[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 7

by Rebecca Foxx

  Jacqueline’s intuition told her to give him the cold shoulder, even thou she wanted to give Michael her glistening hot pussy for desert.

  Chapter 6

  Jacqueline couldn’t take it any more. She wanted to know what he was thinking. It hadn’t been her intention to hurt him. That’s not what she wanted to do. She needed him to understand how important this could be for her career. She didn’t want to end up spending the next twenty years writing Page Six articles. It was an opportunistic time for her to move on up and carve out a name for herself.

  She heard the phone ringing and quickly turned off the stove. Then rushed across the room. It was Michael. It had to be him. She couldn’t wait to hear his voice. But when she got to the phone, she was disappointed when she didn’t see Michael’s name on the screen. It was her mother calling.

  Jacqueline thought about letting the call go to voicemail. It would be really difficult for her to keep quite about all the excitement she was feeling. How would she be able to tell her mother about the story she was doing without revealing that the piece was on Michael?

  She sighed and stared at the name on the screen before finally picking up.

  After a bit of small talk, the conversation finally came around to the subject that Jacqueline always dreaded.

  “Are there any cute boys in your life these days?” Her mother asked.

  Jacqueline sighed and shook her head. She should have learned to deal with these sorts of questions by now. There really wasn’t anything strange about her mother being curious about her dating life. Any mother in her position would have been. Despite that understanding, Jacqueline still hated having to answer questions about her dating life. She felt like she was being attacked and judged.

  You’re not good enough. You’ll never find a good man. What’s wrong with you? There are so many men out there, are you that unattractive that you can’t find at least one good one?

  Those were the words that Jacqueline heard in her mind whenever she was asked about her love life. It didn’t matter whether the person asking the questions was having any of those thoughts. That had nothing to do with it. Because deep down it wasn’t really about other people, it was about the deep issues she had with intimacy, and putting her unconditional trust in a man. It was paramount that she found a man that was up to her standards, and one that could provide her with a unique lifestyle. It was a step that she wanted to take, but she still wasn’t sure whether she was ready.

  “I’ve been really busy with work,” Jacqueline said.

  “Jackie, that’s what you’re always telling me, her mother replied. Work might not feel like such a burden if you spent time with a few nice men.”

  “A few nice men? Jacqueline repeated. Is that really what I need?”

  “You go on and snicker at me if you like,” her mother said. “I know that if I were you I would have the most eligible men coming in and out of my apartment all day and all night long.”

  Jacqueline screeched and almost dropped the phone. She didn’t know whether to burst out laughing or reprimand her mother.

  “Mom, do you really want me to become promiscuous, just so I’ll be able to take my mind off work? Is that really what you’re proposing?”

  “Honey, I’m just saying that you’re an attractive woman living in a city full of attractive, eligible men. You’re in the prime of your life. This is the best time to snag a man - or are you waiting to snag, the best man?”

  “But it’s not the best time, Mom. I need to focus on my career right now. Once I get more established then I’ll have time to devote to a relationship.”

  “It doesn’t work like that. I don’t want you to end up like a lot of single black women who thought that the men would always be there. They won’t, honey. It’s not fair but that’s how it is.”

  Jacqueline didn’t feel like arguing. For the first time in a long time, she had to admit that her mother might actually be offering her some good advice.

  When Jacqueline hung up the phone, she felt a great sense of relief. That was precisely the advice that she needed to hear. Her friends and colleagues would probably go along with her belief that she should be focusing more on her career than her love life at the moment. She was on the brink of finally breaking through in a very competitive industry. She’d dreamed about this opportunity so many times before. She was going to nail this story. She felt certain of that. But what would be the point if she had no one to share it with? What would be the point if she became a famous journalist but had no one to come to at the end of the day?

  Just thinking about that loneliness gave her an empty feeling in her stomach.

  Chapter 7

  Michael couldn’t believe that Jacqueline actually wanted him to go along with this ridiculous plan. Essentially, they were blackmailing him just so they could get a big viral story for the launch of their newest gossip publication. He’d always had a love/hate relationship with that class of magazine. His ego needed to hear the clicks of the cameras, the reporters calling out their foolish questions, trampling over anyone in their way to get another shot. He loved that spectacle. It gave him great pleasure. But it was beginning to get old – very old.

  And now that lifestyle had gotten him into quite a bit of trouble. So much trouble that his money wouldn’t be able to get him out of it. This was definitely new territory for him. He wanted to be angry with Jacqueline. He really did. But when he thought about it from her perspective he could understand why she wanted to go forward with this. If it had been any other tabloid writer, he would have sent a pack of high-priced lawyers running after them. The fact that Jacqueline was involved in this made things a lot more complicated for him.

