Home > Fiction > ARCHANGEL > Page 30

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Take off the outfit before you sit down.”

  “No!” Rana protested, clutching her clothing tightly to her.

  “This is an outrage!” Amir screamed out, standing in the aisle, breaking away from a fearful Nasib. “You cannot humiliate my woman this way. What do you want?”

  Abaddon stood up from his seat. Amir, remembering the Archangel’s warning, dived into the seat where Rana had been sitting. Angelina laughed, having glimpsed the small drama going on in the back from the rearview mirror. Abaddon sat down again as Catherine tugged impatiently on Rana’s outfit.

  “I can help you with this if you won’t do it yourself.”

  After a moment’s pause, Rana slipped the outfit up and over her head, leaving her clothed in white bra, panties, and a wide multi-pocketed belt clasped around her waist. Catherine undid the belt, smiling at Raphael.

  “What do we have here?”

  Rana’s frightened look gave way to anger. Catherine pulled open the pockets built into the belt. “Those are my personal valuables.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet,” Catherine remarked. “You have a little of everything in here but nothing to set off the airport security detectors. These miniature flash drives must have cost you a fortune. I bet we’ll find some interesting stuff on these.”

  “Who…who are you people?” The driver asked from the back, still clutching his injured shoulder. “We have done nothing to you.”

  “It’s not what you’ve done, it’s what you’re going to do,” Catherine answered. “As to who we are, I’m Sister Mary Catherine. Our driver is Sister Angelina and our two big friends are Raphael and Abaddon.”

  “Ab…Abaddon, the… destroyer?” Nasib whispered.

  Abaddon looked over at Raphael questioningly.

  “The few times you are mentioned in other holy books, my brother,” Raphael answered Abaddon’s unasked question - “I believe in some languages your name means something like that.”

  “You two whores are Catholic nuns?” Rana asked with gathering outrage, reaching for her belt. “Give me my belt.”

  “I don’t think so.” Catherine blocked her hand. “Go in the back and sit down with your buddies now.”

  “You are very brave with these monsters protecting you. Allah save us from these Godless stooges.” Rana spat in Catherine’s face. “I would tear your clothes off and whip you to death!”

  Catherine picked up Rana’s garment and wiped the spittle from her face with it.

  “You…” Rana reached for Catherine, only to be yanked back into the seat by Raphael.

  Catherine walked forward next to Angelina. “Pull over, Ange.”

  Angelina eased the shuttle off the road, stopping on the highway shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Sister Mary Catherine,” Raphael apologized. “I did not see that coming.”

  “Nor I, Sister,” Abaddon added.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Catherine tossed Rana’s garment to her. “Go back with your friends, lady.”

  “Allah curse you, bitch!” Rana screamed, stepping out in the aisle, beckoning for Catherine to come at her. “Come, I will tear the eyes from your head, whore.”

  “Do not take the Lord’s name in vain,” Catherine remarked quietly, holding her hands out in a placating motion to Raphael and Abaddon. “Stay out of this, boys.”

  Rana smiled, seeing she had touched a nerve, rage the only emotion coursing through her. She brought her fists up into a fighting stance. “Curse your God too, whore! I will…”

  A split second later, Catherine shot forward and head butted the startled Rana. The woman screamed out in pain, falling to the floor of the shuttle, clutching her face as blood shot out of her shattered nose. Angelina laughed out loud, clapping her hands in glee. Raphael looked toward Abaddon, who kept his eyes on the three conscious men in the back while stealing looks of interest at what had just transpired. Abaddon nodded his head in Raphael’s direction approvingly.

  Catherine leaned over the downed Rana, ready to follow up her attack. Seeing the woman sobbing and crying openly in pain and surrender, Catherine straightened.

  “I warned you not to take the Lord’s name in vain.” Catherine turned toward Angelina.

  “I will cut your heart out for that!” Amir yelled in rage, running forward to Rana’s pain racked frame.

  “I have noticed you and your friends threaten quite loudly but unless the one you wish to attack has their back turned, your threats mean very little.” Abaddon stood up from his seat. “I have forgotten already why we are keeping any of you alive.”

  “Abaddon, no!” Raphael projected silently with all his power. “We must learn their intended target, my brother.”

  Abaddon’s human guise shimmered as if the very air around the Archangel lost its cohesion. Even with Raphael’s voice ringing within his head, Abaddon struggled to suppress the darkness of the Abyss welling up inside him. Their action in the city of Baker had left a blackness almost tangible behind in Abaddon’s thought processes. A sudden coolness washed over him. Angelina had moved around Catherine and wrapped her arms around Abaddon’s waist, her head resting against his back.

  “Easy, my love, we will be rid of this bunch soon.”

  Catherine returned at Amir’s threat to stand near where he knelt next to Rana. She turned to place her hand on Abaddon’s arm for a moment.

  “Ange is right. We’re almost through here.”

  Angelina released Abaddon, giving Catherine a quick hug before moving around her into the aisle. She looked up into Abaddon’s eyes and then over at Raphael.

