Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2)

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Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2) Page 6

by Bennet, Bella

  Ned nodded and looked down. He liked none of those ideas. He rather liked seeing Steve every day, at work and the possibility of working with him. But he could see management's point, if things went south or if a couple were fighting and not professional. It could be a bad deal for the patients and coworkers. He took a drink of coffee and would see how things went before he got all worked up about it .

  "So, new relationship ?"

  Ned smiled. "Yeah, very new. Very awesome too. I don't want to give it up ."

  "Well then, take my advice and hold onto it. It's rare that you connect with someone, especially someone that you think you can take on the long haul. They are worth their weight in gold ."

  They toasted with their styrofoam cafeteria cups. "Isn't that the truth ?"

  He couldn't wait to continue exploring this relationship with Steve. He was sure Steve was the one for the long haul .

  * * *

  S teve got up, emptied his tray and moved to the exit of the cafeteria. He could eat in his office, but he liked to get out when he could. Not that eating in the hospital cafeteria was getting out. But, at least it was away from his work, the smells, the people in the waiting room, the conference rooms where he hoped to not have to break bad news .

  Steve shook himself and made his way to the stairs. He was like most doctors here in the hospital, they avoided the elevators and used the stairs. Any way to keep that body in shape and stave off disease and the symptoms of old age. Speaking of old age that weekend invigorated him. He smiled as he thought of Ned, the hot as hell alpha that had rocked his world on Saturday. Steve couldn't wait to see him again .

  He couldn't believe he had spent one full day with Ned and already all of his past relationships had paled in comparison. There had never been the connection, the feeling of being free to share any thoughts, to discuss anything that came up, to share their inner desires and secret things they wanted to try out .

  Ned was a find. He should send Penny a huge flower bouquet as a thank you. She came through for him. He had never called on her for such a big favor before, but he knew if anyone could help him out at the last minute, it would be her. David wasn't paying her enough. Or maybe he was, and that's why she stuck around ?

  Steve walked out the door onto his floor and went to his office. He pulled up the records of the patients he would see this afternoon and of the surgeries for tomorrow. He was intent on studying an MRI when there was a knock at his door .

  "Come in." He was curious, he didn't get people that knocked and waited. They either gave a knock and opened the door or didn't bother and came right in. That last one was a pet peeve of his. It irritated him to no end .

  It was the mail service. The student entered with a package and then closed the door. He wasn't expecting anything. He grabbed the big envelope from the corner of his desk and sat back down. There was no return address which was odd. He stilled, wondering if he should even open this. Who would send him something with no return address ?

  His curiosity got the better of him and he opened the envelope. It was one piece of paper, a letter hand written. Oh my God, what nut job is this? He had never gotten hate mail or crazy mail, but he knew other doctors had. He looked at the hand writing and could decipher the cursive enough to make it out .

  Steve, You are no longer welcome at any relative gatherings any more. You are an embarrassment to the family and are despicable. You have no shame. You ran out on your sister's wedding after being gone for a long time with your 'date' doing ungodly things. Do not ever contact us. (Signed) Janet Wilder

  Holy. Shit. His own mother was the nut job. His own mother. He had kept his home address a secret and so now she was going after him where he worked. He raised his head to the ceiling and closed his eyes. Why couldn't he have been born into a normal family? He rubbed his forehead as he felt a headache coming on .

  Steve shook his head wondering what he could do about this. He wanted her to leave him alone. It was funny though, she made a big deal about his showing up for his sister, and then after she berated him in front of the entire table, he left early and gets berated for leaving early. You couldn't win with her .

  He wondered if she would do anything else. Steve didn't want to alert anyone in management about this crazy letter because A) it was his own mother and B) he didn't know if it would continue. If this was it, great, he'd bury it in his desk. If it wasn't, well then he had this letter .

  Decision made, he put the letter and envelope in his desk drawer, but under other things so he didn't have to look at it. What a complete nut job. He did not understand why his mother was that crazy. He felt sorry for his sister that did not understand how nuts their mother was and went along with all of it. He felt for her husband. Did he know the level of crazy he had just married into ?

