by Mary Portas
Photiadis, Mr 79
Piccadilly Sports 260
Pierrot dolls 239
pigeon racing 105–8, 118–20, 163, 183
Pinner Fair 88–90
Pinter, Harold 97
Pinto’s 260–61
Player’s cigarettes 11, 16, 49, 165, 183
Polari 223
Police 261
Portas, Graham 245–46, 250, 252, 253, 256, 261
Presley, Elvis 57
The Pretenders 221
Price’s candles 93–94
Pucci 222, 256
punk 123, 167, 185, 222
PX 225
Quality Street chocolates 40
Quant, Mary 258
Queen 235
Quinn, Geraldine 30, 65, 89, 98, 109, 110, 128, 139
Quinn family 4
R White’s lemonade 55–56, 131
Racing Pigeon magazine 74
RADA see Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Radlett Rec 24–25
Rafferty, Gerry 157
Ramones 85
Rat Boy 90–91
Raymond (Rebecca’s son) 175–76, 182–83
Rebecca (later Sam Newton’s second wife) 173–76, 182–84, 189–91, 202, 204, 205–7, 231–32, 233–34
Reed, Lou 85
Reeve, Dora 185–86, 194, 208–10, 213–14
Rennies Estate Agents 203
Richards, Debbie 59, 91, 121
Rickmansworth Aquadrome 121
Rigby, Mrs 28–29
Rimmel 77
Rising Damp 164–65
Robertson’s jam 139, 154
Robinson, Edward G. 57
Rock–A–Cha 225
Roger (at Harrods) 217, 220–21, 224, 227–30, 238–39, 247, 250, 257
Roger (in drama group) 182
The Rolling Stones 57, 85
Rootstein, Adel 208–9, 222, 239
Ros (Michael’s girlfriend) 234, 236, 253
Rose Royce 187, 244
Rotten, Johnny 123–24
Rover car 65, 106, 174, 202
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
(RADA) 117, 127, 154, 158–60, 161, 162, 167, 169–70, 170, 182
Ruth, Aunty 33, 142, 146, 164, 225, 234
St Albans 77
Noke Hotel 206
St Helen’s Church, Watford 4, 22, 31, 47, 142, 233
St James, Sister 71–72, 81–83, 102–4, 127, 145–46
St Joan of Arc grammar school, Rickmansworth 64, 65, 68–72, 79–84, 85, 101–4, 127–30, 137, 145–46, 148, 159, 172, 236
St Michael’s comprehensive school, Garston 63
Sally (at Cordells) 178
Sam (at Harrods) 220
Sam (dog) 151–53
San Lorenzo (restaurant) 226, 243
Sarratt, Hertfordshire 125
Savile, Jimmy 128
Scholl sandals 69, 71
Scotch eggs 162–63
Seditionaries 185
Selfridges 216
Seventh Day Adventists 205, 232
Sex Pistols 123–24
Shaw, George Bernard, Saint Joan 97–100
Sheila (Mary’s cousin) 53
Sheraton Park Tower hotel 260
Silver Cross pram 58–59
Simon and Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Water 57–58
Simple Minds 249
Sinatra, Frank 57, 58
Sinclair ZX80 computer 230–31
Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees 179, 180, 220–21
Slade 92
Sloane Rangers 246
Smethurst, Jack 159–60
Smethurst, Julie 159–60
Smethurst, Merry 159–60, 244–46
Smethurst family 159–60
Smith, Robert 203
Smith, Susan 81, 101–2
Sniffin’ Glue 123
Sobranie cigarettes 226–27
Southampton 118–19
Spandau Ballet 249
Spencer, Lady Diana (later Princess of Wales) 246–47, 253–54
Spitfire car 261
Springhall, Alan 178
Stan (carpenter at Harrods) 248
‘Stand and Deliver’ 249
Stanmore 109
Stardust, Alvin 128
‘Starman’ 76
Stella 33
Stephenson, Beryl 68–69, 70, 71, 102, 103–4, 116
Stewart, Rod 246
Stockpot 224
Strange, Steve 227–29
Sudbury Hill 250, 260
sugared almonds 54
Summer, Donna 180, 187
Sunbury-on-Thames 203
Sundown Club 249
Suzanne (at Cassio College) 185, 214
Sweeney brothers 59, 91–92
Sylvester (Sylvester James) 221
Sylvia (at Harrods) 248
Take Six 225
Talking Heads 226
Tanner, Mrs 37, 110
Ted (at Harrods) 248–49, 255
10cc 121
Terry (hairdresser) 188
Tesco 35
Thatcher, Margaret 181, 202, 246
Three Degrees 128
Timothy White’s 37–38
Tite, Mr, sweet shop 1, 7, 43, 54, 55–56, 60, 95
Tom, Uncle see Newnham, Tom
Top of the Pops 77, 128
Tracy (at Cordells) 179–81
Tracy (at Harrods) 226
21 magazine 87
Tweed perfume 110
Ultravox 253
Ure, Midge 228
Valentino 216, 242
Vesta curry 94–95
Vicious, Sid 123, 202
‘Vienna’ 253
Village People 179–80
Visage 253
Wainwright, Janice 195, 216
Waitrose 210
Walkman 249
Walmsley, Angela 128
Walsingham 31
Warhol, Andy 199
Watership Down 180
Watford, Hertfordshire
comprehensive school 65
market 66, 76, 77, 107
Palace Theatre 6
Watford Observer 109, 183
Wavyline Grocer 35
Westwood, Vivienne 185, 188, 249
Weymouth 121
Widows and Widowers Club, West Watford 164–65, 174
Wimpy burger 86
Windrath, Helen 68
Windrath, Mrs 68
Wiseman, Jean 32–33, 73, 142, 146, 164, 170, 225
Wiseman, John 32, 142
‘Wishing On A Star’ 166
‘Without You’ 236
Woodhead, Margaret 81, 101–2, 128
Woolworths 27, 110
Xeri, Jenny 146, 166
‘Y.M.C.A.’ 180
Yorkshire Ripper 202
‘You Can Do Magic’ 92
‘You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)’ 221
Young, Neil 85
Youth Dew 210
Yves Saint Laurent 200, 216, 241
Zephyr 95
Ziggy Stardust 76, 85
About the Author
Mary Portas is one of the world’s foremost authorities on retail and brand communication, and is credited with turning Harvey Nichols from a staid department store into a modern fashion powerhouse.
She is the founder of the creative communications agency Portas, which creates award-winning campaigns for brands including Habitat, Clarks and Mercedes-Benz. She regularly travels the world advising on retail strategy and frequently lectures on the theme of brands and retail.
Mary is a fierce protector of the UK’s high streets and has previously advised the British government on their future and continues her vociferous campaigning for high streets and communities. As Global Retail Ambassador for Save the Children she is the creator of seventeen Mary’s Living & Giving charity shops, after she redefined the charity shop experience to put the local community at its heart, and in doing so raised millions of pounds.
As well as contributing a column to the Telegraph for eight years, Mary has become a household name through her television
series, including Mary Queen of Shops and, most recently, Mary Portas: Secret Shopper on Channel 4.
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First published in Great Britain by Doubleday
an imprint of Transworld Publishers
Copyright © M. Portas LLP 2015
Mary Portas has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
Every effort has been made to obtain the necessary permissions with reference to copyright material, both illustrative and quoted. We apologize for any omissions in this respect and will be pleased to make the appropriate acknowledgements in any future edition.
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Version 1.0 Epub ISBN 9781473510142
ISBN 9780857522863
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