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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 64

by Rebecca Foxx

  Colton, wringing his hands, stared at Sophia and then glanced at his mother.

  "This has got to work."

  Ms. Cade nodded and tried to convince her son to think positively before she walked back to her bedroom.

  With baited breath, the couple sat waiting for Colton's uncle to show up.

  "He has to have the answers to everything. I can't believe that I have to wait for someone to come and give me the keys to my own life. I thought that I always lived by my own rules. Now to know that I have something else controlling me." By now, Colton was pacing the floor, fists balled up.

  Sophia hopped off of the couch, in attempts to calm him. She tried to rub his back, massage his shoulders and give nuggets of wisdom. Sophia could feel the frustration emanating from his body.

  The knock at the door signaled the presence of the person that could have life changing information for Colton.

  "Let's do this." With Sophia's hand in his, Colton approached the door.

  There were no pleasantries. The gruff man burst through the door.

  "I don't have much time. We need to talk quickly."

  Colton did as his uncle Jake asked, following him to the dining room table where his uncle beckoned for him to have a seat.

  His mother came back into the front room and everyone was all ears, waiting to hear exactly what was going to be said.

  "Look. I know that we have not seen one another in quite some time, Colton. Maybe too long in fact. But that is all water under the bridge. You need to understand what happened to you."

  Uncle Jake glanced over at Sophia.

  "Go ahead. Speak candidly. Sophia is my girlfriend. She can know everything. She needs to know everything."

  "You are descended from a line of werewolves. A long line. On your father's side. It's a family secret that needs to stay as quiet as possible. There is no way that the people of this town can know that they live amongst supernatural creatures. And before you ask, yes, there are other werewolves and yes, there are witches, warlocks, and other such things."

  Colton just stared, expressionless and Sophia did the same.

  "Are you hearing me, Colton?"

  "I am," he replied as if coming out of a fog.

  "Good. There is going to be a lot of training. You have powers and you need to understand them. You have control over this thing. You just have to have the right people teach you how to handle it. Are you prepared for that?"

  Colton looked over to Sophia as if she had the answers.

  "Colton. Are you prepared for that?" Uncle Jake asked again.

  "I guess I have to be."

  "Good. Let's go."

  "What? Now?"

  "Now. Let's go. This is of utmost importance. How can you go through what you went through last night and then not be ready to deal with it head on? Do you think that the answers are coming from somewhere else? I am your answer, Colton. I am all that you have."

  The intense look in his uncle's eye let Colton know that he was serious.

  "Go," Sophia replied.

  Ms. Cade agreed. "Yes. Go."

  Uncle Jake was halfway out of the door before Colton got up out of his chair.

  "I have to do this, Sophia. I'll be back."

  She jumped up from her chair and ran to his arms. "Just come back to me safely."

  With a kiss on the forehead, he replied, "I will. I promise."

  Chapter 6

  Colton was gone for over a week. It was the longest seven days of Sophia's life. She checked in daily with Ms. Cade, who also had not heard from him. Ms. Cade convinced Sophia that it was for the best that he stay away for a while until he understood what was going on. Neither of them had the tools or the resources to help him understand what he was going through. Sophia knew in her heart that he was safe with his uncle. What was happening was necessary. He had to explore who he was and how to handle it. There was no way that he could keep transforming into a werewolf every time there was a full moon.

  And if being a werewolf needed to be a secret, he needed to know how to handle his power and his secret new life.

  She tossed and turned in her bed every night, hoping to hear from him. Wanting to once again feel his arms around her. They had been inseparable since they met and to be apart from him felt strange. She could still feel him beside her, and she longed for those long late night conversations and the walks by the lake.

  Ms. Cade tried to prepare her and remind her that he could come back totally different than the person that they knew. It was something that Sophia thought about daily since Colton had been gone. Most likely, that was going to be the case. Sophia was not sure what Colton's state of mind would be once he returned. So much had changed so quickly.

  While Sophia knew that Colton was doing what was best for him, she was not sure where she would fit in to his new life. Would he really want her to be there with him? He would have an entirely different life from now on.

  By the eighth day, she was starting to get used to sleeping alone. It was not something that she liked, but she knew that there had to be some sacrifice in line if Colton was going to be who he needed to be. She wondered what kinds of things he was learning. What kinds of people he encountered. There was apparently an entire group of werewolves out there just like Colton. A place where he fit in and he was not even aware of it. How had that fact escaped him his entire life?

