Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2)

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Omega's Doctor: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 2) Page 11

by Bennet, Bella

  Ned was doing a great job of taking care of his omega. Rubbing his feet. Putting on compression socks so that Steve's ankles wouldn't swell up so bad it hurt. Propping him up in bed or in the rocker so he could sleep sitting up. The heartburn was an absolute pain during the last few months. Steve thought his throat was getting eaten through by all the heartburn. Everything set it off .

  The poor guy was miserable and Steve couldn't even take a bath to relax because he couldn't fit in their tub anymore. The night Steve found that out, was the night Ned had to deal with a sobbing mess of a pregnant man. He ordered an Uber just to get the guy to pick up ice cream and flowers and deliver it. It was probably the most expensive Uber ride ever, but Ned didn't care. Anything was worth it to make Steve feel better .

  Steve being miserable with painful ankles, back pain, heartburn, stretch marks galore and not sleeping well was taking its toll on Ned. He couldn't believe the last few weeks were hell with such sleep deprivation and then they were supposed to take care of a newborn baby needing constant around the clock care? Ned wanted to ask Henry how they had handled it, but he didn't want to look like he wasn't a good alpha. He hoped his parents and friends would help out. Penny. She was the one who set them up on the blind date after all. So this was all her fault. He'd remind her of that when they needed a break .

  * * *

  N ed hadn't wanted to work this week because Steve was getting fake contractions, the Braxton-Hicks contractions. Why did the body have to fake contractions? The body was still a mystery why it did things, even in this day and age. Steve was so miserable that Ned felt guilty about his joy over getting to escape and go to work. If that baby didn't come soon, Ned would be bald from pulling out his hair. Pregnancy was hard .

  Ned was looking over his prep notes when his phone vibrated. He looked at the screen and saw it was Steve. He sighed. He wondered what it was this time. Ice cream? Sugar scrub with lavender oil to make his stretch marks go away? He was tempted to not answer it, but knew that was selfish. Plus, with it this late in the pregnancy, it would be stupid to miss a call .

  "Hi Honey, how are you doing ?"

  "It's here. I mean its timing. I mean it's time! It's coming! My water broke!" Ned dropped the folder and looked around trying to remember what they were supposed to do. Oh right, get to the hospital .

  "Ok, calm down. Everything will be fine. We need to get to the hospital now. I'll go put your go bag in the car and then drive you in. Just hang on and calm down ."

  "Honey, you're at the hospital right now." Ned smiled and rubbed his forehead .

  "I know. But you're not driving yourself in here. And we don't need an ambulance ."

  "It's in the afternoon. There will be traffic. I don't want to wait. What if it pops out while we're on the interstate? I don't want to be on TV with my legs spread wide on the side of the road!" Ned bit his lips to keep from laughing. The image in his head was ridiculous .

  "Well I'm not leaving you to have some stranger drive you here. I'm driving you here. Remember what they said in Lamaze class? The first baby takes the longest. It will be hours yet. No big deal -- "

  "No. Big. Deal?" Ned knew he had just screwed up. Big time .

  "I'm sorry I didn't mean that. This is a huge deal --"

  "You're damn right it is! This is a very big deal. A baby the size of a bowling ball is coming out something the size of a pea! This is an enormous deal !"

  Ned wasn't sure how he would get Steve calmed down. High blood pressure was a danger in the later stages of pregnancy. Especially during delivery and the weeks after. The maternity mortality rate in the United States was the absolute worst for First World countries. Ned had vowed Steve would not be one of those statistics .

  "Honey, I'm worried about your blood pressure. Remember? We need to keep you calm so you don't get Pre-Eclampsia. Can you do some deep breathing with me?" Ned wondered if there was anyone he could call to help keep Steve calm until he got there .

  "Ok, ok, yeah that's a good idea. I'll do some deep breaths now." Ned heard Steve taking several slow deep breaths. That was good .

