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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

Page 106

by Rebecca Foxx

  She managed a small laugh and wiped the tears away from her eyes.

  “See? That’s better. Come into the kitchen and I’ll make you an omelet.”

  “Okay,” Britney said, following him to the kitchen.

  It was then that she saw the enormous flowers hanging from the ceiling. They were carnations, Britney’s favorite kind of flower. They were expensive, but Dylan seemed to have a whole bunch of them. They were either flowing out of hanging plants or floating down the walls alongside thin vines.

  “This is incredible,” she said.

  “You like it? I was thinking about taking them down, but I really like the scent they give off. On more than one occasion I’ve had petals mixed in with my food. I find it gives off a nice earthy taste,” he joked.

  “You’re so weird,” Britney teased. She sat down at the island and looked around the rest of the kitchen. Dylan had a handful of magnets on his fridge. They were clay sea creatures painted with bright colors and glaze.

  “I really love your kitchen,” she said.

  “Thank you. I thought you might like it. You know, I bet this is going to sound crazy, but I got the carnations for you. I always imagined us hanging out in my kitchen like this, while I cooked you breakfast.”

  “You did?” she asked, incredulous.

  “Well of course,” he said. “You know, I’ve always thought about you, Brit.”

  The revelation hit her like a crashing wave. So Dylan had felt it too, that insatiable pull between them. The first time she’d noticed it was when they were on a family outing during their senior year of high school.

  Their parents had brought them to an enormous garden with rolling green hills and secret passageways. Her parents had been off exploring one of the ponds when Dylan had pulled Britney away.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he tugged her down the winding dirt path.

  “You’ll see,” he said.

  There was a garden tucked away behind wrought iron gates that revealed a small fountain and hundreds of flowers. Overhead were enormous palm fronds that drooped downwards and created a beautiful canopy. When Britney thought back on this day, all she remembered was that everything was fresh and green. In fact, if she were honest with herself, green had become her favorite color.

  Each time she drew Dylan, he was always surrounded by thick green vines and exotic flowers. She imagined him as some ancient warrior that ruled a secret jungle. Britney often thought of herself as the princess, the damsel in distress that Dylan would save with his superhuman strength.

  That day, her parents hadn’t come looking for them for almost an hour. Dylan and Britney had sat by the fountain and fished for coins, talking about the future and their fear of graduating. Dylan knew he didn’t want to do something traditional, and he’d always been fond of the police academy. Britney knew she would be doing something involving art, though she hadn’t quite broke in her graphics tablet yet. But that wasn’t the most important part of her day. No, it had come towards the end of her secret hideaway with Dylan.

  Some of her hair had fallen in front of her face and Dylan had brushed it back behind her ear. That singular moment had completely changed the way she thought about Dylan. His fingers were so warm, and they seemed to linger on her cheek for a moment.

  Not even ten seconds later, their parents were bursting into their secret hideout, exclaiming that they had no idea such a place existed in the garden. They walked over to the fountain and asked Dylan and Britney if they were ready to leave, as they were all going out to eat to celebrate graduation.

  Now when Britney looked at Dylan’s ceiling, she was reminded of that day in the garden. She wanted to ask him if he remembered that day, but didn’t want to freak him out. It would be embarrassing if she brought it up only to have him feign indifference or tell her he could barely remember anything prior to the academy.

  But Dylan, as always, surprised her. “Hey Brit?” he asked.

  “Yeah?” she responded.

  “Do you remember that day, when we were younger, and our parents brought us to the garden?”

  “Um, yeah,” she said cautiously, unsure of why he’d brought it up.

  “I think that was the first day I realized I had feelings for you,” he said.

  Britney blushed and stared at the island, hoping her face didn’t look too red.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he laughed sheepishly. “I don’t know why I brought it up just now, I know it was a long time ago. I guess the plant life just reminded me of it.”

  “I know what you mean,” Britney said quietly. She didn’t want to say it out loud, but it seemed as if things were finally turning around with Dylan. Maybe they had a chance after all.

  Chapter 7

  The next day Britney got a phone call from her mother. She ignored it, not wanting to get out of Dylan’s bed. She’d slept over again, and was enjoying living in her fantasyland where there was no such thing as taboo or Chris. Her mother’s voice sounded forced on the phone, like she was agitated with Britney for some strange reason. Though she didn’t want to, she called her mom back, curious as to what might have happened.

  “Chris came by yesterday,” was the first thing her mother said when Britney called.

  “So? Did he at least come by to pick up his stuff?”

  “He did. He also told me something interesting.”

  “And what was that?” Britney asked sarcastically.

  “Where are you right now?” she asked.

  “I’m at a friends house. Why does it matter?”

