Red Claw Alpha (Red Claw Rising Book 1)

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Red Claw Alpha (Red Claw Rising Book 1) Page 7

by Zoey Harper

  He'd probably sent a couple of his men to the garage after dark and told them precisely which bike to shove. Colton could see his little bald head bobbing as he laughed.

  The bear shifter clenched his fist. He wouldn't give Patrick the satisfaction. "I was out scouting. What did you want to talk about?"

  Colton heard Patrick inhale sharply. He smiled. Colton could play mind games with the best of them. Patrick had underestimated him.

  "I wanted to talk about why I've heard reports of pure cocaine being sold in my territory. No one here would dare fuck with me that way, which tells me that Flynn is roaming free, making deals left and right without care.

  "You're not doing your job, Colton. It seems you've forgotten just who sent you out there, and what I'm truly capable of. Did you even do anything with the intel I gave you? Or have you been treating your time away as a holiday? Lord knows you can't afford one on what your little clan's been making."

  Colton's stomach hardened. Patrick was unreasonable. He'd given Colton intel that was days old. In fact, Colton was lucky he'd found Flynn when he did.

  If Patrick was right about him selling the cocaine, then Flynn was probably doing a lot of traveling peddling his goods. As a smuggler, he wouldn't have established buyers.

  Colton wanted to scream all the facts at the wolf shifter, but he held his tongue. Patrick was looking for an excuse to hurt the Red Claw Rising in any way he could. Colton could see his endgame now.

  In Patrick's mind, Colton and his men were already a part of the family. But they weren't on the inside. No. They were the bastards that were easily discardable.

  I won't let my clan live the life I've lived.

  "Flynn has proven to be very resourceful. I found him, but he had a bunch of bodyguards with him. I'm working on finding his next location. I'll call you as soon as I have something."

  "You better. Or I might have to burn the whole garage down. I'm sure you've got some decent equipment there. It would be a shame for you to have to start from scratch."

  Patrick hung up, his threat ringing in Colton's ears.

  Colton pulled out onto the road and drove for the next two hours. His headache pounded away, but he hardly noticed it. His grip on the steering wheel never loosened.

  Colton's bear fought for control, wanting nothing more than to turn the car around and drive straight to Bolsend to pummel Patrick's face in. Colton knew he could take the wolf shifter down in a one on one fight, but he would never get the opportunity.

  A sea of wolves would get to him first, swarming him. That was the only way wolves had ever taken down a bear. Colton winced as he thought of how it would feel to have dozens of fangs sunk into his flesh.

  I've just got to get over this. Then I'll come up with a plan that will put that wild dog in his place.

  Colton pulled into the parking lot of the Iron Gun Range and frowned when he found a police car parked next to him. It seemed that Elvis was doing so well for himself that he didn't mind flirting with law enforcement. Either that or Colton was walking into the middle of an arrest.

  Colton shook his head as he got out of the car. Elvis would never get arrested. The bear shifter would sooner kill the cops before putting himself through that.

  Colton walked through the doors of the indoor shooting range and had his suspicions confirmed. There, bending over to pick up ear protection from a bin in the corner, were two uniformed policemen, chatting away. They probably didn't even know they were in a shifter establishment.

  "Ballsy," Colton muttered as he made his way to the counter.

  Standing in front of the glass display behind the counter, looking down at something, stood Elvis. It had been a while since Colton had seen the middle-aged man, and he hesitated for a second.

  Should he greet him like a friend? They had parted on decent terms. Well, decent for shifters. They'd nodded to each other and gone their separate ways.

  Or should Colton greet him like an acquaintance? They had never been particularly close, and Colton was ready to call in a favor he doubted the older bear remembered.

  "Elvis," Colton said, his voice cold. He didn't have the time to play nice. Colton needed to get a sniper as soon as possible. That was the only way he'd get Flynn.

  While Colton was eager to get Patrick off his back, he understood that his plan to do so might take time. So, unfortunately, he'd have to play ball a little longer.

  "Colton Lennox," the older man said, his voice surprisingly pleasant considering how much they'd butted heads before. He stuffed his hands in his bomber jacket's pockets.

  "What are you doing here? Are you looking to buy a gun?"

  "I need a sniper."

  Elvis’ blue eyes darted left. Seeing that the shop was empty, he straightened and glared at Colton.

  "I don't know what you think you're doing, but everyone knows I don't discuss shifter work here. This is a legitimate business."

  Colton raised his chin. "It was the only place I knew to find you. Besides, I don't have the time to go look for you at a bar somewhere."

  Elvis blinked slowly, recognition dawning on his face. "You came to collect the debt."

  "I did. I need a sniper."

  Elvis peered down at a ledger of some sort. "Don't have any."

