Bear's Surrogate (Shifter Surrogate Service Book 3)

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Bear's Surrogate (Shifter Surrogate Service Book 3) Page 32

by Sky Winters

  “Do you find me suitable for the day then?”

  He frowned at her. Though she had said it in the most pleasant manner, the sarcastic meaning had not escaped him. Rather than replying, he turned neatly and walked away. Alva smiled to herself a bit as she heard this boots retreating down the nearby steps. Hopefully, he would not return before the ceremony. The less she saw of him, the better it would be.

  The wedding itself was beautiful. If Alva had wanted to wed in the first place, she could imagine that this might have been a dream wedding for any girl. Instead, it felt more like a death sentence and her veil, a shroud. It was all she could do to maintain her composure without crying until it was done, reciting her vows through clenched teeth and smiling broadly as the priest pronounced them man and wife. Once the despicable deed was done, they turned and presented themselves to the crowd in attendance.

  A loud cheer went up through the guests as the newly married couple made their way back down the aisle to a grand reception in the great hall of the castle. Alva played her part as expected, dying a little inside as she thought of the wedding night that would follow. Though she had dated a little, she had never done experienced more than a light kiss from a suitor at the end of the outting. Now, here she was about to be most personal with a man she barely knew, husband or not. Her thoughts were disrupted by a man’s voice behind her.

  “We haven’t met.”

  Alva turned to see the most beautiful man she thought she had ever laid eyes on. His flaxen curly hair was pulled back in a loose knot, but strands of it fell around his chiseled jawline. The light seemed to dance in his playful blue eyes as he looked at her thoughtfully and smiled, perfect white teeth visible beyond soft, full lips. He was tall and muscular. Mostly, he was just breathtaking.

  “I suppose we haven’t. Alva McCraig. Well, I suppose I am Lady MacEwan now.”

  “Heath MacEwan. It is a pleasure to meet my new sister in law.”

  “Oh! You are Lord MacEwan’s brother! I didn’t know you had made it for the ceremony.”

  “Yes. A bit late, as usual. It’s a bit of a family joke that I’m never anywhere on time. I apologize for my tardiness. I actually made only the very end of the nuptials. You are quite a striking bride.”

  “Thank you.”

  The two of them stood for a moment wordlessly, just looking at one another. There was an odd chemistry in the air about them. Alva felt like she was being pulled to him in a way she couldn’t describe. Just as quickly as the feeling had come over her, it was dispelled by the appearance of her new husband.

  “Well, I see you have met my new bride, brother. I’m surprised you made it before our first child was born.”

  A shudder went through Alva and she shivered visibly. Lord MacEwan seemed to miss it, but his brother didn’t. She noticed that he looked at her and smiled a little before looking back at his brother.

  “Always so quick with the acerbic wit. That’s why I do love you so, brother.”

  “I’m sure. How long do you intend to stay here on our good graces then, Heath?”

  “I don’t know. I had just intended to pop in for your wedding nuptials and then be on my way, but I think now I might just stay a while. I trust you have plenty of room for your darling brother?”

  Alva could feel Heath looking in her direction as he said the words and thought she might blush right there in front of the both of them. Instead, she excused herself, making her way far enough away to break the spell cast about her by Heath’s mere presence. What was it about him that she found so irresistible? It wasn’t as if it mattered. She was now a married woman and he was her husband’s brother. Still, he did something to her when he was near. It had been instantaneous.

  The celebration went on for hours, leaving Alva exhausted. She had gotten little rest between her travels here, yesterday’s celebration and today’s wedding events. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she suspected that wouldn’t be on her agenda either. When she finally made it to her room, she sat brushing her hair in front of the mirror in her sleeping gown. A sense of dread was knotted up in her stomach, causing her to feel positively ill. When she heard Lord MacEwan’s footsteps approaching, she was terribly afraid she was going to purge at any moment.

  “I think that was just a lovely wedding, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I’d say that it was a spectacular event. You put on a grand show. I’ll give you that.”

  He approached her, his hand reaching out to brush away some hair from her shoulder. His face was only inches from hers and she waited for him to kiss her, praying that she could get through this. Instead, she heard his voice, clear and concise, in her ear.

  “Don’t worry, my dear wife. You’ll not be suffering my loins this evening or any other until I feel it is time to bear a child. Only then will I stomach the likes of your flesh. You are hardly my type. You will maintain separate quarters and you will tell no one that you remain untouched by your dearly devoted husband.”

  With that, he turned and left the room. Alva stood looking after him, bewildered. A part of her was relieved that he had no intention of fouling her this day, but it was still very confusing that he had no desire to consummate the marriage. Instead of pondering the reasons, she elected to be grateful. She suddenly felt a lot more lighthearted. She would worry about that whole child bearing thing when it became necessary.

  The following morning, she made her way downstairs to venture out onto the grounds. Lord MacEwan had already left to see to some business that would take him away for at least a week, so she would have the run of the place while he was gone. It was a lovely day and she thought that going for a ride might be nice. It wasn’t something she was sure he would let her do when he was here, so best to take the opportunity while he was away.