  “Stay out of it, boys. This guy wants to beat up a woman. I handle all Cat’s light work.” Angelina moved into a boxer’s stance. “Heal that big baby on the floor, my love, so she can move her butt out of the aisle.”

  Abaddon leaned over and grasped Rana’s arm, healing the woman instantly. Her sobs stopped as fear replaced pain. Rana scrambled backwards away from Abaddon. Amir stood up in shock, releasing Rana.

  “I don’t think this is wise, Ange.” Raphael realized what Angelina planned.

  “Abaddon or you can heal me up instantly,” Angelina pleaded. “I’m as sick of these flakes as Abaddon is.”

  “I have no objection, Raph,” Abaddon said.

  “C’mon then, big boy, show me what you got,” Angelina told Amir. “Nobody’s going to hurt you but me.”

  “Your friends will torture me to death,” Amir said, holding up his hands palms outward toward Angelina. “You will be lying maimed on the floor in a pool of your own blood and I will be killed by these devils that do your bidding.”

  “Guys like you beat Cat and I with their fists for months, pussy.” Angelina’s voice hissed out through clenched teeth. We were tied up while they beat us. I ain’t tied up now. My friends won’t touch you no matter the outcome.”

  “It will be as Sister Angelina says,” Abaddon confirmed Angelina’s promise. Catherine sat down next to Raphael.

  “Kill the bitch, Amir!” Rana yelled from next to a quiet Nasib.

  “Yeah, you big girl,” Angelina echoed Rana’s sentiment, “kill the bitch.”

  Amir put his hands up, his face a mask of hatred. His first punch streaked through Angelina’s defenses, landing flatly against her face. Blood exploded from Angelina’s broken nose. She dropped to her knees, blocking Amir’s follow-up knee with her hands. Angelina scrambled up, spitting blood. She stomped on Amir’s left instep. Amir yelled out, instinctively reaching for his leg. He did not block Angelina’s follow-up knee which struck him full in the face. Angelina jumped slightly as she struck the blow, sending Amir spilling backwards to the floor of the shuttle. Angelina stalked forward, gasping for breath through her mouth. She kicked Amir right between his splayed legs. Tortured nasal screams of agony filled the shuttle’s interior. Amir clutched himself, practically breathless with pain. Angelina dropped down on the man, pounding him with both fists until Catherine hurried forward and gripped her friend.

  “You got him, Ang
e. You got him.” Catherine clung to the gasping Angelina.

  Angelina nodded, letting Catherine draw her up and away from Amir. The man continued to howl in agony.

  “Pussy!” Angelina spat out blood with the word. She smiled grotesquely at Catherine. “That’ll learn him.”

  In the next instant, Abaddon took Angelina from Catherine, healing her in his arms. Raphael knelt next to the vanquished Amir. He healed the shrieking man. Raphael then reached around Amir to heal both other injured men. The Archangel grabbed Amir up by his clothing and sat him down in the seat next to a shocked Rana. The formerly unconscious Jarir sat up sullenly.

  “Our two female friends, Sister Mary Catherine and Sister Angelina, are neither whores nor bitches,” Raphael instructed, still holding on to Amir. “They are better than you, your friends here, or anyone you’ve known in any of your miserable lives. One more word showing disrespect for either of the Sisters will earn you and your friends a one-way trip to the Abyss. That will void the deal I had planned for you. Do you understand?”

  “Wha…what deal?” Nasib chimed in hopefully as Amir nodded in affirmation.

  “Tell us what your target is and everyone and everything involved. If you are truthful we will turn you over to the authorities. We will know if you tell the truth. Refuse to speak or lie and I will turn you over to my brother.

  Raphael turned to Abaddon. “Can you just show them, my brother, or is your hold too tenuous?”

  “Sister Angelina can anchor me.” Abaddon dropped his human guise in the next instant.

  The Archangel of the Abyss filled the shuttle’s back area with Angelina clinging to him. With her help Abaddon struggled against the darkness warring within him. Rana screamed out in terror while her companions fell back into the furthest corner of the shuttle’s rear seating.

  “My brother is the Archangel of the Abyss. He will find out what you have planned. How he gains this knowledge is up to you for the next ten seconds. After that, your choice will be gone.”

  “I will tell all!” Nasib yelled out, falling to his knees with hands held up in supplication and his head bowed.

  “You cannot, Nasib!” Jarir grabbed Nasib by the shoulders. “We must endure.”

  “Have you no eyes!” Nasib twisted free of Jarir, turning on him. He shoved Jarir backwards into his seat. “The very host of heaven stands at the side of those we are plotting against.”

  “They are demons, not angels,” Rana pleaded.

  Raphael gripped Nasib’s shoulder, causing the young man to gasp in joy. He spun around to face Raphael. Nasib knelt quickly, grasping Raphael’s hand with both of his. Nasib’s face shone with understanding. He stood up and turned again toward his companions.

  “They are the host of Heaven.” Nasib repeated, reaching out to grasp both Amir and Rana.

