Need You Now

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Need You Now Page 8

by Yahrah St. John

  Only Courtney came up to congratulate them, or so Kayla thought. “Congratulations, sis!” She gave Kayla a hug and whispered, “I hope you know what you’re doing, because you just broke our father’s heart.” And with that comment, she walked over to their mother on the couch and escorted her out.

  “Shane.” Kayla looked to her brother, but he just shook his head and went out the side door to the terrace. Seconds later, she heard glass shattering on the concrete.

  “Ohmigod, what have I done?” Kayla began crying uncontrollably.

  “In time, they will understand,” Ethan said, pulling her into his arms. “In time they will see that you did what you had to, to save this family.” But Kayla was hearing none of it, she was just sobbing in his arms. A feeling deep in Ethan’s gut took over him. He didn’t recognize it at first, but then he realized he wanted to protect her, to shelter her from harm and ensure no one ever hurt her again.

  When had that happened? Marrying Kayla was supposed to be about business, about creating a partnership between two successful people and merging her niche company with his conglomerate. Or so he’d told himself. When had he begun developing feelings for this woman? He didn’t know when it had happened, but it had, and now he wanted to do right by her.

  “I promise you, Kayla. I promise you I will make this right.”

  “Wow!” Piper was shocked. “You and Ethan engaged! I never saw that coming.” When Kayla had asked to have a girls’ lunch the next afternoon on the spur of the moment, Piper had definitely not expected to hear that news. “And you’re getting married? Did I miss a step somewhere?”

  Kayla shook her head. “No, you haven’t.”

  “Then what? How did this all come about?”

  “I was backed into a corner,” Kayla replied honestly. Piper was the only person she could confide in. “That’s how.”

  Piper threw her head back and laughed. “That doesn’t sound like the Kayla I know. How did Ethan manage that feat?”

  “This isn’t funny, Piper.”

  “Okay, okay. Take it from the top.”

  “Well, you know I told you we shared a moment at the premiere where we almost kissed.”

  “Yes. I remember.”

  “Well, I went to Ethan’s house to tell him that I wasn’t interested and before I knew what was happening, we were kissing. That’s when Ethan got it into his head that he wanted me.”

  “I don’t see how that’s necessarily a bad thing. It has been a while since someone’s evoked that kind of passion in you.”

  “Thanks a lot, Piper.” Kayla rolled her eyes, but she continued, “Anyway, he came to me with a proposition.”

  “Which was?” Piper reached for her drink and took a large gulp.

  “Graham International would invest the money necessary in exchange for my marrying Ethan.”

  Piper nearly choked on her drink and coughed several times. Once she’d composed herself, she asked, “Ethan wants you for himself and in exchange he saves your family company? Admittedly, his method is over the top, but I admire a man who goes after what he wants, and clearly that’s you.”

  “At what expense?” Kayla inquired. She brushed away a hot tear. “My whole family is against this marriage. And they weren’t too happy to hear I sold Ethan their shares and mine to make him majority shareholder.”

  Piper nodded. “There is that.”

  “Piper, you know my family means the world to me. To go against their wishes—”

  “You mean against your father’s wishes.”

  “Same difference.”

  “No, it’s not.” Piper stared at her best friend. “You have always been your father’s daughter, so I know it’s killing you to be at odds with him.”

  Kayla gulped hard and tears spilled down her cheeks. “You have no idea. This morning at breakfast, my father wouldn’t even look at me. I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I called you. I needed someone to help talk me through this. Everything is happening too fast. My head is spinning.”

  “Like your feelings for Ethan, bubbling to the surface?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Kayla, to be honest with you,” Piper said, “I don’t think you’ve ever gotten over the man. You’ve never really given any other man a real chance, because they didn’t compare to Ethan.”

  “That’s not true,” Kayla replied, shaking her head furiously even though deep down she knew Piper was right. “What about Ayden?”

