Flames of Redemption

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Flames of Redemption Page 25

by Jamie A. Waters

  He shrugged. “I don't like the idea of sharing this information with them, but Valentina brings up a good point. We have a duty to use and train with whatever weapons are at our disposal. We can try to safeguard your position as best as possible, but we haven't been successful learning the full scope of our abilities on our own.”

  Nikolai was quiet for a long time. Finally, he nodded and said, “Very well. Ask them to join us.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Valentina was curled up on Sergei's lap, his hand on her knee in a position vaguely reminiscent of the one she'd shared with Nikolai before lunch. Only this time, there was no pretense. Ariana and Alec were sitting on the couch across from them, wide-eyed, and staring at the four of them in shock as Lars finished telling them what happened.

  Valentina trailed her hand down Sergei's arm, marveling at the heat from his body and how it always seemed to run a few degrees hotter than hers. As soon as they were finished here, she wanted to take him into the other room and see just how hot she could make him. He turned to meet her gaze, his mouth curving upward.

  “I intend to keep my promise, Valechka,” he whispered close to her ear, placing a kiss against her neck. “I will have you later tonight.” She shivered, and he kissed her neck again, a little lower this time. “And the night after that.”

  Yuri leaned over the couch. “I will take her away from you if you do not behave.”

  “Try it, and you will be missing a hand,” Sergei said in a pleasant tone, pressing a kiss against her shoulder.

  Another delicious shiver went through her at his touch, experiencing not only the effects on her skin but also through their bond. They hadn't clamped down on it since they'd admitted the truth to Lars. Everything was so much more vivid, and her senses were magnified. She knew they were all experiencing some of the same effects.

  Alec stared at the four of them in astonishment. “And the whole time you lived with them, you had no idea?”

  “No,” Lars admitted. “I only spent time with Sergei though. I had a few suspicions about him, but he never said anything. I didn't have an opportunity to meet Valentina, Nikolai, or Yuri until recently.”

  Ariana was watching them with a small smile on her face. “Now that you're not shielding, I can see the strength of your emotional connections. It's as strong as the bond I share with Alec. How were you able to stay away from each other for so long?”

  “With great difficulty,” Sergei said, tracing his thumb over her knee. He hadn't stopped touching her since they'd been in the elevator, but she wasn't about to complain. She'd been equally starved for his touch.

  “The biggest problem,” Lars said, gesturing to them again, “is how to train them without being able to form a connection. Theory and explanations are only going to take them so far. We need to be able to work directly with them, so they can see how we use energy.”

  Alec frowned. “If you were able to reach each of them through their bond, we could have Brant temporarily suppress their abilities while we form a connection with one of them.”

  “No,” Sergei and Yuri both said simultaneously.

  “Or not,” Alec said with a sigh. “I am aware of Brant's interest in Valentina, and that would be a problem. She would be the easiest to train since her abilities are most likely closest to Ariana's. But it sounds as though Sergei needs the training more than any of them, especially if he's going to remain close to her.”

  “I always knew you were hot-tempered,” Yuri muttered.

  “I think you should call Hayden,” Ariana suggested. “He understands the special circumstances of my talents, and I believe he will keep quiet.”

  Sergei frowned. “I do not think that would be wise.”

  “I'm afraid I have to agree with Sergei, love,” Alec said in a dry tone. “He's definitely skilled enough, and you may have some affection for him, but he doesn't think very highly of me or Sergei.”

  Ariana sighed. “Kendra, then. But that'll have a whole other set of problems. I love her dearly, but I'm not sure how well Valentina will take to another woman creating a connection with Sergei.”

  Valentina turned to Sergei. “Will you fuck her?”

  “No,” he said with a grin.

  “Then I don't care,” she said with a shrug.

  “Are you sure?” Ariana questioned. “Forming a connection when you're already bonded can be rather intimate. Even if the connection is a small one, you may still be able to sense her. It can be very uncomfortable.”

  Nikolai shook his head. “I do not believe it will be a problem. Valentina rarely says things she doesn't mean. But just in case, we will take away her weapons.”

  Valentina rolled her eyes. “As if that would stop me.”

  Sergei lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “With you back in my life, I could never be interested in anyone else. She is only a means to fulfill my desire to stay close to you. That's all I have ever wanted.”

  Valentina ran her other hand down his shirt and whispered, “You should not say such things until we are alone, Seryozha.”

  He gave her a knowing smile and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. “I'm making up for lost time.”

  Lars interrupted. “Sergei, you know I share similar views of Hayden, but I think he might be the better option. Kendra is a little flighty, and I suspect there will be some issues if she tries to train you. Hayden will take the severity of the situation much more seriously.”

  Ariana nodded. “I think he would be the better choice too. The only reason Hayden was previously involved in questionable behavior was when he was trying to develop that serum to save me.”

  “You might be right,” Alec admitted but didn't look entirely pleased about it. “There are many other skilled fire channelers within the towers, but few I would trust with this sensitive of a secret. I'm not sure I would even rely upon our High Council not to reveal you if they thought it would benefit them or OmniLab. Hayden doesn't have a problem with keeping secrets, which can be one of his more infuriating traits.”

