Naughty Spanking One

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Naughty Spanking One Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  Our B.A. Club Class flight back to London the following day, was doubly memorable. Marijka fired me as her Press Officer. That was the bad news. The good news came two minutes later accompanied by a glass of Champagne and a jeweller’s presentation box in ice-blue velvet. It contained an enormous square-cut solitaire diamond ring.

  Mistress Dominas and melted ‘Ice Queens’ don’t ask – they command!

  “Marry me!”

  Ride A Horse – Ride A Cowboy

  by Chloe Devlin

  Cindy stood at the railing on the porch, watching the far corral where Jake was working with the horses. It was her third morning here on the ranch and she loved standing out here, drinking her coffee and watching Jake.

  She’d come to Wyoming to escape the pressures of the city, but she hadn’t expected to find herself attracted to one of the ranch hands on her uncle’s ranch, especially Jake. But here she was getting up for the third early morning in a row. And she hated mornings.

  Jake finished working with the sorrel and let her back into the main pen. He hopped over the fence and started for the main house. The boss’s niece, Cindy, had been watching him for three straight mornings. He knew what she was looking at. And he knew what she wanted. Lucky for her that he wanted it too. But on his terms.

  He’d been waiting for today ’cause he knew that no one else would be around for several hours. Plenty of time for his brand of fun and games with the filly. “You been watching me for a reason?”

  “I like the way you handle the horses,” she said.

  “You want to be handled, too?”

  She nodded, her eyes widening when he stepped up on the wooden porch. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “You gotta do more than ‘think so’,” he said. “Because I put my fillies through their paces. It’s not easy, but it’s rewarding. I’ll make you come more than you ever thought possible. I’ll give you such pleasure you’ll practically pass out. Think you can take it?”

  He held his breath until she nodded again. Then he smiled, a wicked grin spreading across his tanned face. He explained the ground rules, telling her that he wouldn’t harm her, but it might hurt at times. He then told her the safe word. “Use that word and I will drop everything and walk away for good. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He liked the way she called him sir. It showed she had the right frame of mind for the games to follow. “First thing, go back inside and take everything off. And I mean, everything. Then put on your highest pair of heels and come back out here.”

  There was only the slightest hesitation before she turned and walked back inside. As he waited for her to return, Jake mentally planned out what he would do. He knew that his gear was oiled and ready for use, even though it had been a while since he’d had such a beautiful filly to handle.

  The floor creaked and he looked over at the doorway. Cindy stood there, wearing nothing but a pair of white heels, her body trim and fit. Her tits looked natural – no silicone grapefruits here – with luscious tight nipples that begged for his teeth. “Are these okay?” she asked. “I didn’t bring much with me.”

  Jake felt his cock stiffen, pressing against the rough denim fabric of his jeans. “Just fine,” he said quietly. “Just fine.”

  “Now what?”

  He started to unbutton his shirt. “Now, you come over here and lay back on this table,” he said. “Spread your legs wide. And then I’m gonna fuck you.”

  “Yes, sir.” She shivered at his crude words, but she moved to obey his command.

  Jake watched her intently as he continued to strip off his clothes. She moved well, gracefully. It looked like she worked out, too, her muscles toned and taut. If she fucked half as good as she looked, it was going to be a wonderful morning.

  Cindy hoisted herself up on the rickety wooden table, feeling the rough wood scrape her buttocks. She couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this. But Jake offered her an opportunity to experience something she’d always fantasized about. She felt herself moisten, knowing that, when she spread her legs, he would see how turned on she was.

  It was a treat for her eyes as he pulled off his jeans, leaving him naked on the porch, his cock standing out from his flat belly. She wanted to run her hands over his abs, to feel them ripple in the sunlight. Then she leaned back until she was flat on the table. She had to roll her hips in order to spread her legs, so they draped over each side of the table.

