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Tani's Destiny (Hearts of ICARUS Book 2)

Page 13

by Laura Jo Phillips

  “About two years ago, my eldest sister, Salene, discovered her future Rami, a Gryphon male-set. Our middle sister, Rayne, immediately began worrying why she hadn’t found her future Rami yet, but that’s Rayne. She’s a bit of a worrier. But I had a completely different reaction. Somehow, I couldn’t help feeling that there would never be a male-set for me. That my destiny lay elsewhere.

  “I’d always trusted my feelings before, but that time I deliberately tried to ignore them. I lasted about six months before I went to a clinic on Jasan and had the berezi test run on me. One of the most important aspects of that test is that, by Jasani law, the name of the person having the test run, as well as the results, are highly confidential. Otherwise, I’m not sure I’d have had the nerve to do it. When the results came back, I wasn’t surprised. But I was devastated.

  “I’d always been a little different from my sisters. My interest in weapons, fighting, tactical planning, evaluation, and theory being just one example. But I’d just discovered that I was different on such a basic and fundamental level that I didn’t know how to process it.” She fell silent for a moment, fighting the tears and sadness that always overwhelmed her when she thought about this.

  “I am Clan Jasani, but not,” she continued in a subdued voice. “I will never be soul-linked with a male-set, something I was raised to accept as a natural and normal part of my future. I will never shift, something that literally defines who and what Clan Jasani are. I will never be a real member of the culture and society I was born to.”

  Tani fell silent for a moment, then felt something wet drip onto her arm. She looked up to see tears running from Steel’s black eyes, coursing down his broad cheeks. Her own tears overflowed as she reached up to place one palm on the side of his face. When he looked down, she offered him a watery smile.

  “You asked why I’m an exception, and the truth is, I don’t know why. I just know that I am. I let you kiss me, Steel, because I wanted it. I want you, Steel, more than I’ve ever wanted anything or anyone in my life.”

  Steel looked into her eyes for a long moment, then looked down to see where they were. His wings slowed as he began to descend, landing in a narrow gap between a hillside and a large boulder. The moment his feet touched the ground he shifted back to his human form, bent his head, and took her mouth with his.

  His kiss the night before had been soft and tender. Sweet. This time it was hot and filled with need and desire. She felt his heart racing in his chest as his tongue boldly entered her mouth, claiming it for his own as he thrust and withdrew. She followed his lead with equal passion, moaning helplessly when she discovered that he tasted as good as he smelled. Their kisses grew deeper, hotter, and more passionate by the moment until they broke apart, panting and gasping for air. Steel shifted her in his arms so she could wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Her eyes widened when she realized that his erection now pressed directly against her most sensitive area. She could even feel the heat of him through their jeans. Steel flexed his hips, grinding himself against her. Her head went back and her eyes closed at the unexpected intensity of the pleasure that gave her. Steel groaned and arched into her again.

  “I want you, Tani,” he growled before burying his face in her neck and inhaling her sweet and spicy scent deep into his lungs.

  “That’s good because I want you, too,” she replied breathlessly.

  Steel raised his head and looked into her eyes. “We can’t,” he said, the words sounding as though they’d been torn from his throat.

  “Why not?” she whispered.

  “As much as I want you, I could never dishonor you, Tani.”

  “Do your people consider sex dishonorable?” she asked, frowning.

  “No, we don’t, although living together is an indication of intent to marry. But sex outside of marriage, or a similar commitment, is considered dishonorable in many cultures.”

  “Not in my culture,” she said, pressing her body against his. “Do you still want to stop?”

  Steel’s eyes flashed with sudden heat, his body arching against hers firmly as his mouth came down on hers, pulling her close against him as his tongue thrust in and out of her mouth faster and more demandingly than before. Tani smiled inwardly, accepting his reaction as her answer before losing herself to the heat of the kiss. When he broke away his eyes were closed, his entire body trembling as he tried to catch his breath.