  Valentina placed her hand on Sergei's arm. “You don't trust this Hayden?”

  Sergei shrugged. “I don't know him well enough to say, but I'm willing to speak with him if it will keep me by your side.”

  “Very well,” Alec agreed. “We can make the arrangements and have Hayden meet us here in the morning. Ariana and I will work with the rest of you while he trains Sergei.”

  Nikolai stood. “We appreciate your discretion in this matter. Sergei has informed me he explained our particular challenges with regard to our people. We cannot risk this information getting out to anyone from the Coalition.”

  “I understand,” Alec agreed, glancing over at her and Sergei again. “We're going to do whatever is necessary to make sure you're all trained and kept safe. If you don't mind me asking, do you know if there are more of us living among the Coalition?”

  Valentina frowned, unwilling to tell them the truth. “It's possible, but it's not something that would ever be openly discussed. It was more or less an accident we found each other.”

  “Sometimes, a perceived accident is Fate in disguise,” Alec suggested with a small smile.

  “I do not disagree with that assessment,” Sergei said, interlacing his fingers with Valentina’s. “But as far as the rest of our people are concerned, it may be possible to identify them.”

  Alec cocked his head. “How?”

  “No,” Nikolai interrupted. “We can explore this eventually, but not now.”

  Sergei shrugged as though he didn't care either way. Valentina rested her hand against his bare arm again in a reassuring gesture. Sergei wouldn't argue the point with Nikolai in front of the Omnis, but she knew the truth. All four of them had talked about ways to identify others with similar powers. Nikolai wanted to bring them under his protection, but it wasn't possible without alerting other members of their leadership.

  Alec turned back to Nikolai. “But you have a way?”

  Nikolai sighed. “We re
quire medical testing before accepting applications to various facility assignments. If we allow our people to be run through your DNA test before processing their application to join the towers, you may be able to look for these markers. However, there are many potential issues that need to be considered.”

  Valentina nodded. “Our testing goes through several different camps for processing. If you claim some of our people as yours, our leaders will begin running their own tests to search for commonalities. It'll only be a matter of time until they isolate those markers and begin performing their own search amongst our people. It's unlikely they'd allow those individuals to join our ranks here and risk losing a potential asset, especially if they have a chance to neutralize any advantage your Inner Circle holds over us. Those who believe in your abilities are wary of them.”

  Alec frowned. “Would this put our people in danger?”

  “It depends,” Nikolai admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “There may be ways to avoid unnecessary risk, but we'll need to consider this carefully. I'm not willing to chance the possibility of having anyone alienated or used as a pawn. Right now, our leadership is divided upon whether these abilities truly exist. Rumors have begun spreading, so it's only a matter of time before it's widely accepted. There will come a point where we must address the issue, if for no other reason than to alleviate our people's fears.”

  Sergei sighed and leaned back on the couch. “I've already begun having problems with people requesting reassignment. They're afraid of what they saw or experienced during our infiltration. Not only were our people knocked off their vehicles with strong gusts of wind, but an earthquake nearly collapsed the towers. Combined with what they witnessed at the underground river when Ariana saved her brother…” Sergei shook his head. “Some of our people already had concerns from their time living with Lars and the other exiles, but things have only escalated. It's become a rather serious issue, and the rumors are only continuing to grow with each retelling. Pavel was one of those who allowed his fear to consume him, and it was his misguided actions that caused you to be harmed, Ariana. For that, I am truly sorry.”

  Ariana gave him a soft smile. “I appreciate your efforts in rescuing me. I knew Pavel was afraid, but I thought I might have gotten through to him. I still have hope for the rest of your people. Given everything they've witnessed, I can understand their feelings.”

  “Nikolai,” Sergei began, “Alec requested that all our people who are working or living on OmniLab property have their biometrics uploaded into their security database. Given Ariana's recent abduction, I authorized this procedure to begin in the next week.”

  Nikolai arched an eyebrow. “Clever. If it's not already a standard requirement, OmniLab could make a reasonable request to include a DNA sample in their processing.” He turned back to Alec. “I trust you have a secure laboratory where these samples can be processed?”

  Alec's eyes lit up, and he inclined his head. “Absolutely. I can arrange the highest security clearance to process the results separately and restrict access to them. If we can identify any individuals with our DNA markers, perhaps one of you would be willing to reach out to them.”

  Nikolai gestured to Valentina. “She is best suited for this type of work. If you provide me with the names, I can conduct a discrete inquiry into the person's history and familial ties. From there, Valentina can reach out to them.” He paused for a moment and then added, “I will warn you though. Even if they possess these markers, they may not be willing to risk exposure or leave their families.”

  Alec nodded. “I understand. If nothing else, I want to be able to at least identify them and offer them a haven. Hopefully, in time, your people will trust us more and we can develop a deeper understanding of our respective cultures.”

  Nikolai held out his hand to Alec. “That's my hope as well.”

  Alec smiled and shook his hand.