  Whatever decision he came to would have to be made in the next twenty-four hours. He planned on spending that time alone, so that he could truly figure out what the best solution would be. He wanted to protect his reputation while making sure that Jacqueline’s career wouldn’t be negatively affected. He knew that if he were in her shoes, he would probably do the same thing. She’d worked too hard to let something so provocative slip through her fingers. He respected her hustle and drive. As a woman of color, particularly an African American woman, he knew that she faced a lot more obstacles in her path than many of her colleagues. That’s why this wouldn’t be an easy decision for him. If losing the story potentially caused irreparable harm to her career and future job prospects, he would never be able to forgive himself.

  Michael had more respect for her than he outwardly showed. It was a protective mechanism. After all, he was human despite his notoriety. His initial ‘one and done’ attitude towards Jacqueline had changed since he saw her for the first time again that Friday night. Even though they didn’t speak at length since they reunited, Michael remembered how they hung out for hours when they were younger. He remembered the time just after high school when they took a cruise in his convertible BMW and the attention their interracial presence attracted. That day was the same day she respectfully rejected his advances after she played the perfectly executed cock-tease routine on him. Alternatively, Jacqueline asked him deeper philosophical questions about his parents, his goals for the future and how she intended to carve out her own career in celebrity journalism, despite all barriers of her African American heritage. Jacqueline was the only girl who ever rejected his advanced and definitely the one girl who ever had the intellect or the personal integrity to help him fix his character flaws. Furthermore, the man in him couldn’t shake the idea of seeing his engorged white cock being skillfully manipulated by her cocoa colored hands.

  Michael tossed and turned in bed that night. There was so much weighing on the decision that he was forcefully blackmailed to make. He’d tried drinking an extra glass of wine or two before slipping under the covers, hoping that would give his nerves and muscles just the relaxer they needed for him to get to sleep. After a couple of restless hours, he was forced to admit that his approach hadn’t worked. But that wasn’t his only problem. His other problem
was that his cock was rock hard and pulsating against his stomach. It was the image of Jacqueline’s curvy body and cocoa colored skin that had him stiff and ready to explode. He’d always found her cute and extremely exotic. But over the last several years, she’d certainly filled out nicely and begun looking like a sexy educated lady, whose presence commands attention in her own right. .

  He’d never been with a black woman before. He’d always found them incredibly attractive, but people in New York tended to segregate themselves. He imagined how his cock would feel inside a black woman. He had heard rumors that an African American women’s pussy felt like paradise. However, that segregation was never more apparent than in the wealthy circles. New York’s oldest money was predominantly white. There were not many African American women, attractive or not, who ran in those sorts of exclusive social circles.

  Michael smiled as he pictured himself walking into the mayor’s Gracie Mansion or a Vera Wang NYC exclusive show with Jacqueline on his arm. She wouldn’t be out of place at any of those events – as a matter of fact, she would stand out. It wouldn’t matter whether she were the only African American in the room or not. She’d always known how to conduct herself with the class and dignity befitting of an elite woman.

  The next day Michael called Jackie first thing in the morning. He’d made up his mind but he wanted to tell her face-to-face. This had gone on long enough. Throughout the day Michael had trouble focusing on anything that didn’t have to do with meeting Jackie later on that night. He was slightly worried that he hadn’t made the right choice. But he was going to trust his gut and let the chips fall where they had to fall.

  There was one thing that he was sure of though. Jacqueline was the woman that he’d been searching for, not the type of woman – but thee woman. Michael made a checklist in his mind, and he thought to himself…

  Jacqueline was more desirable than a thousand women.

  Jacqueline could fix him from the inside out.

  Jacqueline was a treasure… not a trophy.

  Jacqueline could satisfy his bad boy intentions.

  Jacqueline was black Viagra.

  Jacqueline was a unique soul -- or was she his soulmate?

  Chapter 8

  As Jacqueline rode the private elevator up to Michael’s luxurious penthouse apartment, her entire body tingled with excitement. This was going to be one of the biggest days of her professional career. She felt very confident that Michael was going to agree to the in-depth profile piece for the new gossip focused website and mobile campaign. His tone over the phone had been so calm and relaxed. He might be looking forward to this even more than I am, she thought with a chuckle. She had no idea how wrong she was.

  Michael opened the Brazilian mahogany door of his apartment and they embraced warmly. Jacqueline smiled as she inhaled his masculine scent. She’d forgotten how good it felt to be held in his strong athletic arms. Those warm, secure embraces were another reason that she was looking forward to spending time with him over the next couple of weeks. Like out of a James Bond movie, Michael flips a switch and the enormous stone fireplace transforms into a bar and the lights automatically dim. Michael asks, “Barry White or Michael Buble’?”

  “Mmm, Barry White, ”Jacqueline says, holding back her arousal.

  Michael cascades his hands over his collection of spirits and chooses a $350 bottle Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial Champagne. Like a pro, he popped the cork and poured them both a glass. Jacqueline was more confident than ever. She just needed to hear him say the words. Then they would work out the fine print, sign the papers, and get started.

