He brought the bottle blond to her room and slowly kissed down her neck taking her shirt off and dropping to his knees to kiss along her waist, unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down inch by inch with a kiss. Standing back up he gripped her waste kissing her slowly, or killing her softly as he thought it was, till they reached the bed, lying her back against it and seductively crawling on top of her. Spreading his hands to every inch he could touch and kissing every spot that meant too much. Her eyes turned from lust to relaxed pleasure and as soon as they did he gently glided his tongue along the outside of her wetness sending her into an unknowing spasm. He smoothly slid into her, pleasured them both. He then caressed her until she was asleep, he slipped out of her house and made his way home thinking, ‘if only he could have done that to Trey, where would he be now, surely not alone in his bed, he grimaced. She could even interrupt his pleasure, normally when he got home he’d just pass out instead his thoughts were stuck on Trey. It was her interrupting his mind that made him want to drop. All day was a fight to keep her out but he didn't want her out, so she stayed interrupting his day; his life. He had to keep better concentration or at this rate he’d fail for sure.
They both had their lives finally together, they were right where they wanted to be; confidently in the beginning of their dream; their goal in life. But with the interruption in one’s life, could they keep it together to succeed with their own purpose of life or would they have to sacrifice?
Chapter Three:
Stay Away From Me
‘Hold my head high, breath don’t deny,
I am confident, I am courageous,
Stand tall and don’t ever fall,
I am strong, I am tenacious,
My name says it all
I am a fighter, I am a healer,
Treasach Sirona, I am in control.'
‘This is who I am, this is who I always need to be.’ This is her pep talk every morning before she steps foot out of bed. A motion picture of her father beating her flashes through her eyes as a reminder of why. ‘If I can heal from him than I can heal from anyone,’ she tells herself. ‘If I can leave him to fight for my life than I can fight anyone and anything that steps in my way. Ayden has no hold on me because I am a fighter and a healer and I will stay in control. He is not stronger than I. I will protect what is mine; me. Be aware Ayden James because I am fierce and I am mine.’
She has a renewed strength. Her words stronger than before. He was only a test of that strength she controlled and she would not let herself fail the test. Failure was not an option with her when it came to her control. The reminder that she lived through her father solidified her mind. She could live through anyone; if she beat the one man that was to unconditionally love her but didn’t, than she could beat this man that tested her control. She stood taller with determination as she walked out her door and jumped on her Harley. It was a bit cold but she needed to feel the lent control from her bike. To control something with no mind that had the power to take her life; open over the road, opened her mind.
‘Her sadness broke me like no other. That care free attitude of hers is what I desire. She can only have that with her strength, so I will make her stronger and help her. I never want to see that defeat she radiated last night when she left me. I will not do to her what was done to me.'
With his new reason he set off for his day, swinging his leg over his Honda he prayed to have it give him strength to fight for his heart that has already begun to open only for Trey. All the other girls he knew he would leave before they could throw him away but Trey; he wanted to give her ever bit of his love he could and then some. He wanted her to keep him, make himself her most valued souvenir.
He knew he had to stay on track, it was more important now. He would have to impress her and strengthen every quality he had. He could tell she valued strength; so he’d be strong. He’d train harder, follow her running, so he could run with her. He also had to try harder to get into the fights to impress her instead of just needing the fight for himself. He would have to cause himself more physical pain so that he could endure more. He knew it was not the only kind of strength; he would also have to be smarter, more successful, more witty to keep up with her talks. He would have to make his plan more; more everything. ‘Go big or go home, I suppose,’ he thought. No longer was it just to prove to himself that he was not a dirt bag and wouldn’t amount to shit. He would have to prove to her that he was all of the above and so much more. He would be worth keeping. Today he would spend the day finding out more about her to prepare a plan of attack; a battle he would win.
He believed one of the girls that were at her shop was in his first or second class but he couldn’t be sure, he really didn’t check out the girls on campus but that’s where he would start. He would talk to them about her and find out what he could. For the first time he searched the faces around him in class but had no luck. By the time he walked into his second class he was so frantic about it, it looked completely obvious but he didn’t care what any of them though only what Trey did at this point. He spotted one of the girls and she was looking at him with question. He stalked over to her and held out his hand, “I’m Ayden, I don’t think we officially met the other day.”
“Gwen, nice to meet you.” She shook his hand with the strength of someone confidant but also curiously cautious and it did not go unnoticed with Ayden. He sat down next to her with a smile and asked, “So what's the story with Trey, she intrigues me.”
“Ah…well I don’t really know her story just who she is now.” Gwen shrugged.
“Who is she now? What does she look for in a guy? I really want to get to know her more. I like the way she presents herself.”
“Well…She’s liberating, as in free from traditional expectations. As for guys, she simply is not looking. As for getting to know her more, good luck. I’ve been friends with her a year and I still don’t know what makes her tick. And I’m not sure if the way she presents herself is really who she is.” She commented about everything that he asked but gave no more than that. ‘Simple,’ he thought of her.
“So what you’re saying is; I pretty much don’t have a chance with her or getting to know her?”
