Broken_The Discordant Earth Series 1

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Broken_The Discordant Earth Series 1 Page 2

by Melony Paradise

  “I see.”

  Looking back at his face, Alyssa searched Kayn’s stern eyes. “I’m perfectly healthy, and like you said, you’re the commander, so everything will work out fine. Right?”

  “Of course.” Kayn stared down at her as anxiety scratched at the back of her mind, the blessed buzz of the intercom eventually drawing away his intense gaze.


  After her eventful morning, Alyssa asked Kayn for the rest of the day off. General Ras had returned to discuss the rebels, so Kayn let her go, as the general would likely take up the rest of his day anyway.

  Alyssa decided a trip to town would take her frazzled mind off Kayn’s confusing reaction. Stopping by her quarters, she slipped out of her blouse, pencil-skirt, and patent-leather pumps, and into an over-sized pale-pink hoodie, black yoga pants, and her most comfortable sneakers. A quick check in the bathroom mirror revealed startled brown eyes staring back, with normally faded freckles spattered across her high cheekbones standing out in stark contrast against her pale skin.

  With a swipe of blush, and a thin layer of lip-gloss adding color to her face, Alyssa gathered her hair into a tight ponytail before stuffing her wallet into her hoodie pocket and leaving her quarters. She jogged around the housing pods, weaving her way through the people and aliens walking along the pathways that surrounded the monolithic command ship as it loomed from the center of the compound, casting a chilly shadow. With a wave to the guards, she slipped through the front gate.

  Alyssa strolled along the side of the mile-and-a-half road connecting the nearby town with the compound, the brisk, refreshing early spring air clearing her anxious mind. A small butterfly fluttered across the road, disappearing into the short stalks of recently planted wheat that filled the surrounding fields for miles as a transport shuttle zipped by overhead, its wake scattering loose dust into the air.

  By the time Alyssa reached town, her stomach sounded like an angry monster, reminding her she’d been too nervous to eat breakfast before her doctor’s appointment, and had missed lunch as well. Wow, not even a day and I’m a terrible mother.

  Disappointed in herself, Alyssa vowed to do better, marching into the nearest café to find a quiet booth in the back corner. Staring out the window as she waited for the server, she observed the townspeople outside as they went about their quiet, peaceful lives, wondering at the difference between their lives and her own.

  The town of Hamlin, located in the high plains of eastern Washington, was small and cozy, but still mostly original from before the war. The neighborhoods were a mixture of older well-kept houses and newer, shiny homes built with Plastin materials. Being so isolated and insignificant, the terrorists didn’t bother bombing it as they had most of the larger towns and cities around the world.

  The compound, on the other hand, resembled a beehive with humans and aliens zipping around, the population in constant flux since it had the best medical and laboratory facilities in the world. Plus, the general held several training sessions each year for the Szu’Kara military.

  When the Szu’Kara arrived, they’d positioned themselves all over the world. One hundred and twenty-three monolithic spaceships embedded themselves into the earth, some near metropolitan areas, and some in isolated places, such as Hamlin. The command ship, named Kara, had thirty floors below ground level, and ninety floors above. Commander Kayn’s office and living quarters were located, to Alyssa’s relief, only twenty-two floors above ground.

  The Szu’Kara brought technology to Earth that allowed humans to more easily and efficiently convert things such as used tires and broken appliances into building materials. Through an advanced process with special alien bacteria, almost all waste was turned into a very soft, almost liquid, type of plastic called Plastin, which was biodegradable, and could be molded or used in 3D printers. Most everything, from dishes to furniture to housing, was made of either Plastin or recycled materials.

  A server appeared, placing a fresh set of Plastin utensils on the table. “What can I get you?”

  “I’d like a huge glass of ice water, a small salad with ranch dressing, a portabella mushroom burger with Swiss cheese, and fries, please.”

  “You got it.”

  The war devastated the planet, killing off half the world’s population. Many people died during the attacks and bombings, and the rest either perished from radiation poisoning or starvation. Unfortunately, the animal kingdom didn’t fare well, either.

