Surrounded by Temptation

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Surrounded by Temptation Page 3

by Mandy Harbin

  Mikaela chuckled. “Girl, your man has been on the warpath since your sister here made that little announcement about not being a taken woman. First, he practically beat Jack into submission, then after the meeting, he gave Jack another round of, um, brotherly encouragement to behave.”

  “I can only imagine what kind of encouragement Toby provided.” Krista grinned.

  Mikaela turned to Ariel. “And he’s been reading Rob his rights in Rob’s cabin ever since. We all view you as family since you’re Krista’s sister, but you’re his mate’s sister, so he feels an even stronger obligation to protect you. And he will. Especially since he knows how worried Krista is about all this. If I know Toby, he’s probably fighting every primal instinct to lock you up just to keep his mate from being upset.”

  “Good,” Krista said.

  “Don’t give her any ideas,” Ariel groaned.

  Mikaela stepped aside and the girls followed her to the cabin next door. This estate was really very refreshing—rustic but not jarringly so. Ariel didn’t like the camo motif. She understood its need for function, but why anybody decorated in the stuff, she’d never understand.

  When Krista opened the door and they stepped into Rob’s cabin, Ariel kept her expression even…with great difficulty. Rob was shirtless and bound to a wooden chair. His worn jeans hung low and showed how cut he actually was. His legs were tied to the chair too. God, his bare feet even looked sexy. But the hottest thing about him was his gaze. The way his eyes peered into her. Like they were already alone and he was ready to pounce.

  Rob growled, showing fangs, and she gasped. She didn’t know they had fangs like that unless they’d already shifted. Maybe she should’ve gotten some additional information from Krista and Mikaela before walking into the lion’s den. Literally.

  “Come,” Rob rasped. “Now.” His arms flexed within their bindings and Ariel went rigid, wondering if they’d hold.

  Toby growled next to him, his eyes focused solely on his brother.

  “We should get started,” Josh said.

  “I-I have the medication right here.” Ariel started to step forward, but Josh threw his hand up, stopping her progression, and moved toward her, blocking her view from Rob.

  And apparently Rob didn’t like that because a blood-curdling roar came from his direction.

  Krista squeaked and jumped next to her at the same time Josh stepped to the side, allowing Rob to see his fill. Toby’s head snapped in Krista’s direction at her distress, then whipped toward Rob. He crouched in front of his brother, a menacing growl slipping past his lips. Ariel shivered. For some reason, the softer growl from Toby sounded more deadly and a hell of a lot more terrifying than the loud roar Rob made.

  Rob hissed at Toby and wiggled in his chair, struggling to get free.

  Josh stepped up and took the syringe from Ariel. “I’ll do it. You stay here.”

  When Ariel starting giving Josh the instructions, Rob’s gaze flew to her and he snarled. She quickly finished the steps Josh needed to administer the medication and watched as he approached Rob from the side, making sure to not to block his view of Ariel.

  She watched as Josh bent in front of Rob and blindly handed the needle over to Toby. When Josh grabbed the waistband of Rob’s jeans, Ariel swallowed. There was no turning back now. She watched in rapt fascination as Josh unfastened Rob’s jeans and slowly slid the zipper down so he could get to the injection site.

  “Damn,” Ariel breathed when Rob’s rock hard erection sprang free. He was freaking huge!

  Rob had been making low growls and hisses at his brother as he worked the closure on his jeans, but when Ariel spoke, his attention snapped back to her. His growl got softer, broken. What’s that… Is he purring?

  “I think he likes that you find his, um, member impressive,” Krista whispered.

  Toby looked at Krista and growled. “You shouldn’t be looking. You only look at me.”

  Ariel watched as her sister fought a smile. But she turned to the side, giving her back to them. “Better, sweetie?”

  His next growl sounded more like a groan. “I love your ass.”

  She wiggled it and the animalistic sound got louder, playful.

  “Chill, you two,” Mikaela said, then turned to Ariel. “Just like a couple of newlyweds.” She shook her head but smiled. “I think that’s good, Josh.”

