[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 113

by Rebecca Foxx

  The longer he took under the hood, the more worried she became that perhaps she had gotten into something she shouldn’t have. After what seemed like an eternity, he turned off his light, closed the hood and walked back in her direction.

  “Your alternator is fried,” he said.

  She started to say that she had no idea what that was, but he cut her off.

  He pulled a cigarette from a pack stored inside of his leather jacket and lit it up.

  “You probably have no clue what that is and frankly, I don’t care,” he said with attitude.

  “I can give you a ride home and tow this back to my garage and see if I can replace it for you or you can let it sit here overnight. Which will it be?”

  He harshness startled her and her heart began to pump rapidly and even in the cool breeze of the evening, she could feel her armpits begin to sweat. She needed to make a decision, but she was frightened of him still.

  “Suit yourself,” he said and began to walk back to his bike.

  “Wait!” She exclaimed. “If you could give me a ride home and tow this to your shop, I would greatly appreciate it and will compensate you accordingly.”

  He smiled a wry smile, put his helmet on and pulled one off the back of the seat and handed it to her.

  She put the helmet on correctly the first time which impressed him, and when she got on and wrapped her arms around his waist, she excited him.

  Chapter 2 – Home, Sweet Home

  He fired up the Harley and the rumble under her seat startled her. She gripped him even tighter around the waist as they rode away from the Mustang. The thunder of the engine was strangely exhilarating to Nicole; the vibrations coming up through the seat was stimulating to say the least.

  Coupled with the narrow waist and broad shoulders of Tanner, she felt safe and protected. The temptation to lay her head against his back loomed large, but she fought against it.

  She gave him directions as he made his way to town. A few turns and twists and they were parked in front of her modest little home in a neighborhood dominated by elderly retirees. The sound of his Harley had drawn the attention of a few of her neighbors and definitely that of her roommate who was peeking out the front window.

  She got off of the bike as he turned off the motor, and removed her helmet and handed it to him; her car keys inside the helmet.

  “In case you were wondering, my name is Nicole Firestein,” she said with blushing cheeks.

  He chuckled and lit a cigarette.

  “I know who you are, Nicole,” he said with his cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth as he took off his helmet.

  “We had classes together in high school, but for some reason, we didn’t connect,” he finished.

  Her mind searched its database to try and remember seeing him and then she only vaguely remembered.

  “I think I remember,” she responded.

  He stood up abruptly and startled Nicole. He extended his hand and spoke.

  “I’m Tanner Cable.”

  She took his had as she realized who he was. He was the ultimate in “bad boy” at school and rather than go to college, she remembered the rumors that he took over the family business after his mother was murdered by his father. He was trouble at school and was truly not as handsome as he was at that moment towering over him.

  “I remember now!” She exclaimed.

  “We didn’t hang out with the same people though, I’m afraid.”

  He chuckled more and put her keys in his pocket and fastened the spare helmet where it was found. He looked her up and down once and slowly moved his gaze from her breasts to her lips.

  “We may have to fix that, won’t we?” His voice was deep, raspy, and made her swoon.

  “Um, yes. That would be great.” She said as she started to walk away.

  “Thank you for everything; for the ride for looking after my vehicle. I will make sure you’re paid.”

  He tossed his cigarette on the ground and crushed it out with his black boot.

  “I’m sure you will, little Nicole,” he grinned.

  He then fired up his bike and rode off down the road; leaving Nicole standing on the sidewalk stunned. The events of the evening had been stressful and what was even more anxiety-causing was the fact that she had enjoyed the ride with him more than she should have.

  She turned and made her way up the sidewalk to her house and prepared herself for the barrage of questions that would be thrown at her by her roommate.

  Tanner rode to the salvage yard where his small house sat. He opened the garage door and parked his Harley next to his jet black 1968 Chevelle Super Sport. They had matching colors and matching horsepower.

  He closed the door and walked out into the yard to take the tow truck out and pick up that Mustang. He grinned to himself as his mind devised a plan to turn that little good girl into a bad girl.

  Chapter 3 – Cleaning the Tub

  The morning came and the sun was shining on the hood of the Mustang as Tanner readied himself to replace the alternator on Nicole’s vehicle. He opened the hood and surveyed the damage and determined it would take no more than a couple hours to replace and to charge her battery.

  He had an alternator already in stock that would fit perfectly and in his mind; it was an easy $200. He would give her a break on the towing cost because, well, he wanted to see more of her.

  She wasn’t his type at all; if one could say that he had a “type.” Typically his lust-interests were frequenters of bowling alleys and biker bars who were usually drunk or stoned out of their minds. Nicole was a good girl in every sense of the word and he began to think of her as a challenge.

