Home > Fiction > ARCHANGEL > Page 11

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Whoa dude, you’re a big one,” the man said in a casual bass voice. “What the hell did you think you were doing back there? Look what you did to my truck.”

  Abaddon glanced at the man’s front bumper. He noted the bumper appeared smashed in from a prior occurrence. By this time, Angelina had jumped down out of the Hummer cab and headlong toward the suspected damage. When she saw the damage done to the lower part of the rear quarter panel, Angelina burst into tears. Seeing this, Abaddon for a split second lost all illusion of humanity as he went for the man who was grinning at the black robed Angelina.

  “Abaddon!” Raphael called out, inserting himself between his brother and the man.

  The fury highlighting the soul scars on Abaddon’s face receded at the touch of Raphael’s hand. Abaddon’s true nature retreated under cover of illusion.

  “He made her cry, Raph.”

  The bearded man laughed uproariously. “Whoa, two nuns and two huge fagots.”

  Catherine hugged Angelina, trying to hush her young friend and get Angelina to realize what was going on around them. Angelina absently wiped the tears from her eyes, quieting immediately - feeling foolish at becoming so attached to an inanimate object. She looked at Abaddon who Raphael held in check by sheer force of power and the love his brother had for him. She went over to Abaddon and leaned against him.

  “It is of no matter, my love.”

  “So, who’s goin’ to pay for the damage to my truck?” The bearded man gestured at the old damage to his front end.

  “You ran into us, Sir,” Catherine stated calmly. “Surely you remember doing so.”

  “All I remember… Sister… is you freaks driving like idiots,” the bearded man continued his incoherent babbling as he approached the Hummer’s driver’s side tail light assembly. He suddenly smashed it with a balled up fist.

  At the speed of thought, Angelina ran at the man, only to be caught with fists and legs flailing by Raphael. The bearded man launched a sucker punch at the back of Raphael’s head, only to have it intercepted in Abaddon’s huge fist. Recognition of a million details in his life flashed like a kaleidoscope of color within the man’s brain. He fell to his knees, not by Abaddon’s grasp, but by the guilt welling within him.

  “I…I am sorry, my Lord.” The bearded man clasped his hands in front of him, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

  “All will be well, all will be well.” Raphael induced Angelina to halt her attack.

  “These are material things, Ange,” Raphael told Angelina in a whisper. “I will make the Hummer as good as new, okay?”

  “Sorry, Raph - I acted like a big baby.”

  “No, you acted like a human being who watched something precious to her damaged for no reason other than malicious intent,” Raphael reasoned. He met Abaddon’s questioning gaze with soothing intent as cars passed them with wide-eyed passengers. “Let these cars passing us thin out and then I will heal the Hummer, okay?”

  “Thanks, Raph.”

  “Is he well, my brother?” Raphael asked Abaddon, allowing Catherine to take Angelina into her care. He joined Abaddon and the kneeling man.

  “Yes, Raph, he is well and all in one piece I might add.”

  “You showed admirable control,” Raphael complimented Abaddon, helping the bearded man to his feet. “Now, Sir, I’ll fix up your truck. You look like you could use a break…and…”

  “Neck level should do, Raph,” Abaddon inserted.

  “As I was saying,” Raphael gave Abaddon a look of admonition, “I will fix up your truck too, Sir. It will have to be our secret though. I’m Raphael, and this is my brother Abaddon. This is Sister Mary Catherine and Sister Angelina.”

  The man shook hands with each one in turn as Raphael introduced them, clasping Angelina’s hand a moment longer than the rest. “I…I’m sorry for what I did, Sister. I’ve been down a bad road for so long, I…”

  “I forgive you,” Angelina replied, putting her other hand over his. “I overreacted.”

  “My name’s John. I’ll leave you folks alone now. Sorry for the trouble. You don’t have to fix my truck, Raphael.”

  As the man turned toward his truck, Raphael grasped his shoulder, absorbing the memory of what the old Ford truck originally looked like. Releasing John, Raphael put his hand on the hood of the Ford, instantly transforming it to showroom condition.

  “Oh my God!” John placed both hands on the hood in disbelief.

  Raphael patted his shoulder. “Take care of yourself, John.”

  “I…I will,” John replied haltingly, lightly touching the Ford as he walked around to the truck’s driver’s side. He gave them one last wave before getting into the Ford and driving off.

  “Wow, Raph, that…that was amazing,” Angelina said.

  “John was not evil.” Raphael repaired the Hummer with a touch after checking to see the traffic had thinned for a moment. “He had lost the vision of what he wanted other people to see in him. Anyone can become lost in this world without some hope of earning the love and respect of others. No matter how many setbacks in daily life one faces, the need to be someone worthy of respect must never diminish. If the vision leaves, bitterness, anger, and failure follow.”

  “I guess we better get in the hope mobile here and see where the rest of our day is headed.” Catherine pulled Raphael toward the passenger side rear door.