  Thanks to the Szu’Kara, humans were once again thriving. Every alien compound and settlement, as well as almost every rebuilt town or city, had at least one greenhouse, along with field crops growing in revitalized soil, which could provide enough fresh food to feed its residents.

  Some of the people in Hamlin ran small farms with chickens, goats, and cows, which provided eggs, milk, and cheese products for the town, but they seldom killed the animals for meat. Alyssa had never eaten beef and only indulged in the occasional chicken salad.

  When her water and salad arrived, Alyssa dug in with gusto as she replayed Kayn’s reaction to the baby news. He said he was happy, so why do I feel so insecure? And, seriously, why do I always feel like a silly fan-girl around him? I thought I was over that years ago. And those birth control questions… How could I have known? Okay, seriously, calm the hell down. I’m a responsible adult. I have supportive parents, an amazing career—and Kayn will be a wonderful father... I think. Why have I never seen a Szu’Kara child before?

  “Hey there, mind if I join you?”

  Startled out of her racing thoughts, Alyssa looked up, fork halfway into her mouth, to find a strange guy looking down at her. She blushed, dropping the lettuce-packed fork, and gaped at him as he sat down before she could object, his black biker boots clunking against the table pedestal.

  “Uh, sure…”

  “I’m Jordan.” The young man unbuttoned his red flannel jacket, grinning despite Alyssa’s scrutinizing stare.

  “Alyssa… Do I know you?”

  “Heh, no.” Jordan lifted the brim of his well-worn baseball cap to tuck a jet-black curl of hair underneath the edge. “I’m new to the area. Just checking out the town, seeing what there is to see.”

  “Well, there’s not much really. Hamlin’s pretty tiny. Only a few shops here on the main street, but you should stop by Marly’s Malt Shop. He makes the best shakes around.”

  “I’ll be sure to do that.” With a half-smile, Jordan drummed his fingers against the table’s edge. “Sorry if I interrupted anything. You were looking pretty intense.”

  Alyssa narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth turned up. “Was I?”

  “Mm hmm.” He tilted his head back, peering at her with a twinkle in his blue eyes.

  “Yeah, well, it’s been a pretty intense day.”

  “Good intense or bad intense?”

  Alyssa studied his boyish face and near constant goofy grin, finding the way he talked out of the side of his mouth funny, but kind of endearing.

  “I don’t mean to sound rude but— “

  “Why did I pick you, out of all these other pleasant people, to talk to?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Yeah…”

  “I saw you come in looking all stressed. Thought maybe you could use a friend.”

  “You don’t think I have friends?”

  Jordan frowned. “That’s not what I said.” His goofy grin reappeared. “You just… looked like someone kicked your puppy.”

  Was I that transparent? “I don’t have a puppy.” Alyssa pursed her lips to hide a smile.

  “That’s not—” Jordan ran his startled eyes over her face as a smirk forced its way to her mouth. “Ah, so you can smile.”

  “Are you coming on to me?” Alyssa leaned back in her seat, folding her arms over her stomach, eyebrows arched.

  His tanned cheeks flushed pink as he screwed up his face. “I, uh… no, I… no no, I wasn’t coming on to you. Can’t a guy just be friendly?”

  “I’m with someone, just so y
ou know.” And having his baby…

  “I swear I’m not coming on to you.” Jordan held his hands up in mock surrender. “Just looking to make new friends in a new place. Most of the people in town seem nice and welcoming.”

  Alyssa felt a swell of pride, knowing Kayn had worked hard to ensure the residents of both the town and the compound were happy. She’d often assisted him with public relations events, maintaining openness and trust between humans and aliens.

  “Hmm, I guess so. I suppose I take it for granted that everyone is happy here. It’s always been that way. We seldom have anything bad happen here with the Command Compound being so close. There’s really no reason for us not to be nice.”

  “So, you live in town?”

  “No, I live on the compound.”

  “You work there too?”

  “I do.”

  Jordan bobbed his head, lips puckered to the side, looking thoughtful. “Huh... that’s cool.”

  “Where are you staying? The boarding house?”

