“They don’t usually, Raph,” Catherine answered. “Evil very seldom gets its butt kicked on the big screen or in novels. Innocent victims get sliced and diced, priests turn into demon slaves, and prayers of deliverance are ignored or laughed at.”
“I guess turning the other cheek philosophy only works if you don’t get beaten to death. Perhaps we could go out and plead for these demons to stop their heinous activities, brother.”
“I’m not that kind of angel.” Abaddon turned from the window to see Raphael grinning at him. “You were putting me on.”
“Even I’m not that kind of angel.” Raphael shifted his attention to Angelina. “So, smart mouth, what should we do since we will be writing our own script?”
“We don’t know how long these things have been doing this. Why not see if they’ll take us to where ever it is they carry out what you and Abaddon have sensed. I dread to think of what we’ll find but it would mean answers for the relatives of who knows how many missing people.”
“It is too dangerous, my love. They would be far closer to you and Catherine than is safe. Let us dispose of these demons quickly as we can. The moment they stop us, if what you suspect is true, would be best time to destroy them before endangering either of you.”
“We’re not that kind of nun. Ange and I have our part in this. We save the hosts. You kill the demons. It’s the Lord’s script.”
Abaddon smiled. “You are right, Sister Mary Catherine. Forgive me.”
“It was only a friendly reminder.” Catherine grasped Abaddon’s hand comfortingly across the table. “I think Angelina is right. We should take this as far as we can without endangering our purpose.”
“Any ideas if they just ignore us?” Raphael asked.
Angelina shrugged. “They won’t be hard to find. We know where they eat. If we don’t get stopped in the next thirty miles we’ll come back and hang out until we run across them again. You have to admit it would be perfect if they did come after us on a deserted road.”
“Do you think these two are next gen demons, Raph?” Catherine asked.
“Yes. They were oblivious to us. Although I believe I could mask our aura from one of Lucifer’s direct minions, he probably has direct contact with them. They will know us no matter my precautions.”
“Those demons on the dock in San Francisco didn’t even try to shift us to some hell dimension,” Angelina said. “Are you ready if these guys do it, Raph?”
“They can’t. I blocked the ones on the dock. They tried to shift the battle but with the power I have drawn from my brother they could not work their will.”
“Wow, that’s good news,” Catherine exclaimed. “Materializing in some hell dimension even for a few moments was a little more adventure than I care for.”
“That was a rough one with the Gorby demon,” Angelina agreed. “Those stun guns we bought should help Cat and I with any human interference. I’d like to stay on planet if we can too. So, what do you think, Raph? Want to try and find the demon lair here in Baker?”
“Abaddon and I will follow your lead on this one, Ange, as long as you two agree to pull the plug on it if your new script starts going awry.”
“C’mon, Cat, we better hit the bathroom before we meet up with Jon and Ponce.” Angelina stood up, yanking lightly on Catherine’s hair.
“I…I think that would be a good idea,” Catherine agreed with some discomfort in her voice.
“A Whopper too far, huh? Well, let’s get to it, Spewy.”
“Right behind you, Pudge.” Catherine followed Angelina toward the restrooms.
Chapter 19
Hell on Earth
Abaddon waited until the two nuns were out of earshot. “I do not like this plan, Raph. Our Sisters are becoming overly confident.”
“While I agree with your supposition and your fears I can’t think of a way to alter the situation. Angelina is right to wish for an investigation of how much damage the demons have done here. You felt the strength of evil and perversity from the Hummer screen. Demons corrupting souls for Satan and vying for Earthly power is one thing. Wholesale slaughter of humans is definitely a next gen thing.”
“Lucifer would not have authored something like this,” Abaddon agreed. “He would lose the murdered souls to heaven thereby gaining nothing at all in power. I know Angelina spoke well for God’s will. Perhaps I am overreacting to the Sisters’ indifference to danger.”
“We must trust in their judgment this time, brother. We will not allow these things to separate us even for a moment though. I am unsure how strong they are in human form. I will have to insulate them from Catherine’s touch to allow Angelina’s plan a chance to work.”
“I will drop all pretense the moment they try to separate us. Let Catherine’s touch burn them out if they so much as mention a separation, Raph.”
“We are agreed on that point. The concept of this surprise move Angelina has dreamed up must give you some pleasure.”
“I do admit I will relish this confrontation when it comes about. Losing either Catherine or Angelina to reach the confrontation is unacceptable,” Abaddon replied. “When…”
The voices of the two nuns arguing back and forth as they emerged from the restroom, quieted Abaddon. He grinned at Raphael.
“They enjoy each other’s company, do they not, Raph?”
Raphael sighed. “In a manner of speaking Abaddon… in a manner of speaking.”
* * *
“This place is like a furnace.” Angelina led the group out to their Hummer. “I don’t know why they bother with the largest thermometer in the world unless they’re bragging about how close to hell on earth they come.”
