by Carter Ashby
Thank you, Cassy Roop, for being a badass cover designer and a really cool person.
Thanks to the ladies in Author BFF’s and to Lia Fairchild for founding that group. I honestly can’t envision my existence as an author without you all.
Thank you, Joe, for your financial support and for believing in me relentlessly and seemingly without reason.
And most importantly, thank you to my three kids for putting up with my scatterbrained behavior and the occasional cereal-for-dinner night. You’re the best part of my life and I hope you’ll one day be proud of me, just as I am of you.
About The Author
Carter Ashby is a city girl at heart, but a country girl by birth. Her two great passions are motherhood and writing. When not involved in these things, you might find her reading, baking bread, or meditating over a pot of tea. Connecting with readers is one of the primary joys of authorship. You can reach Carter through one of these outlets:
Did you like this story? Here are more books by Carter:
Not A Chance
Without You Here
The Big Girl Panties Trilogy
Zoey and the Nice Guy
Maya and the Tough Guy
Addy and the Smart Guy
The Fidelity Series
The Closer You Get
Play It Again (coming soon)