  “What are you doing, Lady MacEwan?”

  Alva turned to find herself looking into the smiling face of Heath. He stood leaning against the inner walls of the stable, watching as she examined the horses to determine which might be suitable to take out for a ride. They were beautiful animals, the finest stock, but being out on the wrong horse could be dangerous for a woman riding alone. She was about to seek out a stable hand to prepare a suitable beast when she found herself face to face with Heath.

  “I thought I might go for a ride, but I know nothing of these horses. I’m not sure which one I should take.”

  “Well, then you are lucky I am here. I was thinking of taking a ride myself.”

  “Then, you will join me?”

  Alva wasn’t sure why the idea made her feel so giddy, or maybe she was sure but refused to acknowledge it. She was attracted to Heath in a way that she certainly didn’t feel for her husband. In all honesty, it was probably best that she keep her distance. Looking at him standing there smiling back at her, she knew she wouldn’t do so.

  “I think it sounds like a most wonderful idea.”

  Heath called in one of the stable hands to prepare two of the horses for riding while he chatted with her to one side of the stable.

  “I hear that you are an excellent swords woman, Lady MacEwan.”

  “Please. I feel like someone’s old aunt. Call me Alva.”

  “Very well. Alva it shall be.”

  “I am okay with a sword I suppose.”

  “Better than just okay from what I am told. I’d love to see a demonstration of your skills.”

  “Nothing would delight me more, but your brother has forbidden it now that we are wed.”

  “He did, did he?”

  “Yes. He was very adamant about my being a lady.”

  “Of course. Appearances are everything to my brother, after all. I tell you what. Let’s have a little secret. You and I will practice on our ride. We can go out to the moors and no one will see.”

  “Really? I would adore that. Are you sure he won’t find out? If I do anything to break the peace between our clans . . ..”

  “Peace? Is that how he conned such a sweet and beautiful woman into marrying the likes of
him? I should have known it was not for the sake of love. I mean, I am assuming you don’t love him.”

  “Love him? I hardly even know him. I only saw him once before I came here to be married to him. My father arranged this.”

  “It all makes perfect sense then. Enough of this small talk about unfortunate events. Let’s ride, shall we?”

  The ride through the woods and onto the moors well beyond them was euphoric. Alva felt like she was as free as the wind that whirled about her. They settled into an area blanketed all around by a thicket of trees. If anyone were to happen into the area, they should well hear them in the branches before they reached them. Tying off the horses to a nearby tree, the two prepared to fight. Alva was unhappy without her own sword, but the spare one he had brought would have to do.

  The time flew by as they sparred playfully with one another. Heath was an expert swordsman himself and was very good with pointers on how to improve her stance and thrust. She loved that he didn’t come across as condescending or act as if she was less inept because she was female.

  “Here, let me show you something.”

  Alva watched as he lay down his sword and walked over to where she was standing. Walking around her, he put his arms around her and took both her hands in his, positioning the sword they held and demonstrating a well-balanced swing designed to disrupt her opponents grip on his weapon. As he moved with her, his body pressed gently against hers, his muscles rippling as he flexed upward. It sent a shiver through her that didn’t go unnoticed. He stepped away and turned to face her.

  “Are you cold out here?”

  “Um, no. I just had a chill. It passed.”

  He looked down at her, searching her face and then something unexpected happened. Before Alva realized what was going on, he cupped her chin in his hands and tilted her face toward him, bringing his lips to her own. Her sword fell to her side as she took in the taste of his hungry mouth upon hers. Her heart thudded in her chest. Everything about this felt so right, except . . . it was wrong. She yanked away.

  “Heath, your brother! I just married him yesterday.”

  “I’m sorry, Alva. I just got carried away. You’re so beautiful and he’ll never appreciate that about you.”

  “Perhaps he will. I haven’t given him a chance and here I am out on the moors acting like a common tart with his brother!”

  “Trust me when I say he won’t, but I suppose it is not my place to make that assessment. I apologize if my kiss offended you, but I’m not sorry that I did it.”

  Alva studied his face closely as he continued to meet her gaze. She couldn’t help but think that he was beautiful. Perhaps she had never seen a more beautiful man in her life, in fact. It seemed like an odd thing to say about a man who was so obviously virile and strong, but the thought remained. Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward and kissed him again.

  His lips tasted divine on hers as his arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling their bodies closer. She sighed deeply as his mouth drifted down the side of her neck, kissing her pale, delicate skin. This was wrong. She knew that, but there was something about Heath that she couldn’t deny. The way she wanted him was something she would never share with his brother and she found she couldn’t stop. Her hands tangled in his long curls as his kisses fell across the exposed tops of her breasts.

  “Heath, please . . . “

  “You want me to stop?”

  He paused, looking up at her breathlessly. The look of desire in his eyes was unmistakable. She could only imagine that it mirrored her own. She didn’t want him to stop, but she knew this wasn’t right. No matter what she thought of her husband.

  “I just. What we are doing is wrong.”

  “It doesn’t feel wrong to me. In fact, I wish that for once in my life that I had not been late. If I had gotten here before the ceremony, I would have put a stop to it on first sight of you. You were positively radiant in your dress, but you looked so sad. I knew you were not marrying my brother for love. Later, I found out it was arranged and why.”

