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by Carole Mortimer

  'All right,' she gave in. 'But I would like to go home and check on the baby, and I may as well change at the same time.'

  'Fine. I'll just get my car keys from the lounge.' Within two minutes he was back, the car keys jangling in his hand. 'Ready?' he smiled.

  'Ready,' she agreed, glancing uncertainly at his guests as they still lazed on the beach. 'Ought we to tell them where we've gone?'

  Neil grinned. 'Oh, no. They won't even miss us.' He opened the car door for her to get in, a low white sports car that was ideal for this sort of weather with its canvas roof, lowered now so as to allow the wind to rush through the hair. 'We're very informal here,' he ex­plained. 'Everyone does what they want to do.'

  It took them less than five minutes to reach the villa, but it would have taken Templar much longer on foot. She invited him in for a drink while she showered and changed, hurrying to her room.

  Lucy was just completing Keri's bath when she entered the nursery a couple of minutes later. Templar took the baby into her arms, feeling quite guilty about leaving her all day. But she shouldn't do really, this was the first day she had had to herself for weeks.

  'Has she been good?' She looked at Lucy.

  The young girl smiled. 'Isn't she always?'

  Templar laughed. 'No!'

  'She has been today.' Lucy tidied away the things from the bath, drying off the plastic duck that had been bobbing about in the bath water until a few minutes ago.

  'Has—has Mr. Marcose called at all?' Templar asked casually, putting on Keri's nightdress.

  'No.' Lucy was too preoccupied or she would have noticed her sigh of relief. 'Were you expecting a call?'

  'Oh, no,' she answered hastily. 'I just wondered if he'd changed his mind about dinner. I'm going out myself, you see, and I didn't want him to arrive home only to find me out.'

  'Oh well, he hasn't called as yet, but if he does I'll tell him you're out.'

  She kissed Keri lovingly on the cheek, smiling at the baby's chuckles. 'Off you go to bed, young lady, and I'll pop in and see you when I get home.' She gave Keri to Lucy. 'I shouldn't be too late, probably before Mr. Marcose arrives home anyway.'

  She hurried to her room, showering the salt water away from her body quickly before donning a butter­cup-yellow cocktail dress, brushing her hair till it shone before applying a lip-gloss. She didn’t want to keep Neil waiting any longer than was necessary.

  He stood up with a smile as she came into the room, putting down the magazine he had been idly flicking through. 'You look lovely. Are you ready to leave?'

  'Oh, yes. Keri's fine, I needn't have worried.'

  'They tell me mothers are always the same,' he sym­pathised. 'I suppose she's gone to bed now?'

  'That's right.'

  'Where all good little girls should be,' he said softly, the look in his eyes teasing her.

  'You're flirting with me again,' she laughed. 'Have you forgotten I'm married?'

  He helped her back into the car. 'I like flirting with married ladies, it's much safer than with the single ones.'

  'It is if the jealous husband doesn't find out,' she

  laughed glowingly at him, the coastal wind blowing

  through her hair.

  'But he's safely away on business.'

  She frowned. 'Who is?'

  'Why, Leon, of course.'

  'Oh, of course.' Templar blushed. 'But I can't see him in the role of jealous husband.'

  'I can. Perhaps you just haven't given him reason to be yet. That Greek temperament of his can be quite fiery on occasion.'

  Oh, she knew that, she had witnessed his temper numerous times, had been the cause of it more times than she cared to remember. But she didn't want to think of Leon tonight, she wanted to forget for a few hours that she was married to that enigmatic man, to forget her newly realised love for him.

  And she did for a couple of hours, deliberately join­ing in with all the laughter and chatter that existed in abundance between eight people bent on enjoying themselves. The shoppers of Nice hadn't yet returned, although Neil felt sure they would soon find them as they danced and played records on the beach.

  As the only two girls of the party she and Sheila found themselves the centre of attraction, finally crying off dancing altogether and insisting that they were ex­hausted. Bob, the earnest young photographer, pro­duced a guitar and began to accompany himself as he sang several folk songs. They were songs that were well-known and the others soon joined in on the chorus lines.

