[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 51

by Rebecca Foxx

  Oh, and he would take her, he would have her with a vigor he had never imagined. Something about having no idea when he would be able to touch her again was the biggest turn on. It made him appreciate every inch of her perfect snow white skin, every soft caress of the fingers that knew his body so well.

  And those fingers were roaming over his body with a confidence that only a woman who knew her man could do. They moved over his abs that had only gotten better while he had been locked up and along the lines that pointed down to the member that was throbbing for her. When her hand passed over that, when it just lightly grazed over the pants containing him, he let out a moan of need so great it shocked him.

  He grabbed her almost roughly then, his hands grasping her full breasts and pulling the nipples to his mouth, sucking on them insistently until they grew hard enough to cut glass. Now it was her turn to moan, her eyes closed and her hair already disheveled, her body arching into his so that only his large hands were holding her up.

  Her hands moved up and over the rim of his pants, taking his thick erection in her warm palms and moving slowly up and down, her eyes opening and watching his face closely, wanting to see the effect her fingers had on him. The effect they had on him was pretty close to magic and he knew at that moment that he couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Come on. For the love of god, come over her.”

  He moved them both to the shitty bed that would have to make do and laid her out in front of him, legs splayed and waiting eagerly for his body to infiltrate hers. He couldn’t get his pants off fast enough, almost tripped in the process, and moved in between those legs, kneeling there and looking down on her.

  “My god,” he said breathlessly, “you are so very beautiful. How has it been so long since I realized how beautiful you are?”

  “People get used to each other, I guess. I think it happens to most couples.”

  “Well I swear, I will never forget it again, not for as long as I live. I would do anything for you, you know that? Anything. Just name it.”


  “Anything.” He knew when he said the words out loud that he meant them. He meant them with every fiber of his being. He just hoped that she knew that.

  “I want to feel you. I want to feel you moving inside of me.”

  Well that was something he could do for sure. His hands slid down the soft skin of her inner thighs, marveled at the way her entire body shook at his touch, and moved down to the part between her legs that he knew was aching for her the most. He moved his fingers softly, in perfect circles, watching her face for every small indication of what she was feeling.

  Her back arched up higher and higher and in no time at all, he felt her folds grow wet. It was the fastest he had ever gotten her that aroused and it definitely made him want it even more than he already had. He took his member in his hand and guided it inside of her, both of them gasping with the sensation. Her legs wrapped around the backs of his thighs, her hands gripping his ass and pulling him as far inside of her as possible.

  His hips began to rock, slowly at first, one hand still moving against her clit in perfectly synchronized stroke that made them both half crazy with want. His thrusts became less controlled, more erratic, and her hand moved down between her legs, grasping the base of his shaft and moving her hand in time with each and every one of his strokes. Things became frenzied then, both of them wild and completely caught up with the workings of the other’s body.

  He could feel the light inside of him building, starting with a tingling in his toes that moved along each and every one of his limbs. He had to hold on, to keep going until she had her final climax, but even as the thought crossed his mind he felt her tighten around him, watched as her hands shot up over her head and dug into the flimsy mattress, her ribcage arching into the air and thrusting her breasts up towards him. His hands moved to those perfect breasts and that was the end for him, too. His body shuddered and shook as he experienced the most intense orgasm he had ever had in his whole life.

  He could have existed in that moment forever, would gladly have existed like that forever, but eventually he moved onto the bed beside her, pulling her in close.

  “I can’t believe you came, babe.”

  “I think you already said that,” she said with a laugh that sounded like music to his ears, “but I can’t say I mind hearing it again.”

  “You know I love you, right? I love you and I want you to be happy. I’ll understand, you know? I’ll understand if-”

  “Woah there cowboy, you aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”

  “So you really believe I didn’t do it?”

  “Of course I do,” she said with a grin as she sat up cross legged beside him, “and I’m not the only one.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Oh,” she exclaimed with a mock innocence that made him grin from ear to ear, “did I forget to tell you? You’re getting out. Pretty soon, actually. Possibly within the next few hours.”

  “What?! What are you talking about? If this is some kind of a joke, Kayla, it isn’t the best way to keep my spirits up.”

  “Oh, it’s not a joke. Those letters you sent me? I took them to heart. I spent some time with your lovely partner, and turns out, he was a very, very bad boy. And a very stupid, arrogant boy, because he kept all of the evidence of it on his home computer. He’s going away for the ten years he tried to put you away for, and we get our lives back. It’s over, babe. You’re coming home.”

  He was coming home. An hour ago he had believed he was going to be in prison for year after year after year, and now he was going home with the love of his life. Not bad for just another day in prison.