  “We can’t,” he said again. Tani rolled her eyes, wondering if all women had to go through this. When Clan Jasani met the other half of their souls, they knew they were destined to be together. There was no other choice, so there was nothing to worry about. She had no idea how other people did these things.

  “Why not this time?” she asked, fighting not to laugh.

  “Well, look around,” Steel said, his voice filled with regret. “I don’t think you want to lay down on these rocks and I certainly don’t want you to.”

  Tani had to concede that point. Then she smiled and pushed away from Steel gently. He got the hint and set her on her feet. She kicked off her shoes, unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off, her panties following a moment later. She was a bit nervous until she saw the expression on his face. Then she slowed her movements a little as she pulled her shirt off over her head, dropped it on top of her jeans, then added her bra.

  Steel watched Tani take her clothes off and forgot to breathe. She had a petite, athletic build combined with full breasts tipped with peach colored nipples, a tiny waist, and a perfectly beautiful ass that he ached to caress. She wasn’t muscular like a man would be, but there was no denying the lean power in her taut arms, legs, and stomach. He stared at her for so long that he began to grow dizzy before he remembered he had to breathe.

  “You’re stunning, Khalute,” he said hoarsely. “I’ve never seen a woman more beautiful than you.”

  Tani had started to get nervous again with his continued silence. But when he spoke, she looked up and saw the heat in his eyes, and the clenched fists at his sides, and she relaxed and stepped closer to him. She reached out and unbuttoned his jeans, then his fingers joined hers. For a moment she was afraid that he was going to stop her, but he didn’t. He unzipped his pants and pushed them open, then reached in and freed his erection.

  Her eyes widened in surprise at the size of him, and for a moment she wondered if she was making a mistake. Then he wrapped one hand around his heavy shaft and stroked himself slowly. Unable to take her eyes from the sight, her mouth went dry and a shudder ran through her. She reached out, then hesitated. She wanted to touch, but was uncertain of the right way to do it. He took her hand in his and guided her closer, then closer still until her fingers were wrapped around the hot, silky flesh that throbbed insistently against her palm.

  She stroked up, then down as she’d seen him do, and was rewarded by a guttural groan. A drop of fluid appeared in the little slit at the top of the broad, mushroom shaped head, and she bent down to flick it off with her tongue just because she wanted to know what he tasted like. Steel’s head went back and his entire body stiffened as he fought back the orgasm that had very nearly overtaken him. When he was sure he was in control, he looked back down.

  “You’ve never done this, have you?” he asked, the question more of a statement.

  “No, is that a problem?”

  “No, Khalute, it’s not a problem,” he said. “I just don’t want to hurt you. You’re so small and the breaking of the hymen is painful, I’m told.”

  “I’m not afraid of a little pain, Steel,” she said, smiling. “What about you? Have you done this before?”

  Steel grimaced, wishing he hadn’t brought it up, but it was a fair question and he would not lie to her. “Yes, once, in college,” he said. “I was inebriated and don’t remember much about it, which is shameful, I know.”

  “Was it someone you didn’t care about?” she asked.

  “No,” he said. “She was a nice girl and we dated for a few months. I cared for her, but I
was not in love with her, nor was she in love with me. She broke up with me about a week later because I didn’t feel comfortable repeating the experience.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t really know,” Steel said. “At the time I was learning to trust myself and my feelings, and my feelings told me not to do it again, so I didn’t.” He looked into her eyes. “Are you disappointed in me? I wouldn’t blame you if you are.”

  “No, I’m not disappointed,” she said. “For one thing, what you did in the past is not my concern. But since you asked, I’ll tell you that I’m glad you trusted your feelings.”

  “This is right, Tani,” he said, gazing steadily into her eyes. “This is the most right thing I’ve ever done.”