  “Okay, kitten. I want you and the other ladies to stay over there until we’re sure he won’t break free and the drugs are working.” Josh lifted his arm, needle poised for entry.

  “Wait!” Ariel shrieked and quickly stepped forward. She needed to gather as much data as she could. “Can you tell me how you feel?” she asked Rob softly.

  “Why don’t you grab my dick and tell me how I feel?”


  Rob roared. “That wasn’t a request. You will submit to me. You are mine.”

  Without warning, Josh stabbed the needle into Rob’s hip. Rob yelped and hissed at his brother.

  Ariel watched him as he struggled in his chair, trying to break free, growling and hissing at everyone, at no one.

  Then minutes later, his movements eased, his head falling back as he gasped in air, sweat trickling down his temple. No one moved for what seemed like an eternity. Ariel just watched. Waited.

  Rob slowly moved his head, his eyes seeking her. She held her breath as he found her, eager to hear him now that he’d received his first dose.

  “I-I think I’m okay.”

  “Do you feel like you need to mate with her?” Josh asked.

  Rob frowned. “I believe I have control of myself. My lion.”

  Ariel stepped closer and Toby tensed beside Rob.

  “Can you tell me how you feel now?”

  Rob chuckled. “I guess I can’t give you the same answer as before, huh?”

  Ariel laughed nervously. He seemed relaxed. He wasn’t growling or hissing or fighting his restraints. She quickly scanned his body. Mostly relaxed. His penis was still fully erect. She turned to Josh. “Take his vital signs. Let’s make sure he’s not about to have a heart attack before I continue.” She dug into her bag, pulling out a swab kit. “And here, take this and swab the inside of his cheek while you’re at it.”

  Josh worked quickly as Ariel watched. The three brothers seemed to be staring at each other intently. Then she saw an infinitesimal shake of Rob’s head.

  “They’re speaking telepathically.”

  Ariel nodded. A few weeks ago she had been knee-deep in compost and now she was about to be on her, yeah. She knew. Her nerves were back in full force now that Rob seemed to be doing well under the medication.

  “This is amazing!” Josh said as he clapped Rob on the back. “You seem healthy as a horse. I can’t believe you’re not trying to fight to get to her anymore.”

  “Let’s not do a victory dance yet,” Ariel warned. “This is all part of the process.”

  “Right, of course,” Josh said, grinning. He looked at Rob and chuckled. Then he looked at his mate. “I think we can go.”

  “C’mon, Krista,” Mikaela said. “We need to get Jack medicated, too.”

  Toby watched Rob, eyes narrowing. “You’re sure you’re in control? If you hurt one hair on her head, I will make you bleed. Understood?”

  Rob nodded.

  Toby straightened and walked toward Krista. “I can stay. Whatever she’s going to do, I can watch from the other side of the room to make sure he doesn’t do anything to hurt her. She’s very tiny and he’s incredibly strong.”

  Ariel’s face got really hot all of a sudden. No way in hell did she want a witness to this next part. She glanced at Rob, trying to think of something quickly to say that’d keep her from having an audience.

  Rob’s head cocked to the side as he watched her. Without looking away, he said, “That won’t be necessary, bro.”

  Toby made a frustrated sound at the back of his throat, his eyes on his mate. “It’s your call, baby.”

looked at Ariel. Ariel hoped the pleading in her eyes was working.

  “Let’s go, sweetie, and leave her to her work.”

  Ariel sighed, relieved.

  Toby’s shoulders relaxed as he wound his arm around his mate. “Okay.”

  “You will let us know the minute you need something, anything. Right?” Krista gave Ariel a stern look, and Ariel nodded.

  “Good luck,” Mikaela said, a small smile playing at her lips as she and Josh left. Krista and Toby left right behind them. Her sister looked one last time over her shoulder before shutting the door.

