Home > Fiction > ARCHANGEL > Page 32

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “This is not necessary,” Emilio protested. “It is too much for…”

  Raphael reached out to grip Emilio’s wrist gently. “Take the money, Emilio. It will help your family.”

  Emilio made the sign of the cross slowly, his mouth agape as he looked up at Raphael and Abaddon with clear reverence.

  “Emilio leaves for Marine boot-camp in another month,” Raphael told his companions.

  Angelina and Catherine both hugged the young man.

  “Thanks for your service, Em,” Angelina said. “Better close up your mouth, buddy, before something flies inside.”

  Emilio abruptly smiled, realizing he was still staring openmouthed at the two Archangels. He took a card from his shirt pocket and handed it to Angelina.

  “I…I must get back. If you need anything, you have only to ask.” Emilio reached out to take both Raphael’s and Abaddon’s hands in his momentarily. “It is so good to know… I…”

  “Go on now, my young friend,” Raphael urged, pushing Emilio toward his station gently. “I don’t want you fired.”

  Emilio gave them a little wave as he continued in the direction Raphael had started him. “It would be but a small thing, my Lord.”

  At the check-in desk, the red haired woman with Carol on her name badge smiled welcomingly. “Well, you must be good friends of Emilio’s. He seldom gets so excited around our guests. How may I help you?”

  “We would like a suite with a separate closed off bedroom and a Jacuzzi,” Angelina stated. “Do you have anything like that, Carol? Oh yeah and we want a good view too.”

  “We have the Venetian Prima,” Carol suggested. “The Prima suite has everything you want but it is a bit costly. Perhaps I could suggest a different…”

  “Nope,” Angelina interrupted. “The Prima sounds wonderful. We’ll need it for at least a week.”

  “Very well then.” Carol took bankcard Raphael held out for her. She paused for a moment, her attention focused on Raphael.

  “Raph!” Catherine pinched Raphael’s forearm. “I smell vanilla.”

  “I…I will get everything settled for you in a few moments,” Carol said.

  Raphael rubbed his arm comically.

  As Carol went to work quickly at the computer terminal, occasionally glancing back at Raphael, Angelina gave Catherine a quick slap to the back of her head.

  “What are you pinching Raph for, Dodo? We need these folks to check us in with the least possible suspicion. Raph is just helping speed up the process.”

  “Sorry, Raph,” Catherine apologized. “I didn’t think.”

  “It is of no matter, Sister Mary Catherine. I was having a little fun at your expense admittedly while keeping my mind off the sounds of gambling. Abaddon and I do need to make things go as smoothly as possible due to our being on the FBI radar screen. In addition to all of those reasons, I like red-heads.”

  Angelina threaded her arm around Raphael’s. “You devil! So, in addition to the dice, red-heads light the old home fires down deep, huh?”

  “You have a very distinctive way of putting things, Sister Angelina.” Raphael endured the others’ laughter in good spirits.

  “All set.” Carol placed four room key cards on the counter. She then held the invoice for Raphael to sign. “I hope you all enjoy your stay with us. I’ve included some show tickets and other attractions inside this folder. Let me know if you need anything to make your stay more enjoyable.”

  “Thank you, we will, Carol.” Raphael placed a hundred dollar bill in front of the woman, who pushed it back.

  “I’d rather have dinner with you.”

  “Our friend can’t be trusted inside the casino by himself,” Catherine explained, trying to pull Raphael away from the counter. “He has a little gambling problem.”

  “Who said I was going to allow him to wander around the casino.” Carol grasped Raphael’s hand.

  Carol stiffened in amazement. Her eyes went out of focus for a moment as if she were going to faint. Catherine reached over the counter and gripped her arm.

  “Are you okay?”

  “She’s okay, Cat,” Angelina quipped. “She got a little too big a dose of Raphael’s Mojo.”

  “I…I’m okay.” Carol pulled Raphael’s hand to her lips.

  “I think maybe you had better agree to dinner, Raph,” Catherine said, looking at the people beginning to gather around them.

  “I get off at midnight,” Carol said quickly. “Meet me right here, my Lord.”

  Raphael nodded. Before he could turn away, Angelina faced off with the crowd behind them.

  “Nothing to see here, folks,” Angelina stated, giving them the wave off. “Go about your business. These casinos don’t run on bread crumbs.”

  Some appreciative laughter tittered through the small crowd before they turned away. Angelina took Abaddon’s arm after picking up two of the room key cards.

  “Hey, let’s get this show on the road, Raph. The pool and my diet beer are waiting.”

  “It’s almost 10:30,” Raphael told Carol. “Why don’t you join us by the pool when you get off?”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Can we get food at the pool too?” Catherine asked.

  Carol outlined a map from their suite to the pool area, holding it for Catherine to see, and wrote the phone number down for room service. “Just relax right here. Call for room service. They’ll serve you out by the pool. I’ll meet you there as soon as I get off.”