  The couple pulled away from him in horror.

  “Do not touch us, blasphemer!” Amir screamed at him, clutching Rana to him.

  Habib and Jarir stared at their friend, bewildered by his actions and unsure what to do next. Nasib gripped their arms, hoping to convince his friends to abandon their deadly mindset. His touch worked only to galvanize the two into action. Together with the shuttle driver they attacked Nasib. With but a sweep of his arm, Raphael drove the three men back. Nasib shook his head in disappointment.

  “The truth is here before your eyes and still you do not believe,” Nasib said in a hushed voice.

  “Amir is right,” Habib replied heatedly, gesturing defiantly at Nasib. “Your touch is unclean. These demons control your mind.”

  Abaddon put an arm around Nasib’s shoulders.

  “Do not worry, little Nasib,” Abaddon told him. “Do you know all these others know?”

  “I do not know all that Amir and Rana know.” Nasib felt well-being rushing through him with Abaddon’s touch. “I do know all Habib and Jarir know.”

  “Allah strike you dead, traitor!” Jarir screamed out.

  “That will not happen,” Nasib replied.

  Catherine took Nasib’s hand, drawing him toward the front of the shuttle.

  “Come away for now, Nasib,” Catherine urged. “Your companions’ stubbornness will end shortly. It would not be good for you to see how it happens.”

  Nasib glanced back regretfully. Angelina hugged Abaddon before following Catherine and Nasib to the front of the shuttle. Angelina opened the door. The three of them exited the shuttle. Angelina ducked back in for a moment.

  “Hurry up, boys, it’s hot out here.”

  “Okay then,” Raphael addressed Amir. “It seems you and your lady friend know a few bits of information Nasib doesn’t know. What are they?”

  “I will tell you nothing, demon,” Amir spat on the floor between he and Raphael.

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Raphael moved aside. Abaddon brushed by him.

  Outside the shuttle, Catherine scanned the busy highway uneasily as screams reverberated out of the vehicle even with the door closed. Nasib shuddered, looking down at his feet. Angelina put her arm around him.

  “I wish there were another way, Nasib.”

  “I…I know. It must be done. There are thousands of lives at stake. Amir knows of our other cells in Washington DC, Chicago, and New York. We were to strike together. This was Amir and Rana’s last stop. The final chip needed in activating the device we were to explode in the Luxor is amongst the other things in Rana’s belt. I have been such a fool!”

  “When Angelina and I were imprisoned in the Holy Land, we were tortured by men who had no idea why they were doing it other than it gave them pleasure in some sick way,” Catherine said. “They bragged they had been raised from childhood to kill and torture without mercy.”

  “And then they’d shout Allah Akbar, thinking God in heaven would see their grisly work and nod in joy at what they were doing,” Angelina added. “I imagine you were indoctrinated in much the same way. The appearance of Raphael and Abaddon in answer to our prayers has started a change there, but it will spread slowly.”

  Nasib looked up at the two nuns finally, seeing the understanding in their eyes. “To know the truth at last is very difficult. It is hard to fathom why I was not able to recognize the evil we have done. I will dedicate my life to stop this plague using my faith as its shield.”

  “We will get you back overseas to a friend of ours where you can do just that,” Catherine replied.

  “I must go to prison for many years first. I will start at the detention facility in Cuba. If ever your government frees me I will seek out this friend of yours.”

  “What the heck makes you think we plan on turning you over to anyone?” Angelina chuckled. “You have no need of prison and you can do a lot more on the outside of a cell.”

  “I must go to Cuba,” Nasib repeated his intention with grim resolve. “I can do much there to make up for what I have done. Without my testimony, your authorities may not believe what is going on until it is too late.”

  “Oh, I think your friends will be very helpful to the authorities.” Angelina noticed the shuttle was now quiet.

  “It will be a risk going to Cuba, Nasib,” Catherine said. “There will be others there like your friends who will never understand. We don’t want you killed.”

  “I have an idea about how Nasib can help the authorities, and still not be implicated with the others,” Angelina said. “If Raph can find a higher up with either Homeland Security or the FBI who sees the light, we’ll get him to adopt Nasib as an informer who infiltrated this gang.”

  “Wow, Ange, that might just work.”

  Chapter 24


  Raphael opened the shuttle door and waved.

  “Come in out of the heat. Let’s figure out our next move.” Raphael moved aside for Catherine, Angelina, and Nasib.

  Angelina sat next to Abaddon. The Archangel had returned to his seat at the front opposite the driver’s station. Catherine and Nasib sat together on the seat behind the driver’s
area. Only Rana’s sobbing cries broke the silence in the shuttle’s rear seating. The four men sat huddled up in the two rearmost aisle seats while Rana knelt with her hands over her eyes, rocking back and forth between them.

  “Could…could you not have… read their thoughts, my Lord Raphael?” Nasib asked hesitantly.

  Raphael laughed. Catherine glared at him accusingly.

  “What’s so funny, Raph.”

  “Sorry Cat, Nasib reminded me of the long eared character in that space opera…”


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