  Nicole was a beautiful woman whose innocence dripped from her pores and Tanner wanted to taste her. He worked on her vehicle while listening to a classic rock station in the background, but his mind filled with thoughts of Nicole squeezing him so tightly the night before.

  He could feel himself becoming aroused but there wasn’t much he could do about it. When someone entered the mind of Tanner Cable, it was rare that they left without causing a stir.

  Just a few miles away, Nicole had been up since sunrise drinking coffee and looking out the window of her kitchen into her back yard. The lawn was finely manicured, the shrubbery had begun to bloom, and the birds were enjoying the seed she had laid out for them.

  Her roommate had left early to run errands so she had the house to herself. She bought the house a year before and decided that having a roommate would be a good thing to offset some of the bills and to ensure that neither of them were alone for long stretches of time; a safety issue.

  Nicole’s thoughts were on the events of the evening prior and she couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face.

  Nicole had recently broken up with a young man she went to high school with who had just come back from college. He was a biology major with a teaching certificate and had received a teaching job at the local high school. He was a wonderfully sweet man with a great head on his shoulders and though Nicole had only been with three men, he was by far the least effective.

  The first time they found themselves in bed together, it lasted no more than three strokes and he was finished. She had barely just gotten wet (and that was a struggle in and of itself) and he had erupted into the condom and within a few minutes, he was limp again.

  Their foreplay was clumsy as well; he had no idea what the clit was or where it could be found. His idea of oral sex was to lick her labia and finger her furiously. He had confessed to her that she was only the second woman he had sex with and fighting the urge to say something snarky, her only response was, “That’s sweet.”

  Her previous two lovers were acceptable, but they were not alpha males by any stretch of the imagination. Growing up, her father was literally the man of the house and there was no confusion of gender roles in a traditional sense. She admired her father and she loved the strength her mother had shown by standing by his side while he wasted away with cancer.

e most aggressive any of the men she had been with had gotten was to take her at a relative’s home in the bathroom during a party. She enjoyed being pushed up against the mirror and bent over the sink. He had pulled her hair back, raised her skirt and took her from behind. She was dripping wet and as he pushed her face against the mirror, he slid inside of her with ease. He wasn’t too large to begin with, but she was well lubricated.

  The noise and commotion of the party drowned out her groans of pleasure and he started pounding her hard and fast. The sound of him sliding in an out of her and creating a slapping sound against her ass was mind-bending and she came quickly and violently.

  He followed suit and came as well, but he pulled out and came in the bathtub and promptly cleaned himself and the tub when he was finished.

  He was never like that again even though she tried to encourage him.

  She put her hands between her legs and felt her heat and moisture; thinking of how Tanner would take her.

  Chapter 4 – Pleasant Surprises

  Tanner had finished the Mustang and even replaced the spark plugs for her. The timing was a hair off and he adjusted that as well and the performance of the engine increased exponentially.

  He sat back on his rocking chair on the front porch; looking across the concrete drive at the garage with three large bays and one of them containing the Mustang. He was pleased with his work as well he should have been; he may have been a ruffian and a brute beast, but he was one of the most accomplished mechanics in the county.

  He rested his feet up on the rail on the font porch and looked at his watch. It was 11am and it was a Saturday so he reached down into a cooler to his right and pulled out an ice-cold beer. He opened the bottle top and discarded the cap into the cooler and then took a long, deep drink of his beer.

  He stared at the Mustang for a few moments while he gathered his thoughts about what to charge her but his thought processes were interrupted by the sound of a vehicle coming down the drive.

  The vehicle came into sight; a late model sports car with a woman in her 40’s behind the wheel. She pulled the vehicle around in front of the house where he was sitting and parked. She got out of the car and from over the roof, she spoke to him.

  “I think it’s time for another tune-up,” she said as she winked at him.

  Cheryl Ashford was a wealthy, very married woman whose body had undergone fantastic efforts to maintain its youthful beauty and shapeliness. She always wore heels to elongate her legs and she even wore them to bed, as Tanner learned. She had been coming to him for “service” for six months and over the previous two months, her visits had become more frequent and even a rebel like Tanner knew that was an invitation to trouble.

  “You just had a tune up, Cheryl,” he said smugly, “And I think you left your panties here last time too; try and be more careful in the future, doll.”

  “See? It gave me yet another excuse to come by and see you,” she said flirtingly.

  The look on his face turned from amusement to frustration. He had dealt with her increasingly aggressive behavior and she had even exhibited.

