the rearview mirror and nodded.

  I was glad they’d come with me. Niko and his brother had grown up in a New York neighborhood that forced them to become scrappers. I hadn’t planned on Matt having anyone with him, and I knew they’d handle the guy driving the truck while Matt and I had a talk.

  Niko put the rental in park and we all stepped out. Matt scowled as we approached.

  “You guys lost?” he said with a sneer.

  Lyov approached him and delivered a quick blow to his stomach and Matt doubled over. Niko had ahold of the other guy, speaking to him in a low tone.

  “Get the other arm,” Lyov said to me. He nodded toward the alley that ran behind the house.

  “What the fuck is this?” Matt hissed, trying to break free.

  We dragged him through the trash and rock-filled yard. The closer we got to the alley, the harder he fought to break free.

  “I’m gonna fuck you up,” he said, his voice getting louder with each word. “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

  “I know who I’m messing with,” I muttered, shoving him against a crumbling brick wall so hard I heard his teeth rattle.

  Lyov moved to the side of the house to stand guard. Matt cocked his arm back to punch me, but not fast enough. I smashed my fist into his face and blood gushed from his nose.

  “Fuck!” he cried, bending down and pressing his hands to his nose. “It’s broken, you asshole.”

  “No, it’s not,” I said. “Not yet. It didn’t crack.”

  He rushed me, still bent over, and we hit the ground together. For a minute, we were a circle of fists and knees – just punching and growling. He was a strong bastard. The thought of him using that strength against Samara fueled a fresh fire in my gut.

  I rolled on top of him and slammed his head to the ground. While he was still dazed, I landed another hard blow to his face and a fresh stream of blood poured from his nose.

  “Now it’s broken,” I said, panting with exertion. “Listen up, asshole. I know a lot more than just who you are. I know you’re staying with the douchebag who drove you here and I know you two like meth and pot. You violated parole eight hours after you got released from prison, you stupid shit.”

  His eyes widened in fear. The private detective I’d had on him for two full days had been worth every penny.

  “You planning to find Samara?” I asked.

  “What?” When he opened his mouth, blood from his nose ran between his lips. “Samara?”

  I picked up two fistfuls of his shirt and slammed him back into the ground.

  “Don’t play dumb, asshole. Yes or no?”

  “No.” He turned his head to the side to spit out blood.

  “If you leave this state – if you so much as leave this shithole town – I will know it. You’re being watched, Matt. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  He nodded and I slammed his head to the ground again, drawing out a weak groan.

  “Answer me,” I said, my teeth clenched. I could practically feel the anger seeping out of me.

  “Yes, I understand. You’ll know.”

  “Not only will I know, I’ll pull you into another dark alley and stab you just like you stabbed her. I’ll put tape over your mouth and leave you there to bleed out.”

  He turned his head to the side and spit out more blood.

  “Do we understand each other, Matt?”

  He nodded weakly. “Yeah. I got it.”

  I leaned down near his face, cringing at the stench of cheap cigarettes wafting from him. “I kind of hope you try it. Before you even get to her, I’ll be on you like flies on shit. I’d really enjoy stabbing a worthless prick like you.”

  I lifted his shirt again and he gave a pathetic moan, knowing what was coming. Instead of slamming his head to the ground, I dropped it, getting up and kicking him in the side instead. He curled up in pain. This was the parting image of him I wanted.

  I met up with Lyov on the side of the house. He passed me a clean handkerchief and I wiped a streak of blood from beneath my nose and shoved it in my pocket.

  Niko released Matt’s friend and we all got in the rental car.

  “You good?” Niko asked, looking over at me as he pulled away from the curb.

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  I didn’t want to say any more. I was lost in my thoughts. Now I knew the face that had terrorized Samara. I’d seen the hands that had wrapped around her neck and left her in fear for her life.

  It had pained me to come here without telling her, but I’d known it would upset her. This was something I’d had to do. I wouldn’t have been able to go back to Chicago without putting some fear into him. The private detective would be keeping tabs on him twice a day and would notify me immediately if Matt cut town.

  I hated that several states separated me from Samara right now. This was our last night together before I had to leave. Hopefully the flight wouldn’t have any delays. And hopefully she’d understand why I had to do this.


  Something was off with Orion. Usually he kissed me as soon as I opened my apartment door. But today, he stood there, hands in the pockets of his long black shorts.

  “Hi,” I said. “Everything okay?”