  Ariel was now alone with Rob. The relieved feeling from moments ago was now gone. There really was no backing out. The compound had worked. She’d seen it with her own eyes. He was virile and determined to have her one minute then lucid and calm the next. Still sexy has hell, though. God, she needed to let that thought go. Rob was hot, no doubt about that, but she was here to do a job. A job she was beginning to wonder if she could keep herself detached from in order to complete.

  Just do it.

  She walked toward Rob. He watched her. Eyes not animalistic. Teeth not fangs. Just watched like someone who was curious about what movie was showing at the theater. But as she got closer, she noticed the muscles in his forearms corded. There seemed to be more lurking behind the surface than his calm curiosity.

  “Um, okay.” Her voice cracked, so she took a steadying breath. “This is a bit unorthodox—”

  “Compared to what? The family of werewolves who live in Dallas?” Ariel gasped and he chuckled. “Kidding, angel.”

  She laughed nervously, realizing that part of her nerves was due to how attractive this man was. This would be so much easier if he were hideous, like a mangy old alley cat, missing an eye and covered in bald patches.

  “Right, well, unorthodox is subjective in this sense.” She took a few steps closer. Now he had to tilt his head up to look at her. “What I mean is the way I’m going to test the effectiveness of this drug and your endurance to it isn’t what I’d call standard protocol.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  Ariel cleared her throat and shifted her weight to her other leg, stalling. Here goes nothing. She stepped right up into his personal space. “Do you find me attractive?”

  A small growl rumbled in his chest, but he didn’t let it out. “Incredibly. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen and, animal or not, I would love nothing more than to be buried deep inside you.”

  Good. If only his animal side wanted her, then she wasn’t sure how well this testing method would work. She smiled at him, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips. Rob watched as she traced her upper lip, and he moaned softly.

  “I’m going to tease you, Rob. You’ll be surrounded by temptation greater than any you’ve ever experienced. I’m going to drive you so insane with want that you’ll be begging me for it.”

  Chapter Four

  Rob stared at the vixen before him and wanted to scream in victory, wanted to take her in his arms, wanted to shout her name as he fucked her all night long. His dick grew painfully hard. He wanted her right now. Needed her with an ache he couldn’t identify because it wasn’t a feeling he’d ever experienced before in his life.

  Because she’s my mate.

  “I need you to tell me if I cross the line and do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but I need you to be able to tell the difference between a comfort issue due to morality or a comfort issue because the medication isn’t working as effectively as it should. Do you think you can tell the difference between the two?”

  He nodded because if he opened his mouth, he wasn’t sure if he’d order her to start. He felt in control of his lion, but that didn’t mean his nature wouldn’t kick in.

  “I’m going to leave you bound for now. As the testing progresses, we will gradually allow you more liberties.”

  When he didn’t respond, she took the last remaining step up to him, her legs brushing his. He watched her closely. Her breathing was slightly erratic and her hands trembled. She gripped the tops of his shoulders, her heat searing his bare skin. When she lifted her leg and threw it over his lap, straddling him, he caught a faint scent of her arousal.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as she seated herself fully across him, his cock blanketed by the warm apex of her thighs.

  “This okay?” she asked a little breathless.

  He jerked his head in a nod, trying to maintain control for her but wishing like hell he could grab her hips and dry hump her until he was shooting in his jeans. Because there was no way he’d make it to her pussy.

  She rocked on him and his head fell forward, eyes locked with hers. She was beautiful and her body pure heaven. She moved again and his mouth went dry. He leaned forward, needing to taste her, drink from her as he worked her on his cock. When he was a hairsbreadth away from her lips, she moved back out of reach.

  “You can’t touch. I decide what happens.”

  He growled. She was his and he would have her if he wanted her. He sought her mouth out again, quicker this time, but she jerked her head away and thrust her hips forward, rubbing herself hard against his cock, moaning in apparent pleasure.

  “Shit.” He gritted his teeth and pushed up, forcing his dick harder against her. “Kiss me.” It wasn’t a request.

  “No, big boy. Don’t make me gag you.”