  These were the sort of parties Templar had enjoyed before the advent of Keri into her life, gay lighthearted parties that had always resulted in a little harmless flirtation between the sexes. And so it was that in the dying sunset she found herself leaning against Neil's shoulder, the two of them happily singing along with the melodious and talented Bob.

  They were laughing happily together when she sensed other eyes watching them, disapproving eyes that she hardly dared to turn and meet. Her face paled and all humour left it as she met the blazing grey eyes of her husband.

  The other girls staying at this luxurious villa had re­turned from their shopping, and Templar was dis­mayed to see that Rachel Winter was one of them. And she was clinging very firmly to Leon's arm, a look of absolute possession on her smug face. She looked like a cat who had got the cream and Templar felt her temper rising jealously.

  Neil had also seen the newcomers and his firm grip on her arm held her at his side as she would have made a move towards the other couple. 'Calm down, Tem­plar,' he warned softly. 'A scene is just what Rachel would enjoy.'

  She knew he was right and yet the anger remained. She saw Leon's steely gaze flicker across Neil's hold on her and saw his head snap back arrogantly. His obvious show of anger only added to her own and she turned away from him furiously.

  Neil gave her what appeared to be a natural smile but which she could see was only for her benefit. His next words confirmed her belief. 'Don't show her you care, Templar,' he advised, that smile still on his face. 'She'd love that.'

  She did her best to take his advice and relax, but was ever conscious of her husband and Rachel Winter now helping themselves to a drink from the makeshift bar. 'But that's my husband, Neil,' she said brokenly. 'I can't just ignore the fact that he's here with another woman.'

  'This is the first time it's ever happened?'

  'Doesn't my reaction tell you so? Oh, I knew things weren't right between us, but I never expected this. I feel—I feel betrayed, let down.'

  'How wrong are things between you?'

  Tears filled her eyes. 'Very wrong. In fact, the only thing keeping the marriage together is Keri. We both love her.'

  'So I've witnessed. But if things are that bad be­tween you ...' he shook his head. 'Well, Rachel is— she's very attractive, and totally immoral. And Leon is —well, he's a man.'

  Oh, she knew that! She had had it proved very effectively last night. She sighed. 'I know what you're trying to say, Neil, but finding the reason for his be­haviour doesn't make it any easier to accept.'

  He put his hand over hers. 'I know that, love. I'm just trying to explain that men arc different from women— Now don't look like that, I mean apart from the obvious differences. To a man sex is an important part of his life.'

  'And if he isn't getting what he wants at home then he'll get it elsewhere,' she finished for him.

  Neil looked uncomfortable. 'Something like that. And Rachel isn't averse to an affair.'

  'I know that. She told me as much herself.'

  'She told you?' He looked astounded.

  'Mm, she came to the house with Leon a few weeks ago,' she admitted reluctantly.

  'My God!' he shook his head disbelievingly. 'He actually brought her to your home? And didn't you realise what was going on then?'

  She wanted to turn and look at Leon again but didn't know if she could stand that twisting pain in her heart every time she saw him with that woman. 'I—' she choked over the words. 'I asked Leon about it and h
e—he denied it, emphatically.'

  'What did you expect him to do? Good grief, Tem­plar ! You aren't that stupid that you imagine he would calmly own up to something like that? You can't be that naive!'

  'I'm growing up very fast married to Leon.'

  He looked past her and over her shoulder. 'Well, now's the time to show just how grown up you really are,' he said softly. 'They're coming over.'

  Templar felt herself stiffen as she sensed Leon and that—that woman behind her, standing up with a help­ing hand from Neil. She brushed the sand from her dress, delaying the moment when she threw back her head to meet the furious onslaught of the anger in her husband's face.

  He was looking very attractive in a cream lounge suit and coffee-brown shirt opened casually at the throat.

  He wore his clothes with the casual arrogance that drew attention to his lean frame without any conscious effort on his part. But it was his face that caught and held her attention now, the rapier sharpness of his eyes and the contemptuous twist to his lips.

