by L. C White
“Thought so. He was the size of a house before he was turned,” he jokes. “Look.” He moves closer to the bed. “Do you want some air or something? It’s not good being cooped up in the dark all day.”
“Thanks, but no.”
“Dom!” Adrien yells through the secret passage. “Get your ass out here.”
“Sorry.” His pupils roll. “Duty calls.” He side steps through the wall panel, leaving it ajar.
I hit my head on my knees as raised voices float through the room. I’m used to hearing them arguing now, but this is different. Dom is yelling, and I’ve not heard him once get involved in a heated argument. I’m being pulled by curiosity like a magnet. I swing my legs from the bed, and with hesitant steps, make my way to the open wall panel.
Ben has hold of a girls arm. She has warm long brown hair, and is pissed-off.
Liz glances across the penthouse at me with an awkward flash in her eyes. She’s been distancing herself from me. I guess she scared to rock the boat. I agreed to stay, but I could just as easily walk out of here.
Adrien is dressed sharp today, all business like. I’m used to seeing him in jeans and sneakers, hair all messy with his glasses on. Both he and Nathan look like they’ve just got back from some important meeting.
“I came here with you; are you forgetting that!” the girl snaps.
“You are a fuckin idiot, Dom!” Nathan barks, running his hand over his head. “Lillian was a spy, working for Laurie.”
Leaning against the wall I look to the door. I have the strongest urge to walk out of here. To walk the streets, and try to empty my head.
“She’s not just a spy,” the girl says. “She’s Laurie’s daughter.” The coven silence, each face puzzled by her comment. “She’s Dhampir,” the girl adds. “I’m only doing this because I can’t stand the bitch. I want things back the way they were.”
Liz’s body kind of hunches over, and there’s an agonising look across her face. She’s actually showing human emotions.
Adrien grips the girl by the throat and lifts her a foot from the floor. I push my body forward, noticing she’s not choking, and handling Adrien’s dead-grip too well. She has to be a vampire.
Adrien’s eyes blacken. “What are you saying?”
She pulls at his fingers until he releases her neck. She staggers back a step.
“I said, she is Dhampir. Daniel’s sister,” she sneers at Adrien. “I came here to help you, you ungrateful assholes.”
“You’re telling me, that dumb red-head, is Dhampir!” Dom squeals.
“Yes, and she’s no dumb red-head. She’s real nasty, and if she has any influence on Daniel at all, you better gather yourself an army,” she says. “She’s already got a following. She feeds them and sends them out to do what they want. That animal attack on the underground last week; that was her doing.”
Nathan points at Ben. “Call Leanna, tell her to get her ass here.”
“Daniel has fed, Lillian made sure of that. Had him locked up until he had no choice,” she says, as an instant worry about him fills my chest. “Laurie is showing him the ropes.”
I watch as Sara wraps her arm around Liz’s back for support. I really don’t know what the hell is going on, apart from knowing this isn’t good.
I close my eyes, inhaling a long breath. If Daniel would just come back, maybe this would come to an end. I’ve been warned, but the warnings don’t take that urge away. Warnings won’t rid the memory of his touch. He wasn’t a monster with me, he was tender and loving. And I need tender and loving right now.
“I have a Daughter,” Liz utters.
Adrien charges to the long desk full of papers, lifts, and tosses it across the room. My heart pounds with heaviness as I feel my way down the wall, to get to the door. I do need that air Dom suggested. I want to feel cold. I want to feel empty, and not have to think about vampires anymore.
I quietly enfold my fingers around the door handle and bite down as I open. They are all far too wrapped up in themselves to even notice I’m leaving.
It’s ten pm. I’ve always wanted to take in the London sights, but my eyes are on the pavement as I dodge and weave through the masses of people. I’ve been by the London Eye, walked over Tower Bridge, and the Thames. But my brain hasn’t once registered the historic sights. I wanted to be cold, and I am. I wanted to feel empty of the vampire world, and I do. But my goddamn mind will not expel, Daniel Knight, or the death of my father.