  “Well, Chris said he came by Dylan’s new place and saw that you were there. Can you explain what might be going on?”

  “Nothing,” Britney said. “What the hell could be going on? Chris cheated on me with my friend.”

  “I know and he feels really bad about it. But maybe you two can work it out. All you need to do is call him up and tell him that our forgive him for what happened.”

  “Are you insane?” Britney asked. “Why the hell would I do something like that?”

  “Honey you can’t possibly be thinking bout entering into a relationship with Dylan.”

  “What gave you that idea?” Britney spat back, though she already knew the answer to that question. Someone, mainly Chris, had spilled the beans about what had happened. He’d seen the hickey on Britney’s neck and automatically assumed it was from Dylan. He was right, of course, but did he really need to tell her mother? Britney wasn’t a little girl anymore. She could make her own decisions.

  When she got off the phone with her mother, she explained what had happened to Dylan. He looked stressed out, like he didn’t know what to do with the situation.

  “Maybe I should bring you home,” he said. “You have to get your car fixed and everything.”

  “Are you serious right now?” Britney asked. “You’re just going to drop me back home and everything we’ve shared for the past few days has been a lie?”

  “That’s not what I’m saying and you know that. But what do you think we should do?”

  “I think I should move out,” Britney mumbled.

  “That actually wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Dylan said.

  Britney was surprised. “Wait, what did you just say? Just a second ago you were basically telling me that our relationship was a bad idea. I don’t understand what’s going on, everything is so emotional and flip-floppy…” she trailed off.

  “I’m sorry, I guess I wasn’t really thinking. The minute I heard that your mother was calling, I panicked. But you’re right, that doesn’t mean we can’t be together.” He took a step close to her and Britney backed up against the wall. “In fact, I want to be with you so badly that it’s all I’ve been able to think about for years. I just got scared. But if you’ll have me, I’d love to be yours. What do you say?”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. Dylan had also been thinking about her? She wasn’t sure what to say so she nodded her head. Dylan grin and took her wr
ists in his, pinning her against the wall. She felt her chest spreading from the force of her shoulders arching. Dylan leaned in and kissed her on the neck, letting his tongue travel from collarbone to jaw until finally his lips met hers.

  “I love you,” he said, biting her lip ferociously. “You know that, right?”

  “Ahh,” she sighed from pleasure and pain. “I love you, too,” she whispered, but was cut short from Dylan’s ferocious kissing. Instead of walking the extra foot to the bed, Dylan turned Britney around and pushed her against the wall. He bit her neck, inhaling her sweet scent before pulling her shirt over her head.

  Dylan dropped his own clothes to the ground and let one of his hands trail down Britney’s back pausing briefly before plunging deep inside her. She cried out and bit his free hand, sending shivers down his spine. She was already wet so he moved closer and entered her, making sure not to hurt her by accident. She felt as warm and soft as the first time they’d made love. It didn’t matter to him that their parents were married. Dylan had always had feelings for Britney, and now he was finally able to tell her the truth.

  Britney arched her back, coaxing Dylan further inside of her. They had rough sex, Dylan slapping her ass and pinching her nipples every so often. She felt electrified all over, and hoped this feeling would never end. This was how she’d always dreamt of it happening—she knew Dylan would be a passionate lover.

  She was so out of breath that she barely had the words left to ask him to push harder and faster. Each time he pumped in and out he teased her G-spot, making her cower with pleasure. Her legs felt weak and she found she could barely stand anymore. Behind her, she could feel Dylan’s chiseled chest as it pressed up against her soft back.

  He tugged her hair, turning her head around so she was looking at him, before he bit her on her lower lip. When he finally came, he leaned forward into her thick hair and called out her name. She smelled like the ocean, and she smelled fresh and cool, like ice cubes. They both collapsed against the wall, trying to catch their breaths, as it was really hot inside and outside the house.

  “Can I take a shower?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said, his chest heaving up and down.

  Britney noticed that his bathroom walls were also painted a dark shade of green. He really wasn’t lying when he said he’d been thinking about the garden all these years later. As she showered, warm water and steam rolling over her naked body, she heard a knock on the door.

  “You should leave tonight,” Dylan said, opening and closing the door.

  “You mean leave the house and come over here? I guess I could. I’m a bit worried about what mom will think.”

  “It doesn’t matter what she thinks. You know they’ll never approve. Just grab your art supplies and computer and you’ll be good to go.”

  Britney smiled. She loved that he knew she made art. Perhaps she would one day show him the drawings she’d made of him. One day, but not yet—too soon and it might harm their relationship.