  Tani smiled as she reached up to place her hands on his shoulders. He understood what she wanted and lifted her up so that she could wrap her legs around his waist again. This time the head of his cock brushed against her wet heat and without actually intending to, he thrust forward, stopping himself only with the greatest of efforts after he’d entered her a bare inch.

  “Don’t stop,” Tani gasped, tightening her legs and pressing her body downward. He stopped her even though he was panting as though he’d run straight up the cliff at top speed. She looked at him, hurt in her eyes, and he smiled. “I just want to do this slowly, Khalute,” he said. “All right?”

  She nodded, but he read the need and frustration in her eyes, and understood. He felt the same way. He’d been hard for days now, and repeated masturbation had done nothing to ease his desire. The only reason he was able to hold back at all was due to his fear of hurting her, a fear that she didn’t share.

  He held her hips and gently pressed her down another inch, then paused, gasping for air as he fought the nearly overwhelming urge to thrust deep and hard.

  “What does that mean?” Tani asked in a breathy whisper. “That word you called me.”

  “Khalute?” he ground out between clenched teeth. She nodded and he groaned when he felt her inner muscles tightening around his shaft, then releasing.

  “It’s…fire flower…,” he gasped.

  “Steel, please,” she begged. The edge in her voice combined with the soft, moist heat tightening around his sensitive cock was too much. Desire overcame reason and he arched his hips forward while his hands pulled her hips down to meet his. His cock burst through her hymen with ease, not stopping until he was buried fully within her depths. His body strained and shook with the effort of holding back. When he was able to open his eyes again, he saw her beautiful tight body arched back, her stiff, nipples thrust toward the sky, the long line of her neck straining as the muscles in her vagina spasmed around him. She was coming, he realized, and nearly came himself at the realization. He held onto her firmly and began fucking her in long, hard strokes that required every ounce of control he possessed, each one more pleasurable than the last until his testicles drew up so tightly it verged on the edge of pain. Tani screamed as another orgasm took her and this time he joined her, pulling her hard against him as he buried himself as deeply as possible, roaring his pleasure to the heavens as his semen poured into her, filling her womb with a hope, and a dream.

  Tani shivered and shook in his arms, her body jerking every few seconds as the intense pleasure continued to course through her in undulating waves. When she finally came down from the clouds and opened her eyes, Steel was pressing kisses into her hair, one hand stroking her back soothingly. She took a long, deep breath and released it.

  “So this is making love,” she said.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” he asked. “I never imagined it could be like this.”

  “Me neither,” she said. They remained like that for long minutes until their bodies relaxed and he reluctantly slipped out of her.

  “Next time, we need a bed and a fireplace,” he said. “I want to taste every inch of your body, Tani. I want to memorize every curve, every dip, every line.”

  Tani smiled then stretched upward, nibbling his lips as she ran her fingers over his smooth scalp. “As long as I get to do my own exploring, I’ve no objections,” she said.

  “It’s a deal,” he said, then kissed her once more, slow and soft, before setting her on her feet. “As much as I regret it, we should continue our journey.”

  “Yes, I know,” she agreed. “You’ll need some time to rest when we get back.”

  He closed his pants as he watched her pick up her clothing and shake it out before putting it on. When she sat down to put her shoes on she glanced up at him with a shy look. “What are you staring at?”

  “You,” he said, then knelt in front of her to tie her shoe while she put the other one on. “I’ve never watched a woman dress before,” he said. “Everything you do is fascinating to me. You’re so graceful all the time, no matter what it is you’re doing. Putting on your clothes, eating, walking, healing Naran, even attacking those Nomen in the alley. I must have watched that vid a hundred times while I sat beside you, waiting for the tranquilizer to wear off. I couldn’t get enough of it until you woke up. After that, I had you to watch, live and in person.”

  Tani blinked the threat of tears back, his words touched her so much. She didn’t know what to say, so she leaned forward and kissed him again. He kissed her back, then leapt to his feet. “If we’re not careful, you’ll be naked again in a minute, and just saying that makes me want to do it, so let’s go now before I lose what little control I have left.”