  "Now go sit in your rocking chair, or lie down on the bed. I'll call someone to come over and be with you. Would that be ok?" He knew better than to order Steve around right now. That was now one of Steve's pet peeves these last few weeks as he got crabbier and crabbier. But he was not going to tell Steve that .

  "No. I want no one here, it will make me more nervous. Just get here. I'll go lay down ."

  "Ok. Put me on speakerphone so you can tell me when you've laid down in bed. I'll get my stuff and tell them I'm leaving." Ned grabbed his stuff out of his locker, poked his head into the floor director's office and told him the baby was coming right now .

  "Congratulations! And good luck!" Ned waved and jogged to the stairs. He was too eager to wait for the elevators. He needed to move or explode. He was so excited and terrified at the same time. It was an odd feeling .

  * * *

  N ed drove so carefully to the hospital, Steve was about ready to push him out the door and drive himself. But he calmed himself down by breathing deep and reminding himself of what a careful, good driver Ned was. And how much Ned cared about them to drive like that. That lasted about one mile .

  "Can you step on it, Honey? Or you will be seeing me giving birth on the side of the road on TV tonight ."

  Ned scowled and punched the gas to jump up to 24 miles an hour. Oh yeehaw. They'd make it to the hospital by the time their kid hit his third birthday .

  "Honey. I'm in labor. I'm having pains here. Can you at least drive the speed limit ?"

  "I don't want to get in a wreck! You can get in a wreck if you drive too fast." Steve looked over at Ned and just stared. He doubted Ned had ever driven slow in his life before today. It was adorable how concerned Ned was, but Steve didn't feel like anything was adorable at the moment. His back hurt, the cramping was killing him and more stuff was running down his legs. He wanted this over with. Could he request a c-section? Was that a thing ?

  "Do you think I could request a c-section? I'm not looking forward to pushing and spending hours with these contractions. It hurts worse than the time I ate 12 tacos in one sitting. I'm dying here ."

  "Honey, I'm going as fast as I can." Ned was still staring at the road with wide eyes and white knuckles on the steering wheel. Steve was sure that if he yelled boo Ned would go through the roof. He looked at the side window and concentrated on breathing deep and feeling the baby .

  Was there a heartbeat? Was there movement? Hell if he knew. Everything seemed right and his last checkup was perfect. Everything would be fine today. It was funny that he was the worrier, but now Ned was freaking out and Steve was the calm one. Steve smiled and wondered what their baby would look like. Black hair or brown? Blue eyes or brown? Who would the baby look like ?

  * * *

  S teve walked another loop around the delivery room with Ned helping. Steve couldn't sit or lay through the pain. He had to get up and move. He didn't know how anyone managed to just lie there through the pain. Ned looked like he had gone a week without sleep in the middle of a war. Poor guy was stressed out. Steve put his hand on Ned's arm and tried to send calming thoughts his way. He didn't think it worked, but at least one of them wasn't freaking out .

  Steve stopped and breathed quick and shallow just like he learned in Lamaze classes. The contractions were coming fast and close now. Finally, after 10 hours maybe they were near done. It was 2 in the morning and he was tired of this .

  "Honey, why don't we get you in the bed. The nurse wants to check how far you're dilated again. And it will give you a rest. I don't think you can walk anymore. These contractions are coming too close now ."

  Steve could only nod his head. He was having trouble staying upright now. Ned and a n
urse half carried him to the bed and got him back on the mattress. Ned wiped his forehead and kissed his skin .

  "You're doing great Honey. I'm so proud of you. In a little bit our baby will be here ."

  "Great. Go pick it up at Target. I don't want to do this anymore ."

  Steve squeezed Ned's hand and kept doing his shallow breathing. Finally, the hours of pain would be over .

  "Ok, now push." The doctor was at the end of the bed ready to catch. Steve closed his eyes and pushed and pushed. It felt like something might have moved. He heard a crying baby and his entire body melted into the mattress. Tears rolled down his face. They had done it! Their baby was here and healthy .

  "I love you Honey. You were amazing." Ned kissed his cheek and kept holding Steve's hand while they wiped the baby off and tied off the umbilical cord .