  He growled and thrust up so hard that he almost bucked her off him. She did not tell him what to do. She should be submitting to him. When he growled at her again, she slid off him and stood looking down at him.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling, Rob.”

  “Get back over here.”


  He growled again, pulling at his restraints.

  “Do you want to fuck me?”



  “I want to mount you. Fuck you from behind. Fuck you into submission.” Where the hell was his internal filter? Just because she asked didn’t mean he had to confess.

  “Do you want to bite me? That’s how you mate.”

  For the love of God! “Yes.”

  She fell to her knees and his legs fell open on their own. “You have a beautiful cock,” she murmured. Then she gently swiped her fingertip along the head, wetting her finger with his pre-come and swirling it on the slit.

  “Fuck, Ariel, angel, please.” He wasn’t sure what he was begging for in that moment and he didn’t care. The fact that he was begging in the first place didn’t bother him when it should have.

  She removed her finger, and his hips canted up, trying to follow the regression of her hand. When she put her finger in her mouth and sucked on it, he became mindless. Rob started pumping his hips, fucking the air. He could come just by watching her suck his essence. He didn’t even have to imagine her finger was his cock and her lips were wrapped tightly around him to start shooting off. He was damn near ready just watching her.

  Then she stood and quickly grasped the hem of her shirt. She pulled it off and stared at him. Jesus. She had on a lacy, see-through bra. It was so pale pink that it almost matched her supple skin. She briefly cupped her tits before pulling her pants down. Fuck! She had on matching panties. The really sexy, small, boy-short kind. He loved those.

  She reached behind her back, and a second later, the flimsy material of her bra fell to the floor.

  “Perfect.” And she was.

  “You don’t think my breasts are too small?” she massaged them, pulling at her nipples, driving him fucking insane.

  “Let’s see if they fit in my mouth,” he rasped.

  She chuckled, letting her hands fall to her sides. “You’re doing remarkably well.”

  That was totally debatable.

  She straddled him again and this time, when she rocked her body against his, her arousal assaulted his senses. He could smell nothing but her. Her need was pouring into him, seeping into his very being, and his lion howled at the surface to break free and
give her what she so obviously ached for.

  When she started moaning, he felt the vibrations in his soul and it catapulted him to the precipice. His balls drew up.

  “Shit, angel, you’re gonna make me come.”

  Suddenly, she stopped, raising herself up enough that even when he thrust up, he got no contact in return.

  “Still feel in control?”

  “No. I’m about to shoot all over you.”

  She smirked and slid down his body, landing on her knees between his legs again. She moved, her head hovering over his dick. Then she leaned down and traced her tongue along the length of it.

  “Fuck!” He gritted his teeth, locked his arms and legs, thought about baseball.

  “Mmm. Guess my panties are too thin. I can taste my pussy all over your cock.”

  “Oh God. Get my pants off. You can leave me tied up. Just fuck me. I don’t have to take you. Just fuck me. Do it hard. Do it fast.”

  She shook her head slowly. “What kind of test would this be if I just gave you what you wanted?”

  “An easy one?”

  She chuckled as she sat on the floor, scooting back a little so he could see her fully. Then she spread her legs and she slipped that delicate little hand into her panties.

  She shut her eyes and bit her lip on a moan, rotating her hips as she fingered herself.

  “Damn, at least take your panties off so I can see your pussy.”

  She shook her head, keeping her eyes shut.

  Then she started moving her hand quickly, moaning, thrashing her head around, gasping as her hand went lower. She moved her other hand to her panties and moved them to the side.

  “Jesus, angel. You’re fucking yourself.”

  “So tight. Not enough.” She moved her hand up and rapidly strummed her clit. “Need you.”

  He yanked at his binding and roared, trying to break free, his cock leaking profusely, soaking the side of his jeans.

  “Oh God, Rob.” She moaned, threw her head back and screamed, using both hands now, fucking herself with two fingers and assaulting her clit as she came.

  He struggled at the leather holding him in place, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the vision before him. He needed her. Right now!


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