  “As soon as things got serious and Ayden mentioned marriage, you used work as an excuse. And now that Ethan has shown genuine interest in you, you’re scared to death.”

  “Am not.” She didn’t like that Piper could read her so accurately. She was scared. She was scared of the feelings that Ethan brought out in her. She didn’t consider herself a wanton woman, but every time she was around him, she felt like she was on fire.

  “Liar!” Piper called her out. “You do realize what marrying the man will entail.”

  “I do,” Kayla responded, “which is why I have a proviso.”

  “Which is?”

  “That our marriage is in name only.”

  “You mean no sex?” Piper asked, then threw her head back and laughed again. “Exactly who would that benefit? You would both be miserable and sexually frustrated.”

  “If we never consummate it, after some time has passed I can have it annulled. Adams Cosmetics would be solvent by then.”

  “And you don’t think Ethan Graham hasn’t thought of every scenario? He doesn’t strike me as the type not to have all his bases covered.”

  “Well, maybe he has never met his match before.”

  “Those are big words, Kay. I hope things work out how you hope.”

  “I can’t believe the lengths you’ve gone to protect this family,” Shane said from the doorway of her office midweek. He’d taken time to let the news of Kayla’s engagement to Ethan settle, but it still stuck in his craw.

  “What are you talking about?” Kayla looked up from the speech she was preparing that would announce the merger of Adams Cosmetics with Graham International.

  Shane walked toward her. His misgivings were increasing by the minute. “I know what you’re doing, sis. You don’t have to put up a front with me. You might have to do it for Dad and Mom, but not me. I know you.”

  Kayla’s eyes welled up with tears and her younger brother came over to embrace her, but she shook her head. “Shane, don’t. You will ruin my makeup for the press conference.”

  “And we have plenty of makeup artists that can repair it for you. So let’s sit for a minute.” Shane grabbed her hand and forced her to sit with him on the couch. “So you sacrifice yourself to save this family by marrying Ethan? Kay, this is above and beyond the call of duty. We don’t expect you to give up your life for us, for this company.”

  “I’m not.” Kayla said the words but avoided looking in Shane’s hazel eyes, afraid he would see the truth.

  “You are merging Adams Cosmetics with Graham International, the corporate goliath you vowed we’d never be a part of, and on top of that you’re marrying the man you claim you no longer have feelings for. And you say you’re not giving up your life? I beg to differ.”

  Kayla hung her head low. “Wow! When you put it like that, it makes it seem like not only am I giving up my life but sacrificing my principles, too.”

  Shane shrugged. “If the shoe fits.” When Kayla sniffed, he wrapped his muscular arms around her shoulders. “Listen, kid. I may not agree with your method, but no matter what, we’re still family, and I will always be here to support you.”

  “Me, too.” Courtney had suddenly appeared in her office. She stood stalwartly in her Dior suit, poised for battle. Where had she come from? Had they decided to double-team her?

  Kayla and Shane both stood up and Courtney joined them in a group hug. “You have always got us,” Courtney said, and Kayla immediately felt better. She didn’t see Ethan step away from her doorway.

  Ethan sto
od outside of Kayla’s office, amazed at the family solidarity Kayla’s siblings were presenting. Despite how they’d felt days ago, when she’d announced their engagement and the company merger, they still vowed to stand by her side. He doubted Carter Graham would have done the same for him. He would have disowned him. He guessed that’s why he’d always wanted to be part of the Adams family. And now he would be.

  Shane came walking out moments later and noticed Ethan standing there. “Ethan.” He nodded.

  “Shane, I’m glad to see you’re here for Kayla. She was upset the other night when everyone walked out on her.”

  “Well, that’s what families do, Ethan. We may argue and maybe even yell, but we stand together. So let me give you a piece of advice if you want to make it in this family.” Shane came closer to face Ethan and whispered, “Don’t ever try to come between Kayla and her family again. Otherwise, you’ll find you’ll remain an outsider and that’s not a pleasant place to be. I’ll see you at the conference.” Shane gave him a salute.