  The nurse came over with their little wrapped up bundle. "Congratulations you two. You have a baby girl !"

  Steve and Ned looked at each other. A girl? They had never talked about it, but they had both been expecting a boy !

  "Do you have a name picked out for a girl?" Ned shook his head no still looking shell shocked. "I thought for sure it would be a boy. Do you ?"

  Steve gave a soft chuckle while he looked down at their baby's perfect face. Black hair and blue eyes. Just like him. He knew the hair could lighten and the eyes could turn brown, but for now the girl looked just like him. It was such an amazing miracle to hold something he had made and knew so well over the last several months .

  "I thought of the name Penelope Ophelia Patterson." Ned hugged them both and kissed both their cheeks .

  "It's a beautiful name. Did you realize the initials spell out POP though ?"

  Steve looked over at Ned with a slack face. "Oh, no. I was set on that name !"

  Ned laughed and gave him a quick kiss. "That's ok Honey. She's our little pop of joy !"

  Chapter 16

  A t home, Ned held Penelope against his chest as he burped her. Steve scooted back down in the bed and closed his eyes. This eating every few hours was wearing them both out. But they wouldn't change it for the world. Ned looked down at Penelope and smiled. He couldn't believe he was a dad. Sure, the evidence was right in front of him, literally in his arms. But it was still a shock .

  He moved his head a little to sniff in that new baby smell. Ned had always thought women were nuts mentioning how they loved that new baby smell. Like it was a new car or something. He felt he should now apologize to all the mothers out there. They weren't kidding, there really was a new baby smell. Ned couldn't get over how soft her hair was, how smooth her skin, how tiny her fingers were. She was a little miracle. And to think they had made her .

  A loud snuffing noise broke the quiet. Ned held the baby closer and tried to not giggle. His chest was shaking. He would wake Penny up if he kept this up. But it was no use. Steve's snores were hilarious. They weren't your typical snore sound .

  Steve looked so peaceful in sleep. They both had dark circles under their eyes. The lack of sleep wasn't that hard to deal with. They were used to not having enough sleep in their profession. Especially with Steve's profession as a doctor .

  Ned carefully scooted off the bed. He walked around to Steve's side and put Penny in her crib. Steve didn't want their baby in another room away from them. He had said it was just wrong to have someone be so close to you for months and then far away. If it helped Steve and Penny sleep through the night better, then Ned was all for it. And from what he'd heard, Penny was sleeping a lot longer than other babies had at her age. Having Penny and Steve near each other was probably the cause. Ned leaned over and kissed Penny's forehead. He walked back around and got into bed. Ned turned off his lamp and scooted close to Steve .

  * * *

  "I don't know. I don't think we should take her out this soon ."

  Ned stared at Steve. He knew Steve was just being a protective parent which Ned loved, but Ned really wanted all of them to be outside on a blanket in the park. Enjoying the weather. They didn't even have to do anything. Just sit there, hold Penny, watch everyone and enjoy the day .

  "Honey, I want to show off my family. If we took her in an enclosed place, like the mall where fresh air isn't circulating then I'd agree with you. But we're going to the park ."

  Steve didn't look convinced. He was holding Penny like Ned would take her away. Ned sighed .

  "What if we went to Henry and David's? Sat in their backyard ?"

  "They have all those flowers. There's bees." Ned blinked. He wondered if all new omega parents were like this, or if Steve was showing signs of crazy. Ned thought about it. If Steve had his mother's issues, he would have shown it a long time ago. Especially with a high stress job of being a doctor. He could only assume this was new omega parentitis .

  "Ok. Maybe just a week old is too soon. Let's pretend we're outside. I'll make sandwiches, we can sit on a blanket and watch a nature documentary in the living room. How does that sound ?"

  Steve nodded his head and relaxed his arms around Penny. "Why do you want to go outside so bad ?"

  Ned smiled. "Because we've been cooped up in here over a week with nothing but feed the baby, change the baby, sleep. I'm dying for a change of routine. Plus I like being outside ."