“I don’t know, she’s different and difficult but I love and respect her. I’ve been with her a while and never seen her take interest in any guys nor talk about any, she just doesn’t do that kind of thing.” Gwen shrugged like it was normal for a college girl not to take interest in guys. ‘Maybe it was,’ he thought. But then again she did talk about him he caught her in the act. He would have to find the other girl that she was talking to about him. Than words she spoke caught his mind, ‘I’ve been with her a while,’ “Wait, is she with you? You said you’ve been with her a while.”
“No, na it’s not like that I just meant close with her, her friend since school started, something like that,” she said eyes wide with laughter but he could tell there was more to it than that. ‘With her throughout her movement, that is,’ is what Gwen wouldn’t tell.
“Thank the goddess, I’m not completely out of the game.” They both laughed.
“The goddess? Why not God?” She asked with true curiosity.
“Oh…ah…I don’t know I guess if life is this much of a mess and I’m still here it must be a women in charge, a man would just leave.” He said it unsurely and Gwen would store it away for another day.
They focused on the professor that started the class and he let Trey slip from his mind to concentrate because now he knew that he would do it for her instead of losing his concentration because of her. That thought was harder than it sounded every few her eyes would cross his path and distract but he quickly caught himself before it would last. At the end of class he asked, “So…are you going to tell her I asked about her?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Ah…no! If you wouldn’t that would be great.”
“Just don’t get your hopes up, you’ll only break.” Gwen said it wit
h concern in her voice that made him worry. He knew Trey would be hard to win but a challenge never did him in. If anything her knowing and saying what she did about Trey only made him more determined. He would be that one guy for her to be interested in.
Classes went smoothly for Trey. She was controlled enough to block some meaningless jerk from her mind. Shit she controlled the thoughts of her father; she could control her thoughts of him. At lunch she met up with her pack at the corner booth of their favorite tea shack. It was small and privately owned by Tammy, a strong willed single mom entrepreneur. The reason Trey loved it more plus it had a homey feel to it that settled the girls and the tea did calm them to talk business with an open mind. “It’s a new year with new blood and more money to be made, so what’s the word on the new freshman?” Trey addressed the three others at the table. Gwen sat across from her, Jocelyn next to her and Payce; the gossip queen of the group sat across from Jos. Payce knew everyone there was to know and prided herself with the knowledge. A true psychology major who could tell you about a person just by the way they held themselves. “Well there is a lot of new blood but a few stick out as truly great possible fighters. Ones that could be on top and quick.” Pay; as they call her, said.
“Alright start with them.”
“The one that has really hit my radar is that guy Ayden, he’s got the fire of a fight in him and he trains well. He’s in the gym a lot and he’s strong but more so, smart. He spars with a guy named Dane they came here together and have a bond that goes far back. I don’t think Dane is a fighter just his trainer but he is someone that would stay with his buddy, he cares for him like a brother but he’s not.”
“So you really think that Ayden is the best of the freshman?”
“No, I think he’s the best of all the guys we have already!”
“Ugh. Well if he is the one that came to the shop the other day I am not happy to hear you say that. The guys a cocky prick.”
“Oh, shit you mean the guy that had you cracking than bit your wrist?” Jos piped in all giggly.
“Wait! What?” Pay said with a chuckle.
“Oh, come the fuck on! It was so not funny and like I said the guys a cocky prick, no, an over confident cocky prick.”
“He bit your wrist?” Gwen said thinking about how he asked about her today. She would just have to sit back and see how this one unfolds even more, she thought to herself.
“Yeah, no big deal. Anyway who else?”
“Na, no way are you getting out of this, I gotta hear!” Pay said.
“Fine, than I’m sure Jos will enlighten you later we have business to discuss.”
“Seriously, Trey sometimes I don’t think you have any kind of girl talk in you, yet you talk and help girls all the time. It really is completely beyond me that you’re like that. Anyway…” The conversation went on but in the back of Treys mind one thing hung heavy; he’s a good fighter; great. All this speaking of fights and him is only making her want one tonight. She knew that it was too soon that the last fight got called before it was due and she moved a guy up the line just so she could fight but by Goddess she wanted another fight. She sent the girls out to get the numbers of the picked and headed off to her next class, knowing one of them would go to Ayden. She wondered what he would think or how he would react but then she successfully blocked him from her head.
At lunch he went right to the tree he saw Trey at but to his complete depression she was not there. He sat longer than he probably should have on the place she sat but he felt the serenity of it and stayed. He’ll just have to go to her tonight,’ he thought. He also had to find the other girl that was with her but then she walked up out of nowhere. “Stand boy, we got things to discuss.” Jos drawled a bit too happy for his liking. He stood with more confidence than he should of being told what to do like that, but that’s what he needed to do to prove to her he was worth her friend.
“Okay, what’s up?”
“I need your number, you do have a cell phone with text capabilities right?”
“Yeah, is it for Trey? Can she no longer handle to be away from me?”
“No, jackass it’s not! I’m sure you’ve heard about being on the list, have you not?” She blatantly avoided talk about Trey, he wondered why or what she was hiding.
“No, I have but what’s it entail?”
