by L. C White
Scott calls after us as I’m hurried away, “Congratulations again.”
Adrien takes my arm and we come to an abrupt stop. He peers around, making sure there are no guests near us, then lowers his mouth to my ear.
“Elizabeth, what was that whole hand thing you just did?” he murmurs. “Not all my guests are going to be interrogated are they?”
I close my eyes, feeling foolish. “Okay, I’m sorry. From now on, I swear I will conduct myself appropriately.” I half-smile, hoping he’ll forgive and forget.
He lies his hand on my cheek. “You’re forgiven.”
My eyes widen, seeing Geoff sluggishly stroll toward the bar. He looks awful and really shouldn’t be here. I excuse myself from Adrien, and make my way over to his hunched back.
“Geoff.” He turns to me, holding a Benedictine and hot. “You really should be in bed.”
He straightens up, looking me up and down. “I don’t give a crap what that doctor said,” his voice breaks. “You look beautiful Lizzy, and I’m so sorry for letting you down.”
My eyes well up. I clutch his blue shirt and give him a big squeeze. He has been the best out of all of the men my mum has had her claws in. Even my own deadbeat Dad who’s in Australia, couldn’t be arsed to get over here to see his only child get married. Rambled on about commitments, time, and distance. Adrien even offered to fly him over first class, and still he made excuses.
“Geoff please, do not blame yourself. You can’t help being sick.”
“Yeah well, I do.” His eyes move over to the dancefloor. “Looks like I’ll be needed soon anyway.”
I turn to see Mum flailing her arms in the air, dancing with Dom. I laugh, like always she brings a little of her craziness to every party. I guarantee within half an hour, she’ll have everyone in this room doing the frigging conga.
“Alright Nathan.” Geoff reaches across my arm and shakes hands. “I hear you stole my role today.”
I step aside to allow Nathan to join the conversation.
“Yeah.” Nathan orders a drink. “Liz had her running shoes on,” he jokes. “Someone had to drag her down the aisle.”
“Anyhow, you two crazy kids catch up,” Geoff winces, holding his gut. “I’m going to go and keep my eye on Ginger Rogers over there.”
I take a fleeting glance around the room. Today is a day I don’t want past grievances brought up, and me spending too much time with Nathan alone, is kind of awkward. Don’t get me wrong, he’s been so good today, and I’ll always have a soft spot for him in my heart. But there is a free bar running, and alcohol will fuel hidden feelings, especially in Nathan.
I watch Adrien talking to a member of the band as Mum tugs on his hand, trying to get him to dance.
“Here,” Nathan hands me a glass of white wine.
“Thanks….where’s Cate?” I ask, knowing it’s better for us to be together in a group.
“Over there,” he nods over my shoulder. “With the dullest man on earth. I’m not joking, sometimes I wish this mind reading stuff worked in reverse, so I could tell people to shut the fuck up.” I giggle with him. “Anyway, well done.” He clinks his glass on mine. “You did great today.”
“I did, didn’t I.”
He shakes his vodka rocks at me, gesturing his head. “You coming?”
I think for a second. All Adrien’s guests are seated, chatting away. Adrien is busy, like always running the show, making sure everything is running smoothly. So I don’t have much choice but to go with Nathan. Even though this is my wedding celebration, I feel a little out of place.
I walk by Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim, heads stooped, like always finding fault with something. Nathan pulls out a chair for me at Cate’s table. His eyes fix on Sara who is swaying on the dancefloor with Ben.
“Pete,” I sigh.
I really don’t want to speak to him, but have to for Cate’s benefit.
“Liz,” his voice drones. “This is all a bit high class for you isn’t it?”
“Pete,” Nathan barks with a warning glare.
“Cate did you fetch my handbag?” I ask.
“Of course I did.” She lifts it from the chair next to hers.
Nathan sits beside me, turning back to the dancefloor again. Sara seems to have got under his skin tonight. I watch him for a few seconds and he doesn’t even notice.
I elbow his arm. “Go and cut in,” I say.
He turns to me with wide eyes. I don’t think he realised he was doing it, ogling. I remember once upon a time, he’d be right up there, strutting his stuff to win over a bit of skirt. Now he’s different, controlling his lusting urges. He’s grown up, and I should be glad.