  Ethan watched Shane walk away. He had no intention of coming between Kayla and the Adamses again, but she was about to become his wife and possibly the mother of his children one day, so he would not be pushed aside like he didn’t exist. He would make his presence known.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” Courtney asked from the other side of the wall. “Because if you want to make a run for it, I know a quick exit.”

  “There will be no running,” Ethan said from the doorway with his arms folded across his chest. “Kayla knows what’s at stake.”

  Courtney spun on her heel. “This was a private conversation between me and my sister.”

  “Then you should have closed the door,” Ethan replied.

  Courtney glared at him. She turned around and squeezed Kayla’s shoulder. “Come downstairs to hair and makeup and I’ll have Viola touch you up, okay?” She wiped a stray smudge off Kayla’s face.

  “Okay. Thanks.” Courtney held up her fist and Kayla gave her a fist bump before she left her office.

  “If looks could kill, I would be dead as a doorknob with the look your sister just gave me.”

  “Honestly, what did you expect, for them to be your biggest fan?” She gave him a brutal and unfriendly stare.

  “Wow!” Ethan held up his hands at the hostility emanating off Kayla. Where was the pliable woman he had kissed and who had been putty in his hands? “A little less sarcasm, fiancée, would be nice.”

  “C’mon, Ethan.” Kayla buttoned up her suit jacket and smoothed down her skirt. “We are not the average couple. Never will be. Which is why I’d like to suggest an addendum to your proposal.” She walked to her office door and promptly shut it so they could have some privacy.

  Ethan stepped back and leaned against Kayla’s desk so he could watch her sashay back over to him. He loved the way her hips moved when she walked. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I want a platonic marriage.” Kayla cut right to the point. “In name only.”

  “Hell no!” Ethan roared, standing up straight.

  “You haven’t heard my argument,” Kayla began, maintaining her composure at his outburst. “I am willing to turn my head to any dalliances you may wish to have.”

  “And you would expect me to do the same no doubt?” Ethan mocked.

  “I suppose, yes.” Though Kayla couldn’t foresee any man making her feel quite the way Ethan did. It was why she didn’t want to become intimate with him. If he had her off-kilter with a kiss and a few caresses, imagine what the full-court press would feel like? She might lose herself, lose her edge and then he would really have her where he wanted her—in and out of bed.

  “You really don’t want to share a bed with me?” Ethan asked, coming to her and circling his arms around her waist. “Is making love with me really such a repulsive thought?”

  Kayla hated that her heart was beating fast at being in his arms again. “Let me go.” She struggled to get out of his firm grasp, but Ethan wasn’t budging.

  Ethan leaned down until his head was inches from hers. “Not a chance, my dear. It will be my way or no way.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Kayla asked frantically. “You’re getting what you wanted all along, and that’s Adams Cosmetics. Why do I have to be part of the bargain?”

  Ethan smiled devilishly. “You’re an added bonus.” Kayla went to slap him, but Ethan caught her hand and put it behind her back. “Oh, someone’s feisty today.”

  “I hate you,” Kayla said. Not only did he have a hold on her financially but physically.

  “You may hate me now,” Ethan said, “but when I have you moaning out my name in a few weeks you will feel differently.” He swooped down to take her lips with expertise and began thoroughly exploring her mouth. He savored every honeyed crevice and dipped his tongue deeper for a taste of her sweet nectar. She was addictive.

  Kayla hated that she succumbed to the domination of his lips. He had a tantalizingly persuasive method of getting her to acquiesce to him, and her traitoress body gave in every time. When he finally lifted his head, Kayla used the opportunity to move away. “All you’ve proven is that my body is not indifferent to you, Ethan. So you can have it, but you will never have my heart.”

  As they stood as a united front announcing their engagement and the merger to the rest of the world, Kayla’s cold words stayed with Ethan.