  He was glad that his mother went after him and not Ned. He was sure Ned wouldn't get scared off by any crazy letter his mother would write, anyway. Hell, he'd probably send it back with spelling corrections. Steve laughed and took a drink of his water. He felt better already. Even just thinking about Ned had him calmed down, peaceful and ready to get back to work and focus on what was important .

  Chapter 9

  N ed got all the tools ready for the surgeon. This was his second full day of working as a surgical nurse on the day shift. He had met a lot of of the surgeons, and all were great to work for. More brusque than others, but all were fine. He was enjoying being able to get home and see some sunlight. Ned finished getting everything laid out, checked his sheet again for the surgery and went in the prep room just outside the OR or operating room .

  He never looked to see what surgeon he would be paired with until he had his basic prep done. Then he would do additional prep or move things around depending on what he knew about the surgeon. This one would be with Dr. Wilder. He hadn't worked with him yet, so he left everything the way it was. He put his face mask down so the surgeon could see his face before they went in .

  The other nurses and techs were familiar with each other, having been on the day shift for several years already. That's how often a day shift position opened. When one finally did, it was like winning a gold medal or the lottery .

  More people for this surgery piled into the prep room, getting ready and gathering around. Ned was busy talking to an anesthesiologist he had struck up a friendship with when the surgeon told everyone to listen up. That voice sounded familiar .

  Ned looked over and couldn't help his mouth from dropping open. It was Steve! He blinked as he realized that he should have recognized that last name, but he hadn't put the pieces together until he saw Steve, or Dr. Wilder. Wow. Ned would work with his squeeze. He put his memories of Steve's body out of his mind and paid attention to what Steve was saying. Ned didn't want to get in trouble his first week up on day shift. What would happen if they were found to be dating ?

  Ned smacked himself and was glad he had his serious face on when Steve glanced over and then did a double take. Ned pretended like he did not understand what was going on and kept his focus on Steve's throat. After a few seconds Steve talked again. He blinked and knew that his fellow surgery attendants would know something was up between them. As long as they didn't know they were in a relationship, things would be fine .

  A bad feeling dropped into Ned's stomach as he wondered if this would throw Steve off too much to do the surgery. He felt bad, but he didn't know that Steve worked at this hospital. Ned wondered if he should have figured that out, but then decided that was too much. He had only met the guy on Saturday. They didn't even say where they worked. What were the odds they would be at the same hospital? There were many surgery centers and other hospitals in the area. The odds were unbelievable that they were both here in the same hospital and same department. Oh well, there was nothing to be done for it now .

  Steve handled everything with the surgery prep meeting. It was informative and just what they needed. Ned nodded to let Steve know that he un
derstood the instructions. He masked up and went into the OR. Time for the fun to begin. Ned put Steve and anything else out of his mind except for what he needed to know for this surgery. They were doing an appendectomy which was routine these days, but sometimes they had surprises with them. At least on day shift he probably wouldn't have to deal with any emergency surgery of ruptured appendixes. Those were a pain. This one would be laparoscopic and probably quick since the appendix was only inflamed and not yet ruptured. Easy peasy .

  * * *

  S teve left the OR satisfied with a job well done. He washed up, changed, so he wasn't wearing blood, and went down the hall to meet with the patient's parents. It was a quick and fast talk, everything went fine, no surprises, short surgery, easy and fast recovery, thanks bye. Those were the best surgeries. With young patients like teens, they had the best recovery rates. Those always were the preferred patients .

  Now it was time to deal with the huge surprise he got right before surgery. Ned was a surgical nurse at his hospital! He was staggered, but he didn't show it in the prep meeting. He laughed to himself as he thought of the odds. How would they both end up at the same place? Who knew ?

