Naughty Spanking One

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Naughty Spanking One Page 8

by Miranda Forbes

  Housekeeper and Butlerine had prepared maid Gloria well for this sensual punishment scene now being played out on a warm June evening in the Master’s Study, knowing she would find ecstasy in the pain and joyfully humour the rampant one-eyed beast when it was let loose from its trousered cage.

  Camberley paused to enjoy the rousing spectacle causing such turmoil within his breeches. Maid Gloria’s lushly plump and dimpled spheres were still quivering from his cane’s final stroke. It had been the hardest cut, bringing a throaty grunting intake of breath from her lips as she mouthed the strike as instructed by Freja, who was acting as Mistress of Ceremonies for this, the first of what she intended to become a regular seance attended by the Earl, butlerine and the maid she had chosen to join the household at Camberley House, No.63 Grosvenor Square.

  The appointment of Fraulein Freja von Hohenfels, the tall, handsomely well-endowed, flaxon haired Nordic Domina as his new Housekeeper at the April start of the 1882 London season, changed the life of both the Earl of Camberley and the beautiful Cordelia, his long-suffering butlerine. The Prussian dominatrix hired from Berlin had quickly spotted Hubert’s particular fetishist tastes; a partiality for buttocks and cane, satin knickers and masturbation. Having first abstracted Cordelia’s bottom from the first part of this equation by taking her to her bed as lover and confidante, Freja set about providing the Earl with satin knickers to don and masturbate in and then caned his bottom for being such a “naughty boy”; a satisfactory arrangement for all concerned. The knickers were hers and inspiringly impregnated with the deliciously feminine fragrance of Freja’s sapphic lovemaking with Cordelia. Satin knickers and orgasmic release followed by a spanking over Freja’s knee, soon became a natural progression of delight for Hubert.

  Between them, Freja and Cordelia soon had Camberley yielding to a complicit role reversal. Master was becoming slave. By June, Housekeeper Freja was Mistress of Camberley House in all but name. In keeping with her de facto status she moved downstairs from the cramped servant’s quarters and settled herself with Cordelia in the palatial suite overlooking the square on the 2nd floor above the ballroom. She began to arrange her mornings to be seen elegantly attired, cantering side-saddle down nearby Hyde Park’s fashionable Rotten Row as she exercised Hector, the Earl’s handsomely groomed, high-stepping thoroughbred stallion at the 11 o’clock social hour. Decorum required that she be suitably chaperoned on such occasions and Cordelia looked stunning in that capacity. London society began to take notice.

  It was on just such a morning, while they were pausing at Hyde Park Corner where the Row and South Carriage Drive meet in a social whirl of equestrian finery and expensive uphostery, that Gloria had approached them and begged for alms. The upshot of this meeting was that half an hour later she was ensconced behind Cordelia on her horse trotting up Park Lane to a new life at Camberley House.

  Gloria’s story was typical of many young ladies of this period. Turned out of home as ‘fallen women’, these unfortunates thronged London’s West End where they begged or sold their bodies to survive. Gloria’s penchant for the meaty cock of the local blacksmith in the small Hertfordshire village, where her father was a fiery preacher and she the supposedly prim village schoolteacher, had been her particular undoing. Discovered by the blacksmith’s wife in his hayloft enjoying a satisfying bare bottom spanking over her naked husband’s muscled knee, having milked him of the cumcream properly belonging to her, Gloria had been promptly disowned as a whoring Jezebel by her embarassed father (“Never darken my door again!”), and forced to flee the wife’s wrath. Her story, peaches-and-cream complexion, curvaceous posterior and proven pleasure in baring it for suitable chastisement, won this English Rose with winsome smile and silver-throated laugh a niche position in the Camberley household. Freja and Cordelia had found the dainty derriere that would titillate their nominal master and amuse them!

  The grooming of maid Gloria for such a sensual role had been remarkably easy. She proved to be adept, agile and adventurous on her back and suitably submissive on her knees. Her kama-sutric appetite was insatiable, her laughter infectious and her tears enchanting. She took to the sapphic delights of deep tongue caressing as a duck takes-to-water and it was not long before Domina Freja collared her as their willing and submissive Handmaiden.