  “While I appreciate the visit, I’ve got some things to take care of today and just won’t have time; let’s get together later in the week when it is scheduled,” he said defiantly.

  Just at that moment, a taxi cab pulled into the drive and let Nicole out of the back seat. She paid the driver cheerfully and walked over toward her Mustang in the garage; apparently not seeing the sports car or the leggy brunette leaning on the roof.

  “That’s my cue,” Tanner said, and he got up to walk toward the garage.

  “Seriously?” Cheryl’s word was like a viper’s venom. She was furious and hardly impressed with the tart that had just gotten out of the cab.

  Tanner turned to Cheryl, rolled his eyes, and sauntered in the direction of the garage with his beer in hand.

  Cheryl was furious and she got in her car and sped away; it was the sound of her tires squealing that drew the attention of Nicole.

  Nicole was dressed in a simple, conservative sun dress, a pair of matching flats, sunglasses, and ample cleavage showing. She had tried her best to keep it at a minimum but she couldn’t. It was going to be a hot day and she needed some relief from the heat.

  “Tanner, good to see you,” she said as she removed her sunglasses.

  “Please tell me that I didn’t destroy my car.”

  Tanner walked up to her and extended his recently-washed hand and shook hers.

  “No, you didn’t destroy your car,” he responded coldly.

  “It’s just fine now and I did a few other adjustments to make it run better than it did before.”

  “How much is that going to cost me?” Her question was sarcastic, but was an honest inquiry.

  He laughed and walked toward the car, motioned her to follow him and then, he went through a step by step explanation of all the work he had completed and then finally, presented her with a bill.

  “$200? Is that it?” She asked. She was surprised because she expected it to be much more than that.

  “Yes, it’s only $200, but there is a caveat,” he said as he leaned against her car and eyed her. He paused for effect and to see how long it would take for her to get anxious.

  “You have to come out with me this evening to play for a few hours.”

  She was shocked by his request, but flattered at the same time. She stuttered and stammered and then thought deeply about the implications and what would happen if they were seen in public. Her thighs began to tingle and her back muscles flex with the though of him bending her over his Harley and spanking her.

  “What time will you be picking me up?” She surprised herself with her abrupt answer and that she was willing to spend some time with him.

  “I’ll pick you up at 8pm at your place,” he said and handed her keys to her car.

  She wrote him a check for the repairs and she got in the driver’s seat; her face was as red as the paint on her car. She was excited, scared, and soaking wet. She questioned herself the whole way home, but she enjoyed how well the vehicle operated so, in her mind, it gave justification for their dinner plans. The motor purred down the road and when she put some foot into it, the tailpipes roared.

  She couldn’t believe that the perennial good girl had agreed to go out with the town bad boy for an evening. She began to panic about what her friends and family would say were they seen together in public, but there was another part of her that was soothed, peaceful, and intensely excited. She couldn’t help but squirm on her seat and feeling that warm feeling that is desire and passion.

  Chapter 5 – Take Off

  The day seemed to crawl for Nicole as she found herself completely ready to leave at 6pm when he was to arrive at 8pm. She had cleaned and dusted twice, checked her make up at least a dozen times, and walked the house three times. She then sat down on her couch and turned on the television to watch a little news or something to get her anxiety level down.

  She flipped aimlessly through the channels until she landed on a home and garden channel. Two burly men were installing new plumbing on a home and their muscles were bulging and flexing with each movement.

  “That sure isn’t helping,” she said out loud to no one and flipped the channels more.

  Tanner had finished work on a radiator and was hopping in the shower when he turned his thoughts to the evening. He lathered up; forgetting all about the scars that ran the course of his back and chest and from whence they came. It was no longer of consequence to him and the perpetrators were dealt with.

  He wondered how far things could go with that innocent little thing and whether or not she would run screaming. He smiled to himself as he pondered the great many possibilities and without even realizing what was taking place, he became aroused. He considered pleasuring himself in the shower as he had many times before, but thought better of it and saving his gift for later, perhaps.

  Tanner had showered, shaved, and dressed in his least-stained je
ans and went into his garage. There sat his muscle car and his muscle bike, and considering that this was to be dinner with a good girl, the car would be the best transport.

  When he sat behind the wheel, his mind and body alike were transported to another place and time when he thought he had choices and still had a chance to get out of that town. He fired up the engine and the rumble brought him back to reality. He opened the garage door and pulled out and onto the road.

  He arrived a few minutes early, but he didn’t really care much. He didn’t want to look too eager though he was eager to get things started. He parked his Chevelle out front on the street and walked up to the door. Before he could knock, she flung open the door.


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