  “Alright,” she agreed. “I’ll head over there after I’m done showering to grab a few of my things. There’s nothing they can say—they know I’m already going to move out in August anyway. And maybe this time you can come with me,” she teased.

  “I’d love to come with you,” he said. “To Vermont? I hear it’s beautiful this time of year.”

  Britney giggled. “I’m excited,” she said.

  “Me too. Now hurry up and get out of there so I can continue kissing you.”

  Britney laughed again and began to lather her hair. All her hard work and daydreaming had finally paid off. At long last, she was able to be with the man she loved.


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  (See all other books from Pricilla St. James)

  Step 2 Me

  Chapter 1

  Kelly Pierce sat in the hotel bar in San Francisco, running circles around the rim of her wine glass with her middle finger. She was a bigger girl with serious curves in all the right places. Her black hair cascaded down towards her breasts in loose curls. She was waiting on her stepmother.

  Her father had passed away six months prior and it had taken forever for her stepmother to get everything in order. The loss was devastating and there were days when Kelly felt like she couldn’t get out from under it, that it was a weight sitting on her chest, squeezing the air out of her.

  Today, they were meeting for drinks. Kelly always looked forward to seeing her stepmother.

  She wasn’t thrilled because she knew Jillian would be bringing Shane.

  Shane was her stepbrother. He’d always been lanky and smart-mouthed and she hadn’t seen him since she went off to college. They had gone their separate ways after that and Kelly didn’t mind.

  Soon enough, Kelly spotted Jillian walking towards the door of the hotel. When she came inside, Kelly stood up and waved at her to get her attention. She motioned for her to join her. Jillian smiled widely and made her way towards the table.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” she said, reaching out to hug Kelly. “It’s been too long.”

  “It really has,” Kelly said. She’d always loved Jillian and Jillian loved her like she was her own child, which she basically was. Kelly’s father had raised her alone up until she was fifteen and he married Jillian. Jillian was the opposite of the wicked stepmother archetype.

  “I thought you were bringing Shane with you,” Kelly said, a little relieved that she wasn’t going to have to make small talk with her stepbrother. She only had energy for so much, and after the fight she’d had with Ron the night before, she didn’t think she’d be able to stand small talk with someone who was practically a stranger.

  “Oh, he’s here,” Jillian said. “He dropped me off near the curb. He’s parking the car.”

  “Oh,” Kelly said, her relief suddenly turning to annoyance. She must have made a face.

  “Don’t worry, dear. He’s not as bad as he used to be,” Jillian said with a wink. She must have remembered how Shane teased Kelly endlessly when they were in high school.

  Kelly smiled, sincerely trying to shake off her worries to be in the present moment. She couldn’t stop thinking about the fight with Ron, though.

  “Can I get a glass of white wine?” Jillian said after she flagged down one of the servers.

  “Of course, ma’am,” said the young man and he quickly got her a glass from behind the bar.

  “Should I be offended that he didn’t check my ID?” Jillian asked playfully.

  Kelly smiled but didn’t laugh.

  “Oh, sweetie. Loosen up,” said Jillian.

  “I will. Let me have a couple of these,” she said swaying her glass of wine side to side, standing it up on the edge of its base.

  Kelly saw movement from her peripheral vision and noticed a man walking in the hotel. Damn, she thought. This guy was built. From a distance she could make out his buff biceps and the way his polo shirt hugged his waist. You could practically see his abs rippling from inside of it.

  The guy walked closer and closer, until Kelly realized something.

  It was Shane.

  She spit wine on the table.

  “Is everything okay?” Jillian asked in shock. “Shane, dear, have a seat,” she said as Shane walked closer to the table. “I supposed you two haven’t seen each other in quite some time.

  Ten years, to be exact. Kelly’s jaw was practically resting on the floor of the bar. She was trying to regain her composure as Shane gave her a strange look, noticing the stare.

  “Hello, Kelly,” he said and took his seat.

  “Hello,” she said, not wanting to say much more than that for fear that she might blurt out: You got hot!

  In high school, Shane had never been much to look at, and he never had a girlfriend. Kelly imagined that he had no problem getting a lady friend these days. Good for Shane, she thought.

  “So, are you still dating Ron?” Jillian asked.

nbsp; “I am,” Kelly said.

  “Any talk of marriage?” Jillian pried some more.

  “No,” Kelly said sheepishly. This same conversation happened every time that she got together with Jillian. She didn’t know if she even wanted to get married, or if she really wanted to marry Ron. She tried to change the subject.

  “So, Shane, what are you doing these days?”

  “I’m a police officer, actually,” he said with a proud smile.

  “Oh, that’s great!” Kelly said back. Then silently she wondered if he’d heard the call she made to 911 a few weeks ago when Ron had hit her for the first time.


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