  “Thank you.” Catherine jerked on Raphael’s arm in an effort to get him started away from the counter. Angelina and Abaddon followed closely behind them. “You really go all out when you decide to take a walk on the dark side, huh Raph?”

  “She is very attractive. We could use a counter person of her obvious status,” Raphael replied patiently, ignoring Abaddon who was trying to look around him to get a glimpse of his face. “We still have a mission we were directed to here. Chances are it will be a guest, don’t you think?”

  “You look a little flushed, my brother,” Abaddon noted, as Raphael pushed him away with a hand on Abaddon’s forehead.

  “He’s right though.” Catherine hugged Raphael’s arm. “We are here for more than a romp through sin city. Did either of you guys get any vibrations when we walked in here?”

  “I felt no demonic presence,” Abaddon said.

  “Nor I,” Raphael added. “Perhaps our target has not arrived yet.”

  “All the more reason to get in good with Carol,” Catherine said. “You were right to cultivate her friendship. She would probably agree to let us know if any high up people arrive, and we can try to get you guys close for a look.”

  “I wouldn’t mind getting a few days of uninterrupted luxury here before we have to take on the spawn of Hell,” Angelina stated, looking around at the incredibly posh interior of the Venetian Casino while leaning against Abaddon. “Right, baby?”

  “It would be a welcome respite. These past few days with first the humans embracing their demons in Baker, followed by these fanatics who think their God wishes them to blow up thousands of innocent people has made for a very trying period.”

  “We have done well in spite of all the weirdness.” Raphael looked back at Abaddon. “I am sure our Father has been pleased with the way we’ve progressed.”

  “We must be certain Agent Pomada is able to stop all the plots these cells of vermin had planned,” Abaddon replied. “I do not believe we should wait for his call if we are not contacted by tomorrow afternoon.”

  Chapter 25

  City of Light and Sin

  The group fell silent after Abaddon’s grim reminder of reality. Following the map of the Venetian Carol had given them, the four made their way to an elevator which would let them out near their suite. Angelina nudged Abaddon as Raphael spotted some dice tables on the roundabout way they took to the elevator. Raphael walked forward while at the same time craning his neck to keep eye contact with the dice tables.

  Angelina giggled
. “We aren’t going to need an intervention before we even get to the elevator are we, Raph?”

  “It…it is… incredible,” Raphael mumbled. Catherine took his arm again comfortingly. “It is not the same as throwing rough cubes in the back alley somewhere in Sumatra.”

  “Boy, Raph, you really do have it bad,” Catherine noted somberly. “It’s good you asked Carol to meet us by the pool. I don’t even think Ahmed could keep up with the money losing potential I see in your eyes.”

  “It is not polite to speak such in the company of the lost,” Raphael replied with a shrug of his broad shoulders. “Lucky for Ahmed and all of you, the Archangel of the Abyss stands ready to intercept his wayward brother.”

  “I will win for you, Raph,” Abaddon offered. “You may gamble away all I take in.”

  “It is not so simple, Abaddon.” Raphael fell back to put his arm around Abaddon’s shoulders. “You would be entrapped too. As Catherine stated, Ahmed would have to wash his hands of us or lose even the small café he had.”

  Abaddon smiled. “Perhaps, or perhaps not.”

  “Remember brother, we have no power over such sinful areas. Do not think to challenge this darkness.”

  “It does not look so dark in here to me,” Abaddon remarked, looking around the Venetian with comical enthusiasm. “Sister Angelina will be my good luck charm.”

  “They won’t stand a chance in here, Raph. We’ll take their money until they beg for mercy. Pool and beer first though, baby.”

  “Of course,” Abaddon hugged Angelina close as they approached the elevator area. “We will have to keep Sister Mary Catherine company when Raphael falls within the spell of his red-haired enchantress later. The money taking will have to wait.”

  Raphael shook his head while his friends took the lead. Even Catherine had both hands over her mouth, holding back her amused reaction to Abaddon’s uncharacteristic quip.

  “You may yet live to regret such undue confidence, oh Archangel of the Abyss,” Raphael muttered with a grin, watching his companions fondly.

  Angelina opened the door to their suite quickly and jetted inside. She stopped within the entranceway, openmouthed at the panorama before her. Catherine walked up next to her, unconsciously reaching and clasping her friend’s hand. Abaddon and Raphael halted a few steps back from the two nuns, enjoying the Sisters’ reaction to the suite.

  “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy,” Angelina whispered. “We even have our own bar.”

  Catherine pulled Angelina through the suite to the huge picture window overlooking the Las Vegas night. Tears glistened at the corners of Catherine’s eyes as the two Archangels walked up quietly behind the two nuns. Angelina looked over at Catherine, knowing instinctively what she was thinking.

  “It’s a long way from that prison cell, huh Cat?”

  Catherine met Angelina’s gaze and nodded silently. Suddenly, Angelina’s attire changed instantly into a thong type black bikini swimsuit with matching black high heels. Angelina posed instantly, leaning provocatively against the picture window. Catherine gasped in disapproval.

