Bear's Surrogate (Shifter Surrogate Service Book 3)

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Bear's Surrogate (Shifter Surrogate Service Book 3) Page 37

by Sky Winters

  “Well worth it.”

  A week into their dating he had been arrested for spray painting a message to her on the side of an overhead walkway. It was juvenile and yet, she’d found it completely endearing. Walking through the park one morning following a night of phenomenal sex, she had stopped and stared at the huge letters above her head with a mixture of amusement and horror. They spelled out “Mandy” in neon green, followed by “Came” in hot pink. They had just discussed that she walked this path every morning on her way to work the day before. There was no doubt it was his work.

  They had a good laugh later when he had told her that he was mid-stroke when he’d spotted cops walking up the path with mag lights. One had yelled at him and he’d run before he could finish spelling out “Cameron” and add the bright yellow “&” sign he had intended to put in the middle. They weren’t quite as amused a few days later when he had been arrested based on nearby camera footage that clearly showed his face. He ended up with a slap on the wrist and some community service time, plus a story that probably wasn’t quite appropriate to tell.

  “This might just be a masterpiece,” he commented, moving the marker in a flourishing stroke across her backside. No doubt he was signing his name as he was known to do.

  “I hope you aren’t planning on putting it on display somewhere.”

  “Absolutely not. At least not where anyone else can see,” he told her, blowing against her skin as if to dry the paint marker.

  “Are you finished now?” she asked, attempting, once more, to get up.

  “Yes, but it needs to dry. I’m afraid you’ll have to lie there for a moment. Don’t worry. I’ll watch and let you know when it’s cured.”

  “And how long will that be?”

  “Just long enough to make you come is what I’m thinking,” he told her, his fingers slipping between her legs and caressing dampening pink folds.

  “If you make me squirm, it might mess up your artwork.”

  “Then I suppose I will have to keep you pinned down, won’t I?”

  “I suppose you must,” she replied, her words punctuated by a moan as he began teasing her clit with a single digit.

  “There you go. Don’t hold back. I love listening to you when you’re excited. You sound almost angelic, even though we both know what a little devil you are.”

  “You make me that way,” she muttered, biting the pillow as his thumb slipped upward and into her ass, slipping in and out in perfect coordination with the fingers that were buried inside her dripping pussy and simultaneously massaging her clit.

  “We’ve only just begun.”

  Mandy moaned loudly as his strokes increased in frequency and force. He continued fucking her with his hand as he leaned down over her, slipping one hand beneath her to pinch and twist a single nipple. A loud cry created from a mixture of ecstasy and delicious pain emanated from her center as she arched into the bed, eager for more.

  “Not yet, beautiful,” he told her, slowing his movements so that he was gliding in and out of her wetness slowly, deeply.

  “Please. Please let me come,” she begged.

  “In time. I’m not ready to let you come just yet.”

  Under Cameron’s guidance, Mandy had been progressively trained to hold off on her orgasms per his instructions. He was every bit the alpha male his profile on the ComeShift dating app had indicated. It was a fluke that she had even been on there, having always opposed dating sites. She’d only given it a shot based on a friend’s recommendation after having such bad luck trying to date normal men. The site was designed for shifters like Cameron to meet women more accepting of their special abilities. She had never expected to find her soul mate there, but after four weeks, Cameron certainly seemed to be exactly what she had been looking for.

  “Yes,” she replied, her voice a needy whisper against the pillow.

  “Do you want to come now?”


  “Too bad. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Cameron pulled her up on all fours, back toward him, positioning himself between her legs. She gasped loudly as he entered her, forcing his girth inside her slippery pussy with one powerful thrust. His hands moved beneath her again, grasping her full breasts in his hands and kneading them as he fucked her from behind. Their combined groans filled the room around them. Mandy whimpered as his strokes grew more eager, pounding her from behind until they both shattered into shards of orgasmic bliss.

  “I love the way your muscles constrict and squeeze every drop of pleasure from me.”

  “I can’t get enough of you,” she replied, her head still resting against the pillow as she collapsed down onto the sheets beneath her.

  “Come on. Let’s show you what I’ve created,” he told her, standing. He playfully pulled her ankles, so she was halfway off the bed.

  Mandy stood and looked at him, took his hand and followed him to the full-length mirror situated on one side of the bedroom in her apartment. He turned her around slowly so that the mural he had created on her back was visible and handed her a small mirror, so she could see. Mandy looked at it, speechless. It was incredible what he had done with just paint markers on bare skin, but what really took her breath away was what he had written in the center. It said, “Mandy and Cameron FOREVER” and below that, just above where he had signed his name with a flourish was “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she replied, her voice full of emotion.

  “I know you do. I love you more than anything in this world, Mandy.”

  She smiled happily up at him for a moment before looking back in the mirror at the beautiful vines and exotic flowers he had created around two caricatures of them. It wasn’t his usual dark and erotic style art—which he sold like hotcakes at local art shows and galleries—but it was special. She hated that it was something that she would never be able to keep.

  “Here, let me take a picture of it. That way you’ll have it forever,” he said, as if reading her mind.