  “No. My older brother has a small farm a few miles out. Just moved into his spare room. Going to help him out for a while, see if I like it.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “Oh, I’ve moved around here and there, with my mother. I mostly do odd jobs, handyman, jack-of-all, you know.”

  “Where’s your mom now?” Alyssa lifted her glass to her lips as she watched Jordan over the rim.

  “She moved in with a Zook. We didn’t quite mesh, so I moved on.”

  Nearly choking on an ice cube, Alyssa gulped down the water already in her mouth as she plunked the glass onto the table. The ice cubes rattled in the glass, drawing stares from nearby patrons. Flushed, Alyssa glanced around, hoping no one overheard.

  “That is not a term we use here, Jordan.” She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him. “The Szu’Kara are our saviors and protectors. We are loyal and respectful here. If you’re not careful, you’re likely to make enemies instead of friends.”

  “I, uh… I’m sorry.” Jordan scrunched up his face, confusion clouding his eyes. “I didn’t mean any disrespect, I swear. Honestly, it’s a common term used everywhere else I’ve been.”

  With a sigh, Alyssa checked her temper. Damn hormones… For someone whose job it is to be pleasant and welcoming, I’m not doing a very good job of either.

  “It’s fine. You didn’t know any better.” Alyssa waved her hand near her face, trying to cool her flushed cheeks. “I shouldn’t have jumped on you like that. Just keep in mind, everyone here is loyal to the Szu’Kara. They’re our friends, and sometimes, our family.”

  Jordan cleared his throat, tugging on the collar of his black T-shirt. “Right. Won’t happen again.”

  “Good. So, what’s it like out there?”

  “What’s what like?” His eyebrows jumped to his hairline.

  “All the places you’ve been. I’ve only been to one other place besides this town and the Command Compound.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “A small town outside Portland, Oregon that’s no longer there.”

  “Huh. Well, it depends on the place, really.” He casually glanced around the café. “Some towns are thriving and some are struggling.”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “Go on.”

  “Everyone knows the Szu’Kara—” Jordan smiled and winked “—helped rebuild and restore most places that were destroyed in the war. Unfortunately, those places are spread pretty far apart, and everything in between was left to wither and die. Most everyone who survived the war in those places had to abandon their homes and move to the nearest alien settlement.”

  “Yeah, I knew all that, but… have you been to a city?” Alyssa leaned forward on her elbows, curious to hear about the outside world. “I know they rebuilt places such as Washington, D.C., New York, and Seattle. You see them on the broadcasts when Kayn does his annual visits. I always wondered what it’s like to actually be there.”

  “Kayn? As in…the commander?” Jordan gave Alyssa big eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up. “You two close?”

  “Uh, yeah. I’m his personal assistant.” And his girlfriend… I think.

  “Really? Well, I hope Kayn is a good boss.”

  “You’re kind of strange, you know that?” Alyssa peered at Jordan, squinting an eye at him.

  He grinned. “Am I?”

  “Well... I guess you’re just different than most people I know. I suppose we’re all somewhat influenced by the Szu’Kara temperament. Plus, we don’t get a lot of new humans in town. My granny would probably like to meet you.”

  “Is she strange too?”

  Alyssa scoffed. “No, she’s not strange. I mean… she just likes people and things that are new and different.”

  “Cool. I’d like to meet her sometime.” He nodded as if it were a done deal. “Looks like the rest of your food’s here, and I got to head out. Here’s my number. Let’s talk again soon.”

  Jordan handed Alyssa a business card, gave her a small salute, and then wiggled his fingers at her. She studied him as he strutted out of the café, blinking in wonderment. Shaking her head, she examined the card while the server set her food on the table. His name, Jordan Michaelson, and his phone number were scrawled on the front, with a small circle drawn on the top right corner of the back. Two lines cut through the circle, like a pie cut in four pieces. Alyssa quickly hailed the server and ordered pie for dessert.


  On the way back to the compound, Alyssa admired the pink and orange hues of the crystal-clear sky as dusk fell upon the plains. Remembering her plans with Jess, she called, hoping her friend didn’t think she’d been forgotten. Picking up on the first ring, Jess’ bubbly voice instantly warmed Alyssa’s heart.

