Earl's Ward (9781460320594)

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Earl's Ward (9781460320594) Page 15

by Scheidies, Carolyn R.

  “What?” she stammered.

  He held her tightly when she tried to pull away. “You can’t get away from me, you know.”

  “I hardly know you, sir. Besides, what would a man of your stature want with a vicar’s daughter?”

  “There would be no objection to a vicar’s daughter with a nice settlement.”

  “So that’s all you’re after,” she spat. “There are plenty of women with ‘nice settlements,’ as you so elegantly put it. Many have a bigger share than do I, so why don’t you pursue one of them?”

  “My dear,” he practically purred, “none have such a pretty face and figure. And your mother’s family is up to snuff. Your grandfather has a title and deep pockets. You are quite acceptable as the wife of a marquis.”

  “You flatter yourself. If you think I will inherit anything from my grandfather, you are mistaken. He disowned his own daughter, and I have no illusions that he will change his will in my favor and leave me so much as a farthing. And I will thank you to remember that I am under the protection of an earl. I do not have to marry for a title—or any other reason. I’d rather be an impoverished spinster.”

  The marquis laughed. “By the looks of your gowns and fripperies, I would say that you enjoy having money too much to settle for being impoverished. And so do I. There’s no law against marrying for money. Now, let us stop fencing. I think your earl will favor my suit. You wait and see.”

  When the set ended, she pulled away and hurried to find the earl. He didn’t seem to be any place. Instead, she rushed to Lady Carrington’s side. The marquis followed. In fact, every time she turned around, he was watching her, a look of ownership on his face.

  She managed to forestall another turn on the floor in his arms, but wasn’t able to keep him from escorting her down to supper, where he was most solicitous of her every want. She felt trapped by the man’s attentions. She overheard comments that made her ill. “Look there, she has the marquis in her pocket.”

  “Wonder how long before he declares himself.”

  “And she only a vicar’s daughter.”

  “But she has a goodly portion.”

  “There is that. Here tell, the marquis could use the portion.”

  Angella never knew how she managed to get through the ordeal without throwing her plate at the marquis. She saw her chance when an elderly peer greeted the marquis. With a nod, Angella graciously got to her feet. “I will leave you two to talk. I need to take a break.”

  With that, she hurried from the room and headed across the ballroom toward the terrace. All she wanted to do was get away from the false smiles and snide comments, get away from the marquis. Gentlemen requesting her hand for the dance seemed to be in short supply just when she hoped someone would rescue her.

  Hearing a deep voice, she turned, fearing the marquis had come after her. Instead, she plowed headlong into the earl. “Whoa!” He gripped her upper arms to keep her from falling.

  “Oh, Spensor, I am so glad to find you.”

  “Oh, really. What, you lose your precious marquis?”

  “What? No, please. Listen. You must help me.” She stared into the face of a stranger. Gone the gentle man who said he cared. This man was furious—and at her.

  “I saw the two of you at supper. You certainly have his attentions. I’m sure you’ll be delighted to know he asked for your hand. I said no, but I suppose I was wrong and you favor his suit.”

  “No. No! Spensor, please allow me to explain.” He didn’t let her finish.

  “You women are all alike. You are not so different from Margaret after all. Out for the main chance. He has a better title and extensive lands, though you’ll discover soon enough he doesn’t have deeper pockets.” He gave her a little shake. “I wish you well, Angella. Truly, I do...” Did she hear a catch in his voice?

  Before she could say or do else, he released her so quickly she put a hand on the wall to keep her balance as she watched the earl stride down the hall and out of her sight.

  “Oh, Lord. Please help me. Help Spensor realize the truth. Don’t let him say yes to that odious man’s suit.” Suddenly the excitement of the evening and the whole season disappeared. Without the earl’s goodwill, Angella wanted nothing to do with any of it. She never cared for it overmuch anyway.

  How could she return to the ballroom now? How could she put on a smile as though everything was all right? Without the earl’s regard, nothing would ever again be all right. Exhaustion hit, deep-down exhaustion. Her legs felt heavy and she stepped out onto the terrace. All she wanted to do was escape to her room, but this evening was her ball, she had to go back. But first she would take a moment to pray.

  Bowing her head, she let out a deep sigh. With a prayer, she sucked in a breath of fresh air, straightened her shoulders and turned. She would make her mother proud. Then, somehow, she would find the earl and force him to listen.

  “Well, if it isn’t my devoted dinner companion.” Angella froze as she faced the marquis.

  “It seems your guardian is finally ready to give his approval to our nuptials. As I said he would.”

  Angella forced a smile. “I fear he misunderstands the situation. You have not asked for my hand.”

  “My lady—” sarcasm laced his words “—will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Angella’s gaze narrowed. “No. I fear we will not suit. So I will tell my guardian.”

  “I see. The lowly vicar’s daughter thinks she is someone because she has the approval of Alistair and Lucashire.” He gripped her arm none too gently.

  Angella gulped. “It does not signify. I will not marry you. Please let go of my arm. People are looking at us.”