  Mandy watched as he retrieved his cell phone from her bedside table and snapped a few photos of his masterpiece. Then he kissed her. It was the kiss of a man in love, a man she intended to spend the rest of her life with. Cameron was not like any other man she had ever met and perhaps that was why her love for him had grown so fast and so fierce. The art was short lived, washed away in the shower, where they made love once again. This time, slowly, softly. It was magical. Not a doubt existed in her mind that he was her destiny.

  Chapter Two

  Time seemed to stand still when Mandy was with Cameron. They never argued or even disagreed for that matter. Their similarities were so many and their differences virtually non-existent. Mandy often found herself just looking at him, watching him as he moved or spoke. The quiet moments when he was reading or painting and unaware that her eyes were on him were the ones she cherished.

  Just like now. He was absorbed in his laptop, talking with a potential buyer on Skype regarding some art she wanted to purchase for her studio. Mandy sat looking at him, at the way his bright green eyes sparkled in the glow of the backlight. She noted how his wild curly brown hair wisped around the nape of his long, slender neck. He was delicate but powerful. He was beautiful.

  “What are you looking at?” he said with a huge smile, looking up to catch her watching him.



  “Because I want to. I like looking at you.”

  “I like looking at you too,” he told her, closing the computer.

  “I didn’t realize you were done.”

  “I am. I have something else on my mind now.”

  “Yeah? What is that?”

  “Fruit. I’m hungry.”

  “Oh,” she replied in a disappointed tone.

  “Fruit that I intend to eat from your naked body.”

  “Oh!” she said a bit more enthusiastically.

  “Get undressed for me. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Mandy did as he asked, spending
the next hour being used as a fruit bowl, a wildly ecstatic one, at that. Cameron took his time enjoying his little mid-afternoon snack, including giving her multiple mind-numbing orgasms with his commanding tongue and eager mouth, before licking her completely clean. She marveled that their sex life had not waned in any way, not gotten stale or mundane. Instead, every time with him was even better, more delicious.

  “I thought we might go away for the weekend,” he told her as they lay there in the afterglow.

  “Yeah? Where did you want to go?”

  “My parents have a place up in the mountains. I like to go up there from time to time and, you know, just cut loose. I can’t really run free here like I do there, so I like to go and let my hair down sometimes.”

  “You mean let your tail out, don’t you?” she laughed.

  “Something like that,” he said. “I want you to come with me. You’ve never seen me shift before. Are you ready for that?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, it’s hard to think about that part of you. I can’t imagine what it will be like, so I don’t know how I’ll react to it at first, but it doesn’t bother me about you. I’d have never gone on the site if I was concerned about that part of it.”

  “Yes, I can imagine that it’s different for someone like you. Especially for someone who has never seen it before, but I want you to see it when I can show it to you in a controlled environment and not because I’m forced to for some reason. You’ll be spending your life with a man who sometimes turns to a wolf and, one day, when we have a son of our own, you’ll need to understand his gift, as well.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say. I’ve never heard you talk about having children before.”

  “You do want children, don’t you?”

  She smiled widely at him. “Of course I do. I think you and I will have beautiful children.”

  “I think we will too.”

  Mandy’s heart felt as if it might burst with joy. Not only had she found the right man, but he wasn’t just some player who would use her and move on like so many of the men she had met before. This one was here to stay. He loved her and wanted to have children with her. Finally, she had found what she’d always wanted and each day she spent with him only felt more spectacular.

  “Then you will go with me this weekend?”

  “Yes. Of course I will. I can’t wait,” she told him, leaning over him to kiss him softly.

  He pulled her down closer to him, kissing her softly before pulling away and getting out of bed. She watched as his perfect naked form padded across the floor and into the bathroom. A moment later, she heard the faucet running in the tub. Getting out of the bed, she started to pull on some clothes, intending to wait for him until he finished with his bath, but she was interrupted by the sound of his voice.

  “Well, are you going to join me or not?”

  Mandy smiled and made her way toward the bathroom, dropping the clothes in her hand onto the bed as she passed. Stepping into the large garden tub, she sat between his legs as he took his time washing her with a soapy sponge. She breathed slowly in and out, overcome with how wonderful her life with him continued to be.

  “We should spend the night at my place sometimes,” he told her.

  “Yes. I like your place. I don’t know why we spend so little time there.”

  “It’s just more convenient here during the week. It’s closer to my studio and your work. We could start staying there on weekends when we don’t have to make the commute though.”

  “That sounds good.”

  He ran the sponge down her arm. “Eventually, we’ll need to decide where we want to live.”

  “What do you mean? We both have places.”

  “Together, I mean.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Perhaps not today or tomorrow, but when you feel comfortable with it, we should decide which place we want to keep or if we want to get rid of both and find a new place.”

  “You mean live together?” she asked, her heart racing.

  “For starters.”

  Mandy leaned her head against his chest and smiled. The implication was clear. All this talk of moving in together, children. It was only a matter of time before he would propose to her. It felt incredible to be wanted, to be loved. No one had ever been this serious about their feelings for her and she found that she returned that love wholeheartedly.

  “That sounds wonderful,” she said happily.