  “The premonition of evil is getting stronger,” Abaddon said, after they had resumed their journey toward the Presidio. “It is unlike anything I have felt before, even when locked in battle with the demon inhabiting the child’s body.”

  “This will be another significant step,” Raphael agreed. “It will be very dangerous for you two in the initial approach. As my brother says, this is completely unknown territory.”

  “Can the demon sense our approach?” Catherine asked as Angelina followed other vehicles past the Presidio entrance.

  “It may sense something of your essence, Cat, but demons are arrogant to the point of stupidity,” Raphael replied. “It will allow you to approach out of contrary curiosity. As with the little boy overseas all surface niceties will end the moment you touch their human host. I will be at your side instantly. The speed at which it tries to strike out is the most dangerous unknown.”

  “I will be less excited this time, Raph,” Abaddon promised.

  “I know you will. I only meant to be cautionary about how quickly our two front line soldiers here must drag the innocent back from the manifestation.”

  “We will be more focused,” Angelina added her assurance. “I’m getting goose bumps just thinking about this encounter. We’re almost at the old Coast Guard building. Look at the traffic and the number of people waiting to get in. We better back track a ways and park the Hummer somewhere else. We can approach the building on foot.”

  “Very good, Ange,” Raphael replied. “It would be easier for Abaddon and I to scout out the surroundings while you two stand in line.”

  “The demon is inside the structure,” Abaddon stated with certainty as Angelina did a u-turn out of the traffic. “It is possible this entity has already attained fame and fortune, hence the crowds attracted to its presence.”

  Angelina parked the Hummer in a lot well away from the Coast Guard building. The four exited the Hummer and began walking toward the structure over a mile away. Their small group attracted more than passing interest from the motorists waiting to proceed through the park section where a bottleneck had formed near the Coast Guard building.

  “Maybe we should wear superhero costumes,” Angelina suggested, causing a good deal of mirth on the part of her companions, except for Abaddon who looked questioningly at Raphael.

  “Superheroes are a human invention where normal humans attain beyond human powers,” Raphael explained. “They mostly populate fictional magazines called comic books. They are very entertaining. I wish I had brought you some in your exile.”

  “What kind of powers?” Abaddon asked.

sp; “Some can fly or have super strength,” Angelina answered. “The most famous and oldest of them is Superman. He had it all: super strength, invulnerability, ability to fly, X-ray vision, and even heat vision. I’ll get you a Superman comic when we get done here, baby.”


  “A term of endearment.” Angelina gripped Abaddon’s arm, only to be separated by a sighing Catherine.

  “Let’s get in line, Ange.” Catherine tugged on Angelina’s robe as they approached the vast contingent of people seeking entrance to the building.

  “Abaddon and I will ask the people exiting the premise what the attraction is. Perhaps we can learn who the celebrity is everyone wants to see.”

  “You two will probably attract a larger crowd than the demon, Raph.” Catherine noticed everyone around them had shifted their attention to the nuns and their huge Archangel companions.

  “We can deal with that,” Raphael assured her. “We will be nearby, Cat. Be wary you two.”

  “We will,” Angelina replied with confidence. “Us front line grunts fear nothing, right Cat?”

  “It is the Lord’s will,” Catherine whispered, having shut her eyes for a moment. Even Raphael and Abaddon paused to watch the bright shining light of human purity in their companion’s soul. They sensed no hint of fear or hesitation at the prospect of facing the unknown evil only a doorway beyond.

  “I do not know what manner of demon you have to face, Sister Mary Catherine,” Abaddon interjected, “but it will be pained beyond belief at your touch. Sister Angelina, be strong for her and me.”

  “I will, baby,” Angelina promised. “Go on now and let Cat and I do our job.”

  The two Archangels walked away reluctantly, moving toward the people exiting the building. One of the three children held tacitly in check by their harried parents ran toward Abaddon suddenly. Excitement shone in her face. She clutched Abaddon’s leg with both ebony arms, crying out with joy at the touch of the Archangel’s body. Her parents hurried after her, looking doubtfully at the two Seraphim. Abaddon immediately knelt next to the child. She released his leg and hugged him around the neck as if she had known him forever. Raphael laughed in delight, looking back at Catherine and Angelina who were watching the scene with apparent enjoyment.

  “I…I’m really sorry, Sir,” the child’s mother repeated profusely. She tried to separate her daughter from a very happy Abaddon.

  The child released her grip on Abaddon and stepped away. She looked toward the exit for a moment before taking hold of Abaddon’s right hand. She resisted her mother’s pulling grasp.

  “I cried when I saw the man,” the little girl confided. “He’s a bad man.”

  “Hush, Jenny,” her mother urged. Abaddon retained his hold on the girl’s hand, smiling at her exhortations.

  “My brother and I are going to make him all better, Jenny,” Abaddon promised.

  Jenny stared into Abaddon’s scarred visage hopefully. She then hugged him around the neck once more.

  “She’s never done anything like this before,” Jenny’s mother said. Raphael shook hands with her older children and husband. “She started screaming when we went up to see President Gorbachev. Jenny has never liked strangers… at least… until now.”