  A slow smile played on the marquis’s lips. “They will only think we’re having a lovers’ quarrel. I’m sure you’ve heard the tittle-tattle tonight. It’s all but assumed the announcement is forthcoming. You did not seem averse to my suit at dinner tonight. Everyone could see that.”

  “I was only being polite. I certainly did not encourage your attentions.”

  “Nonetheless, your so-called guardian has given his consent to our match, my dear. Now, are you ready to be sensible? We’ll announce the news of our engagement tonight. What better time than your own ball?”

  Swinging about, Angella ran toward the ballroom, praying for help as she felt the marquis start in surprise and come after her. She weaved through the couples, hoping to elude the marquis and avoid a scene.

  * * *

  Meanwhile, the earl found himself at the entrance to the ballroom with Betsy at his side. “Where is Angella?”

  “Why do you care?” His harsh tone surprised him as much as Betsy.

  Her shocked expression made him stop and take himself in hand. Whatever Angella had done, there was no reason to take out his anger and disillusionment on his cousin. She seemed to be having a good evening and he didn’t wish to destroy an evening to remember. Maybe she would find an eligible parti tonight.

  He spoke more quietly, trying not to remember the disappointment on Angella’s face when he deserted her in the hall. Anger still simmered against the woman who had seemed so different when she first came to him. “I left her in the hall after her supper antics.”

  Betsy frowned at him. “Her antics. Looked to me like she was only doing her best to be polite to a man she doesn’t care for overmuch. Angella is not one to cause a scene.”

  The earl frowned. Was he missing something?

  Lady Carrington overheard and walked toward them. A smile touched her lips. “Jealousy does color things.”

  “Jealous. Have you run mad?” The earl felt his chest tighten. “I gave her a season to know her mind. Obviously, she’s made that up. You both witnessed her and the marquis at supper, looking very cozy.”

  “Fustian!” His aunt shook her head. “She l
eft rather precipitously. Seemed to me and many others she sought an excuse to leave him.”

  Betsy added, “Looked to me like she was all but running out on that awful old man.” Betsy stared at her cousin. “You knew, did you not, that she doesn’t care for him by half?”

  “Is this true?” The earl’s gaze narrowed. “How do you know this?” His stomach churned with nausea.

  Betsy took his arm. “Spensor, she has been trying to avoid him, but he will not leave her alone. She told me he almost reminded her of the vicar in the village from which she came. He was very possessive.” She blinked back tears. “I told her I’d help her tonight and keep him away from her, but fear I failed her. I was so caught up in actually having willing partners for a change, I didn’t stay with her. Oh.” She gulped back a sob. “Even I realized he watched her all evening and all but stalked her.”

  His aunt agreed. “So it would seem...” Her voice trailed off in distress.

  Angella had compared the marquis to the vicar. For the first time the earl realized what he had said when Angella asked for his help. He left her. Dear God, he left her. If the marquis was like the vicar, Angella, his Angella, felt that she would be compromised or was being forced into a marriage she did not want. And he had given his consent. Oh, what must she think of him?

  “We have to find her,” he said to no one in particular. He didn’t realize as he headed into the ballroom that Betsy followed.

  He paid no attention to the butler, who held something out. Betsy grabbed the letters and followed. Spensor merely nodded and kept going.

  As he reached the middle of the ballroom, Angella turned and barreled into his arms.

  The marquis was right behind her. The earl pulled her out of the way just in time to keep the marquis from running into her. The marquis stopped dead, shocked at seeing the earl. “Ah, Lucashire—” he sought to lower his tone “—just the man I wished to see. I’m ready to take your ward off your hands.”

  “No!” Angella whispered in the earl’s ear.

  The earl held Angella close and shushed her as he faced the marquis and said quietly, “I take offense at your tone and your words. Let us all go into a private room to finish this conversation.”

  “A very good idea,” the marquis agreed. “It is time to close the deal.” He nodded with a satisfied look.

  The earl herded them all into the study, including his aunt and Betsy.

  He stood in front of the fireplace and turned to face the marquis. “Your marked attentions to my ward this evening have exposed her to tittle-tattle. I’ve heard it said more than once that there will soon be an announcement. I can’t imagine where the gossipmongers got that idea, can you? Have you told anyone that my ward has agreed to marry you?”

  The marquis seemed to quail under the earl’s hard stare and he sputtered, “Well...she did give everyone at dinner the impression that she was not averse to my suit. And she danced more than once with me this evening.”

  “Only because you gave me no choice if I was to avoid making a scene,” Angella spat. “Believe me, I did not dance with you because I wanted to. And I did not encourage your attentions.”

  The earl’s expression hardened even more as he addressed the marquis. “If you think I’ll give your suit any credence, think again. The lady has made it plain she declines your offer. I want you to leave immediately. Furthermore, if you speak a word of this to anyone, you will find yourself barred from White’s.” He paused. “Is that clear?”

  The marquis ground his teeth, and the look in the man’s eyes made the earl clench his fists. It was all he could do to control the urge to punch the supercilious peer. Doing so would only harm his Angella and cause them to become the latest on-dits. Something he wished to avoid at all costs.