  “I’d like to propose a toast,” Michael said, a warm smile spreading across his face.

  “Is that right?” Jacqueline said, smiling playfully. She knew exactly where this was going. She just wished that he would hurry up and get there. All of this anticipation and build up was killing her. Absolutely killing her softly.

  Michael raised his glass in the air. ‘To new beginnings,” he said mysteriously.

  Jacqueline wasn’t quite sure what that meant. But she hoped that it had something to do with him accepting the paper’s offer. She couldn’t wait to tell Miriam the news. She would be so happy and proud.

  “What beginnings are you talking about?” Jacqueline asked, hoping that he would finally say the words that she was so desperate to hear.

  “Jackie, let me cut to the chase before I drive us both crazy,” Michael said.

  He put his hand on Jacqueline’s thigh and stared genuinely into her eyes. An electric sensation shot through her entire body. Within moments her pussy began to get wet. She struggled to maintain eye contact with him. Those green eyes were so damn gorgeous. His hand felt so strong and firm on her thigh. He had never touched her in such an intimate way.

  “Beginnings for me. Beginnings for us,” he said.

  “Does that mean that you’re agreeing to do the story with me?”

  Michael squeezed her thigh and sighed. He turned to face her.

  “No, I’m not going to do the in-depth interview with you. I would feel like a sucker if I went along with this idea. I don’t think you would respect me, if I went ahead with it.”

  “What are you talking about? Jacqueline said. Are you going to let your masculine ego get in the way of this really great offer? You get to tell your story with your own words.”

  She explained the different clauses that would be inserted into the contract to make sure that he could exercise some editorial control over the final product. He listened and nodded thoughtfully. But it was clear from his demeanor that his mind was made up.

  Jacqueline exhaled and lowered her eyes. All the wind had been taken out of her. She had started the day with such high hopes, certain that they would be able to reach some sort of agreement. But all that had gone up in smoke and she was left with nothing.

  “I know how important this interview would have been to your career,” Michael said. “And I’m sure that I would have enjoyed spending more time alone together so we could get to know each other better.”

  “You don’t have to say that,” Jacqueline replied. “Really, you don’t.”

  Michael took hold of her hands and drew her towards him. “Yes, I do have to say it,” he insisted. “Because every word of it is true.”

  Michael took Jacqueline’s chin in his hand, leaned forward and kissed her gently on the mouth. Then he pulled back and stared at her. Electrical sparks of pleasure went off in Jacqueline’s body. She wanted more and more of those kisses. She wanted to feel those soft, gentle lips all over her body. She wasn’t going to wait for him to make the next move. Jacqueline thought to herself, ‘In most cases I wouldn’t put business before pleasure, but today we’re breaking the rules and it’s going to be pleasure before business. I will convince him after I please him’

  She grabbed ahold of his face and kissed him on the mouth. Seconds later their tongues were darting in and out of each other’s mouths. Michael started kissing her neck and made his way to her ear and whispered, “Seriously, your skin tastes like sugar.” Jacqueline trembled with pleasure. She closed her eyes, threw her head back and moaned.

  Michael swooped her off her feet and up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. She felt tiny next to his large frame. He made her feel so feminine and desired. When he laid her down on the king size bed, they flouted down together on the mattress.

  They began frantically tearing at each other’s clothes. Jacqueline’s pussy was soaking wet and her nipples were rock hard. Her entire body called out for his naughty desires. She would let him do whatever he wanted to do with her. She especially wanted to see what he was working with in those boxers. She licked her lips in anticipation, making sure Michael saw her enthusiasm. She smiled as she tugged at his zipper; she started opening it slowly for the first half, and then zipped it down in one swift stroke and then reached down into his designer boxers.

  His ivory hammer felt so big and hard in her hand. It seemed to throb to the rhythm o
f her racing heart. She worked his boxers all the way down his legs and stared intently at the long, thick cock that bounced firmly up and down in front of her. She’d never seen anything so beautiful. It had a large, purple mushroom head. There were lots of veins—thick and thin. Jacqueline knew that it would have no problem filling her pink palace.

  She stroked that big white ivory cock up and down. Jacqueline worked Michael’s cock like no other girl before. Her hand twisted up and down his shaft and she squeeze harder right where the shaft and the head intersect, and then relaxed her grip as she stroked closer to his balls. It grew harder and thicker in her hand. She could see in Michael’s face that she had mastered his cock in less than a minute.

  “Why don’t you lay on your back?” She said.

  Michael gently cupped her face in his hands. They French kissed passionately, then he got into position as commanded. His long thick cock stretched all the way up to his belly button and it cast a shadow on his torso. Jacqueline had never seen such a beautiful dick. She wanted to worship it, to suck on it and swirl her tongue on its tip until she was blue in the face; and until he shot a thick, hot load of cum down her throat. And she couldn’t wait to feel his strong white hands roving up and down her fleshy black body.


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