Transcendental Misappropriation (Book One of the Pentacle Series)

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Transcendental Misappropriation (Book One of the Pentacle Series) Page 12

by Roharp17

  Now, to use the three runes as a spell, one must overlay them on top of each other in their mind. Raise your hand and picture the runes at the target you want to cast at. The runes will pull the required mana into the spell in your hand. Once the required mana is reached the spell can be cast at the target. If the caster loses focus, the spell will be disrupted and the stored mana will rupture in your hand. Now let me give you an example of how the runes line up on each of the elements I have already drawn, then you can go back and try again.

  Know this, if I catch you attacking another initiate, or causing them to disrupt their spell, I will make sure you are expelled from this academy."

  Keeping his head down from the glare Wizard August sent everyone, Danny memorized all of the rune combinations. He specifically noted how the runes lined up with each other to create new and more complex figures.

  Heading over to his spot his did as instructed. Before he even got there he could hear the magic of the other initiates racing down the lanes, splashing, whipping, burning, and crashing. He paused for a few moments and guessed this spell worked for healing magic as well.

  A few cheers and whoops could be heard throughout the room. Danny raised his gloved hand and pictured the tiny fireball spell. It took but a few moments to fill and the spell shot off at where he was picturing. Through his glove he could feel heat coalesce before the spell was fired off. The necessity of the gloves immediately apparent. The animal the leather came from must be naturally fire proof or this could be made from the same animal he had made the girdle from. Though, the leather of the gloves felts softer and more pliable than his girdle had.

  Danny got off a few dozen fireballs before pausing. There was commotion at one lane and Danny wondered if someone got distracted and hurt themselves. Walking over to the crowd, he noticed everyone seemed excited. He peered around to see Peak rapidly firing his spell, barely pausing between shots. Danny did note that the time between his shots was not consistent. Even so, how was this possible as he barely had any mana reserves? Using mana sight Danny realized what he was missing. Even with Danny's larger mana reserves, compared to most of the other initiates, his mana flow rate was abysmal.

  Looking around there were a few initiates with mana lines as thin as his, but not many. Danny was pretty sure, that unlike theirs, his mana regeneration rate and flow rate would keep increasing. He wondered if his mana regeneration and flow rate would eventually outpace theirs. Maybe, his path was one with a better end goal. He also couldn't deny the fact that, unlike them, he could "freehand" these spells, shaping them how he wanted. He couldn't wait to get access to a private room and test out mana manipulation with fire affinity.

  Danny started thinking back to all the video games he played in his past life. Intelligence usually affected mana regeneration or storage in some way.

  Turning to Wizard August and getting his attention, Danny asked, “Does the sanctuary’s intelligence increase affect our mana?”

  Wizard August looked annoyed to be distracted from initiate Peaks performance, “Intelligence affects one’s ability to absorb and process information. It has nothing to do with mana.”

  “But, my increases in magic affinity, when unlocking my mana, increased my intelligence.”

  Wizard August sighed, “Your affinity levels are representative of your comprehension of how they function within the use of mana. More intelligence will assist you with the ability to process and understand the affinities in greater detail.”

  The two were interrupted as others in the class noticed them talking.


  "Hey Creek!

  "Show us!"

  "Creek, it's time to show us your three affinities you claim to have...," Peak said with a knowing look. His chest puffed out, filled with confidence from his performance with the fireballs.

  Danny walked forward and the crowed parted to let him up next to Peak. Danny didn't bother looking at Peak. Raising a hand, he first cast fireball followed by a stone spike. Danny was surprised to see how fast the spike shot up from the ground where he pointed his hand. Last he cast wind blade. The silence in the air was palpable.

  From the back of the crowd Wizard August could be heard clapping, "Well done, initiate Creek!"

  If everyone was shocked before, Wizard August's praising Danny simply confused them.

  "An initiate wizard with three affinities. This has not been seen in some time. I myself have three affinities and it took me years of studying the ways of air to unlock that affinity," praised August with a genuine smile on his face. Gone was the disdain he had shown Danny a minute ago.

  Danny was surprised as well, but seeing an opportunity he didn't pass it up.

  "Any advice or knowledge you could give me on my elements, from your vast experience, would be most appreciated, Wizard August," said Danny.

  Pleased, August had them return to their individual lanes and kept them practicing until time for supper. Since the facility was closed, the healer up front would send an initiate to each room to notify them.

  "Remember, the only way to increase your affinities is practice, practice, practice. Also, no magic outside the practice rooms! I will see you at dawn tomorrow," August dismissed them to supper.

  Danny left with the rest of his class and headed to the dining hall at his own pace. He was surprised when he realized a few of his fellow initiates following him. Shrugging he went to supper and for the first time he didn't eat alone.

  A note from Roharp17


  Chapter 18

  That first week at the academy, Wizard August only taught them one other rune and he did not give them any additional power runes. The initiates with healing were given a self-directed method rune, and a cast on touch. Danny was annoyed that the self-directed method rune still used up all of the caster’s magic.