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  (See all other books from Viola Angel)

  Hostile Takeover

  Chapter One

  “I’m sorry, perhaps you misunderstood me. When I said I expected you to handle it, that is precisely what I meant. Somehow you seemed to have missed that.”

  Brent heard the man on the other end of the phone stammering, searching for some kind of excuse good enough to get him out of what promised to be boatloads of trouble. Brent rolled his eyes, already tired with this conversation. For probably the millionth time in recent memory, he thought about how he had wound up in a place like this; this expansive office with penthouse views, a whole host of employees scurrying around in the hallways outside his door all intent on doing just one thing. Keeping Mr. Brent Clark happy enough for them to keep their jobs. That was who he was. The big bad boss with the power to give and take away jobs at will. He knew that many people would literally kill to be in his position, but it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Not for him.

  “Mr. Green? Are you still with me?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m sorry Mr. Clark. I’m here and I will handle it. We’ll have them on board by the end of tomorrow, you have my word.”

  “Do I? Well for both of our sake’s, I hope your word proves to be worth more in the future than you have thus far.”

  “Yes, oh god yes, Mr. Clark. It will, you can bet your ass, you will.”

  But Brent was already in the process of hanging up the phone as his gravelling business associate continued to reassure him. The thing was, it was really him the man was trying to reassure, and they both knew it. Brent had dealt with enough desperate to please employees to be intimately familiar with the type. He found them exhausting, and knew that they more often than not failed to deliver.

  “Clara? Can you come in here please?”

  He knew that the buzz of the intercom would send his secretary running to him in the time it took for him to draw one breath. As with most other things, he was correct, and Clara was already opening his door before he even finished the thought. Brent knew that she was just being good at her job, but he found this exhausting, too. Not a soul alive would believe him, but sometimes he just wanted someone to talk back to hi
m. He wanted someone to tell him when he was being a jackass and give him real feedback on the way he got things done. Even from his secretary. He wanted someone who didn’t just bend to his every will.

  “Yes sir, what is it I can do for you?”

  “Clara, thank you for getting here so quickly.”

  “Oh of course, sir. Anything you need. Really, anything.”

  Shit. This was going to be hard. Because he wasn’t bringing her in here to ask her to help him with something, he was going to fire her. What he needed was more than a secretary. He needed someone who could act as an assistant, someone with actual ideas. That was what he had hired Clara for, and although she assured him she was up to the task, she just wasn’t. He didn’t even blame her. It was a thankless job with more stress than benefits, but he had to have what he had asked for. Especially now. Things were about to get much more dangerous in his life and he needed someone he could trust. He needed someone who could stand up to the pressure.

  “Thank you Clara, that’s kind of you to say. I wish I had called you in here for something more pleasant than this.”

  Her face fell and she began to wring her hands compulsively, looking everywhere but at him. He could smell her desperation and her fear. It made him want to send her away. He just wanted to be alone, for christ’s sake! He wanted to have just a moment’s peace. But wanting a thing and having it were not always the same thing, and his desire for solitude did not get this woman out of his office.

  “I think you must have seen this coming, Clara. I told you at the start that this was a trial position. You’ve completed your month and I think it’ best if we leave it at that. That’s not to say that I can’t find you another place with the company, but I think something a little less, well, complicated, might be better. Don’t you?”

  With tears in her eyes, she nodded, her lower lip trembling. He would find a place for her on one of the lower floors, somewhere with requiring less demanding qualifications. He would have to start again, start from the beginning to find someone up to the task at hand. He nodded absently at Clara, signalling that she could go, and she ran out of his office as quickly as her legs could carry her.

  “Jesus, another one bites the dust.”

  Brent stood and stretched his impressively tall frame out, his muscular arms up over his head and his chest swelling with the filling of his massive lungs. He had been sitting too long, cooped up in this office and preparing for the most dangerous move he had made in both his business and his personal life to date. He had a deal in the works, a deal that could finally ct him loose from the ties that bound him to this corporate life.

  The only problem was that it felt very much like he might be making a deal with the devil, and he didn’t know if he could live with that. Even if it got him what he wanted, was it worth it?

  He looked at the city skyline shining in the vast, dark night for a moment longer, glancing at his own reflection in the windows. His amber colored eyes flashed back at him, his thick, dark curls looking slightly disheveled as always.

  Objectively speaking, he knew he was a handsome man. It was something he had heard enough, and even in the office he turned heads as he passed in his extravagantly expensive suits. It was flattering, he supposed, but he didn’t honestly care all that much. It wasn’t the part of himself he felt attached to.