I choke back a tear as I walk through the open food market. Tourists and city workers enjoy a variety of foreign foods. Laughing, eating, and drinking.
I reach the end of the outdoor market when a loud gust of wind, pushes my body forward. I hear the growl of an engine and smell the petrol, as I brush my hair from my eyes, trying to catch a breath.
The wheel of a motorbike is only an inch from my black pumps. My view moves up only a little onto a knee, then returns to look at the red tarmac I’m standing on. I feel my blood run hot under the skin on my face, and I know my cheeks are flushed with fright and need. I burn up and quiver with fever, nervous to look because I know it’s him, Daniel. Vampires fear him; should I?
“Come with me, Maeve,” his muffled voice says.
I hold all the air in my lungs as my eyes move up onto his. He pulls off his helmet, and the sight of his imploring eyes has sorrow flowing down my face. He looks as he did before. No evil eyes. No sinister intent. No anger.
He rests the black helmet on his leg, and his fingers run up the side of my face.
“I’m sorry about your dad, Maeve,” he says so softly.
His words open the floodgates. My chest shudders as my weeping eyes look down to his boot. He’s the only one who has offered me sympathy that I actually believe, and it’s triggered off an uncontainable grief.
I hear the fabric of his black jeans as he dismounts his bike. Sniffling down at the ground I feel his arms slowly envelope around my body. I close my eyes against his chest, inhaling his clean sweet scent and the leather of his jacket. His hand holds the side of my head, affectionate and firm. I need this so much. He’s easing the pain that strangles my heart.
“I’ve made them pay, Maeve,” he says.
I sniff up and frown, moving back. “What did you do, Daniel?”
“I made them pay,” he says again, with a sternness in his tone.
I gaze into his eyes. I should be appalled. I should be afraid and cautious of him. But the truth is, I’m glad those who killed my father have been punished. I just wish I was there to punish them myself.
“How did you find me?” I ask.
“It doesn’t matter.” He holds the helmet out to me. “Come with me.”
“You know your parents are going crazy,” I say. “Liz is losing it.”
“Things are changing,” he says. “I shouldn’t be here, but I don’t care. Please, get on the bike.”
I study his eyes. There is a force pulling on me. It makes me take the helmet from him. I do need him. I need him to comfort me. Take me away from my own insanity. Away from this city and its fucked-up secrets.
His leg swings over the black saddle and he waits for me. I pull the helmet over my head, feeling his warmth on the padding inside. I lift my leg, straddling the seat behind him, uneasy because I’ve never been on the back of a bike before. I wrap my thighs and arms around his body, my fingers gripping his jacket tight. He twists the throttle, lifting his foot from the floor, and we begin to move.
Chapter 21: Take me Away
I lumber behind him down the aisle. We’re in the first-class carriage on the euro tunnel shuttle. I’m trying to spit out the words. I’m trying to figure out how he just did what he did. But I can’t. I’m totally freaked out.
He stops and turns to me, his hand on the headrest of the chair he wants me to sit on, but I keep my distance, frowning at him. He’s just got us on this train, in first-class, heading to Coquelles in France. We have no passports or tickets. All he did was
whisper a few words, in a few ears, and we were given free everything.
“Maeve, I have a way with words,” he smiles.
Okay, I need some proper answers, not flirty responses. Whatever he did was immoral on so many levels. It’s like he’s got magic for god sake. It’s not normal, and I’m shitting myself.
Hissing the f-bomb under my breath, I plonk myself down into the grey faux leather seat, and he sits opposite me.
“What was that you did?” Facts, that’s what I need.
He pushes his shoulders back and jiggles them. He’s not liking my line of questioning, but I don’t care. I’m a piddly human being, and I need to know who I’m travelling beneath the English Channel with. Warts and all.
“I just told them you’re the Queen’s niece, and need escorting to Coquelles,” he says, like it’s normal to lie. “They’ll be here soon, with a nice bottle of white for you.”
“You can’t do that.” I arch over the table.
“Why not?” he shrugs his shoulders. “I can do what I want.”