  She nearly jumped when she felt his hand on her inner thigh. Then his thick fingers began to stroke her, the calluses rubbing against her sensitive flesh. She shuddered as he circled her clit. Her entire crotch throbbed with desire and she knew it wouldn’t take much to make her come. But would he?

  A single finger sliding deep inside her pussy while another flicked her clit answered her question. Yes, he would. The sensations rapidly built up as she squirmed under his touch. Then another finger filled her and a third, stretching her muscles until she could feel the slight burn. He increased the fucking rhythm until he was quickly thrusting them in and out of her pussy.

  Her muscles clamped down and she let out a shriek, the pleasure filling her body. “Oh! God, yes!”

  With her body still convulsing in orgasm, he withdrew his fingers and swiftly shoved his cock into her. The added girth only made her come harder, panting for air. As she finally began to come down, she realized that he was still fucking her, his stiff dick thrusting in and out.

  Jake reached down and grasped her thighs, lifting her legs so that her calves rested on his upper arms. Then with a grunt, he leaned forward and pistoned into her. A groan escaped his throat as he thrust one last time, leaving his cock buried in her as he filled her with his seed. The warm liquid squished out around his cock and dripped down the crack of her ass.

  Still breathing heavily from his explosion, he slowly pulled out, her sheath clinging to his pole. “Okay. That was just to take the edge off. Now, we get into it.”

  Jake reached out and hauled Cindy to her feet. He noticed that her nipples were hard as berries, just begging for some attention. Bet they tasted just as sweet. Soon, he promised himself. But first things first.

  Using some rope that had been left on the edge of the porch, he proceeded to tie her face-down over the edge of the porch, so that her tits hung free on one side and her legs barely reached the ground on the other. When she was completely secured, he stepped back, examining her from every side to make sure she was tied snugly.

  He rested one hand on her ass, feeling her tense. The skin was cool and smooth to his touch. But it wouldn’t remain that way for very long. He intended to warm her butt very nicely. “How many?” he asked.

  “How many what?”

  “Swats. How many times should I spank you?”

  “I don’t know. Whatever … pleases you, sir.”

  He smiled. “Good answer. I think fifteen on each cheek will do to start.”

  Without further comment, he began spanking her upturned buttocks. It wasn’t hard to fall into a steady rhythm, whacking away. After a few minutes, her cheeks began to turn red and the heat in her skin warmed his palm. He enjoyed the tingle that spread through his arm every time he made contact.

  Each time he hit her, she grunted, but otherwise, she remained silent as he finished the spanking. It wasn’t meant to be a punishment spanking, just a prelude to the rest of the fun. By the time he finished, his hand was beginning to ache and he knew that her butt hurt. It had to. He’d turned the delicate skin a bright red, no splotches or bruises, just tenderized. Perfect for the next phase of his game.

  He stepped off the porch so he could face her. “Are you ready to learn how to ride?”

  She looked up at him, her face nearly as red as her ass. “But I know how to ride.”

  “Not the way I teach it,” he replied. “My method is very special. Now wait here while I get your horse saddled.”

  Cindy kept her head lifted as she watched Jake head for the barn, wearing only his
boots. She wished she could use her hands to rub her butt. It stung like wildfire. But she couldn’t deny the pleasure his spanking had produced either. She had almost come while he was hitting her. She’d had to bite her lip to keep from crying out with pleasure, feeling the moisture from her arousal trickle down her inner thighs.

  Jake brought out Sky, the gelding she’d been riding. But instead of her usual saddle, he had on one she didn’t recognize. She blinked to make sure she was seeing clearly. It looked like there was more than one protrusion on the saddle. More than the pommel horn.

  After tying the horse to the railing, he came back and began to untie her from her perch on the porch, explaining as he worked. “That’s a special saddle I had custom-made,” he said. “It has a locking mechanism in the middle of the seat. I can attach one of several implements there. I promised you plenty of orgasms. And this will provide the first set of ’em.”