“Look here’s the deal; we don’t talk about it but your first text will be more descriptive than your second just follow it and show up and you’ll get the deal after. Okay? It’s as simple as that.” He typed his number into her phone and saved it under Trey’s man and laughed to himself as he held the phone out to her but held onto it as she did so that she wouldn’t go away. “So tell me about Trey, she talked to you about me and I’m very interested in her.”
“Ha, good luck with that buddy!”
“Why? You don’t think I’m someone she would be interested in?”
“No, she’s not interested in anyone at any time! She’s to motivated on succeeding.”
“Come on, help me out here, I want to ask her on a date. Please.”
“A date? Really? You pretty much disrespected her in her own place than bit her, do you really think she would say yes? You heard her, she thinks you’re a freak.”
“Yeah well, I needed to make a lasting impression and that I’m pretty sure I did.”
“Yeah, I guess you probably did,” she laughed. “Look, I really don’t have any advice for you, I guess just ask what could a rejection hurt. Oh and the text will come an hour before you have to be there so be ready and don’t be late. See ya.” She waved with her back already to him.
“See ya.” Ayden really was at a point where he was at a loss. He didn’t really get any information on Trey even from the two closest to her, other than good luck; fat chance. So, what could he do know? ‘Well, I’ll have to just go to the source, see her tonight and be ready for the fight,’ he thought and walked off to his next class that he itched to get out of so he could train than go see her.
Okay, so he was going to be on the list that apparently was unavoidable but she could still keep her distance from him, she would make him. Though sooner or later she would have to fight him but hey, one day at a time right? She would take care of that then, plus she really did just want to beat him; that would make her happy and back in complete control. But apparently he was good so she would have to watch him; that to her just plainly sucked. She wanted him out of her mind and out of sight. Out of sight; out of mind! Right?
Her last class didn’t go as smoothly as the ones in the morning but she still managed to get him to stay away from the front of her mind. She had to occupy herself as much as she could so she got a head start on some homework and studying in the campus library. After she was done she rode back to her house and made dinner for Gwen. They didn’t talk much, Gwen was a women of few words but there was a look in her eye that Trey was worried about. It was a look like she knew something but would not share yet until she figured it out. Those looks always got the best of Trey, her final comment always came late. She was an observation than thesis kind of girl. They ready the shop to open, cleaning up a bit than let a couple dopes in. ‘Giving a tat will calm me,’ she thought but then she worried if he would come in. His tat was not done yet but then again she didn’t think any of them were, so she relaxed a bit and went to work.
He ran like she did to her shop and stopped a few paces away to collect himself. He only had a few scrapes this time from the falls but that is not what had his heart fluttering. The thought that he was so close to possibly seeing her had him worried. What if one of the girls he asked today told her he did? ‘Alright, get it together man it’s no big deal,’ he told himself than took a deep breath and walk on in. She did not look up when she said, “Were booked at the moment if you want to come back or wait but it might be a bit.” Her head snapped up at the sound of his voice, “I’ll wait.”
“Oh, no please it will be at least a couple hours, come back later.”
/> “It’s good, I’ll just sit here and do some drawing.” He sat down at the bar with a view of her and started drawing; a picture of her the way she is at the moment. His eyes first snapped to her hands to see if she had them on the man she was working on and to his relief they were not. Only the gun touched him. ‘Was it just for me than?’ He thought to himself and let himself feel the happiness in the hopeful truth.
The light over her shined down like she was in a spot light giving him the idea to make it look like she was an angel sent for him by the goddess. The man she was working on squirmed like a baby and Ayden could see the joy in her eyes and it had him worried. She liked inflicting pain to him and he could tell that was what she wanted when he sat on that very chair, but that he would never give; not the satisfaction that so brightly shined from her. That’s when the light above dimmed to her glow to him. ‘She is an angel but was she for him? He couldn’t give her that kind of glow but could he give her some. Could his touch, his love mean more to her?’ He was lost with the thoughts as he drew her.
“So babe, wanna go out for a few drinks and see where the night takes us, I do have a nice bed.” The man she was finished giving the tattoo said. Ayden jerked his head toward him and said, “Why don’t you go elsewhere and give the women some respect.” It was almost perfect, Trey demanded respect and he was given an opportunity to show her he would stand up for her respect. He was in his glory with the thought and his confidence in his words proved it. But when she snapped her head towards him he wasn’t so sure it was a good idea, “I can take care of myself, why don’t you show me some respect.” Then she turned to the other guy and said, “Listen buddy, I will never see where the night takes me with some jackass like you, so if you don’t mind pay the lady and get the fuck out of my shop and don’t come back until you learn to treat women the way they deserve.” The guy paid Gwen and left than Trey rounded on Ayden, “Who the hell gave you the right to talk to my customers like that? It’s bad for business and like I said I don’t need help especially from some stuck up over confidant piece of shit, so why don’t you walk out and stay away from me and we’ll be good.” This was her chance to make him mad so that he would go away, but he took a step toward her, “I’m sorry, Treasack. I just wanted him to show you the respect you deserve. I did not mean to offend your ability to handle yourself, I know you can, I just figured it would be nice for you not to always have to do so.”
Wench With Wings Page 4