  Lord Camberley knew nothing of his Housekeeper’s preparation of additional erotic pleasures that would further ensnare him within her satin-knickered web, until maid Gloria was presented at his study for punishment, having allegedly broken a piece of Sevres porcelain dinner service and failed to inform the Butlerine. It was the first time he had set eyes upon her and, dressed in the satins of slutmaidenly uniform, she was what he would describe as a “toothsome morsel”. His monocled eye lit up. He twirled his handlebar moustaches, grunted approvingly and snorted a pinch of aromatic Kendal Brown snuff. The spider had caught her fly! The time was ripe for Freja to display Gloria’s delectable derriere for noble approbation before stuffing her pink pouting lips with the noble meat of blue-blooded sausage!

  Freja and Cordelia set the scene for maid Gloria’s flagellation debut by first positioning her over the Earl’s study desk. Freja invited him to pull the black satin skirt of her uniform up over her back to reveal her posterior enclosed in tight fitting white satin knickers. They required firm coaxing from the Earl’s trembling hands to persuade them to relinquish their hold on her shapely hips. He pulled them slowly down to bare her rounded bottom cheeks so invitingly framed by black sateen corset and white silk stockings stretched over her thighs by straining suspender tabs. Positioned now with knickers tautly stretched at her knees she presented a picture of helpless sensuality that had Hubert Camberley salivating in anticipation.

  Housekeeper picked up two suede floggers and handed one to Butlerine.

  ‘We shall now prepare maid Gloria’s posterior for your caning by first flogging her, my Lord. Please count the strokes!’

  It was a sensual warm-up. They wielded the floggers alternately with a slow, measured pace bringing a blushing glow to the sweet cheeks posed provocatively before them. The lashes packed little sting but provided considerable visual titillation, landing with a satisfying thud; a sensual spanking of 100 strokes that brought intense pleasure to the recipient. Playing to the lascivious lusts of the noble Master of the House, maid Gloria bucked, writhed and squealed enticingly as the thudding tails caressed her beautiful bottom. After the first 50 strokes she lapsed into a dreamy silence that verged on euphoric trance.

  It was the perfect preparation for his Lordship’s rattan. Despite his trembling excitement, he managed to wield his cane with firm precision to maid Gloria’s heated and receptive cheeks, raising fiery crimson welts that would later cool to warm shades of indigo and purple. The strokes stung deeply, cutting across the suffused blushes left by the flogging and bringing a delirious rush of adrenaline and endorphines to the pinioned maid. She screamed at both the pain and the thrill of each stroke. Her bottom felt as if it was on fire and she felt a telltale moistness between her parted legs.

  Maid Gloria’s plump lovelips nestling within their rich oval of blond curls were only partially concealed by the luscious curve of her now enflamed globes. She wriggled, hoping her caner would see her arousal. Lord Camberley bent forward and probed her slit gently with his long middle finger. A quiver coursed through her body, her soft wet cuntlips parting at his touch, moistly inviting his finger to seek her clitoris, now hard, throbbing and begging for relief.

  Camberley felt a flowing moistness on his hand as maid Gloria squirmed to take his probing finger deeper inside her. He found and rubbed the stiffened clit that stood sentinel above the silken portal to her wet vagina. The slippery juices of her aroused pussy sucking at his probing finger brought an anticipatory quiver from Camberley’s imprisoned cock. Today he would enjoy facefucking maid Gloria’s beautiful and voluptuously sensual mouth.

  The Earl caressed the tortured heat of her delectable posterior for a moment, feeling the maid wri
ggle against his hand and savoring the vision of hot stripes now glowing upon the smooth roundels of her twitching bottom. He looked at his Housekeeper and saw the approving nod he was hoping for. He began to unbutton his breeches.

  “Your bottom discipline is complete for today. Turn and kneel before his Lordship!” Freja commanded.

  Maid Gloria looked over her shoulder. Her eyes opened wide and a flush suffused her face as she saw his unleashed cock burst from its tight constraints to stand forth in noble glory. It looked enormous to her fascinated gaze; 10 inches of rigid, throbbing manhood pointing upwards in a demanding and splendidly lustful erection that surpassed even that of her blacksmith lover.

  Freja let go of her wrist. “Remember your lessons in maidenly conduct, Gloria! What are your duties?”

  “A maid must abase herself before the Master after bottom discipline and seek to give him every pleasure he may desire,” she whispered, remembering the rules Freja had drummed into her at the point of her dildo.

