[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 24

by Rebecca Foxx

  “Stop it! Do you really want to have kids with me?”

  “Of course I do. I’d love to have a couple little me’s running around. Speaking of which, there’s something I have to ask you,” he said.

  They were sitting by the water’s edge at a table Clare had dragged out from the dining room. He poured her another glass of wine before wiping his mouth on a napkin and getting down on one knee in the sand.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered.

  “Clare, I know we haven’t known each other that long, but you’ve become very important to me. I care about you more than anyone on this earth, and as you know, that’s very hard for me to admit. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, and waking up next to me every day for the rest of our lives?”

  “Yes,” she said through tears. “Absolutely, yes.”

  His face spread into a wide grin as he closed the space between them and lifted her into the air. That was another thing Clare loved about Michael—he was incredibly strong, able to lift her above his head as if she were made of feathers.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love you, too,” she responded, taking his face in her hands and kissing him passionately as the sun began to set.


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  Big Woman, Big Money

  Chapter 1

  With a heavier foot than she ever had, Marcia Crawford sped down First Street, with no regard. She gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles turned bonewhite, while she begged God, “Please, don’t let him die. Please, don’t let him fucking die!”

  Store fronts went whizzing by. This drive felt all too familiar…

  May 18th, 2021. It was hard to believe that was only three years ago. That night, her father suffered his final heart attack. There was nothing that anyone could do. It was as if he had decided that it was his time to go. In his 55 years, he somehow fit in 100 years-worth of hard living.

  The anger she’d felt on that chilly summer evening trickled down to the present day. Angry at her father for mistreating himself for so long, she would think: You selfish bastard! Making my little brother and I watch you drink your years away until you had nothing left. At least you’re with mom now.

  She was never much of a daddy’s girl, but she legitimately cared about and loved her father—even when he was a drunken lunatic.

  An hour before, she had been in the middle of a deal, showing an impressive mansion at Cherokee Hills. Macia was a successful realtor who specialized in selling prestigious properties to entrepreneurs. In this particular case, the interested party was an incredibly handsome Italian man, in his early 40s. Quickly, her opinion of him was made up...

  “He’s such a dick…”

  Suddenly, she received an urgent call from Norton Hospital. It was identical to the dreaded message that her dad was in critical condition in the Coronary Care Unit. Now, just about three years later, her 19 year old brother, Howard, was in the same predicament. He was the only family she had left, and also her best friend.

  This sticky afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky had Marcia nearly stuck to the driver’s seat. Completely rattled, she didn’t have a single clue as to how she could drive in a straight line. Norton was like a gigantic stronghold, and quite intimidating to navigate for a first timer.

  Her memories of this place were so vivid, that she zeroed right in on the valet service. She tipped the young attendant fairly, gathered her personal effects, and made her way to the main campus.

  This fairskinned business woman was dressed quite professionally. The black pant suit she had picked out that day really accentuated her plump ass, curves, and wide hips. The navy blue blazer could barely contain her buxom breasts. Her platinum hair was tied up in a tight bun. A pair of eyeglasses with thick black rims completed her look.

  As her car disappeared into the parking garage without her, Marcia snuck a cigarette from her purse. Sure that nobody is watching, she lit it, and puffed furiously. Thinking the worst, she paced in the shadow breathing smoke, trying to get a headbuzz going before she sees the damage.

  “Ma’am!” A booming and scruffy male voice startled her.

  “Shit!” Realizing she had been busted in the act, Marcia snuffed and stomped out the halfsmoked Newport. A buff security officer approached.

  “You are aware that smokin’ aint’ allowed on hospital grounds, right?” The bald guard scolded her.

  Her lips start to tremble and her knees felt like jelly. She tried to speak on her own behalf, but nothing could escape her lips at that moment.

  Noticing her condition, the employee inquired, “Are you alright, Miss?”

  The reality of everything started to sink in: the fact that she might be alone in this cruel world, forever, selling extravagant houses to assholes, that she, herself, could never dream of owning. Throughout all of this, she silently hoped that the officer would cut her a break…

  “It is a zero tolerance policy...so, I’m going to have to write you a citation.” Marcia could tell that he was getting off on his power over her.

  She snatched the ticket from the meathead’s hand and stormed off. Her shiny heels struck the pavement as she muscled through the revolving door with enraged strength.

  Chapter 2

  Norton General was a fortress—massive, loud and hectic. Feeling like a zombie, Marcia tried to keep pace with Dr. Logan, who was a lanky specimen with a long stride. Without even looking up from his notes, he made his way through the maze, maneuvering around many victims of atrocity.

  The closer they get to the heart attack ward, the more it feels like her blood was replaced with ice water. Voices droned from the P.A. and everything was in a blur. Screams of pain rang out from various chambers. Sick babies cried for their mothers. Father’s mourned their sons. Nobody here was winning.