  Tani laughed and stood up. “You better shift then.”

  He grinned and stepped back. A moment later he was in his mahrac alter form. Tani leapt into his arms, then reached up to kiss him without a moment’s hesitation. He shook his head at her though he couldn’t prevent the smile that split his face, long glistening fangs and all. He spread his wings and jumped into the air.

  Half an hour later he pointed his chin in the direction he wanted her to look, not nearly as surprised as he expected to be when she immediately understood and turned her head. “Almost there huh?” He nodded, then began to descend, his eyes searching the terrain carefully. The tiny Blind Sight hid them both from sight as long as she stayed close to him, but he never relied entirely on technology.

  A couple of minutes later he landed, set Tani down, then shifted back to his human form. She studied him carefully, looking for signs of fatigue. “How long do you need to rest?”

  “An hour should do it,” he said. “Come on, we have a store of food and supplies up here.” She followed him up the side of the hill they’d landed on, and watched as he moved a pile of large, heavy rocks out of the way to reveal a cavern lined with a ground sheet, and filled with a variety of items. He went for the high protein energy bars, and she grabbed a container of water. After they’d replenished themselves, they each took a pair of long range telescoping glasses and Steel recovered the store the way he’d found it, just in case they had to leave in a hurry.

  “Don’t forget to stay within my wingspan,” he said, and she nodded. If she left the range of the Blind Sight he wore, she’d not only be visible to any eyes that happened to be looking their way, she’d set off any sensors that might be planted around the perimeter of the compound as well.

  Steel led her to what appeared to be a haphazard pile of rocks and boulders at the top of a rise overlooking the compound below, but were actually a carefully designed and camouflaged observation post. They sat down and he pointed out a couple of strategically placed gaps that gave a clear view of the mine. She found one that was comfortable for her height, and went to work examining every tiny detail of the mine laid out below them.

  She counted fewer than a dozen Nomen wandering around, easily identifiable by their bald heads and larger than normal size. They all wore side arms, but none of them appeared to be actively guarding anything. The mountain where the mine entrance was located formed the back wall of the compound, but there were no guards there, either.

  “Why don’t I see any humans down there?”

ecause they’re forced to work in the mines from sunrise to sunset. All of them, every day. They aren’t returned to their bunkhouses until after dark which is why we haven’t been able to get an accurate count of them. We can see in the dark well enough, but not that far away.”

  Tani tamped down her anger at the thought of six year old children being forced to spend their days in a dark, dank mine, and focused on her task. “Are all of the ground transports there?” she asked a few minutes later.

  “Yes,” he replied. “Nothing’s missing.”

  Tani shifted her attention to the high metal fence surrounding the complex, inspecting each foot of it, then studied the main gate. “Their security appears to be minimal at best.”

  “They aren’t worried about us causing trouble,” Steel said. “After all, in over four and a half centuries we never so much as talked back. A few of us are being annoying right now by refusing to come in and work like good little slaves, but we aren’t a threat. We’ve had a few individual skirmishes here and there, but we’ve never taken anything or destroyed anything other than their Blind Sight which isn’t inside the compound, and they’ve fixed that so we can’t touch it now. They’ve never tried to kill us because we can’t work in the mine if we’re dead. The worst thing they’ve done is hit a couple of us with that tranquilizer you were so fortunate as to experience for yourself.”

  “Does it always knock people out for days at a time?”

  “No, it doesn’t,” he said. “They usually adjust the dosage depending on how long they want you out. Maybe they made a mistake, or your physical chemistry reacted differently to it.”

  “Or they intended to take me to a location that’s four days travel from EDU-12,” she said.

  Steel couldn’t argue with that so he just nodded. “After we raid this compound, the Nomen are going to change their view about you. They’ll start to see you as a threat to their operation if not themselves, whether we succeed or not.”


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