  Sergei lowered his head to press another kiss against Valentina's bare shoulder. She was lying on her stomach, still fast asleep. He moved her hair aside, marveling at the silky texture, and kissed her neck. Other than making a small noise, she didn't stir. He ran his hand down her back, smiling to himself. There could be an impending invasion outside and she'd most likely sleep through it. He'd always envied her ability to sleep whenever and wherever was convenient.

  “Valechka,” he said gently. “Do you want to wake up and train this morning?”

  She mumbled something that sounded like a complaint, but he couldn't be sure. Sergei ran his hand over a barely noticeable scar on her shoulder blade. It was another one she'd received while they'd been apart, and he promised himself it would be the last. He'd spent hours last night cataloguing every inch of her body, wanting to hear the stories about each mark and making a mental note about where to assign the blame for her injuries. She'd answered the first few times and then refused to give him any more information when she realized what he was doing.

  It didn't matter. He'd find out.

  Sergei traced the scar on her hip again, the mark forever signifying one of the darkest periods of his life. Although, if he hadn't left to take on this new command, maybe they wouldn't be here like this now.

  Someone pounded on the door, and his eyes narrowed. He could fully understand Valentina's penchant for throwing knives at people if that was what she had to deal with on a daily basis.

  “Get up, Valya!” Yuri shouted from the other side of the door. “Sergei, shove her out of bed.”

  Valentina turned her face into the pillow and mumbled a rather creative objection. Sergei grinned. “Would you like me to kill him for you, Valechka?”

  She reached under her pillow and withdrew a knife, shoving it in his direction. Sergei threw back his head and laughed. Valentina turned her head, her blue eyes still sleepy, and smiled up at him. “I've missed your laugh, Seryozha.”

  He brushed her chestnut hair away from her face and kissed her nose. “I haven't had much reason to laugh until recently.”

  She placed her hand on his cheek, and he closed his eyes from the rush of emotion that went through him. Just that one touch from her was enough to bring him to his knees. He swallowed as she trailed her fingertips over his face and brushed them against his lips.

  “It's been a long time since I woke up beside you. Will you kiss me good morning?”

  He opened his eyes, letting her see the depth of his love for her. “I will kiss you every morning for as long as you allow it.”

  Sergei lowered his head to kiss her. When she made a small noise of desire, he pulled her closer, the soft curves of her body molding perfectly against his. This woman owned him, body and soul. There had never been anyone who evoked this depth of emotion or passion from him. He'd spent most of the night making love to her, and he wanted her again just as fervently as the first time. She wound her arms around his neck in a wordless demand, telling him with her body she felt the same.

  Another pounding on the door interrupted them, and he broke their kiss with a curse.

  “You have ten minutes before training!” Yuri shouted. “Quit playing with him, Valya.”

  Sergei looked down into the clearest blue eyes he'd ever seen. He cupped her cheek, and she closed her eyes, leaning into his hand. Ten lifetimes with Valentina wouldn't be enough. “If this training were for any other reason than to stay by your side, I'd say to hell with it. Even knowing its purpose, it's nearly impossible for me to leave this bed with you in it.”

  She smiled and looked up at him. “I love you, Seryozha.”

  He groaned and buried his face against her neck. “You are not making it any easier, little dove.”

  Valentina ran her fingers through his hair. “Yuri lies. He will only give us five minutes before he barges in.”

  Sergei picked up the knife she'd pushed toward him. “Would you like to kill him, or should I?”

  She laughed and took her blade from him. Leaning forward, she kissed him lightly on the lips. “We'll need him for training, but sometimes it
's a tempting thought.”

  She stood and walked over to the clothes on the dresser, and he took the opportunity to admire the lines of her athletic form. Her mouth turned downward in an adorable pout as she studied the dresses. He couldn't help but grin. “Do I get to pick out your dress again?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “No. I need to shower first, but I don't understand how their women wear these every day. There are no pockets. What sort of clothing doesn't have any pockets?”

  Sergei chuckled and climbed out of bed. “And no place to put your weapons.”

  “Exactly,” she agreed, reaching into one of her bags to pull out her toiletries. “Besides, if we are meeting with Viktor later, I need to dress in my own clothing.”

  Sergei froze, having forgotten all about Viktor. That wasn't a conversation he was eager to have, especially without witnesses. He grabbed his pants and quickly pulled them on. “I'll go see if Lars has any tea for you.”

  Valentina paused, lifting her head to regard him suspiciously. Before she could interrogate him, he grabbed a shirt, pulled it over his head, and leaned forward to kiss her. “Do you still take it the same way?”

  “You're hiding something,” she accused, a trace of temper in her eyes.

  “Extra sweet,” he remembered and headed out of the room before she reached for a nearby weapon.

  Valentina's eyes narrowed at the closed door. It was tempting to go after him, but there wasn't enough time. After she finished her morning routine, she grabbed a tank top and pants from her bag and pulled them on. Whatever Sergei was hiding had to do with Viktor. They'd all been in the same training class when they were younger, but Valentina hadn't had much interaction with Viktor back then. It was only over the past few years that she'd had reason to work with him. There must be some shared history she didn't know about between Viktor and Sergei because they were both being cagey.

  She buckled her belt and started strapping on her weapons. It was too early to deal with this nonsense. Someone tapped on the door, and she snapped, “Come in.”


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