  He had been here for years so he had that going in their favor if anyone from the surgical team thought to bring it up to management. Hopefully no one would. They had nothing to go on, just that he recognized Ned. There was no way to tell that they were dating. The others could think they were past roommates or something. Who knows? He wasn't saying anything that was for sure .

  The problem he had to deal with now was the typical one all surgeons had after surgery. Especially if they were male. He was horny as hell. Steve walked down the hallway wondering where he could go for a quick jack off. He knew from stories that surgeons weren't the only ones with this issue. Anyone that dealt with high stress and adrenaline had an overload of horniness after the stressful event. He wanted to find Ned and see if he wanted to help him out, but he also didn't want to have anyone see them together .

  Steve ran his hand through his hair. What a dilemma. He might as well go to his old standby of either trying to get calmed down by running up and down the stairs or by going into a stall and jacking off. Steve went for the stairs. He walked down the hallway and looked at his watch. Noting the time and how much time he had for his 'recovery session' he opened the stairwell door and jogged down. His floor was on 5th, so he had a few floors to go down, and then back up. Just once down and up cured him of any horniness. But it always depended on the day, the surgery that came before, the stress of anything he had to deal with .

  He jogged down to 1st floor without running into anyone. One time he was so focused on himself that he almost ran into a surgeon and nurse on the 3rd floor landing going right at it. He threw himself against the wall, passed them and kept on jogging. It was well known among hospital staff that male surgeons will have an excess of adrenaline that needed to get worked off. No one had made any complaints, so nothing was ever done. He didn't know if management just ignored it or if they knew... they had to know. It was an open secret in the medical world .

  Steve turned around on 1st and started his jog back up. He wished Ned was here right now. What he wouldn't give to get a hand job and a good fucking right now. He circled up around 2nd and almost ran into someone jogging down the stairs. He saw feet, moved over to the right as he looked up .

  Speak of the devil, it was Ned. A huge smile erupted on his face. Ned looked like Christmas had come early for him too .

  "I was just jogging off some... adrenaline. How about you ?"

  Ned stepped down, so they were on the same step as each other. He smelled divine, the musky wood scent going straight to his cock, making it even harder than it already was. He squeezed his cock through his scrubs and groaned .

  "You're killing me. I was jogging hoping to undo this hard on and you made it a thousand times worse ."

  Ned scooted closer and leaned over, licking a trail from his scrubs to in front of his ear .

  "Oh I am, am I?" Ned was killing him. He wrapped his hand around Steve's cock and squeezed. Then he shoved his hands down Steve's scrubs and grabbed ahold of him. Steve leaned back against the wall and groaned. He had to keep quiet, Steve wanted no one hear them, but my God, how could he keep it quiet ?

  "You're so fucking hot. I love seeing you at my mercy, all your clothes on with your cock hanging out in my hand. Look at that, you're dripping already. I bet you'd like a hand with that, wouldn't you ?"

  Ned was leaning against the wall, leaning on one arm above Steve's head and the other still stroking him for all he was worth. Steve almost didn't care if the entire staff of the 5th floor walked down the steps right now. He would beg for Ned not to stop. This was so much better than jogging it off, or taking care of it by himself in the bathroom .

  Steve reached down in Ned's pants. Ned's cock was hard and dripping. He smiled thinking of taking Ned in his mouth. They stroked each other looking in each other's eyes. Ned leaned in and pressed his lips to Steve's and Steve was off in the best living daydream ever of the cold concrete wall against his back and the hot hand stroking his cock. The hot lips, stubble scratching his face, the tongue wrapping around his, his hand on Ned's cock, he was adrift in pleasure, overwhelmed with sensations. He was going to cum fast .

  Ned pulled back and took his hand off Steve's cock. Steve opened his eyes in shock. "What are you doing?" He needed to cum right now !

  Ned leaned in to give him a peck and a quick squeeze that had Steve moaning again .

  "I want to do something a little more than just jack each other off ."