  Promising to hurry back, they planned to meet in the entryway to the housing pod where Alyssa’s quarters were located. Jess still lived with her parents in the same housing pod near the lab Alyssa’s parents resided in.

  As she approached the compound, Alyssa craned her neck, her eyes following the sharp lines that led up the side of the imposing tower. Dark windows, thick enough to withstand the rigors of space, circled the Kara, rows upon rows stacked too high for Alyssa’s comfort. Staving off a wave of dizziness, she pushed on, greeting the guards as she passed through the wrought-iron gate.

  When Jess spotted Alyssa, she jogged out to greet her with a tight hug, bringing a smile to Alyssa’s face as she relished the love she felt from her best friend. Jess twined her arm with Alyssa’s, bouncing back to the entry, dragging her friend along.

  “I didn’t bring any wine.” Jess pouted, bottom lip stuck out.

  Alyssa giggled at her friend’s silly expression. “That’s okay. I can’t drink anyway.”

  “You’re still on call then?”

  “Yes, but that’s not why.”

  Jess halted, causing Alyssa to stumble. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll tell you inside.” The corners of her mouth quirked up as she pinched her lips between her teeth.

  Jess’ eyes got huge. She yanked Alyssa’s arm, pulling her into the pod and down the hallway. She bounced on the balls of her feet while Alyssa palmed the scanner to open her door, then proceeded to take the time to gather all the decorations.

  Plopping down at the dining table, Jess ogled Alyssa as she carefully spread out all the decorations and pulled out her chair to quietly sit down. She bit back a smile and started fiddling with some streamers.

  Jess huffed and slapped her hands onto the tabletop. “Oh, my God, you’re killing me! What is going on with you?”

  Alyssa tucked her chin to her chest, hiding an amused grin. “Well... I have some news.”

  “Spit it out, Aly!” Jess practically vibrated with anticipation.

  “Okay, okay!” Alyssa paused, enjoying the tortured look on her best friend’s face. “I’m pregnant.”

  Jess stilled in her seat, eyes wide with shock. In a flash, she bounded out of her chair, rushing to Alyssa’s
side. “Holy crap! What? Really?” She grabbed Alyssa up into a bear hug.

  “Jess—” Alyssa gasped “—I need air!”

  “What? Oh... sorry.” Jess stepped back, looking sheepish. “Seriously, you’re pregnant?”

  “Yep.” Alyssa gave a quick nod. “Just found out this morning.”

  “Who’s the father?” Jess poked Alyssa’s arm. “I thought you were with Kayn.”

  “Of course, I’m with Kayn! I would’ve told you if there was another guy. Damn, Jess!”

  “Right. Of course, you would’ve, but how are you pregnant?”

  “Well, turns out humans and Szu’Kara aren’t completely incompatible.” Alyssa tilted her head to the side, eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

  “What?” Jess gaped, panic in her eyes. “Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.”

  “Calm down, Jess.” Alyssa grabbed her by the shoulders.

  “But I haven’t been careful with Lorn...” Jess squeezed her hands together, shaking her head over and over. “ ever!”

  “Jess, it’s okay.” Alyssa gave her a little shake. “It rarely happens. Kayn thinks it has to do with his superior bloodline.” Alyssa made air quotes while rolling her eyes.

  Jess sniggered. “Seriously, he said that?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “Honestly—” Jess flung her arms out to her sides “—I don’t know how you put up with his arrogance sometimes.”

  “It’s not that bad. Besides, most of the Szu’Kara are the same way, you know that. Especially the higher ranking officers.” Alyssa shrugged, lifting an eyebrow and corner of her mouth in an ‘it can’t be helped’ gesture.

  “You mean like General Ass?” Jess smirked, chuckling as she sat back at the table.

  “Oh, yeah. Thankfully, I only had to see him in passing today. I don’t think I could’ve put up with his crap after the morning I had.”

  “That’s why you looked so sick this morning. Why didn’t you tell me?”


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