  As he stood her upright, she felt her spine stretch and crack in relief. Jake led her down the steps until she was next to the horse. “Notice that there are two dildos attached. I plan to plug both your holes for this training session. Now, step up here so I can get you situated.”

  Gingerly, she stepped onto a large mounting block with Jake, following his instructions to swing her leg over, but not sit down until he had lined up the twin dildos. It had been so long since she’d experienced double penetration. Not since that night in –

  She let out a groan as both shafts filled her pussy and asshole. When she had seated herself completely, she clenched her inner muscles experimentally, discovering the delight squeezing the toys could bring her.

  Jake strapped her legs to the side of the horse, the leather supple against her skin, not giving her the stirrups for support. Then her hands were tied together and then to the pommel horn. Feelings of complete submission flooded her. How had he known? When she hadn’t ever realized that she craved a strong man in the bedroom.

  “Now, we’ll go through all the training paces.” Jake untied the horse, leading its bound rider into the main corral.

  Cindy could scarcely believe the sensations that soared through her body. It was as though she was instantaneously on the edge of an orgasm. 0-60 in nothing flat. She gasped with each step the horse took. Each time a hoof set down, pleasure jarred through her body. She wouldn’t be able to last long like this. She was too turned on.

  Jake let out the lead on the training rope so that he could snap his whip and send the gelding in a circle around him. The sun beat down on her naked body and sweat began to bead and trickle its way down between her breasts. Underneath her spread thighs, the leather gently rubbed against her hot flesh.

  At first, he was content to let the horse simply walk around. But after a couple of revolutions, he flicked his wrist. The whip snapped and the gelding began to trot.

  Without the support of stirrups, the bumpy gait of the gelding slammed the twin dildos in and out of both her holes. Her muscles tightened as an orgasm ripped through her body. She threw back her head and screamed. “Oh, God! Jake! Oh, my God!”

  Just as the first waves of pleasure began to subside, the gelding’s gait changed. The bumps smoothed out into a gentle canter. But the rocking chair action ratcheted her pleasure higher. Another set of waves buffeted her body. As she arched her back, her nipples ached, and she wished she – or Jake – could hold and pinch them. She stiffened, then slumped over the horse’s neck. With her hands tied to the pommel, she could hardly keep herself from sliding to one side or the other, but the straps at her ankles kept her from sliding completely off the horse.

  She gasped, her pussy twitching as yet another orgasm flashed through her. “Ohgodohgodohgod,” she panted, the lack of oxygen making her vision go fuzzy for a moment.

  “Whoa, boy,” Jake said, slowing the gelding to a slow walk. “Sit up, Cindy,” he ordered. “No slouching on the job.”

  Jake watched as Cindy slowly straightened her back until she was upright and off the horse’s neck. One part of him wanted to make sure she was okay, but he knew she had to be. Otherwise, she would’ve said the safe word. But all she’d done was cry out to him and God.

  He was still rock hard and aching. Fucking Cindy hadn’t even taken the edge off his need. He couldn’t wait any longer for their ride together.

  “Ready, Cindy?” he called out.

  She stared back at him with lust in her eyes, panting so hard she couldn’t speak. He brought Sky back to the mounting block. Leaving her hands bound together, he released them from the saddle and undid the straps on her thighs. “Raise up,” he commanded. “Just enough to release the dildos.”

  As soon as she was free, he swiftly removed the drenched double-dildo and replaced it with a single shaft that was wider and longer. “You’re so wet, I practically don’t need any lube. But we wouldn’t want to hurt you, so …”

  He slathered some oil on the massive fake dick, then on his own aching shaft. Fisting his cock, he made sure that every inch was coated in the warm lube.

  As he stepped up on the mounting block, he said, “After I climb into the saddle, I want you to sit back down. This time I’m going to be the cock in your ass.”

  A shudder ran through her body, but when he tilted her head around, he saw nothing but longing in her gaze. Unable to resist the temptation of her tongue poking out of her mouth, he swiftly covered her lips with his, letting his tongue sweep through her sweetness, tasting her desire.