  In the dead of night, she lay there, staring out of the window at the stars in the clear sky. There was nothing but the sound of crickets and the breeze blowing through her window. Her phone vibrated on the bed next to her.

  I'm here.

  Sophia popped up out of the bed, peeking out of her window. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her love standing under her window.

  She ran down the steps, rushing to open the door.

  Practically knocking him over, she jumped in his arms. He showered her with kisses.

  "I told you that I would be back."

  "I knew that you would."

  Colton closed the door behind them and followed as she led them upstairs. Dressed in just a tshirt and a pair of panties, there was not much to take off.

  "Being away from you has been unbearable."

  "Be quiet and just kiss me, woman."

  Sophia did as she was told, unleashing her passion on the man that she loved. He laid her back on the bed, gently. She watched as he undressed, revealing his rippling chest and biceps. He felt sensational and the scent of him was so familiar that Sophia felt comforted.

  He took his time with her, loving each and every part of her. There was no way that he was going to rush anything with her. And Sophia wanted to savor every moment with Colton. The soft breeze caressed their naked skin.

  The feel of his fingertips on her skin was invigorating.

  "I've been craving your touch all week, Colton."

  Colton whispered to her how he could not wait to get back to her. How much she'd been on his mind. How much he'd missed her and was longing to hold her in his arms.

  Their bodies meshed together, becoming one. This time was different, almost magical. There was a heightened sense of passion. Something about the energy between the two of them was intensified.

  She no longer feared not knowing who he was. His body felt the same. His love felt the same. When Colton was inside of her, he was the same Colton that she knew. When he whispered to her, telling her how much he loved her, it was the same Colton.

  Sophia could feel his body tense beneath hers and she knew that she should slow things down so they could make it last. Slowly, while on top, she grinded her hips, beginning a rhythm that was in answer to what his body was asking for.

  Colton held her hips firmly, making sure that she was able to feel every single time he thrust. She did, bringing that sweet sensation to her, forcing her to feel the pulsating from her own softness. Sophia loved it when they were in sync together with their release. It would happen soon because she could tell by the far off look in his eyes and the way that he bit
his lip.

  He raised up, coming to a sitting position while his lover was still mounted.

  His kiss was deep and passionate. She was practically breathless when he pulled away. It was like he was trying to inhale her very being and take all of her in. They were lost in one another, every stroke, every motion, the pure emotion of it all.

  He kissed her as they both reached their release. Sophia felt every spark, the passion and pleasure of it all.

  "I told you that I would be back for you. Did you doubt me?"

  "No. I didn't doubt you, but the entire situation was terrifying."

  Colton beckoned for her to lie back in his arms. She did, feeling the comfort of his limbs wrapped around her. Things were back to normal, as much as they could be.

  "Can you tell me anything about where you were?"

  Sophia wanted to know everything but was aware that he may not want to tell her everything about the experience. Especially not as soon as he got home.

  "I can tell you that it is going to take time for me to process everything. I can also tell you that I am well aware that my life has changed and I have to accept it."

  He paused, while she lay on his chest, listening to his heart beating.

  "I can also say that if you and I are going to be together, you would have to accept that my life is changing too. That's why Sophia, I have to give you the option to walk away."

  Hearing the words did not make her upset.

  "I was expecting you to say something like that. Do you think that I would walk away from you that easily?"

  "I don't know, Sophia. What happened is a lot to handle. I know it is for me. The entire transformation was terrifying. But when I changed in to the werewolf, I felt invigorated and free. A freedom I've never felt in my life. And I know that it will happen again and I feel more prepared for it. Knowing what it was like for me to go through it, I can't imagine what it was like for you to sit and watch it."

  "Helpless is the word that comes to mind."

  Colton held her closer, kissing her on the forehead. "I'm so sorry. But I can promise you a few things."

  "Okay, I'm listening."

  "First, I can promise you that I am working on getting a hold on the power that I have. Second, I can promise you that I am still me. The same Colton that you fell for that takes you out for milkshakes and sliders. Last, I can promise you that I am going to make sure that the people that I love are safe and that you are comfortable with this entire situation."

  Sophia chuckled. "How we will ever get comfortable in this kind of situation, I'm not sure, but I can say that I appreciate how you want to take care of my feelings. I love you for that."

  "I love you too, Sophia. This is going to take some adjustment, but we can get through it."