  "I know you've got contacts in reserve. Call one of them."

  "They're all busy."

  Colton slammed a palm on the counter. "Look, Elvis, you and I don't have bad blood, but you’d better treat me with some respect before I do something stupid and draw those cops’ attention."

  Elvis shut his book slowly and stared at Colton. "You know better than to threaten me."

  "And you know better than to ignore me."

  The two men stared at each other for a good minute. Colton felt his adrenaline kick in. The fight yesterday had been more of a scrabble. With Elvis, he'd get a skilled opponent.

  Colton had seen the older man fight. He was a worthy opponent.

  Colton's bear surged forward, wanting a good fight. Colton had been too submissive over the last twenty-four hours for his liking.

  First by letting Flynn’s bodyguards hit him for a little while, then by letting Patrick talk down to him. Colton's bear wanted to reinstate their alpha pride, and a fight with Elvis was the perfect opportunity.

  Elvis growled so low that only Colton's enhanced hearing could hear. Colton forced his bear back and took a deep breath. He wanted to fight, but there were more pressing matters.

  If he didn't find Flynn soon, Patrick would burn down his garage. The ugly fucker was deranged enough to ruin his own property to make a point.

  "Let's not forget that I saved your life. You wouldn't be here challenging me if I hadn't. I've come to collect my debt. Honor it."

  To some, that seemed like a weak reason, but in shifter culture, a debt owed needed to be paid. Elvis’ bear wouldn't let him rest until he did. As far as his animal was concerned, someone had stepped in and done something he should have. It was a matter of pride.

  The energy that crackled between Colton and Elvis dissipated and the older bear tilted his head. "You've changed. A couple of years ago, we would have been outside, tearing each other up."

  "I told you. I'm here on urgent business." Colton folded his arms. "Cut the bullshit excuses and give me the contact of one of your snipers. I'll get out of your hair in two seconds."

  Elvis shook his head. "It's not an excuse. All my men are contracted out. This war between the Redgarde and the Frostfordes has been very lucrative. I'm all in." Elvis grinned. "On both sides."

  Colton's eyes widened. Elvis was playing a dangerous game. He hoped the older man knew what he was doing. It would be a shame to see such a great talent get snatched away.

  Elvis wasn't just a broker. He was one of the best marksmen in the entire country. Rumor had it he'd served three tours before deciding to cash in on his talents.

  "Good for you," Colton said, raising his chin. "But I still need a sniper. And you owe me a favor. You gave me your
word. Right after I knocked that tiger out of your way, you said you'd pay me back."

  Elvis huffed. "You know I'm really starting to regret telling you that I owed you one."

  The older man rubbed a hand over his face. Colton could see the wrinkles starting to form around his eyes. He quickly shoved the feelings of empathy down. Why should he feel sorry for Elvis?

  The older shifter wasn't going to raise a finger to get Patrick off Colton's back. It was a dog-eat-dog world, and Colton needed every advantage he could get.

  "You'll have to do the job yourself. I have a feeling the job's not going to be too far from here."

  Elvis chuckled. "Barking commands already, are you? I thought you were different from your half-brother. Didn't I hear that you left the Gray Shade?"

  Colton gritted his teeth. "I'm nothing like Ramsey. I'm just tired of sitting here gabbing like a bunch of old ladies. I've got shit to do, and you owe me. Give me your number, and I'll call you with a location once I have it."

  Elvis smiled. "You've always been a hard ass. Cold and calculated. Except when in a fight. That's when you're at your best. Wild and uninhibited."

  "Are we really going to stand here and pay each other compliments?"

  Elvis raised his right arm and placed it on the counter. Colton's face crumpled when he saw the stub at the end of the sniper’s right arm.

  "Freak motorcycle accident," Elvis said, his voice flat. "I can't shoot worth a damn."

  Colton's throat constricted, and an ache settled in his chest. What had happened to Elvis was horrible, and here he was about to make things worse for the older man by acting like he didn't care.

  Colton drew a sharp breath. "That's not my problem."

  Elvis pulled his arm off the counter and stared at Colton, his blue eyes hard. "I take back everything I said. You're not a hardass. You've crossed the line well into bastard territory. Congratulations, you've finally lived up to your birthright."

  A rock wedged itself in Colton's throat, making it impossible for him to swallow. His heart beat faster, and the pounding behind his eyes started again. He hated that he'd just put Elvis in an impossible situation, but he was pressed up against the wall too!

  Fuck you, Patrick!

  Colton had always prided himself on being fair. Every man had a line, and shifters were no different. Otherwise, they'd entirely be animals.

  Elvis had no snipers to spare, and he was forcing the older man to figure something out. He'd probably have to go behind a competitor's back to get a sniper for Colton, risking more than just his business.