“Uh oh.” Catherine pointed down the main street. “That looks like the demon sheriff car.”
“No fair,” Angelina pouted. “They’re adlibbing my new script. Waste them, my love.”
“Wait!” Catherine grabbed Abaddon’s arm. The Archangel had taken Angelina’s order literally and stepped toward the oncoming sheriff car. “She was joking, Abaddon. Be careful what you say, Pudge.”
“Well, sorry I wasn’t able to get rid of ten pounds of…”
“Angelina!” Catherine snapped.
“Okay, okay,” Angelina relented, taking Abaddon’s arm. “I was only funnin’, my love. Let’s see what Ponce and Jon have in mind before you get too carried away.”
“Be careful, Sisters,” Raphael warned. They continued walking toward their vehicle as if they had not seen the approaching car. “We will not allow these demons to separate us no matter what.”
“I agree, Raph, but Ponce is driving right by.” Angelina waved at the sheriff’s car as they drove past.
Both demons waved back as if they had just seen the four companions and kept going.
“They are going to follow the script, Ange,” Catherine said.
“Yep.” Angelina pushed the remote automatic unlock button for their doors.
“Perhaps it would be best if you two explained the script to my brother and me,” Raphael said.
“They drove around for a while calling in our license number and finding out everything they could on us,” Catherine replied.
“Now they know we’re pretty much alone.” Angelina started the Hummer. “You notice they drove off in the direction of Las Vegas. They’ll be waiting for us somewhere they have picked out up ahead.”
“Under what pretense?” Abaddon asked in confusion. “We have not broken any laws.”
“They’ll make something up, my love.” Angelina follow the sign getting them on the main route. “They’re murderin’ demons. I doubt they’ll lose any sleep over a few lies.”
Abaddon laughed appreciatively at Angelina’s abrupt response to his naïve comment. “You are right, of course. We are lucky to have such accomplished demon hunters in our care, Raph.”
“Yes and I believe it would be in our best interests to read some of this literature from which the demons pattern their behavior.”
’re not trying to be know-it-alls, Raph,” Catherine responded. “It’s just…”
“Speak for yourself, Cat,” Angelina interrupted. “I can spot a cliché from a mile away These two are walking, talking embodiments of cheap B movie actors.”
“In any case,” Raphael continued, “if what you believe is their script actually plays out I will have to catch up on my reading. I never felt tempted to see one of the myriad slasher movies you mentioned, Ange. Even if they follow your predictions to the letter, please don’t get too over confident, ladies.”
“We’re just enjoying the moment,” Catherine replied. “We’ve been playing catch up ever since you rescued us. It’s nice to at least think we know what’s going to happen next.”
“Cat has it just right. Maybe we’ll get better at this stuff as we go along. I wouldn’t mind limiting the number of times these demons and demon wannabe’s jump out at us from nowhere.”
“Abaddon and I would have no objection to you two predicting every move. We don’t want either of you to get complacent and lose your life. Not only do we not have replacements but we have grown very fond of you both.”
Angelina chuckled. “You have to admit, Raph, it’s a little tough to be careful hunting demons. If we’re too afraid we’ll hesitate and still get wasted anyway.”
“Hey, Ange, isn’t that the SUV the family of four were driving we waved at.” Catherine pointed at the unmistakable blue Saturn Vue as they passed by.
Angelina immediately pulled off the nearly empty road. She backed up to the Saturn.
“I don’t see them.” Angelina’s worried tone left little doubt of what she suspected. “Maybe I’m the one who read the script wrong. Their windows are tinted like ours. I guess they could be sitting inside it waiting for help.”
“I’ll let you know how that theory works out.” Catherine jumped out of the Hummer with the Archangels close behind.
Catherine ran up to the Saturn driver’s side door and reached for the door handle. Abaddon grasped her wrist.
“Let me check the van, Sister Mary Catherine.” Abaddon eased her hand away from the handle.
Abaddon tried the door handle. The door opened. He stepped away from the Saturn after determining it was empty. Catherine moved in front of Abaddon as Raphael went into the Saturn backseat, looking through the myriad children’s entertainment games and toys. Angelina had exited the Hummer too. She walked around the outside of the Saturn. Green fluid was dripping down into an already formed puddle at the front of the SUV.
“Hey guys, here’s what made them pull off the road,” Angelina called out. She showed them the green puddle under the Saturn when her three companions joined her at the front of the vehicle. “In this heat, any kind of a coolant leak would make a car or truck overheat real quick. The Dad probably noticed the temp creeping up on his gauge and decided to check it out.”
“There’s no sign of them in the van,” Catherine said. “What do you think…”
Just then a flat bed tow truck slowed and pulled off the road behind the Saturn. The driver exited the tow truck. He waved at them in a friendly manner. Middle aged, rail thin, darkly browned by the sun, and of average height, the man smiled at them reassuringly. After adjusting his faded gray ball cap, he stuck his hands in his blue coveralls’ pockets. White teeth nearly glowed from his cleanly shaven face.