  “Still, Heath. I am married to him now.”

  “My brother will never love you, Alva. He isn’t the sort to fall in love with a woman. I was halfway in love with you when I laid eyes on you.”

  “How could we ever be together, Heath?”

  “For now, like this. Out here, there is no one to bother us. He is gone. We are completely alone. Perhaps by the time he figures it out, we will find a way.”

  She stood looking at him a moment longer, at his sharp jawline, regal in appearance. It didn’t take a huge push to realize that she felt the same immediate pull toward him as he did to her. Her head nodded slightly as he pulled her close again, kissing her even more deeply than before. They were soon lost in one another, consumed by the other, giving in to their needs.

  Heath lay her gently in the grass, slowly stripping her clothing off layer by layer. His lips trailed every inch of her skin as it became exposed to the glorious sunlight beaming down upon them from above. She let go of feeling this was wrong. It felt right. It felt so completely right that she knew she would do whatever she must do to stay with him.

  Her back arched upward toward his touch as he parted her legs and kissed her untouched folds. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before as he slowly toured her pussy with his tongue, kissing and licking his way along each and every inch. She felt herself growing wetter, reacting to his touch. Her heart raced and pulse quickened as she drew in a sharp breath.

  She watched as he stopped for a moment, smiling down at her as he stripped free of his clothes. His body was spectacular, muscle and sinew. She tried not to stare at his manhood, standing fully erect. Though she should be afraid of what was happening, she found that she felt no doubt, no fear. Being with Heath would be the most natural thing in the world.

  “You look so beautiful like that, all spread out on the ground, naked for me.”

  “Heath, I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what to do.”

  “There is nothing to know, Alva. Just feel your way.”

  He sank back down to the ground beside her, taking her in his arms again and kissing her. The fire she had felt before was renewed, burning deeper than even moments before. His hand found its way between her legs, his fingers slowly parting her center and massaging her as she squirmed beneath his gentle touch. Their eyes locked together, his watching as hers grew darker with desire. Her moans scattered across the wind blowing through the meadow.

  “I love the way your pussy drips along my fingers. You feel like wet velvet on my skin.”

  Alva blushed at his words. It was new to have a man be intimate with her, much less be so vulgar in his description of her lady parts. She found it oddly titillating. Her excitement only grew as he continued to massage her gently until she could feel a pressure welling up inside her, as if she might swell and burst. Every nerve ending pulsed wildly until she felt a sudden explosion that seemed to run throughout her body, causing her to quiver and shake beneath him. A loud cry of pleasure escaped her lips as Heath smiled knowingly.


  It was all she could manage to say in the moment of passion. She felt like her body had been blown apart and then snapped perfectly back into place. Perspiration dotted her brow as Heath moved across her, pressing his body closer to hers. The sudden pain as he pushed slowly inside of her tight opening was blinding, she cried out again and he hesitated, letting the discomfort pass before pulling back and slowly slipping back in. Each stroke brought a fresh pain, but it was lessening, replaced with a new pleasure.

  “You feel so wonderful, Heath. I never knew it could be like this.”

  “It will be like this forever. Somehow, someway.”

  Alva smiled up at him, a few tears escaping her eyes as her breath slowed, became more labored with his increasing passion. Her hips met his again and again as he took her for his own, making love to her feverishly beneath the open sky above them. His grunts filled the air, minglin
g with her own as they slammed into one another, unable to get enough of the other.

  “God, I’m coming. I’m going to explode.”

  “Yes. I want to feel everything you have inside me.”

  With one final stroke, Heath pushed deeply inside her, erupting with a thick load of his seed destined for her womb. Alva didn’t care if she became with child though she knew it could well mean a disaster for the both of them. She wanted to experience what it felt like to have his seed flowing through her. The warm rush of his fluids inside her only made her happier.

  They lay in the grass, holding one another and kissing until the day began to grow long. It would be getting dark before they arrived back at the stables if they didn’t hurry. Jumping up to get dressed, they mounted their horses and made the ride back before they were missed by too many. Careful to keep their distance from one another around the castle, it felt like torture to be so far apart from him as they went about the business of appearing that nothing was any different than it should be.

  “That brother of Lord MacEwan’s is quite the handsome one isn’t he?”

  Alva paused, listening as the two giddy servants discussed him. She smiled a little to herself as she stood pretending to admire a nearby trinket with her back turned to them.

  “He certainly is. Quite a bit friendlier than the Lord too. I wonder if he is interested in a woman of slightly lesser breeding than himself?”

  Alva felt herself stiffen a little at the idea and turned suddenly to face them, angry despite her self-admonishment to mind herself.

  “Don’t the two of you have something you should be doing?”

  They looked at her and then each other, a stricken look exchanged that she had overheard their discussion of both her husband and his brother.

  “I’m sorry, Lady MacEwan. We were just going out ot mind the linens.”

  The pair scurried off hurriedly. Alva could still overhear them as one of them whispered a bit too loudly to the other.


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