  Then there was practice, practice, practice. They learned all elements were not equal. While changes with earth magic were permanent, they cost the most magic. Fire magic cost the second most, and could be the most destructive. Water magic was the third most costly and could be considered semi-permanent. Air magic was the cheapest attack spell if you just want to push something over. Healing magic's cost depended on what was being healed. Healing a human was cheaper than say a dwarf. Healing a dwarf was easier than an animal. Danny suspected that more knowledge one acquirers into the anatomy of different races and species would lower this cost. Also, Healing at range was very costly.

  Danny’s attempts to learn about strength and agility were ignored as he was told to focus on his magic and thus intelligence. Wizard August went over the different elements and gave a basic lesson on each. Danny was surprised with a few of the assumptions that were apparently made by the wizards. All elements were assumed to be summoned into existence and not generated from the resources around them. Danny’s own experiments with the elements easily refuted this. Otherwise he would be able to summon earth directly in the air and not have to shape it from the ground up.

  The end of the week brought a half day. During this time the students could spend their time however they wanted. Danny decided to see if he could find the academy’s library. Ever since he had learned he had a photographic memory he had been wanting to gain as much information as possible. Unfortunately, if there was a library near his old house, he was not allowed to go alone. Also, no one in his family had the time to take him, so he had never asked.

  Danny went down the hall of his dorm to the front desk. Wizard Dawn sat there reading a book, almost as if he never moved from the last time Danny saw him. Danny coughed politely to get the man’s attention. Holding a finger up, the wizard kept reading a little more then turned the page and closed the book around his finger.

  "What did you break this time," Wizard Dawn said dryly.

  "Break? Nothing Wizard... I was just going to ask if the academy had a library," Danny explained.

  Looking closer at Danny, the Dawn said, "Oh, you’re not him! Boy keeps breaking my t
oilets, the elements only knows what he's doing in there... How do you crack solid stone with your bare... Never mind. Library, that's on the fourth floor of the tower, can't miss it."

  Danny looked oddly down the hall towards the bathrooms before turning back, "Thank you Wizard."

  The library turned out to be a massive room filled to the brim with texts, scrolls, and even a few stone tablets. Asking the initiate manning the front desk, Danny confirmed he could read but not borrow the books on the shelves.

  There was a full wizard restricted area manned by the wizard in charge of the library. Looking around he didn't know where to start. When he inquired about historical books and anything about the other races, the initiate looked thoughtful. Most people came to look for old spells and runes available to the student body. He asked Danny to wait and entered a door marked "Wizards Only". The initiate returned with an elderly wizard in grey, white, blue, and red duster.

  Danny was shocked to see someone with more than three colors. The elderly wizard was stooped, with a balding head and white hair that hung down the sides of his head like moss. His eyebrows were apparently competing with his long beard, as they had grown almost hanging down over his eyes. He made his way over with the initiate, who bowed to the elderly wizard before returning to the front desk.

  Danny unsure of himself, bowed to the elder wizard, saying, "Good afternoon, Wizard, I am Danny Creek."

  "Good afternoon initiate Creek, I am Wizard Diadem," the old man said with a tired looking smile.

  Recognizing the name, Danny eyes involuntarily widened, realizing who this man must be. He also realized this man might be used to people fawning all over him and asking annoying questions. Danny chose to keep things simple as to not waste this important man’s time. His was a family Danny didn't need to be on the bad side of.

  "Wizard Diadem, I was hoping to find some books on our histories and maybe the other major races," Danny said with a slight bow.

  The old mans tired smile turned into a genuine one “Excellent, someone here wanting to fill their mind with more than spells and techniques. I believe I know just the books you are looking for. Though our collection doesn't hold much."

  Wizard Diadem headed out into the forest of bookshelves at a slow pace. Danny saw this as the perfect time to ask the ancient wizard a few questions.

  "Wizard, why are new students not given history books to read? Why not books on other important subjects as well," Danny asked as they walked.

  Walking and talking seemed too much for the elderly wizard, as he stopped to answer, "Good questions! Now, there is a key word you used, Importance. When the wizard academy was first established, after finding the ancient keys, we were at war with various beastmen tribes. No one had time to sit down and read books, as new wizards had to be trained a soon as possible. Centuries later the practice was maintained.

  Now wizards do not learn anything other than magic, unless it is deemed relevant to their training. The boy’s academy does not focus much on history. Teaching the boys trade skills is the primary focus, as it takes longer for them to learn. The girl’s academy goes in depth into history, writing, civics, mathematics, and then specialty classes for their desired occupation. Our people are divided this way, and it has worked well."

  With the question answered, Wizard Diadem continued on his trek. Thinking about this Danny ventured another question.

  "Wizard Diadem, forgive my ignorance, why are not children taught more before turning seven," Danny asked timidly.

  Stopping again, the wizard replied, “If the mental sanctuaries give us the ability to have permeant recollection, then there is no reason to learn too much before then. What is learned during that time is not memorized as well, and in some cases forgotten before the age of seven. Some noble families hire tutors for their children before the age of seven, believing this will give them an advantage. Many question the effectiveness of that."