  'Neil,' he nodded sharply to the other man before looking at her again. 'I did not realise you were coming here this evening,' he said distantly. 'Otherwise we could have come together.'

  So it was to be pretence, was it, even though the four of them knew the true circumstances behind them both being here with other people. Leon intended to act as if he hadn't come here with another woman, with the woman who had been his mistress all the time they had been married, and maybe before that—Templar didn't know. She would let him have his way for the moment, but once they were back in their own villa it would be another story. Now she had reason to throw some ac­cusations of her own, instead of always being on the receiving end.

  She gave a bright smile. 'I had no idea myself until this afternoon when Neil invited me.'

  Again he looked at the other man. 'I was not aware that you knew my wife.'

  ‘Well, I-‘

  'We've known each other for ages,' Templar cut in. And it did seem a long time since their first meeting of yesterday, so much had happened in that short time. She had discovered that loving Leon could be a painful thing, causing a hurt that reached far within her. This wasn't how she had wanted them to meet again after last night, not this cold conversation that made a mock­ery of everything that had happened the previous evening. And their mutual suspicion would not help their relationship one little bit, she realised that, even if she couldn't stop it.

  Rachel seemed to feel she had been ignored long enough, her hand on Leon's arm a show of possession rather than affection. 'Leon and I went shopping this morning, didn't we, darling?' she purred the words at him.

  Leon's mouth tightened and he looked sharply at Templar. 'We met briefly at the shops,' he amended.

  'And then you took me to lunch,' she persisted, ob­viously determined Templar should know the full ex­tent of their day together.

  'Yes,' he said shortly.

  The knife twisted more tightly in Templar's chest. Leon had gone more or less straight from her own arms to this woman's—and no doubt his passion had been suitably assuaged by her, unlike her own efforts.

  'How did the business meeting go, darling?' she asked him pointedly, watching as a slight flush dark­ened his skin at her easy use of the endearment.

  'It was completed much sooner than I had imagined it would be,' he answered stiffly.

  Oh yes, she could imagine that any business he had to deal with would be quickly despatched when he had the beautiful and willing Rachel waiting for him. If there had ever been any business to deal with, which she doubted.

  'I see,' she said sweetly. 'What a pity you didn't let me know.'

  'It did not seem necessary.'

  'No, I don't suppose it did,' she answered dully, turn­ing to look at Rachel, ignoring the spiteful look of satis­faction on her face. 'It's nice to see you again, Rachel.'

  'Is it?' Rachel returned softly.

  Templar wanted to hit back at the challenge in the other girl's words, wanted to shout and scream her own possession of Leon's affections, but she knew this to be untrue. He couldn't even like her very much if he could invite his mistress along on their holiday.

  And so she didn't answer the other girl at all, ignor­ing the remark altogether. 'Neil was just about to take me home,' her eyes signalled her desperation to him.

  Her words caused Leon to look even more detached, his grey-blue eyes narrowing dangerously. 'Now that I am here I am perfectly capable of taking my own wife home.'

  'Oh, but—' she went to protest, but was silenced by the anger on Leon's face.

  Rachel looked up at Leon poutingly. 'But we've only just got here, darling. Surely you don't have to leave so soon?'

  'I think it would be as well,' he said softly.

  'Lunch tomorrow?' she persisted, her blue eyes seductively inviting, her pouting lips slightly parted.

  'I am not sure-‘

  'That sounds like a good idea,' Neil interrupted happily. 'You'll be able to bring Templar with you. I wasn't quite sure about whether I would be able to pick her up, my car has to go in for a service tomorrow. But if you're coming over, Leon, you'll be able to bring her.'

  His words implied that they had already arranged to meet for lunch tomorrow and Templar felt grateful for his moral support. She wasn't sure Leon felt too happy about it, his steely gaze once more flickering inflexibly over the other man.

  He turned to look at her now. 'Is that suitable for you?' he asked her curtly.

  She knew by the look on his face that she was sup­posed to refuse to come at all, but a devil inside her urged her on. She faced him defiantly. He might have a mistress, but she certainly wasn't going to be seen to encourage his affair. 'I think that's an excellent idea,' she agreed.