  “Master exerted himself considerably in taking his cane to my naughty bottom and I humbly thank him for his consideration.”

  “Stand and adjust your dress! Turn and kneel before that beautiful cock!” Freja commanded. She and Cordelia looked lasciviously at Camberley’s monstrous protuberance. Although cocks were not to their particular sapphic taste, they admired the aesthetics of its size and beauty, knowing that their debutante in this party would enjoy making a meal of such a monumental offering. Happy to remove her flaming bottom from the prospect of further stinging cuts from the Earl’s cane, maid Gloria stood up and pulled up her dropped knickers to cover her posterior and dripping cunt. She smoothed her satin uniform back down over her curvaceous thighs and tummy, aware that it was heavily creased from her excited twisting and turning during her flogging, caning and Lord Camberley’s pussy probing expedition.

  Maid Gloria turned and knelt before His Lordship’s throbbing phallus as if to worship before its magnificence. She was unprepared for the purple monster erection thrusting six inches before her face and she wondered with awe whether her mouth could accommodate such a rigid thickness and length. His weapon stood erect and pulsating, exuding a golden dribble of pre-cum.

  Freja and Cordelia came round and stood behind the kneeling maid. Bending over her, each put a hand into her bodice and removed her full pendulous breasts to hang free; voluptuous firm globes with puffy pink aureoles and large nipples. Cupping the fullness of her heavy breasts they felt the nipples harden to their touch. They teased and squeezed the erect buds as they had so often done in their nightly fuck and suck orgies, kneading maid Gloria’s tits tantalisingly in front of the Earl’s slavering gaze. The girls and maid Gloria knew they would be sucking her hard nipples long after the Earl had retired for the night.

  “Take the Master’s proffered ‘person’ with proper deference!” Freja commanded in a low voice. Mesmerized, maid Gloria stretched out a hand to touch its warm satiny texture. She drew her tongue provocatively over her moist mouth, feeling its virile heat and blood-engorged head pulsating excitingly between her fingers. The adrenaline was pumping again as she felt the throbbing veins of his hot lance in her hand.

  “Take his Lordship’s balls out of his breeches!”

  Freja spoke huskily. Despite herself, her own nipples were hardening and her cunt creaming at the seductive thrill of maid Gloria’s enactment of the unfolding scene and knew that Cordelia was equally aroused by the mounting tension of the moment. Maid Gloria groped into the Earl’s breeches, searching delicately for his hidden balls. She tingled at their warm touch, pulling them reverently out to hang free beneath his erect weapon. Fascinated, she cupped their firm roundness in her hand, delighting in their weight. They felt enormous and swollen in their virility, heavy like the ivory billiard balls in the Earl’s Smoking Room. She ran her serpentine tongue down the length of his cock to take one in her mouth and sucked it appreciatively, revelling in its warm round smoothness.

  Freja bent to maid Gloria’s ear. “Caress his balls with your hand and suck that hot cock the way I taught you with my dildo,” she whispered. You learned to suck cunt in our bedroom. Now show us how you sucked that blacksmith’s cock!”

  Maid Gloria needed no admonition. Her breath was coming in short pants. She thrust her upturned breasts further out, encouraging her friends to squeeze her nipples even harder. She gave a throaty growl of desire as the pain from her tortured tits raced through her body to arouse her clitoris in masochistic delirium. She licked her lips with her long tongue and then sucked at his hot purple cockhead, tentatively at first, savoring the sweetness of his pre-cum. Then, with a throaty gurgle, she closed her lips avidly over the mushroom, probing and exploring its satiny texture until her tongue found its tiny tender-nerved aperture.

  The Dominatrix in Freja was now strongly aroused. “Suck! Suck it! Suck it hard! Suck it deep, just as you do when you have your pretty slutface slurping at my cunt or sucking Cordelia’s clit!” she hissed, forcing maid Gloria to take the full length of cock in her mouth and bringing her to a frenzy. Her lips closed over the hot meat, her teasing tongue sliding easily down the thick shaft as she began to suck. Its heat filled her mouth as her lips commenced their sensual pumping massage; pink lips gliding to and fro, sliding up and down the cock’s glistening rigidity. She gurgled huskily as she maneuvered the enormous mushroom head ever deeper down her throat. I’m Mistress Freja’s slutslave, she thought deliriously, and I love this cock as Mistress Freja knew I would. Her own cunt was deliciously wet and throbbing with desire for Freja’s hot tongue. She released Camberley’s swinging balls and slid a hand down inside the tight satin of her knickers to rub her heated clit while frigging cock the way Mistress had demonstrated to her the previous night with a dildo.