  He nodded and stepped inside, running a hand over my hair. I locked the door and turned to face him.

  “I need to talk to you,” he said.

  “Oh God. This sounds bad.” I furrowed my brow with worry. This was our last night together, and a knot formed in my stomach as I wondered if it was the last ever. What if he’d changed his mind about us having a long distance relationship?

  “It’s not bad.” He reached for my hand. “At least I don’t think it is. Let
’s sit down and talk.”

  “Will you kiss me?” I blurted.

  He smiled, drawing his brows together with amusement. “Sure.”

  “It’s just that you always kiss me when you get here. I feel like something’s wrong since you didn’t.”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” He brushed his fingers across my cheek and kissed me gently. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”

  I tasted a light tang of blood on him.

  “Do you have a cut on your lip?” I asked, inspecting it. I saw a gash and my eyes met his in question.

  He led me to my couch and I sat down next to him.

  “I went to Arizona today,” he said, keeping my hand in his. “Niko and his brother went with me. We found Matt.”

  “You what?” I stared at him in horror. “First of all, how?”

  “It wasn’t that hard.”

  “Did he cut your lip?” I reached up and touched my fingertips to his lips. “Did he hit you?”

  Orion kissed the tips of my fingers that rested on his mouth. “It’s nothing. I fucked him up pretty decent.”

  “Why?” My mind raced with thoughts of him confronting Matt while I decorated cakes at the Supersaver, completely unaware.

  “You know why. He needed to fear coming near you. And this might not make sense to you, but I needed to rough him up. Because of what he did.”

  “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

  “I did. It’s part of who I am. I’m a protector. If someone messes with you, I have a gut instinct to fight back and protect you. I can’t turn off that part of me.”

  I sighed and looked at our linked hands in my lap. “I’m embarrassed, I guess. About you confronting my abusive ex. I feel like I belong on Springer.”

  “Samara. Look at me.”

  I turned my face up to his and he leaned closer, kissing me. “The only place you belong is in bed with me. It’s taken care of, okay? I couldn’t leave town without doing it. And he’s being watched, so I hope that’ll put your mind at ease. If you ever want to, you can stay with my mom. If you get a weird feeling or even if you just feel like hanging out with someone.”

  “I’d feel awkward dropping in on her.”

  “She’d love it. I’d love it, too. She gets lonely with Dad gone.”

  I nodded and squeezed his hand. “Okay. And who’s watching Matt?”

  “A private detective. They’ll check his location twice a day. And as soon as he violates his parole again, they’ll take photos and turn him in for it.”

  I let out a deep breath. “Thank you for caring so much.”

  He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms loosely around my back. “I’m yours. That means I take care of you.”

  “I’m yours, too,” I said softly, leaning my forehead against his. “And nothing’s ever felt better than that.”

  I tipped my face up and he captured my lips in a kiss. The faint taste of blood on his lips ignited something inside me. This man loved me. He’d bled for me. He worried about me.

  I pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it to the floor, reaching for the button on his jeans. His groan was half-sexy, half-amused.

  “Are you turned on by me fighting?” he asked in a low, sexy tone.

  “Fighting for me – yes,” I said, working my own clothes off in a hurry. “Hockey fights? I don’t know. Maybe.”


  “Probably,” I admitted.


  “Okay. Yes.”

  I hadn’t realized how much it turned me on until now. He was strong, unafraid and chivalrous. A white knight with pads and a stick.

  “I want it hot and hard tonight,” I said, reclining on my couch and spreading my legs.

  His lips parted and his cock, already hard, shot straight into the air. “I’ve really opened you up, huh? I like your demanding side, baby. You sure you can take hot and hard?”

  I licked my lips and smiled seductively. “I’m sure. Take me. Right now.”

  He took a step toward me before his face clouded and he froze. “Fucking hell,” he muttered. “Condoms.”

  “In the bag on the kitchen table,” I said.

  He practically ran to the kitchen, a smirk on his face when he returned with the box of condoms in his hand.

  “Economy size? My dick’s gonna get quite a workout tonight.”

  I smiled as I watched him rip it open and pull one out. “I thought since I’m coming to visit you we’d need them.”

  “Yeah.” He rolled the condom on and stared between my thighs, his eyes dark and hungry.

  “I plan to get on the pill,” I said. “Would we stop using condoms if I did?”

  He put a hand on each of my knees, pushing them apart even further. “I’d love that. I have to get a physical for camp, and an STD panel is part of it. I’m clean, but just to be safe let’s wait for that.”