  This was Angella’s special night and it had already been turned into a night she’d want to forget. It hurt to know he had contributed to making it the nightmare it had become for her. Why hadn’t he listened to her? Much of this could have been avoided. What transpired was as much his fault as the marquis’s. No, starting a brawl would not do, would not do at all. He had Angella to think of and that meant getting rid of the marquis as quickly as possible and rejoining their guests.

  The earl all but snarled at the heavyset peer. “Get out—now.”

  The marquis balanced back on his heels. “Surely you don’t mean...”

  “Oh, I do...” This time there was no mistaking the menace in his tone or the clenched fists.

  The marquis paled, finally taking the earl seriously. “I have the ear of...”

  “You don’t want to even consider a word against my ward. Doing so would force me to speak to those who will make life exceedingly difficult for a marquis with financial problems.”

  The marquis gritted his teeth. He gave a slight bow to acknowledge that Lucashire had the upper hand. He could not quite let it go. Bowing to Angella, he took her hand in his. “My dear, I fear we will not suit. I shall take my leave.” He glanced toward Spensor. “Not a word will pass these lips of what has transpired. You have the word of a gentleman.” With that, he released Angella’s hand, turned and left them.

  The earl watched the man head down the hall. “Gentleman. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word.” He focused on Angella. “He’s gone and I...”

  Angella trembled. “Oh, Spensor...he said you’d given your permission...” She burst into tears.

  “He is a bounder, make no mistake.”

  “But you left me. You wouldn’t listen.” The hurt on Angella’s face cut him deeply.

  “Oh, Angella, I am so sorry. I’ve been so jealous.”

  She straightened. “Jealous. But I thought you were trying to get rid of me.”

  “Oh, my dear!” Lucashire groaned. “I owe you so much more than an apology. I fear I’ve destroyed everything and all because I let Margaret put doubt in my mind. With so little experience of men, how could you know your own mind? I only wanted to make sure you cared for me and me alone.”

  “Why throw me at all those so-called eligible partis?” Angella wiped tears from her cheeks. “And you were never around... But surely you could not imagine that I could care for such a man as that odious marquis. I don’t care about his silly title. I wouldn’t care if he owned half of England. He is insufferable. He would not have bothered with me if you had not settled a portion on me.” Her look was accusing.

  The earl bowed his head until their foreheads touched. “I wanted to give you a season and freedom to choose, but...” He raised his head, a wry grin on his lips. “I was so jealous—though, I refused to admit to it—I could not stand to see you in anyone else’s arms, even an odious, insufferable marquis.”

  * * *

  “Oh.” Angella’s eyes widened with understanding. “Spensor, I wish I’d known.”

  She watched misery take over his expression. “Have my noddy-cock actions destroyed what we had, could have had? Angella, my dear, I do love you. Every day I love you more. There were times I wanted to punch those dandies seeking your favor.”

  At his confession, forgiveness flooded her heart. Betsy hadn’t been far wrong. Why could she not have seen it sooner? “No, all is not lost. I never stopped loving you, Spensor. I thought you...” She gulped and shook her head.

  “Never. Ever. You are so lovely and pure and my life...”

  “Has been washed in the blood of Christ. You are forgiven of it all, my love.” She paused. “I am so tired of the season.”

  “Then you’ll return to Lucashire with me?”

  Angella sighed and hugged him with relief. “I’d like that very much, Spensor.”

  “Yes, then. As soon as possible, but—” he held her close and stared into her eyes as he finished “—only as my bride, beloved.”

  She smiled then, a smile that lit her entire face. “Oh, Spensor.”
She leaned into his kiss, a kiss that was a promise not only for the present, but for a future filled with hope and love.

  Through Angella’s mind flashed, Fear thou not; for I am with thee...

  God always had been with her, and always would be. Her heart sang Thank You, Lord. Thank You.

  With that, she gave herself up to Spensor’s loving embrace.

  As their kiss deepened, Betsy cleared her throat. “Ah...”

  Angella flushed as she looked up. “I...I didn’t know you were here.”

  Betsy giggled nervously. “I came to help, but you two didn’t need my help. I didn’t know how to leave, but...” She held out the mail. “I think you’ll want to see these.”

  Betsy winked at Angella and hugged her cousin. “About time. I’ll keep quiet, but don’t wait too long for the announcement.” Then she was gone.

  “This is your night, darling. Shall we announce our engagement tonight?”

  “You really wish to marry me?”

  Spensor kissed her again. “As soon as you’ll have me.”

  “Let’s make the announcement later. This night has had enough excitement, don’t you agree?”


  “And we have to finish the season, for Betsy’s sake. We shouldn’t cut her season short just because we’re tired of it. She must have her chance.”

  “You’re so right, my love. But we will announce our engagement soon.”

  Leading her to a nearby sofa done in shades of rose, he pulled her down beside him and reached for one of the letters. Opening it, he announced, “Mary had her baby. Both mother and son are doing fine. Alistair and Winter plan to be back within the week.”

  “I am so glad for them.”

  She turned over the other envelope. Inside was another letter from Edward. She gulped. She opened it, then read through it. Excitement set a smile on her lips. “Oh, Spensor. Edward has landed in England and is on his way to London. Now Edward can be part of our wedding!” She hesitated. “That is all right?”


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