  Anything was fine with Steve, anything at all. He desired Ned so bad that one lick on his cock and he'd embarrass himself cumming. Ned just did that to him though. He wanted to be at Ned's mercy, have him call the shots, tell him what to do. Steve couldn't wait .

  Ned pulled at his scrub top, pulled him to stand up and then positioned Steve in front of the railing at the inside of the stairwell. He could look down to the basement floor. Steve wrapped his hands on the cold railing and looked back. Ned had pulled his scrub pants down and was putting a condom on .

  Steve's eyebrows rose. "You will fuck me, here?" He looked up and down, his earlier thought anything would be ok wasn't the case when he was confronted with getting fucked in plain view of anyone in the stairwell .

  "We're both so hard, it will be fast and furious. I've got lube and a condom. Don't worry, I won't put you in any pain. I'll take care of you ."

  That warmed his heart, hearing an alpha say they would take care of him, but still. This was risky. He stopped thinking when he felt Ned's finger in his ass. In and out, in and out, Ned was moving it around and then pulled it out. Steve whined, but two fingers soon pushed past his muscles to move around. The pleasure was amazing, indescribable, just what he wanted. Steve moaned, reached down and stroked his own cock. He was going to cum so fast at this rate. Ned's fingers were magic, the conductor's wand of this symphony of pleasure .

  Ned pulled his fingers out and Steve whined again. He heard Ned chuckle behind him and then felt the large head of Ned's cock. Oh yes! He pushed back, eager to get that monster dick in his ass. This was one position they hadn't tried on Saturday. Standing almost straight up. Steve leaning over the railing with one foot on the step below. It was an odd position, but Ned was right there with him .

  Steve held on to the railing with one hand and kept stroking his dick with the other, rubbing his hand over the head using his pre-cum as lube. Steve wasn't even paying attention to his own dick, but more on the sensation of Ned behind him, his hand on his hip, Ned's dick pushing past his muscles, stroking in and out. Oh God! He bent his head back and lost himself in the sensation .

  Both of Ned's hands were now on his hips. He felt the hair on Ned's legs rubbing against his thighs. Ned picked up the pace, moving in and out faster. This angle was perfect for hitting his prostate and Ned was a m
aster of Steve's body, already. The orgasm was pulling out of him, coming from deep in his legs, shooting out of his dick. Steve clenched his teeth to keep quiet but his groan was long. Ned grabbed the hair at the back of his head, longer than he liked it, but enough for Ned to grab. He loved that feeling of being at Ned's mercy, fucked against a railing, pushed against it, surrounded by Ned's body, his dick, his hand, his arm. Ned leaned hard against Steve's back as he jerked and rode through his orgasm. Fuck that was the best fuck he'd ever had. Hotter than anything they had done on Saturday .

  He leaned over the railing panting, his hand covered with his cum resting on the railing. Ned leaned against his back, resting his head on Steve's back. That was a hell of a fuck. He hoped no one ever found out they were seeing each other. Having Ned help him with his post surgery hard on problem was a lot better and a lot more fun than taking care of it himself .

  Steve felt Ned's lips on his upper back, where his scrubs had been pulled down during the festivities .

  "You were fucking amazing, Steve. I love how responsive you are, how beautiful your ass is. You were so hot ."

  Steve smiled and looked back at Ned .

  "You weren't so bad yourself." He wiggled his ass and chuckled as Ned's eyes almost rolled back from pleasure. He pulled out of Steve and then smacked his ass. The sharp smacking sound loud and unexpected enough to make Steve jump. Ned laughed and massaged Steve's butt cheek .

  "Sorry, I couldn't resist. I love your bubble butt ."

  Steve turned around and shook his head at him. "Do you happen to have any napkins or Kleenex in that magic pocket of yours? I'm covered in spoo ."

  Chapter 10

  T he last few weeks had flown by. They had kept their relationship a secret so far. The other members of the surgical team had wondered about Steve's obvious recognition of Ned, which they passed off as having known each other from Ned's interning. There were no repercussions of their stairwell session either, and they recreated it a few more times .


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