The music swap over goes smoothly. The Jazz band have joined the wedding party on the request of Adrien, and a DJ has hit the decks. Cate is now up there with Dom, leaving Pete with Nathan and I. And Mum is still flaunting and shaking her ass like a woman possessed, doing starfish jumps to get my attention.
“Come on Nathan, dance with me.” I wiggle my fingers as I stand.
I squish the skirt of my dress between two chairs as he stares vacantly, still in his seat. I arch over to him. I’m not going to accept this downer he’s on.
“Liz, my head’s banging.”
I pick up his triple vodka and waft it in his face. “Drink and move,” I order. “You’re being drained by the most miserable shit on earth,” I whisper in his ear, glancing at Pete. “You need to get away from this table, fast.”
After huffing and puffing about it, he’s finally up on his feet, following me.
As I arrive on the edge of the dancefloor, the DJ coughs into the microphone, and the music fades.
“Can we please have the bride and groom on the floor,” the DJ announces.
Oh the timing of this is awful. But then it is my wedding day, and I haven’t seen my husband for the last half hour. I turn to Nathan as wolf whistles fly around the room, hoping he’s okay with me abandoning him.
He smiles. “Later,” he mouths.
Adrien is at one end of the floor, and I’m standing at the other. Jeez, I should have gone for dance lessons. I’ve totally frozen up here.
Our song begins and Adrien slowly approaches my reluctance. His eyes are forever on me and his lips bare a gentle beam. I lower my head as his hand gradually slides over my waist, to rest against my tailbone. The crowd quietens, apart from Mum, who’s loudly telling anyone in earshot, how wonderful we look together. He starts to move me to the beat, and all my anxieties drift away.
“So,” he peers down. “How does it feel, being Mrs Knight?”
His hand coils mine tighter and his thumb brushes across my skin. I smile up to his face and breathe out. I don’t know whether it’s because we’re not doing some sexy tango as entertainment, but everyone seems to have dwindled away. But I don’t care, to me this is the perfect first dance.
“I’m feeling kind of great right now.”
“Was no easy feat all this, not with Sara anyway,” he hums. “Damn taskmaster she is.”
“She’s good at what she does. Stop being so mean.”
He laughs. “Yes, I guess she’s too good.”
The flash of a camera hits my side vision. For a second I forgot we’re embracing each other before many eyes. I snuggle against his firm chest and see Mum tottering from side to side, aiming a lens right at us. Subtly, I turn my face away.
“Camera shy are we?” he asks.
“More like a Mother allergy.” I feel him snigger through his chest.
“You are very alike.”
I pull back a little and frown, observing his warm features.
“That fire in your belly when you’re moody is inherited,” he smiles. “Your mom has gone to extraordinary lengths today, making sure things were right for you.”
I hum, lying my head back against his body. “Okay, she has some pros I suppose.”
His hands move further up my waist and torso, to come to a rest on my face. We circl
e on the spot as he gazes down at me. He stoops and his lips meet mine with the most delicate tender touch. More flashes occur, glinting around the edge of the floor. He pulls away as I taste what’s left of him on my mouth.
“You ready to face the world together?” he asks.
“Yes.” I laugh lightly.
The song has now stopped and cheers loudly sound as we continue to dance. The DJ mumbles something, as a more upbeat number booms through the speakers. I’m not paying attention to the party atmosphere that has suddenly taken over. Adrien must have it.
I’m rudely poked on my shoulder. I turn to see Mum with a tipsy ray across her face, bobbing on the spot.
“Now, did you honestly think you’d get out of dancing with your mum,” she yells; even over this music her voice is like a foghorn.
“Mum… calm down.”
She pulls on my arm as more people flock around us. I shrug my shoulders at Adrien. He’s far too refined to strut his stuff to dubstep, and I wouldn’t expect him to. I scowl at my overexcited Mother, thinking she can dance to this kind of beat.
“Have some fun.” He kisses my cheek and takes a glass of whisky from Ben. “I have a few people I need to talk with anyway.”