  Every day he spent bound by those designer clothes and meticulous manners was a day when he was forced to lock up the part of him that gave his life meaning. It was a day when he had to deny the presence of the thing that made him truly special. It wasn’t the billions of dollars he had accumulated through inheritance and savvy business skills. It wasn’t the easy good looks that made him impossible not to see, either. It was the wolf that he could feel coursing through his blood even now, longing to be let out, to be given the freedom that was his by nature.

  Because it wasn’t the money or the looks that made Brent a different kind of man than most. What made him a different kind of man was that he wasn’t a man at all, not completely. He was both man and wolf all at the same time, dual souls living in one body allowing him to take on either shape at will. Some people called his kind shifters, some called them werewolves. He didn’t call it anything. He didn’t need to. It was inside of him and that was enough. It was for the wolf in him that he was so intent on making the deal that would free him of the responsibilities of running this company.

  It wasn’t going to be easy and he had a very strong feeling that the man he was fixing to sell it to was not the sort of man he usually did business with, but he was starting to feel desperate. It was going to kill him to keep going this way. No, he needed to get out from underneath the weight of it all, to have the freedom to live as he was born to live.

  But he was going to need a certain kind of person to accomplish what he needed to do, and it was a person he hadn’t found just yet. He would know when he had. He just had to keep searching. He just hoped that he would find who he needed before the shit really hit the fan. But for now, he had to get out of this office that felt very close to a large glass tomb. He needed to be out amongst real live people, and then he needed to return to his manor, the large estate that was the only place where he felt safe to be who he truly was.

  Chapter Two

  “Girl, where the hell have you been? I've only been waiting oh, I don’t know, two, three hours? What the hell happened to you?”

  Devon Johnson rolled her eyes and put a little pep in her step as she strode towards her best friend Amber on four inch heels. She was bone tired from pounding the pavement all day looking for a job that would give her something more than what she already had, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t look good. Looking good was something Devon took pride in. It was like a game to her, like putting together a puzzle made from couture pieces. She wasn’t exactly the perfect specimen for designer clothing, but she had zero intention of letting that stop her. Yes, she was a bigger girl. She had been since hitting puberty. For years it was something she let bother her enough to turn her into a wallflower, the kind of woman that stood by and watched her thinner sisters going out and getting the things and the men they wanted. Somehow she just thought that’s what bigger women like her were supposed to do. Until one day she woke up and decided she didn’t care. If the rules of convention dictated that being her size meant she was supposed to be meek and apologetic, then she was going to have to change the rules. That was exactly what she had done, and she had never looked back.

  “I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been out there looking for that perfect job all damn day. Turns out it’s taking longer than I would’ve liked. I should have called, sugar. That’s on me.”

  She sat heavily in the swanky bar stool next to Amber and rubbed her shoulders with eyes shut. She hadn’t found the job she was looking for but she had made it through the day, and that called for celebration. She had a big ol’ cosmopolitan with her name written all over it and she couldn’t be more excited about it.

  “Devon, I’ve got to say, you look better every time I see you. When are you going to stop being so stubborn and finally go out with me, anyway?”

  Devon’s eyes popped open to meet the appreciative looks of Wes, the bartender who had been serving her and Amber premium cocktails for more than a year now. He had probably asked her out once a week for that entire time, but they both knew it was never going to happen. Devon didn’t have time for dating. She had goals to reach. Still, a girl liked a little appreciation every now and then and Devon smiled, happy with their ongoing flirtation. He looked her up and down with hungry eyes before getting to work to make her drink. Bigger girl or not, Devon was a woman worth looking at. She knew all of the words used to describe a woman with her figure, and voluptuous was one that described her to a t. She had thick legs with thighs that could wrap around a man and make him feel like the most desirable man in the world. She had a waist perfect for grabbing and breasts that went on for days. Her skin was a rich chocolate, her eyes warm and dark, her
smile wide and inviting. She was a beautiful girl and she was not afraid to admit it to herself. There was nothing wrong with a woman being confident. As far as Devon was concerned, self-confidence was something every woman owed herself.

  “Here’s your drink, Devon. Extra strong just like you. Can I get anything else for you lovely ladies?”

  “No,” Amber said with a slightly annoyed voice, “we’re good. If we need you we’ll let you know.”

  “Come on, Amber, you don’t have to be mean to him because I’m late. If you want to beat up on someone, lay it on me. I can take it.”

  Devon held up her fists like a boxer ready for a fight and Amber couldn’t help but laugh. Annoyed by being kept waiting or not, Devon had a way of calming Amber down and helping her relax. It was something she was expert in with almost everyone she came into contact with. Call it a talent of hers.

  “Ok, ok. You’re right. But seriously, Devon. What’s the deal? What took you so long?”


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