  “We have him stabilized right now,” Started the doctor, “But he’s not conscious. He’s had a really long and rough day. However, he’s not out of the woods yet.”

  “He’s 19 years old, doctor! How the hell did this happen!?” Marcia sobbed.

  “He has VSD. Ventricular Septal Defect. He could have even had it since birth. Basically, he has a hole in his heart, which causes extra blood to flow from the left to the right. So, what happens is, too much blood flows into the lungs. They become congested, and this creates a plethora of issues.”

  By the time he finished his spiel, they had arrived at the Coronary Care Unit. It hadn’t changed at all in the three years since Marcia’s previous visitation.

  “Can I go in and see him?” Marcia asked, through her tears.

  The doctor nodded affirmatively and pushed the door gently open. “One last thing, Ms. Crawford…” Dr. Logan reached into his long white coat, and produced a tiny black device. “Keep this pager on you. You’ll be able to walk the grounds, or visit the cafeteria. If anything happens, we will give you a buzz. Okay?”

  The pleasantly plump woman was only able to gulp down her nervousness.

  “And, before I let you go, I just want to let you know that you’re brother is a fighter. He’s made it this far. Just keep supporting him like you’re doing. He’s very lucky to have a sister like you.”

  At once, the doctor spun on his heel, and darted down the corridor. Marcia Crawford was not prepared for what she encountered on the other side…

  Chapter 3

  Liam Henderson hid behind his public speaking classes as he faked his enthusiasm. Mechanically amplified, he spoke to rile the crowd, as he felt his spirit twirl within his tailored grey business suit. The color pink meant “power,” and helped to sell his cause to breast cancer efforts.

  Women fluttered their eyes at the sight of this six foot tall, tan, well constructed billionaire with peppered hair. His countenance was as sure as stone.

  A blinding white sun concentrated on the packed rally, full of over-
dressed supporters. Free booze flowed and opened up their minds and ears. Liam was there to answer questions about his company, “Henderson Enterprises.” He wished the name was more creative.

  They were the leading competitor in 3D printing human organs. The team under him had made major breakthroughs in perfecting the process of making biological samples, intended for surgeons to test their skills upon.

  “Mr. Henderson!” Came a cute, small voice that Liam zeroed in on, out of habit.

  As he scanned the crowd, he spotted the petite reporter, hopping up and down among the other towering figures. As if she were in a classroom, she raised her hand, and went, “Ooooh! Oooooh! Oooooh!”

  “You! Yes, you!” The center of attention highlighted the eager young woman with his gesture.

  “When do you think Henderson Enterprises will be ready to print a human heart for live transplant?”

  Liam paused and smirked, holding the young morsel in his cool gaze. He strategically waited before delivering his answer, in order to build the suspense.

  He finally replied, “That is actually our most recent endeavor. We’ve been at it for a while, and are finally ready to unveil its debut. Funny you mention that!”

  He winked at the young reporter. The crowd reacted with soft clapping. The young reporter blushed, while scribbling notes down in her pocket book.

  Chapter 4

  Liam thought to himself: another success, buddy!

  His perspiring audience applauded. Henderson smiled a perfect grin and gave a necessary thumbsup. Quickly, he was hurried stage left and taken behind the erected structure.

  “Good job!” Employees exclaimed. “Great show!”

  “Yea, yea,” the billionaire shook endless hands and rolled his eyes.

  A tinted black on black Hummerlimo pulled up. A tap from behind, on his shoulder, caught his attention. “Hi!” It was that familiar perky tone of the fresh young journalist.

  Liam spun around to confront her. She was energetic and smiley, wearing a plaid mini skirt. The business owner cut to the chase.

  ”Hey, what are you doing right this minute?”

  His powerful voice made her shake where she stood. “Ummm…” she began, not really knowing exactly how to react.

  “Just get in the car.” He demanded, as he loomed there, holding the rearmost door

  Open for her.

  It only took moments time for her to make her decision, while absentmindedly playing with a stray lock of her platinum hair. She climbed aboard, while Liam stared at her round buttocks. Wasting no time, the local celebrity ducked into the elongated and shiny vehicle. Quiet and precise, the luxurious transport sped away, disappearing into honking traffic.

  Chapter 5

  Sitting over a caesar salad that she thought was shitty, Marcia Crawford sat in the cafeteria and poked at it with a chewedon plastic fork. Is that a cucumber? Is that a jalapeno? Is that an anchovy? Is that a cherry tomato? She ended up dousing the whole thing in dressing and calling it a day.

  “Ms. Crawford?’ A deep, booming intonation rattled her jiggly breasts.

  While licking ranch from underneath her acrylic nails, the young, busty woman turned to face the sexy source.