  Maid Gloria sensed the Master’s approaching orgasm quicken to her rhythm. His juices were rapidly rising as she feverishly frigged, fondled and feasted. The pulsating energy of his excitement filled her receptive mouth. Saliva oozed from between her lips, dribbling over his heated shaft.

  “Harder!” he grunted, “Harder! Milk me! Suck hot spunk while I fuck your cuntface and squeeze your big tits, or I’ll whip your bitch-ass again!”

  She redoubled her efforts. He rammed his cock in, hard against the back of her throat, withdrawing to the tip of its wet glistening glans, before thrusting back again to be enveloped between those luscious lips, his balls slapping rhythmically against her chin.

  An explosive force was building in his taut flat stomach. An ocean of semen began its rise in a quivering jerking crescendo of nerve power. It swelled up from his balls, pumped up through his thick shaft by his fellatrice’s powerful cocksucking.

  He could hold it no longer. With a sharp intake of breath, he gripped maid Gloria’s head in quivering spasms. His cock exploded in a shuddering, blinding orgasm, ejaculating spurt after hot spurt of liquid pearl into her mouth. Maid Gloria gagged on the copious jets, swallowing hard to contain the seemingly endless flow of creamy spunk. It spewed out between her lips, dripping onto her heaving bosom. She smoothed the cumcream over her bare breasts like a priceless lotion till they glistened.

  Camberley’s legs trembled from the ecstatic fury of his stand-up facefuck. He was panting with exhaustion from his efforts. A final orgasmic tremor shot though him as he pulled his cock free to pump the last hot cumdribble onto maid Gloria’s upturned face. A pearly stream of semen coursed down her nose to a passion-flared nostril. With a moan of pleasure, she took the steaming prick in her mouth again to give its mushroom head a final suck, milking the last drop before cupping the warm roundness of his balls. She nuzzled her cheek against them, kissing the jewels in an effort to rekindle his exhausted ardour.

  Maid Gloria’s neatly coifed long blond tresses had been dislodged by the Earl’s orgasmic frenzy and hung dishevelled in wanton abandon about her shoulders, back and naked breasts. She toweled his flaccid penis and balls with the locks of her silken hair before tucking his jewels reverently back
into his breeches.

  She looked up with glazed, sated eyes.

  “It was an honor to serve you, my Lord. My body is yours to whip whenever your Housekeeper and Butlerine decide I need to be punished.”

  Lord Camberley looked down at her beautiful upturned face. Such attention to household discipline deserved to be rewarded. He bent and imparted a brief kiss of acknowledgement upon her forehead. He turned and walked over to the sideboard, poured himself a stiff brandy and gave the glass a splash of soda from the gazolene while his Housekeeper helped the maid adjust her ‘deshabille’ and tucked her sticky breasts back into her bodice.

  Maid Gloria curtsied before being led from the study.

  Outside, Freja smiled triumphantly to Cordelia and gave maid Gloria a loving kiss.

  “You were brilliant! We shall have our noble Lord eating out of your pussy after such a performance! I shall join you later and help Cordelia massage those nasty stripes on your pretty butt....and massage those parts which a cane cannot reach! But first, take your knickers off and hand them to me! I have some unfinished business with the Earl. My pleasure - his pain!”

  “Cordelia will take you up to our suite and pamper you with a well earned perfumed bath to rid yourself of any lingering mementoes of that man before we play tonight!”

  She gave maid Gloria’s tender rump a proprietory pat, stuffed the maid’s still warm knickers into her bodice and re-entered the study.

  Freja shut the heavy study door and turned the key. There was a triumphantly predatory gleam in her eye as she looked at the agitated Earl now sitting at his desk.

  “Little boys rise when Mistress enters the room. Come out from behind that desk and stand before me!

  “Yes Mistress!”

  Hubert came and stood before her. His breeches were still partly undone and his clothing in disarray from his earlier preoccupation.


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