  "I haven't even thought of that. I feel like I'm just surviving. I'm still so short on sleep ."

  Ned could tell. Steve was still dragging. Even with the B12. They were both dragging. The only one doing well was Penny, and that was what parent's did. They sacrificed for their children. Maybe Ned could buy some new bed sheets. Some new change in the place where they spent all their time now. Steve looked content on the couch .

  "What if I got us some new bed sheets? Something new in the bedroom so it doesn't look the same as it has been all week. I'm just dying to get out ."

  Steve narrowed his eyes. "The last time you had to get out, you came back with that duck umbrella ."

  Ned snorted and covered his mouth trying to make himself stop giggling. That umbrella fiasco was hysterical .

  "Maybe I'll come back with duck sheets and a ducky comforter? You never know ."

  "If you bring anything back relating to my waddling, you'll be sleeping out in the living room." Ned smiled. Steve was so much fun to tease .

  "You're not waddling anymore, Honey ."

  "I feel as big as an elephant still. I thought I'd get my body back the second I gave birth ."

  Ned's eyebrows lifted. "Didn't you read all those parenting books? Didn't they say anything about that ?"

  Steve shook his head. "I only read about body changes before giving birth and the labor and delivery parts. I don't even know if they cover the body after giving birth ."

  Ned looked at Steve and tried to think of what would help him out right now. What would make him feel better ?

  "What about a bath? Should I get Epsom salts and you could take a bath? You haven't been able to take one in months ."

  Steve's eyes lit up. "I would love that. Could you get scented Epsom salts ?"

  * * *

  S teve took another deep breath and relaxed. The water was hot. Lavender scent filled the bathroom. He missed taking hot baths. They were the best way to relax and unwind after a stressful day. Ned was a peach going out to get him supplies. Which included his favorite beer. He took another drink and sighed .

  It was nice getting away for a little bit. Ned's parents had told Steve to sleep when the baby does, but he also needed just to be alone and find himself again. It was hard getting used to being by himself again. He had his Little Bub with him 24/7 and now it was just him again. He cried. Steve tried to cover his mouth but he couldn't get himself to stop .

  "Steve? Are you ok ?"

The door opened with Ned bursting in. "What's wrong? Are you in pain ?"

  Steve could only shake his head. He couldn't stop crying. "I.. I'm... fine." He sobbed again .

  Ned had the wide eyed look of someone in way over their head. Steve laughed, but it came out as a big sob. "I... miss... my... baby!" He knew he sounded crazy, but it was true, he missed having his constant companion. Little Bub was now Penny, their beautiful baby. He missed having her with him. He couldn't stop sobbing .

  "Honey, you know she's here right?" Ned was rubbing his shoulders, but it wasn't making Steve feel any better .

  "But... she's... not... in me.... anymore! I miss her!" He felt so stupid sobbing. What a lunatic. Their baby was perfect, nothing was wrong, everything was great and here he was sobbing in the tub .

  "Oh Honey. I think I might know what this is." Ned leaned over and wrapped Steve in a hug. "This must be what new omega parents go through. Postpartum depression. It's such a shock to the body, giving birth and then your Little Bub that used to be with you isn't any longer. Right ?"

  Steve nodded his head. "Your baby is still here, but not inside you. And that's what's so sad right ?"

  Steve nodded his head again. "It's ok Honey. It's fine to be sad about that. They even have a name for it because it's so common ."

  Steve didn't feel stupid anymore. Just having Ned acknowledge the pain over not having his baby in him anymore helped to ease his pain. What an emotional rollercoaster. Pregnancy takes a toll on the body .

  "I feel better now. I want to go to bed. I'm so tired." Ned helped him get out of the tub. He wrapped Steve in a big fluffy towel and walked him to their bedroom. Penny was sleeping in her crib, right next to Steve's side of the bed .

  "See? She's right there. You can hold her and hug her anytime you want. She's the same Little Bub. Maybe I should get her a onesie with Little Bub printed on it. Would that help ?"


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