“No you can’t, Daniel. Because it’s wrong. It’s bloody treason, that’s what it is!”
“Maeve, I’ve been screwed over enough,” he says. “I’ve been told what to do all my life. I just want a little fun.”
“There’s fun, and there’s breaking the law.”
“Okay, sorry.”
“How we supposed to get back,” I whisper, angrily.
“I’ll figure it out.” His body shrinks as his eyes peer down at the table.
I know he has good intentions, but clearly he hasn’t thought this through. My fingers fumble and knead my hand. I’m the one feeling bad now.
I sigh out as his disillusioned eyes tilt on me. I can forgive a harmless lie this once, well, a mammoth harmless lie.
“I won’t do it again, if you promise to enjoy my company,” he says as a cute grin curls on his lips.
“We’ll see.” I keep my eyes on his as a very serious question springs into my mind. “I know about what you did by the way. With that blood they took from me. You’re not going to want more of that are you?”
“No. You forget, I’m not like them, see.” He takes my hand from the table to hold in his. “Warm and alive.”
“And the coven, what about them?”
“Nothing will happen to them. I swear to you.”
“So, we’re going to France. What the hell am I supposed to wear?” I scowl.
He smirks devilishly. “Nothing, Maeve.”
I should be nervous, worried, and disturbed he said that. But his wicked expression and sweet giggling, dowses all my insecurity.
“Now shut up, and enjoy the view.” He laughs, looking at nothing but concrete and lights, flashing by the window.
I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. We left Le tunnel sous la Manche in north France, at two a.m. Now we are riding down a long road, with flat farmland to each side of us. Daniel seems to love it, whereas my ass, legs, and worn out mind, are beginning to detest this bike. My hair is now greased to my head inside this sweaty helmet. The jacket Daniel gave me, even though it’s took off the chill, has my armpits sticking to my torso. My neck is stiff in this abnormal position, due to the powerful g-force. And my bladder feels like it’s going to burst. I’m going to pee myself, and on him, any second if he doesn’t pull over so I can relieve myself.
It’s no good me shouting at him over the growling bike, so I uncurl my hand as my pulse quickens in the fear of falling off, and I pat on his chest. He peers over his shoulder at me, and I mime the words, ‘I need a pee right now.’ He swerves to the right, pulling over onto the verge of a cornfield to stop.
Oh god, the vibration is still zooming through me. I feel shaky, breathless, and unstable. I yank the helmet up off my head, and gasp out a sigh. I’m trying to move my legs, but they’re locked to the damn saddle.
“You’re going to have to give me a hand,” I grumble.
Smiling, he jumps off the bike with the grace of a leaping leopard. How the hell is he enjoying this? His nice firm butt must be used to it I guess.
He comes to my side, swoops the helmet out of my hands, and hangs it onto the handlebars. Then completely unexpected, he lifts me from the bike and up into his arms. I hiss in achy pain, but then mute, noticing how strong he is. He charges into the tall corn like he’s on a mission, as I study the sexy focus on his face.
“Anywhere in-particular? We have a secluded area here, or over there,” he says, as I giggle. “Okay, here then.” He plonks me down and turns his back, crossing his arms over his chest.
I’m not going to pee while he’s standing there. He might have turned his back, but he’ll still be able to hear the gush.
“You can go back to the bike and wait for me,” I say, with my thumbs down my waistband, bobbing on the spot.
“I think it would be best if I keep a lookout.” He glances over his shoulder. “Might be some creepy-ass pervert out here, watching us.”
I blow out, annoyed. “And I might pee all over your designer boots. I have a lot to release you know. So please, go back to the bike. I can’t go with you standing there.”
He lifts up his hand. “Fine, yell if you need me.”
“I won’t.”
He sweeps the corn aside as he walks away.
It has only been a twenty minute ride from where I relieved myself in that cornfield, to arrive at this classic looking French farmhouse. I’m still exhausted, but it doesn’t stop the eagerness to see inside. This place is from another era, and I know it’s not Daniel’s. After surveying the Knight’s home in Killiecrankie, I just can’t see them owning a very modest old property like this also.