I peer around for help as he walks off the dancefloor, doing my best to stop Mum copying Kyle’s attempt at the caterpillar. Sara appears to my side. Wow, she’s actually dancing with me, and she’s kind of good.
Mum bends her knees, shakes her butt, and wiggles, as Geoff covers his face in shame. Nathan is sitting next to him, leaning back in his chair all broody. This is it, the ideal opportunity to put my matchmaking skills into play. I dance across to him, leaving Mum replicating Sara’s slutty moves. I hold my hand out and wait. He listlessly takes hold, and I tug him onto the tiles.
I lead him nearer Sara. She’s undaunted and carries on dancing. I rise up on my tiptoes, my lips to his ear.
“I know he’s still in there somewhere… Nathan,” I holler. “Get out here now, because there’s a decent pair of tits and ass awaiting you.” He laughs as I push him on his way.
Well, get me. Sara has taken the bait, again. She’s being the slutty Sara I once knew. I smile because he’s smiling. The old Nathan is back in business.
I dance with Mum and Dom. Dom is well on his way to needing a bag. He’s so drunk, and now he’s rubbing his tie around the back of his neck, thinking he’s a Chippendale. I fear any moment he’s going to start stripping off, and my mother will just love that. I need to get off this dancefloor before things get out of hand.
I glance across the dark room, looking for my husband. He’s been gone for nearly an hour. He’s got to be around here somewhere. Eventually I spot him. He’s standing by the fire exit with Ben. I sneak off the dancefloor without being noticed, and take my drink from Geoff.
As I get closer, I notice Adrien is clutching Ben’s arm, aggressively. He’s furious. I can tell with the way the back of his head is moving.
“Hey Liz.” Kim and Chloe block my way.
I smile as I attempt to get by them, but they won’t let me through.
“You look amazing Liz,” Kim says as she fumbles through her clutch bag.
“Thanks.” I take a step, but she blocks me again.
“Hold on,” she continues. “We’ve not seen you all day.”
“Sorry girls, you know how it is. I’ve been pushed from pillar to post.” I angle my head, growing concerned by the heated discussion Adrien is still having with Ben.
“So, how does it feel, being married to the gorgeous Adrien Knight?” Kim asks.
I don’t want to feel this way, or be rude, but she’s really pissing me off.
“Liz, come on, give us the juicy details,” she adds.
I roll my eyes. “What can I say; I’ve been lucky enough to find Mr Right.”
“And how’s the day been for you?” she pesters.
I scowl at her. Is she actually trying to interview me here?
“It’s been a dream come true… Now, I really must get to my husband.” I physically push by her.
I arrive at Adrien’s side. Ben’s eyelids expand a warning look at Adrien, and immediately he releases Ben. He smiles awkwardly at me as Ben slopes away.
“What was all that about?” I ask.
“I have a business matter to take care of,” he replies, fast and cagey.
I wasn’t born yesterday. Even his unfaltering eyes cannot hide the fact he’s pissed at something. He knows how stubborn I am when it comes to being honest. And I’m going to stand here and continue to glare, until he explains why he has to attend to business on our wedding day.
“Elizabeth, you cannot be informed of all the ins and outs of everything I do.” He arches to me and pecks my cheek. “This is an unimportant issue, which will only take me a few minutes to resolve.” He waves at Ben. “Now, Ben is going to take you to the bar and get you a drink.” He leaves me with Ben and disappears through the fire exit.
“I already have a drink,” I yell after him, but he doesn’t hear.
I remain on the spot, watching the door swing shut. Ben tugs on my arm, gesturing his head to the bar. Up to my neck in curiosity and thought, I follow him, growing angrier by the second. I’m no idiot, Adrien is up to something. And his need to keep it from me, today of all days, is a completely shitty thing to do.
Ben leans across the bar and talks to the waiter. He can’t see me, and I’m in the perfect position to escape. I quickly spin on the spot, and slip through the fire doors, unnoticed.
Chapter 11: Selene
The ginger haired female receptionist behind the desk, grins as I approach. I smile back as I look around for Adrien, but he’s not here. It’s just me, the receptionist, and some odd looking guy, sitting in a tartan armchair, reading a tourist pamphlet.