  “Oh, sorry!” She apologized, leaping upward. A little bit embarrassed, she peered down at her right hand. Her fingers were glistening a bit with her saliva. She switched to her left, for the handshake.

  It just so happened, that Liam Henderson was the “dick” that she had been trying to sell the Cherokee Hills property to only the day before. With all that had been happening, she didn’t connect the “dots”, until just then. Her recent customer and her little brother’s savior were, indeed, the same man.

  The “man of status” continued, saying, “Well, I figured I’d come here and hit you up, since you won’t sell me that house and all.” He began to snicker with his hands in his coat pockets.

  “I’m really sorry, I...I’m…”

  Liam cut her off, “I understand. It’s okay. Just...it’s been rough living in my penthouse, for the time being. Waiting for everything to ‘finalize’ ‘ya know?” He smirked, like the devil himself might.

  Marcia started to look down at her highheeled feet and felt Liam’s laser beam eyes upon her. The rays stared at her thick, healthy legs. Then, they worked up her curvy body, to her bountiful breasts. She wondered how she looked, right at this moment, even though she’d put the outfit together the night before. Then, she found herself wondering what a billionaire's standards were.

  “I have the keys to that house. You can, pretty much, move in!” The buxom blonde assured.

  “Oh, cool!” The dashing man joked while giggling softly. “But, what I really came to talk about, was Howard’s new heart, since I will be overseeing its creation.” He waved his big hands like he was performing a magic trick. He continued:

  “We’ve been successfully printing hearts and specific parts of them for a little over a year now. We are more than ready for a transplant. Tomorrow, we are creating it at the lab, if you would like to be there. I would really like that anyway.” He finished, with a wink.

  “Well, I’m taking a few days off.” She began. “I can be there. It sounds really interesting. Just ‘gotta make sure I’m here for my brother tomorrow evening.” A tear began to well up in the corner of her left eye.

  “Are you doing anything this evening?” the wealthy, confident man asked.

  “Well, uhhh…” She tried to sound cool, but felt she had failed. “No, I’m not doing anything.” She was starting to feel tingly. Her nerves were bristling. Her body was telling her to go for it!

  She looked down at her abandoned salad, the only possible thing that she could be doing.

  “Good!” Liam exploded, as if her looking down at her salad had somehow given him an affirmative answer to his question. “Come with me!”

  Chapter 6

  “The Oak Room” was a four-and-a-half star restaurant. Liam would always think to himself: What the hell is a ‘half of a star?’ That made him laugh, but he still ate there quite regularly. The atmosphere, friendliness, and attention to detail there really caged his heart. Plus, they had the “Al Capone room” which was a section with increased privacy.

  The two of them had many drinks; some of them were on the house.

  “What is your earliest memory?” asked Marcia, looking for anything to talk about. She poked at the garnishments on her plate.

  While sipping his iced whiskey, he answered sooner than she thought he would.

  “My first realization was of my mortality. Very early on, I realized that I could die. But, I also thought that everyone else would stay being bigger than I was.”

  Both of them laughed together. Reaching forward, all smoothlike, his hardened hands touched hers. That tingly feeling returned to her and radiated from her very center.

  After sucking in a large breath, he asked, “Do you want to get out of here?”

  The unsuspecting Marcia Crawford only responded with a shy grin, and said, “Why the hell not!”

  Chapter 7

  “Oh my God!” The young woman screeched. “I’ve heard of the Nowhere Bar! I’ve always wanted to come here!” She started to feel the effects of the limoprovided drinks.

  The driver, Ben, came around and opened the door for her. “Oooooh!” She let out a gasp.

  “Whatever!” Liam jested, while cackling. He had lost his grey jacket somewhere. Possibly within the car that had been deemed “far too big,” as Marcia had previously explained.

  “After you, Cindy Crawford!” He then joked, while snorting at his own cleverness.

  His date’s face just turned more red, as she climbed out onto the packed sidewalk. “Cindy Crawford! Aw...oh, stop it!” She added.

  A long line of raving, foaming humans whined about not being able to get in. She took Liam’s arm and was escorted to the lit entrance, where the bouncer let them right in. A velvet rope was undone from its hook, allowing access to the quaking night club, t
he “Nowhere Bar”.

  It was Thursday night, yet the dance floor was hot. Bodies slithered with sways and gyrations and rubbed up against each other, shoulder to shoulder. Colored strobe lights flashed along to the droning beat. A distant amplified utterance repeated a phrase that was impossible to understand over all the bass.

  By her hand, Marcia was taken to the alcohol. As they approached, more and more patrons began to recognize Liam. They shouted, “Bro!!” at him, mostly.

  He threw them off with a simple slight gesture and continued to soldier on.


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