  “I’m going to be a hit by the pool tonight, huh baby?” Angelina asked Abaddon, noting her action jolted Catherine out of her reverie.

  Raphael nudged Abaddon, who was standing silently, his lips trying to form words as he tried to answer.

  “Now, see what you’ve done, Ange?” Raphael patted Abaddon on the back. “Deep breaths, brother, deep breaths. You’re certainly illustrating for the sisters how susceptible we become to human desires here on earth.”

  “You…you can’t… go to the pool like that!” Catherine managed to say in what sounded like a croak. She pointed at the front of Angelina’s swimsuit. “When did you get a bikini cut, you harlot?”

  “I can’t wear something like this without a little defoliation. They must have robes around here for us, although I doubt any would fit you two big lugs. You’ll both have to improvise something loose fitting for the pool.”

  “Never mind.” Catherine noticed what Angelina felt Abaddon would have to have covered up. “He can’t go with you anyway. I think he went into a coma.”

  Abaddon raised a hand to gesture weakly at Catherine. “I…I am okay, Sister Mary Catherine. Will…will they allow you to appear by the pool like that, Sister Angelina?”

  “Sure, baby, this is Las Vegas, and the kiddies are all in bed around here.” Angelina moved against the aroused Archangel. “C’mon, let’s check out the rest of the suite. We need to get you into a more demur state before going to the pool.”

  The four circled around through the adjoining doors to their left, ending eventually in the spacious room housing the Jacuzzi.

  “Oh, I like this.” Catherine skirted the large tub. “I doubt if you guys can fit but I believe I might spend some time in it.”

  “I bet I could get into it with you, right my Lord Abaddon?” Angelina delighted in the reaction her bathing suit was getting from the Archangel of the Abyss.

  “We…we could manage. Would now be inappropriate?”

  “Pool and beer, my love, remember? And of course, food for Spewy. What do you think of my robe?”

  A sheer black, ankle length robe appeared around Angelina.

  “Very nice, Sister Angelina,” Raphael remarked. “You have become adept with working our little clothing illusion. Do you have any ideas as to what Abaddon and I should wear?”

  “Two bikini swimsuits coming right up,” Angelina stated moving to take hold of Raphael’s arm. Catherine intercepted her.

  “No way are you dressing the boys for the pool,” Catherine told her in no uncertain terms. “I’ll help them.”

  “Okay, fine.” Angelina put her hands up in a surrendering fashion. “Make it quick. I can almost taste that ice cold brewski.”

  “Oh my God, you are so course.” Catherine gave Angelina a push back.

  Catherine grasped Raphael’s hand. Raphael nodded his understanding. In a moment, Raphael wore a dark blue, boxer style swimsuit, with sandals and a large white robe. Abaddon mimicked his brother’s choice, but chose black for his swimsuit with matching robe. Catherine chose an attractive burgundy, one-piece bathing suit with matching robe and sandals.

  “Oh, how daring,” Angelina kidded Catherine. “Why don’t you go down to the pool in a burka?”

  “You look attractively conservative,” Raphael complimented Catherine. Abaddon nodded his head in agreement. “What will we need to take with us, Ange?”

  “Just our room cards. We can charge everything else to our room. I read in the brochure your girlfriend gave us they have safes in the suites. Leave all our valuables in it for now.”

  “I saw it on the way in here,” Catherine said. “Can I have one Long Island Ice Tea by the pool?”

  “Okay, but then we stuff you with food, you little lush,” Angelina acquiesced. “You ought to just have a couple of beers.”

  “I don’t want to be hanging over the top of my swimsuit like a human muffin fresh out of the oven.” Catherine gestured at Angelina’s slim waistline as if it were a target for derision.

  “What… I…” Angelina glanced down instinctively, only to get flicked in the forehead by a laughing Catherine.

  “I so got you,” Catherine called out, running for the door with a growling Angelina in hot pursuit.

  “You really liked the red-haired woman, Raph?” Abaddon ignored the squeals coming from the other room.

  “I must admit, between the woman’s tantalizingly soft voice and her touch, I am having no trouble imagining her in a swimsuit such as Sister Angelina came up with. Why?”

  “It would be nice for you to take some pleasure in our adventures.”

  “Brother,” Raphael replied, putting an affectionate arm around Abaddon’s broad shoulders, “I am having the best time I have ever had. These adventures as you call them will give me memories for millennia to come.”

  A loud squeal for mercy, interspersed with uncontrollable laughter echoed from the living
room area.

  “Being with Sister Mary Catherine and Sister Angelina is like having a virtual entertainment system playing for us with perpetually different themes.”

  “And they look very nice,” Abaddon replied, grinning at Raphael. “As you said, I think the longer we reside here on Earth, the more susceptible to such things we become.”

  “It is just so, Abaddon,” Raphael agreed seriously. “I was only down here for a short period when I became completely corrupted with gambling. We will need each other and all our friends’ innocent power to control ourselves here. Perhaps you should show Sister Mary Catherine a bit more attention, you know, like you do with Ange.”


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