  “Okay, stop with the unsexy talk and fuck me, please.”

  My skin prickled with arousal as he leaned over me, my ankles over his shoulders. He pushed all the way in with one thrust and I cried out with satisfied relief.

  “Samara,” he said, his voice strained as he fucked me with deep, hard thrusts. “You’re worth fighting for.”

  My body was aflame from the potent combination of his words and his powerful hips. Skin meeting skin and our grunts and groans were the only sounds in the room as we both made a fast climb to release.

  I buried my fingertips in his shoulders as pleasure overtook me, the sensation shooting through every nerve ending. He was right behind me, my name rumbling from his chest as he slid deep inside me one last time, holding himself there for a few breathless seconds.

  “We’re not gonna get much sleep tonight,” he said, kissing my forehead. “I’m planning to put a major dent in the economy pack.”

  I laughed as he moved back, lowering my legs back to the couch. Tonight was bittersweet. It was the last night of the best summer of my life. But I had hope that it was also the beginning of something more.

  Chapter 11


  I finished lacing up my skates and glanced around the locker room. I’d missed this place. With open wood lockers, carpet inlaid with our team logo and large showers with ample water pressure, it was a big step up from the Henley Recreational Facility.

  But mostly I’d missed my team. We were a family, and the familiarity of this place and these people helped ease the ache in my chest over leaving Samara.

  I’d settled back into my apartment yesterday afternoon, getting groceries and rounding up the equipment I needed for camp. Now it was Day One, bright and early.

  “Hey,” Ryke said, nodding at me as he walked by.

  “Hey, man.”

  The low conversations and yawning in the room came to a halt when Coach Price walked in. His face was a little more weathered, but his baseball hat, warm up suit and whistle were unchanged.

  He broke into a speech, but I was only listening with half an ear. Usually I had a fire in my belly on the first day of camp. Thoughts of playing hard, fighting and winning overshadowed everything else.

  This season was different. I was happy to be here, but I felt like I’d left a part of myself behind. I’d never felt this way with Amy. Our relationship had always been secondary to hockey. We’d seen each other maybe one night a month during my season. I needed space.

  But I didn’t want space with Samara. I wanted her here. Or I wanted to be there. I didn’t need to be with her every minute, but connecting with her every day had become important to me.

  I wanted to reassure myself that we’d adapt. We’d be able to see each other pretty much every weekend. She wasn’t that far away. But I knew in my gut that this wasn’t going to be enough. We were too close for this to be enough.

  I kept to myself as we walked to the ice to warm up with a skate. I had to get my head into a good place. Hockey required my complete focus when I was on the ice. The softness Samara brought out of me was bad for my game. Mu
ch as I hated the thought, I had to find a way to keep her out of my mind when I was playing.


  Downtown Chicago was so much more than I expected. Tall, beautiful buildings, bundled pedestrians and unending cars greeted me when I arrived.

  Before, this would’ve freaked me the hell out. I’d have been gripping the steering wheel and thinking of all the things that could go wrong. But I’d changed since meeting Orion. It wasn’t just his love that changed me, but my realization that I deserved it.

  I belonged here. I was still nervous, but it was a giddy, happy sensation rather than my old stomach-churning, tearful one.

  It took so much longer to travel a mile here than it did in Henley. There was lots of stop and go with the traffic, and then when I finally found his building, I couldn’t find the entrance to park where he’d told me to.

  I parked on the street and pulled on my knit stocking cap, joining the shuffle of people on the street.

  The building Orion lived in had an industrial, modern look. The lobby had dark wood floors and steel furniture with red cushions. A man at a desk took my name and showed me to an elevator, where he pushed the button for the tenth floor.

  “First door when you step off the elevator, ma’am,” he said with a nod.

  “Thank you.” I rode up and stepped off, knocking on the large, dark gray door.

  “You’re here,” Orion said, grinning and reaching for me as soon as he got the door open. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I’d missed his warm, clean smell, which now had a hint of leather.

  “You look good,” I said, running my hands over the solid muscles of his back. Even through his t-shirt, I felt the definition of each one.

  “You too, baby.” He cupped my cheeks and kissed me again. “You bring your stuff so you can move in?”

  “Orion,” I said in a scolding tone, arching my brows and grinning.

  “What? I’m never gonna stop asking. Not ‘til you say yes.” He bent slightly and picked me up, making me squeal with surprise.


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