  When he lifted his head, they were both panting for breath. “Do you understand?” he managed to say.

  “Yes, sir.”

  His dick stiffened even more, if that was possible. Sure that his balls were going to explode, he climbed into the leather saddle that was wet with her juices.

  As she sank back down, he guided his cock straight up into her tight ass. He sucked in a breath at the heat that enveloped his dick, the muscles that gripped him. “Damn. You have one of the hottest, tightest asses I’ve ever been in.”

  Experimentally he tightened his muscles, feeling himself sink deeper into her.

  She whimpered and flung her head back against his shoulder. “Oh, Jake. So big. Feels so good.”

  “You’re going to feel even better, baby,” he promised, bringing his arms around her.

  With one hand, he grasped the reins and guided the horse away from the hitching post. With his other, he grasped one breast, squeezing and massaging until his fingers gripped only the taut nipple. The tighter he gripped, the more she clenched her muscles around his cock. Not wanting her to explode too soon, he released the nipple and cupped the entire mound.

  “No one’s at the far south pasture,” he murmured in her ear. “Ready for a nice long ride?”

  She gave a laugh. “I think so.”

  “Okay. Here we go.” Clucking to the gelding, he increased the horse’s gait to a fast walk.

  Cindy felt the rhythm of the horse change slightly beneath her thighs, the quickening percussion of hoof beats vibrating up through the dildo in her pussy and Jake’s cock in her ass.

  She’d come so many times already she’d lost count. Now it was just one long continuous sensation washing through her body. She’d never known that feelings like this existed, an exquisite sensation that was so pleasurable it was almost painful.

  Flinging her arms up and back around his neck, she held on tightly. The action thrust out her chest, her ripe nipples begging for attention again. She shivered as he flicked them repeatedly.

  “Time to go faster,” Jake said.

  Before she could reply, she felt his thighs tighten against hers, the pressure spurring the gelding into a canter, then immediately into a gallop. The wind whistled past her face, whipping the short blonde strands of her hair around. She shook them free of her eyes and stared straight ahead as the landscape flew past.

  Jake kept one arm banded around her waist so he could maintain the steady rhythm of his thrusts. Combined with the pounding of the dildo in her pussy, Cindy knew she was being pushed to
the very edge of her limits. But she didn’t want any of it to stop. The wind, the horse, the dildo, Jake’s cock – it was the most unbelievable experience of her life.

  The horse’s gait changed slightly, slowing from a mad gallop into the smooth rocking of a gentle canter. Cindy caught her breath, the sweet smell of cut grass filtering through the warmth of the sun and mingling with the animal scent of the horse.

  She turned her head so her lips were inches from Jake’s mouth. “I could do this forever,” she said. “You feel so good inside me.”

  “Ready for one more hard gallop, baby?”

  She kissed him hard, then nodded. “Oh, yes! Let’s go!”

  Once again, the big animal beneath them responded, his powerful muscles bunching as he ran flat out. The sensations crowded in, flooding over Cindy until she thought she’d go crazy from the sheer intensity.

  Relaxing her inside muscles as much as she could, she savored every thrust of Jake’s cock gliding up her ass in counterpoint to the sweet movement of the dildo in her cunt. Shudders shook her body, buffeting her as she writhed in ecstasy.

  “God! Jake! Yes, that’s it! I’m coming!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Tears streamed from her eyes, blinding her to the images around her, forcing her to focus on the sensations thundering through her body. She stiffened, every muscle locked in the wildest pleasure imaginable. Then, she heard Jake give a hoarse shout, then felt the warmth of his seed he reached his own riveting climax, coming deep inside her ass.

  Slumping back against his sweat-slick body, she gasped for breath, wondering if her heart was going to pound right out of her chest. Jake’s heart thumped against her back, his heavy breathing rasping in her ear. The pounding lessened as the horse slowed its gait – from heart-stopping gallop to smooth canter and finally into a rocking-chair walk.


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