  Ethan didn’t know why it bothered him so much that she would freely give her body to him, but her heart was off-limits. He’d never intended the union to be more than a marriage between two passionate individuals who shared a love of the same thing: big business. So why did he feel like he had to win her heart, too? Because…ever since he’d first seen Kayla again, he’d felt strong feelings for her, feelings he’d thought he’d buried years ago, feelings he was having a hard time ignoring.

  “Everyone always thought you’d be the perennial bachelor, and this engagement is quite sudden, Mr. Graham,” one reporter commented, cutting into his thoughts. “Is this a marriage of love or convenience?”

  Kayla couldn’t or didn’t speak at that moment. It was obvious to everyone, including the press, that it was the latter, but Ethan refuted it.

  “Sorry to disappoint you.” Ethan came forward to the microphone. “But this marriage is one of love.” He turned back and glanced at Kayla. “Kayla and I have known each other since we were kids. And there’s always been something there, but we never acted on it until now.”

  “A source in the cosmetics industry says that Adams Cosmetics is crumbling financially. Does this have anything to do with the quick engagement?”

  “Would your source happen to come from their competitor, Jax Cosmetics? If so, they would be misinformed.” Ethan could feel Kayla tense at his side at the mere mention of the Jacksons. “I am more than happy to help my fiancée’s family company and my board is in agreement that Adams Cosmetics is a good fit for Graham International. As you know, we already have a small cosmetics division, which Byron Adams used to be a part of.”

  “And you will be merging the two?”

  “Absolutely,” Ethan answered. “Kayla will be helming both divisions to ensure a smooth transition, but make no mistake, Adams Cosmetics is the main line.” He glanced at Kayla, hoping that hearing the news would make her feel better, but her expression was blank. He had no intention of dismantling Adams Cosmetics. Instead, he intended to utilize her knowledge to help boost the other line.

  “Thank you all for coming.” Michael came to the microphone. “I’m sure you’ll all be surprised with what Adams Cosmetics has in store for you in the future.”

  “I hope you’re happy now,” Kayla said as she walked forward and circled her arms around Ethan’s waist. He watched Kayla put on a fake smile so the press could take a picture of them as a happy couple. He knew he had a long way to go if he ever intended to win her heart.

  Chapter 7

  “I don’t know why Graham is putting on such a large wedding,” her f
ather commented poolside several weeks later at their estate, “when everyone at this table knows it’s a farce.”

  The entire family was gathered for a pre-Memorial Day barbecue. He’d had the chef cook up some baby-back ribs, burgers, baked beans, potato salad and provide fresh lemonade. Since Kayla had announced her engagement, it had been a rare occasion that they were all together. It seemed as if everyone in the family was avoiding what was happening, but Kayla didn’t have that luxury. Ethan was doing everything in his power to make their wedding the most elaborate, the most luxurious Atlanta had ever seen.

  “Byron,” her mother said from the table where she was reading a book. “It is Kayla’s wedding and she deserves the very best. Don’t you want that for her?”

  Even though Kayla had tried her best to hide it, Elizabeth knew why her daughter was marrying Ethan—to save the company. But she was determined to make the best of a bad situation, even though her husband had made no such efforts.

  Although Kayla was in the pool on a floating lounger, she was curious to hear the answer and turned to her father.

  “Of course I do,” he returned, putting down the burger he was about to munch on. “But not to Ethan Graham of all people.”

  Kayla sighed. “Daddy, what’s done is done. There’s no going back. The wedding planner has been hired, the invitations have been sent.”

  “Have you found a wedding dress yet?” Courtney asked.

  “No.” Kayla shook her head. Due to the rushed wedding day, it was impossible to have a custom gown made. Ethan had had several designer gowns flown in, but Kayla had put the kibosh to them.

  “You do realize time is running out,” Courtney replied as she sprayed on some sunblock. “There is only one week left to the wedding.”


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