“Hi folks, our Sheriff’s deputy called about a Saturn needing towed. He said no one would be around when I got here and to just tow it into town. Any of you four the owner?”
“We stopped to see if the family we saw drive away in this Saturn from the Burger King back in Baker needed help,” Angelina answered. “What deputy called you?”
“Gar… I mean Officer Kostas from the Baker Sheriff’s department called it in. He said there was an abandoned Saturn on the road at this spot. What’s up? Is there anything wrong?”
“Do you get calls like this regularly?” Catherine motioned for Angelina to stay silent.
“Occasionally. This heat eats up vehicles. With the price of engine work on some of these later models people don’t want them fixed.”
“Where do you take the ones like this if the owner comes looking for it?” Angelina figured where Catherine’s question was leading.
“I take them to an impound yard back on the outskirts of Baker.”
“Do you know how many ever get claimed?” Catherine asked.
“Nope. I run a towing service out of my house. That’s pretty much all I do. I have a contract with the city to tow vehicles off the roads if the owner doesn’t have a preference and the city calls it in.”
“Would you mind if we follow you in on this one? We’d like to see where you take it in case we run into the family that owns it.” Catherine smiled to mask the worry in her voice.
“Not at all. Pull your Hummer up a ways so I can get the Saturn on my flatbed. That Hummer looks brand new. Nice ride.”
“Thanks.” Angelina jogged toward the Hummer.
Angelina drove the Hummer forward nearly fifty yards. The tow truck driver moved his flatbed in front of the Saturn. When he had the flatbed positioned the driver took a tool case off the seat of his truck before easing behind the steering wheel of the Saturn. A moment later he started the Saturn and drove it up on the flatbed. Raphael watched the process intently. He waved for Abaddon and Catherine to follow him to the Hummer. Angelina backed up to meet them. The tow truck driver waved at them when he finished anchoring the Saturn. He drove onto the road back toward Baker with Angelina following.
“The driver is not evil,” Raphael stated.
“Any guesses who owns the impound lot the tow truck driver unloads at,” Angelina asked rhetorically.
“There must be a third next gen,” Abaddon said.
“Yeah or some toady Ponce and Jon use to front their little operation,” Angelina replied.
“Toady?” Raphael repeated.
“Like in the Dracula movies,” Catherine answered. “Drac uses some human thrall to watch over his stuff during the daytime when he’s away.”
“You mean the vampire from Bram Stoker’s novel?” Raphael asked.
“That’s the one.” Angelina glanced back at Raphael. “You’ve never watched a vampire movie either?”
“No, but as I explained to you before, I watched the Exorcist movies and that ridiculous Omen series about the devil’s offspring. I think movie conceptions such as the weak portrayal of good in trash like those Hollywood evil glorifying flicks is one of the reasons our Lord has sent us. I also saw Rosemary’s Baby. Lord in heaven, what an atrocious ending with the woman embracing her little demon.”
“So, you watch only the movies where religion and morality take a hit?” Catherine liked the light hearted diversion from reality.
“I like musicals. I liked Paint Your Wagon.”
“That was one of the most immorality glorifying flicks made at the time,” Catherine complained. “Multiple wives, multiple husbands, greed, avarice…”
“No Name City, No Name City, the Lord don’t like it here,” Raphael broke in with the chorus from one of the songs in the movie he had mentioned. It drew laughter from even Abaddon, although he had no idea what his three companions were talking about.
Angelina saw the right turn signal blink on the tow truck as the driver turned onto a side road of gravel and sand. Nearly two miles of barren vista later, a huge area of wrecked cars and trucks shimmered into sight. Fronting the vehicle burial ground stood what looked like a ramshackle warehouse. It appeared to be a conversion from an enormous barn. A small house trailer butted up against the side of the warehouse with a sign across the top. Hand painted letters read - Baker Salvage Yard. The tow truck driver backed his rig up to the open warehouse. Angelina parked alongside the flatbed.
As the tow truck driver jumped out and began to unload the Saturn a black bearded man in dirty gray coveralls emerged from the trailer. The Archangels stiffened perceptively as the six and a half foot tall man with a body b
uilder’s physique sauntered over to the tow truck driver, eyeing Catherine and Angelina appraisingly.
“Hey Frank, you hire a new crew to keep you company?”
“These folks saw the family who owns the Saturn,” Frank answered, getting into the Saturn and starting it up. “They wanted to see where I dumped the Saturn off so in case they run into the family again.”
The bearded man’s eyes narrowed. The grin he had pasted on his face disappeared. “You know we don’t like advertisin’ our little yard here to strangers. We don’t like gettin’ into the middle of any legal squabbles with people what have their ride’s hauled.”