  'Very well,' he nodded abruptly. 'Will one o'clock be suitable?' he asked their host.

  'One o'clock will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Templar.' All the time he was talking he drew her further away from the other couple, until they were some distance away. 'Keep your chin up, love. He is your husband, after all.'

  She glanced back to where Rachel was holding Leon in deep conversation, her face animated, her eyes glow­ing. 'Try telling that to Rachel,' she said dryly.

  'Things aren't always what they seem. Give Leon a chance to explain.'

  She did, all the way back to the villa, but he sat silently at her side, his mouth a thin straight line. The silence was oppressive in the car, his anger a tangible thing. But why should he be angry? She was the one who had to witness her own humiliation when he had arrived with his mistress on his arm.

  Once inside the villa she could stand it no longer,

  opening her mouth to speak. 'Leon, I- '

  'You will be silent!' he snapped. 'At least wait until we reach the privacy of our own rooms before you cause a scene. One of the staff could walk in here at any moment.'

  'And we mustn't have that, must we?' she taunted recklessly. 'I have to be humiliated in front of all those people, but your staff mustn't be allowed to witness us having an argument!'

  His eyes were glacial. 'I said be quiet! We will go to your room and talk.'

  'My room ...?' Her look was apprehensive.

  Leon gave a taunting smile. 'You need not fear seduction from me. I am not in the mood right now to make love to you or any other woman.'

  'Because you already have!'

  His face darkened with an anger that was frighten­ing. 'We will go to your room!'


  Once in her bedroom Templar switched on the two illuminating side-lamps, turning defensively to face Leon as he closed the door quietly behind him. 'So we're here in my room. What now?'

  'Now I want to know what you were doing at Neil Adams1 villa?' his eyes were watchful.

  'You want to know what I-!' She laughed, her voice cracking angrily. 'Don't you think the fact that you have been out all day with another woman is of more importance? That you have been making love to her, that you turn up at someone
else's home with her? I think that's much more important.'

  'Your accusations are unjust- '

  'Are they? Darling!’

  'You have no foundation——'

  'I have, damn you!' her voice rose shrilly. 'All the time you insisted that I needed a holiday when all along the real reason you wanted to come here was so that you would be with your girl-friend. You disgust me!'

  His dark skin had taken on a greyish tinge. 'So I disgust you, do I? You are a cold little bitch who has taunted me beyond endurance, forced me into the arms of another woman for the satisfaction which you deny me! And you say I disgust you! Do you have any idea what you did to me last night, the torture you put me through into the early hours of this morning?'

  'Until you could get to your mistress and assuage your lust!' she spat the words at him.

  'And if I did?' he too lost his temper. 'Can I be blamed for that, for finding what satisfaction I can with who I can?' He lifted his shoulders, a purely Greek gesture.

  His admission hurt her unbearably. 'Yes, you can be blamed, when you deny me the same satisfaction! I have the same feelings as you, the same bodily longings. Oh, but I forgot, women shouldn't feel like that, should they? I should meekly sit back and feel relieved that you aren't bothering me with your unwanted atten­tions.' She shook her head. 'It doesn't work that way. Women have the same feelings, we just aren't allowed to show them the way men are.'

  'Is that why you were in Neil Adams' arms a few minutes ago? Were you after assuagement to your own desires ?' He glared his distaste at her.

  Templar glared at him defiantly. 'What makes you think I haven't already found it? I went to Neil's villa before lunch.'

  'My God!' Leon muttered, his accent thickening with the deepening of his emotions. 'Is this what it has come to, both of us finding our pleasures elsewhere?'

  Suddenly all the fight went out of her and she found she couldn't lie any more, no matter how much he had hurt her with his duplicity. 'I haven't done that, Leon. I wouldn't—I couldn't—-'

  His eyes widened at her words, studying the auburn sheen of her bent head. 'Are you trying to tell me that the marriage vows we made in that cold impersonal register office mean something to you?'


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