  “I’m glad you think so. Now, let’s get out of this tub. It’s getting cold and we’ll be prunes.”

  Mandy laughed and climbed out, grabbing a towel to dry off and handing him one to do the same. They made their way to the bedroom to get dressed before heading back into the living room. Cameron returned to his laptop, doing some sort of research, she assumed. She headed off to the kitchen to make dinner for them, all smiles at how great life with Cameron had become.

  Chapter Three

  “This place is beautiful,” she marveled as they pulled onto a gravel road leading up toward the base of Mount Evans.

  “Isn’t it? I loved this place when I was a kid.”

  “I’m sure you did. How old were you before you knew you could shift?”

  “Oh, not until my teens. Before that, I was just a normal kid, or so I thought, running around these peaks and valleys. Once I learned who I was, what I was, it took on a whole new meaning though.”

  “How so?”

  “It was just different. I saw it through the eyes of a wolf, not those of a boy.”

  “I guess that’s something I can’t understand really.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to understand it fully. It’s not entirely a pretty picture.”

  “Were you traumatized by learning about your true nature?”

  He shrugged. “No, not really. It was just a different way of life.”

  Mandy wasn’t quite sure she believed that, but it wasn’t something she felt she should continue to explore with him. If he wanted to elaborate on it, he would do so when he was ready. She was relieved when they pulled up to his parents’ large rustic cabin so that they could just let the conversation fall away naturally.

  “This is it!” he said happily. “Mom and Dad are going to adore you.”

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

  “Don’t be. Mom is a sweetheart. Dad, well, he’s a bit of a salty dog, but you’ll like him.”

  “Salty dog? That’s funny.” She grinned at him.

  “I thought so,” he said with a chuckle, getting out of the car and running around to open her door, ever the gentleman.

  They walked up to the door, hand in hand. It swung open before they could even knock, a large smiling woman greeting them with open arms.

  “It’s so good to see you, son! And this must be the lovely Mandy we’ve heard so much about,” she said, hugging them each in turn.

  “Yes, Mom. Mandy, this is my mom and that hulking giant behind her is my dad,” he said, smiling at the huge shadowy figure standing just behind her inside the cabin. He stepped forward and Mandy’s breath caught in her throat. He was a huge man, well over six-five and broad, but not fat. He was all muscle. Cameron was about six-two and slender. He looked very much like his dad, but was dwarfed by him.

  “It’s nice to meet the both of you, Mr. and Mrs. Trousdale,” Mandy said politely.

  “Oh, honey. We aren’t formal at all around here,” his mother said. “Just call us Sam and Anita.”

  “Okay. Thanks,” Mandy said, smiling nervously.

  “Mandy, go on in with Mom and I’ll get our things out of the car,” Cameron told her.

  “I’ll help you, son,” his father told him, waiting for Mandy to slip inside the door before trotting out behind him. A moment later they returned with bags in hand.

  “Just put those up in the guest room,” Cameron’s mother told them before turning toward Mandy. “We aren’t those old-fashioned kinds of parents that are going to make you stay in separate rooms. Don’t worry.”

  Mandy could feel
the heat of her embarrassment rise up her face as she attempted an awkward smile. She was grateful when Cameron returned to rescue her from her discomfort.

  “So, Mandy. Cameron tells me that you’re an editor at the local newspaper,” his father said as he sat in a chair across from where Cameron joined her on the sofa.

  “Yes. I’ve been there since I graduated college.”

  “He says that’s how you met,” his mother added.

  Mandy glanced curiously at Cameron, who squeezed her hand lightly and addressed his mother on her behalf.

  “Yes. She was editing a piece on one of my art installations and contacted me to get some additional information to clarify the writer’s article,” Cameron told them.

  “Must have been love at first sight,” his mother commented.

  “Pretty much,” Mandy replied, unsure as to why he had lied. It was something she had never known him to do before. Still, she chalked it up to him having his reasons. She would ask him about it later when they were alone. She also noted that he quickly changed the subject.

  “So, Dad, have you been getting any fishing in lately?”

  “Here and there, when I can. Your mother keeps me busy around this old place with her endless honey do lists.”

  “Hardly. He likes to blame me, so people don’t know what an old nester he really is. He’s done nothing but create projects for himself.”

  Sam laughed and shrugged in response. “Damn woman is always telling my secrets. If I didn’t love her so much, I’d have kicked her to the curb three decades ago.”

  “You couldn’t survive this world without me, old man,” she shot back playfully.

  Mandy smiled at them. It was easy to see where Cameron got his sense of humor. The relationship between his parents seemed lighthearted and happy. It only made her even happier to be with him, knowing that he was cut from the same cloth as such a happy marriage.

  “Oh, good grief. I’m being rude. I haven’t even offered you anything to drink and it must have been a long ride.”

  “I’m fine, really,” Mandy told her.

  “I’d like some of that lemonade I know you have stashed in the fridge, but I can get it,” Cameron told her, getting up and trotting off to the kitchen. He returned only seconds later with a large glass of lemonade on ice. He took a few sips and offered her a drink. “Here, you have to try this.”


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