[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 117

by Rebecca Foxx

  Of course she did have just a bit of trouble focusing on his smile, her gaze wandering instead to the massive muscled chest, washboard abs and trim waist that lie beneath; resting finally on the long hard shaft that seemed to salute her presence.

  “Come to me, my darling,” he whispered hypnotic, surging upward on all fours and crawling like a cat in her direction, “Let me make your fantasy come true.”

  With a resigned, aroused sigh Megan collapsed on her back and opened her arms to him.

  “For tonight at least, be my husband,” she released on a whisper. “Make love to me.”

  Chapter Five

  Megan always did enjoy the sublime, downright spectacular vision of Diamond Dylan Page’s award worthy rear end. Yet she’d never before met this particular posterior in person, only seen its fully clothed likeness in music videos and the pages of rock magazines.

  And now that she saw this taut, toned derriere in all its naked finery, dangerously close to her face as its gorgeous owner crawled like a wildcat to the end of their bed—well now she gained a whole new appreciation for its golden glory.

  Not as much appreciation as she felt moments later, as her attentive lover suckled her toes and licked the pads of her delicate feet; next laving his way up her long curvy legs as she purred her contentment.

  Dylan growled his intense desire as he reached his hands upward to massage the skin of her smooth trim hips; settling himself at the juncture of her thighs to lick open her tender feminine folds.

  Megan gasped outright as her adoring lover graced her with the intimate kiss; sealing his full moist lips around her throbbing clit as he licked and suckled her.

  Bobbing his head up and down to intensify the sensation, Dylan kneaded and massaged her rock hard hips as he continued to devour her; the tendrils of his spiked dark hair tickling the skin of her thighs as his long wet tongue elicited lightning shards of arousal that coursed wild through her entire body.

  Reaching his strong sturdy hands upward to cover and massage her full, buxom breasts, Dylan intensified the feel of his mouth on her nub, at the same time bringing her nipples to hard points beneath his ever attentive touch.

  Finally and with a last resounding lick he sent her careening over the edge; her body radiating in the incredible pleasure of a powerful clitoral orgasm.

  Megan collapsed elated in the sheets beneath her as waves of ecstasy ran rampant through every fiber of her being; screaming outright at the effects of the most thorough and divine pleasuring she’d ever experienced.

  Crawling up the length of her body to sweep her up in two strong arms, Dylan rained a shower of sweet admiring kisses on her toned tummy, her buxom breasts, and the nape of her delicate neck before seizing her lips in a ravenous kiss.

  Their arms and legs entangled between them as his full moist lips covered hers; their tongues also entwining as they collapsed together in the exquisite luxury of satin sheets.

  Megan grinned dreamy against Dylan’s lips as she finally touched the man she’d dreamt of for so long; running ravenous hands over the surface of his hard massive chest and chiseled washboard abs, before finally laying a firm hold on his long, pulsating rod.

  An enraptured Dylan growled his pleasure as her soft, delicate hands rubbed and kneaded his hard masculine length; his own magical fingertips running like warm water down the length of her graceful back.

  “I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before, sweet princess,” he released on a whisper, settling himself between her parted thighs as he gyrated teasing against her. “I plan to prove to you that in these arms is where you belong.”

  Sweeping her up in these arms moments later, Dylan covered her lips with his as their bodies writhed and slithered together in a cocoon of aroused intimacy; his long hard cock soaring upward to kiss her feminine cleft.

  Then with the resounding thrust of his trim hard hips, Dylan fully and finally joined them as one; surging his shaft to the very depths of her soaking wet pussy.

  Their hips claimed an immediate rhythm as they engaged in a sinful tango; their bodies merging as one as he probed and penetrated her.

  Yet even as an aroused Dylan surged forth to his lady’s very core, he never neglected to hold and caress her; his hands roaming the lengths of her long silky hair as he bowed his head to her full, soft breasts.

  Spreading her hard trim hips before him to invite him farther inward, an enchanted Megan bit her lip hard as he licked the skin of her breasts and nipped her nipples; all the while thrusting his hard aroused length deep within the confines of her feminine garden.

  Their engorged, sweat lined bodies rolled free and wild on the bed beneath them; their hips and thighs locking as the back and forth motion of their engaged tongues matched the rhythm of his cock in her pussy.

  For a time they lingered on the brink of desire, cuddling and coddling as they soared together toward an almost ethereal realm; then finally and with a long hard thrust, Dylan sent them hurdling together across the bounds of an incredible mutual climax.

  The couple clung together as their beings erupted in the heat of this sleek, powerful orgasm; their eyes flying open to engage one another in an intense, binding kiss.

  Finally their bodies collapsed in the sheets of their lush satin lined trysting spot; resting easy in one another’s arms as their tender whispers filled the air above them.