“Have you seen my husband?”
The receptionist is looking at me nervously, like it’s her first day on the job.
“Yes, he’s in the closed dining room.” Her face reddens, unwilling to tell me more.
I sigh, annoyed. “Which is where?”
“I’m… I’m really sorry Mrs Knight, but… but…”
“What?” I hold the edge of the desk and lean a little. “Look, it’s okay… he’s waiting for me,” I lie. “He told me to follow him, and I just can’t remember where to.” I smile.
A confusion flashes across her eyes. “But Mrs Knight… he told me not to let anyone, even you, disturb him.” She looks over my shoulder. “That man there, he’s here to make sure of that.”
I slowly turn to the lanky guy as he drops the pamphlet onto the coffee table. He’s dressed in black, with his legs folded. I don’t recall seeing him before. I can tell he’s tall, even sitting down his knees are nearly chest height. He’s pale; uber pale, and very unapproachable.
I look back at the young girl, closing my eyes for a moment. It’s our wedding day, and there’s some unfavourable vampire sitting right behind me. I can tell what he is just with one look. The traits of one who has just got over the awakening stage: dark circles around the eyes, a waxy skin coating, and generally looking unwell. Why on earth is Adrien hiding things from me?
“Okay,” I exhale, lowering my head.
“Sorry,” she says.
I look up and notice a plan of the entire hotel next to the desk. I gather the lace of my skirt up in my hands, and march right up to it. There are two dining rooms. One on the right side of the building, and one on the left. I think for a second. The freaky vampire is sitting before the corridor that leads to the left of the building, that’s got to be where Adrien is. I boldly turn and quickly swish my way to the door.
“Excuse me,” the vampire stops me. “You can’t go down there.”
Crap, now what do I do? I don’t know what I’m dealing with here. Whatever it is, it’s bad, I can feel it. If Adrien is in trouble, I have to help him.
“Why the hell not?” I try not to show my unease.
“You are not to g
o down there,” he insists, standing at least two foot over me.
Okay, that’s it. I’m not going to let this beanpole tell me where I can and cannot go on my wedding day. I want to see Adrien, and find out what the hell is going on.
“And who are you?” I ask, with my hands on my hips.
“I am here to stop you, going through that door,” he condescends.
I glare at him then take the leap, thrusting my way through the door. With haste, I dash down a small warm hallway as the beanpole pursues me. My ankle twists in the stupid four inch heels I have on, but I manage to regain balance as I reach the glass doors. I stop, my eyes finding Adrien sitting with a woman. I gape at them talking as I’m grabbed by cold hands.
“Get your hands off me right now,” I yell at the beanpole. “You fuckin freak!”
Adrien turns to see me thrashing to get through the doors. He shakes his head in embarrassment, but that doesn’t stop my anger, only fuels it. He’s with another woman on our wedding day, all secretive. I want to scratch her eyes out.
The woman stands up. She’s wearing a long white dress and a black leather jacket. I manage to yank myself free, and burst through the doors. I scowl at her. God, she’s only about seventeen. Is this what he’s hiding from me; he’s having an affair with some kid.
She’s expressionless, with long sleek black hair, and dark blue penetrating eyes. My frown falls down her body. Why the fuck has she got no shoes on? I stare at her dirty bare feet, then look up at her from beneath my livid brow.
“What?” I snap at her mannequin like face.
“Elizabeth,” Adrien’s deep unimpressed voice calls me.
“Who are you, and what are you doing at my wedding… with my husband, can I just add.”
Adrien looks at the girl warily, as she continues to gaze at me. She doesn’t even blink. I’m still waiting for some sort of explanation, for one little change in her frozen features. But there is nothing there. She’s like one of those freaky porcelain dolls.
Adrien comes to stand at my side. He bends to my ear, making me flinch away from him slightly.
“Elizabeth, stop with the eyes,” he utters. “You’re sizing up someone who will kill you without a second thought.” My breath is instantly taken, as I gingerly move my view onto Adrien. “Elizabeth - Selene. Selene - Elizabeth,” he says, blowing out.