  Danny figured that was the reason but didn't know who to ask. He greatly appreciated the concise answers he got from this wise old man. The wizard continued moving and stopped shortly at a back corner of the library.

  "Here is the majority of what we have on the other cultures. Most books on the dwarves are pure speculation as they do not like foreigners inside their fortified cities. We keep those because important people would be offended if we removed them. The elves allowed a few worthy individuals into their forests and much that was learned can be found written here. Information on the beastmen tribes is as fragmented and in conflict as the tribes themselves," Wizard Diadem explained.

  Thinking, Danny asked, "Is there by chance any books showing translation of other languages?"

  The old wizards eyebrows drew together, almost comically, as he asked, "Are you looking to put aside wizardry for a job as an ambassador or trader?"

  Laughing, Danny said, "No Wizard, I just am very curious about the other races and not much has been taught to me. I suspect most people don't really know more than that they are different."

  Nodding, the old wizard reached for a few tomes and put them in Danny's arms, saying, "Before I head back to my chair in the Wizards area, do you have any other questions?"

  Danny knew he couldn't ask too many questions so he kept his on the current topic.

  "I grew up in the outer walls and could not locate a library, why is that," Danny asked.

  "Libraries have been proposed by the Grand Council a few times, but book merchants have protested enough to smother those ideas. Now the academies are the only ones to house libraries, outside private ones, as the merchants can have no say over them," explained the wizard.

  Danny bowed deeply, and said, "Thank you very much, Wizard Diadem, for your assistance and answering my many questions."

  Wizard Diadem's eyes turned kind as he said, "It is good to see a young initiate who wants to fill his head with more than just magic. You remind me of a young me. Feel free to stop by with any questions you have."

  Danny bowed again to the Wizard as he doddered off towards his room. Heading over to one of the empty tables scattered throughout the library, Danny looked through the books he was given. He read all the titles so he could find them again should he not finish today. The first book he read was titled "The Extensive Elven Language." This was a detailed account on the written language of the elves. The method the author used to write the book would not have worked in his past life. The entire book was written with examples. Brief explications followed, with observations on why this tense was used or in what context to use a specific honorific. The elven language was similar to cursive, the letters written like vines. Any part of the character that deviated from the main line had a leaf at the end.

  Danny checked quickly through the other books, but none of them were on the spoken language, just the written. Danny had brought his bag and practiced the language on his own after reading through the book. Danny thought the language beautiful, but time consuming to write compared to human.

  Danny gained glimpses into the elven culture but in the end he had more questions than answers. He was about to get up to put the other books up for now and look for the books on elven culture Diadem mentioned, when in the distance he heard the dinner bell ringing. Instantly frustrated with the lack of free time given to him in a week, he put his books up.

  That night after dinner, Danny lay in bed, exhausted for some reason. He realized he felt different since late that afternoon and wondered if he was getting sick. Sitting up he started to meditate and entered his mental sanctuary. After the novelty had worn off, Danny discovered he didn't need to enter his mental sanctuary as much. Usually once or twice a week, he would check on his progress, which lately had come few and far between.

  Looking over his skill bookshelves he discovered diadem (written) had leveled to five. His earlier realization that he wouldn't take notes was true, but he found he still liked to write out certain ideas as formulas when thinking things through. Maybe all the reading and using context clues for new words ha
d helped.

  He had gained a whole four levels in "Elven Language (written)." This surprised him as he didn't suspect anything written about another culture to be perfectly accurate. A whole afternoon spent reading and practice writing netted him four levels! While intelligence didn't directly affect mana, he was shocked the academy didn't have them absorbing every book they could.

  These new levels didn't all come recently, though the four levels in the elven language might have done it. Moving to the exit, he noticed something new about his desk area before leaving. Looking around he realized the original letter from the Grand Sorcerer was hidden under a new piece of parchment. Picking it up, he quickly read.

  Those that seek greater intelligence, can find their path blocked by the complexities of the unknown. Your achievements have allowed you access to a hidden aspect of the sanctuary.

  Looking up, Danny saw what originally had drawn him over here but the new letter had distracted him. The angle on the side of his attribute triangle representing intelligence, had just barely extended past the copper triangle. Now an iron triangle surrounded the copper. The iron triangle appeared twice that of the copper. Danny looked around, confused by the cryptic letter and the meaning of the appearance of the iron triangle.

  Danny moved past the bookshelves of skills and into the hallway beyond. The branching of the hallway into two pathways was now three. To his left, he could see the library, with a new book or two on the bookshelf. He could check that later.

  Directly across from him was his mana room, and to his right was the new room. Moving inside he found something that freaked him out. A large crystal was jutting up from the ground. In the crystal he saw his body, from his last life, naked. He circled the room unable to take his eyes off his still form inside. When he had made a complete circle of the room, he drifted forward, peering into the face, his face. He jumped back as the crystal Danny's eyes opened. They stayed that way for some time before Danny looked down. He could still not see his body, yet there it was inside the crystal.


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