  “That was amazing,” Megan told him, running an affectionate hand through his soft spiky hair as he held her body closer than close.

  Searing her lips with an impassioned kiss, Dylan cradled her soft and sweet in his arms as he asked her, “Amazing enough to keep you here with me?”

  Megan chuckled.

  “Well at this point, Dearest, I don’t rightly think I can move,” she quipped, stretching her toned but downright exhausted limbs to languorous effect. “So I do believe you have me pretty much confined to this bed—for the rest of this weekend.”

  Dylan chuckled, but only briefly.

  “What about next week, and the week after?” he pressed her, accenting his words with a tender but possessive squeeze. “I’ve made up my mind, Megan. I’ve never met a woman who has such an incredible combination of brains, wit, beauty, kindness—ain’t no way that I’m letting go of the perfect woman, now that I’ve finally found her.” He paused here, adding with an affirming nod, “I don’t want a divorce, Megan, quickie or otherwise. I’m in this for the long haul. What about you?”

  Megan thought a moment, then shook her head.

  “I have a question for you, Dylan,” she said finally, adding as she looked him straight in the eyes, “In the eyes of a rock star, what exactly constitutes the long haul? I can count on one hand the number of successful marriages that have lived to survive the tensions and temptations of the rock industry. Sure there was David Bowie and Iman, bless ‘em, but they were the exception—not the rule. Most of these romantic rocker unions end up right straight in the crapper; and for good reason. What happens, Dylan, the first time that some lovely, scantily dressed young groupie throws herself at you after a show? Or when some super model tries to seduce you on the set of one of your videos?”

  Dylan sighed.

  “Megan, I know for a fact that your job requires you to work with a lot of financial big wigs. Accountants, corporate CEOs, marketing specialists; and chances are that a good number of them are male, correct?” he asked her, adding as he inclined his head sharp in her direction, “Have you ever known any of them to cheat on their wives? Maybe with their secretaries, their assistants, or with gals they meet on the road during business trips?”

  Megan thought a moment, then nodded.

  “I have seen it happen, yes,” she confessed, adding with arched eyebrows, “A few of my co-workers, in fact, have made passes at me; insisting all the while that their wives don’t understand them. I always retort by telling them that the poor dears and I have something in common!”

  Dylan guffawed outright.

  “See, that�
�s only one of the many things I love about you,” he told her, adding in a more serious tone, “Don’t you see how things work though, Megan? Any successful man will have plenty of opportunities to cheat. Some choose to betray the ones they’re supposed to love, others don’t.” he paused here, adding as he leaned forward to pin her with a sincere, highly serious look, “I will freely admit, Darling, that in my younger days I sewed some wild oats on the road; but whenever I was lucky enough to land a steady girlfriend, I put the exnay on all other activity. I have never cheated on any of my girlfriends, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to cheat on my wife.”

  Megan smiled, but only briefly.

  “I appreciate that, Dylan—I really do. You really are something special, you know it?” she praised him, adding as she shook her head, “The fact, remains, though, that I have a job and an apartment waiting for me back home—a whole other life, as a matter of fact. I can’t drop everything to go out on the road with you. I don’t want to leave my office every night to find an army of paps waiting to snap my picture. And I surely don’t want to deal with the even larger army of jealous fans prepared to filet and flame broil me at first sight, all the while pulling every single hair I have straight out of my head….”

  She fell silent as Dylan slipped a single sturdy finger firm but gentle over her lips; next leaning forward to sear her mouth with a sweet, tender kiss.

  For just a moment Megan took a moment to bask in his affections; her lips playing across his as her heart beat just a little bit faster beneath the effects of his attentions.

  Yet finally she broke away.

  “This isn’t the answer to everything Dylan,” she reminded him, holding her own finger up for firm emphasis. “You can’t just seduce your way out of our every disagreement.”

  She came close to amending that opinion moments later, as Dylan Diamond charmed her with the use of his signature full-lipped pout.

  “Oh can’t I?” he asked her, arching his feathered eyebrows to inquisitive effect. “Seriously, Megan. I’m not trying to distract you right now. I’m just showing you what matters. If we truly love each other, then the rest will just figure itself out—I promise.”

  Megan nodded.

  “Well there is one thing I know for sure,” she revealed, taking his hand in hers, “I don’t want to leave you, Dylan. I have no desire to leave you behind here; seeing you only on CD covers and on YouTube music videos and wondering about the life, the love I missed.”

  Dylan smiled.

  “So don’t leave,” he suggested, adding as he stood from the bed, “Is there anything else I could do to persuade you?”

  Chapter Six

  Moments later Megan found herself once again ensconced in luxury; this time courtesy of a shiny circular porcelain bathtub filled to the rim with frothy suds and a plethora of crystalline bubbles.