  Abaddon straightened, whisking Jenny up with him. He also shook hands with her father and siblings. The expressions on the family’s faces changed immediately after coming in contact with the two Archangels.

  “Is this President Gorbachev the person everyone wishes to see?” Raphael asked.

  “Ah… yes,” the mother said with some surprise. “Aren’t you two here to see him?”

  “We are indeed.” Raphael watched Abaddon balance each of the children on his shoulders, comically dancing around with the delighted youngsters.

  “My husband and I have been huge fans of the Premier because of his work with the world environmental movement,” the mother explained. “When Jenny started screaming, we were really disappointed.”

  “I would not be disappointed if I were you. Your Jenny shows remarkable insight. Trust her judgment from now on, Ma’am.”

  “Clarissa, my name is Clarissa.” Raphael’s statement surprised her. “C’mon, kids, we have to get going. You too, Jen.”

  “Can…can I see you again?” Jenny asked Abaddon as Clarissa tugged on her arm.

  “Give me your phone number and address if your parents allow,” Abaddon directed, glancing up at Clarissa. “When we get settled I will write you.”

  Clarissa paused for a moment, but her husband had already taken a notepad out of his pocket and scribbled their address and phone number on it. He handed the paper to Abaddon without hesitation.

  “I wrote my business phone on there too. My name’s Rich. If you guys ever need any legal help you call me. I own a small law firm located near Market Street.”

  “Thank you. We will endeavor to stay out of legal trouble but perhaps we can get together for a visit.”

  “This is Abaddon,” Jenny announced with barely contained excitement,” and this is Raphael. They’re Archangels.”

  “Right, and I’m Madonna.” Clarissa smiled at her daughter, drawing her away from Abaddon.

  “Jenny’s right, Clarissa. My brother’s name is Abaddon and I am Raphael.”

  “How…” Clarissa mumbled, looking from Jenny to the two Seraphim of Heaven.

  “It’s not important. Just take my word for it. Little Jenny is a very gifted child.”

  As Clarissa nodded and hurriedly urged Jenny and her siblings toward the parking lot, her husband gave the two Archangels a little wave before following his family.

  “Even Archangels might need legal help down here,” Rich called out. “Don’t lose my phone number.”

  “We won’t.” Raphael returned Rich’s wave with a small salute.

  “Little Jenny is what Sister Mary Catherine must have been like at that age.” Abaddon watched the family walk away.

  “Yes indeed, my brother. We better let Cat and Ange know who they’ll be looking for.”

  “How will we be able to do this inconspicuously, Raph?”

  “I guess we won’t be able to. Maybe we better concentrate on surviving this encounter and forget about my apprehension concerning people observing what happens.”

  Abaddon stared intently at the building for a moment before returning his attention to Raphael.

  “I think that would be wise. I hope there will not be any other casualties amongst the crowd. In saving the possessed I do not wish to kill the innocent.”

  “You can’t worry about that or we’ll be in real trouble. I can project enough of an aura to shield everyone around you. Let me worry about the crowd.”

  “Very well.”

  Abaddon followed Raphael’s gesture to walk along with him to where the Sisters still waited in line, having moved very little toward the entrance. It was all Catherine could do to contain Angelina’s excitement. The people around the two nuns inched away from the massive figures approaching them. The children waiting in line were trying to break away from their parents, instinctively unafraid of Raphael and Abaddon.

  “You two will make this line into a chaotic scene,” Catherine observed, watching the commotion around them with some amusement. “Maybe we will get as famous as superheroes.”

  Raphael shrugged. “We can only go so far with our disguises, Cat. Think of the pandemonium which would surely come about if Abaddon and I simply appeared as we really are.”

  “It might make establishing the balance a lot easier if people really saw a couple of the Lord’s Archangels,” Angelina pointed out, grinning as Raphael sighed heavily.

  “Yes, but such is not the Lord’s way. Even with the utmost care I doubt we can hide everything we do from sight. This confrontation with evil may appear extremely comical in the way we must handle it but my brother and I do not make the rules.”

  “I know, Raph.” Angelina clasped Raphael’s arm. “I was trying to lighten the mood. You both seemed to
be making friends easily over near the exit. Did you find out what you wanted to know?”

  “We did indeed.” Raphael proceeded to carefully explain Jenny’s initial intuition and the conversation they had with her.

  “Wow,” Catherine said in a hushed voice, “Gorby is a demon?”

  “Gorby?” Raphael asked. “Is that his nickname?”

  “I doubt it but I’m sure he’s heard it or read it in the papers,” Angelina replied. “Our conservative talk show hosts refer to him in a demeaning way by calling him that. I think Rush Limbaugh was the first to start calling him Gorby. He even had this hilarious Gorby update where he played Darth Vader’s theme song from Star Wars while he lampooned whatever Gorbachev had done in the news. Rush labeled our media’s drooling idolatry over everything Gorbachev did as a Gorbasm.”


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