There are warm lights emitting from the two story house. Each window has rustic shutters open against what appears to be yellow stonewashed walls. The terracotta tiles on the roof are wavy, and the cylinder chimney billows out smoke. It’s secluded, and everywhere I turn there are nothing but flat fields. It’s peaceful, and peace is what I need right now.
Daniel clambers off the bike as I pull off the helmet. I blink the hazy tiredness away, as he holds out his hand to help me.
“What is this place?” I ask, lifting my heavy leg over the saddle to stand at his side.
“It’s Laurie’s,” he replies. “Told me I could use it to take a break.”
My eyelids flicker open wide. Is he serious? This Laurie character has fucked everything up from what I’ve heard. How can he be trusted?
“I’m not being funny,” I hesitantly say. “But I’ve heard things about this Laurie, and none of them good. How can you trust him… how can I trust you?”
He puckers his brow at me. It’s an angry pissed-off expression, but I have every right to ask. I’m not even sure what made me come here with him. It was a spur of the moment decision I can’t explain. I’ve never made rash decisions before, until I met Daniel Knight.
He takes a firm hold of my shoulders. “You are here with me. I’m taking a break and I want to have some fun, with you. And I think, no I know, that you deserve this. You get Laurie out of your head. In fact, don’t mention his name at all. Okay?”
He cuts in, “No buts. No regrets. No talk of the damn paranormal. We never got a first date. So please just go with this.”
I find myself biting my lip, nodding in agreement.
My pumps move over the uneven floorboards as my lazy eyelids blink, taking images of the room I’m in. The walls are covered with a peach coloured floral paper, with the odd watermark and tear. Some people would strip this wallpaper off, but I like it the way it is. There’s a cream wall dresser at my side, a shabby chic design. I grin a little at Daniel as my view moves onto a small couch covered with a green throw. The open fire is lit and crackles. It’s so cosy and warm, and there is this smell, like fresh bread has been cooked here every day, and has tainted the building.
I remove Daniel’s leather jacket, glad of the
air on my skin, and lie it on the sofa’s arm.
“Maeve, I think it’s time for bed.” Daniel walks up to me and takes hold of my hand.
I don’t say a word as he leads me into the kitchen, and up a narrow staircase with cracked white plaster on the walls.
My pounding pulse accelerates as he leads me into a bedroom. There’s a large four poster bed with fancy brass posts. The walls are an off-cream, and match the crochet bedspread. It’s very beautiful.
Daniel releases my hand and comes to stand before me. I take in a noticeable apprehensive breath as my lips open. He pushes his hands over my hips, his eyes on mine and his jaw tightening. I’m thinking of something to say to him. But words and letters float aimlessly around my mind, and I can’t string a sentence together.
He takes the hem of my blouse in his fingers, and I lift my arms so he can remove it. His intense view sweeps down my chest and belly. Suddenly, I find myself up in his arms, moving to the side of the bed.
“Wait,” I anxiously say as he lies me down onto the thick mattress.
“Shush Maeve.” He goes to the bottom of the bed and pulls off my black pumps.
My heart flutters, expecting him to crawl up my body, but he doesn’t. He takes the cotton sheet from the base of the bed, and pulls it slowly over my body. I sigh as the cool fabric brushes against my skin, stimulating the need for him.
“Goodnight sexy.” He arches over and lies his lips gently against mine.
Instinctively, my fingers grasp at his neck, wanting more, but he pulls my wrist back to stop me. With his forehead pressed down against mine, a deep sigh leaves his mouth.
He lets my hands drop onto the mattress as he straightens up. I watch him walk around the bed and flick off his boots, but he keeps his clothes on. I gulp as he climbs next to me, and pulls me into his body. On my side, with him pressed up against me, a fraught feeling pushes down on my chest. His arms are around me for comfort only, and the past begins to pull me down. My eyes expel a tear. It rolls down my cheek to land on the pillow. Like he can feel what I feel, he squeezes his arms around me tighter. He was right, I do need this. I need to grieve. I need to think. I need Daniel.