  He hugged her tightly and in that moment, Sophia felt like all was possible. Colton had come back to her and he was different, but still the same. That meant something and she knew it.

  Chapter 7

  It was not as hard as she thought it was going to be. Adjusting to their new life together flowed seamlessly. They even met knew people who treated Colton like family. He was happy that for once he felt like he fit in.

  His uncle Jake introduced him to who he truly was and made sure that he understood how to respect his powers and his legacy. The werewolves were protectors and they had a duty to make sure that the town where they lived preserved its legacy.

  There were other supernatural beings in town, an entire group that no one talked about. It felt like Jake gave his nephew the key to unlock all of the town's secrets. When Colton shared those secrets with Sophia, she could not believe it. What she once thought that she knew about her beloved home town was not actually reality.

  That ended up being what brought them even closer together. Tragedy and change could be like that sometimes. It could be the one thing that pulls a couple completely apart, but it can be the one thing that can bring them closer together.

  For Colton and Sophia, being closer than ever was exactly what they needed. Colton spent more time with his Uncle Jake and absorbed as much as he could.

  After realizing that the very thing that made him different was the very thing that was being celebrated, Sophia was happy to know that her lover had found his place in life.

  Colton was not the only one to make promises. Sophia made hers as well. Every time that she looked into his eyes, she was more and more in love with him. He'd been through something life changing and survived. When they awoke to one another every day, she knew that she'd made the right decision. It would have been easy to accept his proposal that she leave and move on. But she did not and would not do something like that. They had pledged before that to be a team and they would be a team when things were good and when things looked completely dark like they would never make it through.

  Colton made one last promise to Sophia. Since her Valentine's Day had not gone completely as planned, he would make sure to give her a do over. She could cash in on it at any given moment. Sophia loved the gesture, but it was enough for her that he came home to her every day. That was a day that they would never forget. It was going to be one that they told their grandchildren and could be passed down through the family generations.

  So for years after the day that Sophia would refer to as Transformation Day, Colton would buy her sliders, a milkshake.

  He would slide her a card, complete with I love you's, and a box of chocolate to accompany it. This year, it was not signed, The Love of Your Life as Colton nearly did.

  Instead he signed it

  Your Full Moon Valentine

  And as far as Sophia was concerned, she had no objections because love was all that the two of them needed.


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  (See all books from Rebecca Foxx)

  Double the Pleasure

  Chapter 1

  There was something about the crispness of the autumn day that I started working at the college that made me ecstatic to be there. I walked quickly from my new office to my first class. It was half-filled when I got in and I took the time to look like I was putting my papers in order.

  I looked up after a few moments of doing that when I felt like I just had to look up. I was looking into the face of the newest student to arrive in the class. He was strong-looking, tall, and had dark black hair that was well-combed. He had steely grey eyes and a staggering look to him.

  I was in a sort of shock at seeing such a person that I didn't look away and his eyes met mine. I held his gaze and felt the beating of my heart change rapidly as I did. He did not look away for several seconds as he walked in a straight line down the desks. I didn't, either, until I heard a cough and my eyes quickly darted. I felt awkward in front of all of the students all of a sudden and fumbled my way through introducing myself, getting to know the class, and going over the syllabus.

  I was relieved to find that nobody except him, the steel eyed, young looking man. He had said that his name was Jakob and I had looked at the roster, finding his name Jakob Rochester in it. I looked up to him, admiring him and his physique for a moment. He seemed perfectly sculpted and I fumbled over the name after his as I looked away from him.

  "I wanted to ask..." he said, but trailed off.

  "Yes," I said.

  "Would you be able to tell me what to do if I can't afford the book."

  I felt a sudden passion for him. "I, of course, could loan you one."

  "That's not what I meant," he said, putting his hands up.

  I began digging in my bag and handed it to him.

  "Thank you," he said, "for this." He held the book up and smiled into my eyes, then put the book down on the table. He stepped forward and put his hands on my jaw gently. He pushed his head towards mine and let his mouth meet mine. He put his tongue into me as I opened my mouth for him to do so. His tongue was warm and touched mine as it curled around it.

  I let my hands go u
p and down his body and felt up the area where his dick was underneath his pants. I let my tongue keep slipping into his mouth and had the feeling he was enjoying himself as much as I was.

  "I love doing this with you," he said as our lips stopped touching.

  "I love it, too."

  "Do you think we can get away with this?" he asked.

  "I think so."

  "Lock the door."

  "I will," I said.


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