  Floating before her in this dream of a bubble bath was an attentive servant of a lover; one who washed her breasts and stomach with a luxurious aqua blue washcloth—then lowering his head to lick and kiss every spot he had cleansed.

  The couple’s soapy limbs entwined between them as they immersed themselves in a mass of frothy suds; wrestling playfully and blowing handfuls of bubbles in one another’s faces.

  Megan sighed contented as Dylan washed her long hair in gentle, languorous strokes; also treating her to a lush aquatic massage as his hands lowered to wash and knead her shoulders.

  His massage became more intimate moments later, as he ran his wet fingertips down the length of her body and settled them between her slick toned thighs; coaxing open her folds and kneading her wet clit as she gasped her fond desire.

  With his free arm Dylan cradled her with greatest affection, pressing his chest tight against hers as their lips merged once again in the most passionate of kisses.

  Grabbing the washcloth from her distracted lover, Megan repaid the favor by soaping up his muscled chest and washboard abs; admiring just how ridiculously good the man looked soaking wet, the beads of moisture lending additional definition to every hard plane of his fine chiseled body.

  Leaning forward to lick some of these crystalline water drops from the surface of his bronzed skin, she suckled his nipples as he continued to rub her back and knead the skin of her sensitive clit.

  Her body caught fire as their joined beings submerged deep in the waves of their lavish aquatic trysting place; the wetness supplying needed lubrication as Dylan plunged his rock hard cock inside her aroused pussy.

  “Yes,” he rasped out, moving slow and deep inside of her even as he continued to rub and stroke the surface of her enflamed nub.

  Thrusting her hips forward to meet his advance in full, Megan raked her manicured fingernails down the length of his slick back and laid a playful slap on his rock hard ass.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you on MTV,” she whispered in his ear, her body sliding and writhing against his as the waters sloshed and rippled around them.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this since the first moment I met you,” Dylan returned immediately, his shaft surging forth to her very core as he laid a simultaneous squeeze on the surface of her femininity.

  Soon the couple came as one, finishing their day much the same way they started it; by screaming at the top of their lungs.

  Yet this time they sang a duet of love that—or so they hoped—would remain on continuous play.


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  (See all other books from Pricilla St. James)

  Seductive Pleasure

  Chapter 1

  Shannon Woods was turning thirty in about two months. She did not know for sure how she should feel about the big anniversary.

  Her pitch black Ferrari California convertible roared fiercely under her bum on Interstate 80. She had been driving by then for more than a day without a stop. For the last four hours she had been following the sun. For the last twelve minutes her phone had been ringing on the top of the empty seat next to her in front.

  She realized that she better answered the call.

  Shannon kept an eye on the next group of directional signs. The nearest exit would lead her onto road 306. She prepared herself well before the trip and knew that from 306 she could switch to 50 at Austin and then back to the highway at Fernley.

  A two hundred miles long journey through the rural part of Nevada did not sound that bad for someone trying to escape the burden of her usual life for at least another 48 hours.

  She slowed the car’s magnificent engine down. It did not like it – these Ferraris were not designed for strolling. Shannon switched lanes and exited the highway. After another couple of turns she found herself driving on road 306.

  Her phone started to ring again. Shannon pulled the Ferrari on the side and reached a complete halt. The engine died off quietly in what felt like the middle of a dry and dusty wilderness uninhabited by humans.

  Shannon got out of the car. The blazing rays of the blistering sun heated up the brown rocks covering the ground on both sides of the road as far as the horizon. Shannon almost tripped over because she lost balance on her way around the car. She bolstered herself up on the hood.

  That mixture of heat and fatigue took its toll on Shannon’s body. She felt weary in her legs, her hands were floppy. Her own sweat left cruel marks under her armpits and a big blot over her back.

  It reminded her that she was ought to get back to her fitness regime as soon as possible. Just for the last couple of months she had put on an extra ten pounds thanks to the long working hours behind her desk in the New York office.

  She had never been one of those anorexic beauty queens always being concerned about their already luscious shape, but this was becoming too much.

  Shannon reached the other side of the Ferrari. She opened the door and picked up the phone as well as a bottle of water lying under the seat on the bottom of the car. The call could wait, she
decided. Tearing off the cap of the bottle, she took a huge gulp. The lukewarm liquid sliding down her throat revitalized her body, even her mind turned a notch sharper in less than a second.

  The stubborn ringing continued. Right, Shannon thought, the call.

  “Yes?” she muttered into her phone.

  “Finally,” she heard a very excited voice. “Where have you disappeared exactly for so long?”

  The caller was Shannon’s assistant, Ben Finegold. Shannon and Ben had a very tight professional relationship. Without him Shannon would have hardly reached as many successes as she had in the past.


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