  Colton shuffled his feet, doing his best to ignore his conscience. "So. Where are you going to get my sniper from?"

  Elvis sighed. "I might have someone for you, but she's been out of the game a long time. Truth be told, she was never really in it."

  "Did you train her?"

  "I did. A few months ago, but she doesn't have the stomach for anything gory."

  Colton felt a weight begin to lift off his shoulders. "That's fine. I need her to shoot a bird. Give me her number."

  "Can't do that. She's a personal friend. I won't expose her to the likes of you. Come back tomorrow morning, and I'll take you to meet her. If she says no, then you're on your own."

  Colton parted his lips, but Elvis raised a hand. "I'm not going to risk poaching a competitor’s sniper. I can't fight as well as I used to, and I've got responsibilities now. I won't die to pay back a debt. No matter how much my word means to me."

  What responsibilities? Does he have a family?

  Colton dipped his head in agreement. Patrick may have pushed him to do a lot of despicable things, but this was one line he would not cross. Colton would not have the blood of an innocent on his hands.

  "Fine. Tomorrow."

  Colton walked out of the store feeling somewhat disconcerted. He'd gotten what he'd come for, but at what cost? He was pulling all kinds of innocents into his mess, and Elvis had held up a mirror to his face.

  Colton was acting like a bastard. Manipulating, coercing, and ruining lives. For the first time in a long time, he worried about what his association with Patrick would do to his personality. The last thing he wanted was to turn into Ramsey.

  Colton's phone vibrated. It was yet another unknown number. He pressed the phone to his ear.


  "Colton, darling," Kylo's smooth baritone answered. "It's been far too long. How's life running your clan treating you? I still stand by my promise to make you a kept man, should you decide to finally admit your attraction to me."

  Colton rolled his eyes. Kylo loved to act like a flamboyant, harmless tease, but Colton knew better. Kylo was a dragon shifter. He could burn or eat any creature he wanted should he decide to shift.

  All of that was reason enough to fear the dragon shifter, but it was his business that made him a real threat.

  Kylo sold information for a living, and he had contacts in every country around the world. It would cost him an arm and a leg, but Colton knew that if he wanted to get rid of both his problems, then Kylo would make it happen.

  "I've told you I'm straight. Now, I've got a job for you. Actually, two."

  Kylo mock sighed. "You're no fun."

  "I need you to track an eagle," Colton continued. "His name's Flynn Baugher, and he's a smuggler. He's not affiliated with any clan, which should make it harder for you. He was last spotted in Stonewick last night."

  "There aren't too many eagle shifters. Finding him should be easy. Give me a few days." Kylo said, all fun gone from his voice. "It'll cost you ten thousand dollars."

  Colton took a deep breath. "I also need dirt on Patrick Hargrove. Enough to get rid of him for good."

  The phone went silent, then Kylo burst out laughing. It was a warm sound. The kind that only those that sat at the top of both the shifter and human food chains could release.

  "Finally, a real challenge. I'll handle that one personally. That'll be thirty thousand dollars."

  Colton blinked rapidly, then bit the inside of his cheek hard before gritting out a yes.

  "Good. It'll take some time, so sit tight. You'll have the eagle shifter’s location soon."


  "No, thank you." Kylo purred. "Trading information can get so boring. Half the time, the enemy of the person approaching me has already acquired my services. It gets so boring feeding both sides information and waiting to see who acts first."

  Colton laughed an uneasy laugh. "Do me a favor, and let me know the day someone asks for information that will get me killed."

  Kylo tutted. "Now why would I do that? I'd quickly go out of business, and I'd have to become muscle for some richer man or a smuggler myself. You just keep living life off the radar of the big boys, and you'll be fine. I've got to go. Next time, call me for a dinner date. I've missed looking into those baby blues."

  Kylo ended the call, and Colton stuffed his hands in his pockets. This was it. He'd just made the first significant offensive move.

  Kylo would return to him with excellent information, of that he was sure. Then the burden would fall on Colton.

  "How hard could taking down the alpha of the second-most-dominant MC in Bolsend be?" he asked himself, before snorting and jumping into his truck.

  I hope Mom's looking down on me. I'm going to need a shit ton of luck to pull this off.


  Tegan pulled into a parking spot across the road from the cafe, ignoring the low fuel light flashing at her.

  It seemed her horrible encounter at the gym had only been the beginning of bad luck. Just yesterday, a pipe in her bathroom had burst, and she'd had to call a plumber.

  Tegan pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. She was in some seriously deep trouble. Where before she'd had two weeks of rent left over, now she had barely enough to cover her groceries for the week.

  "Keep pushing," she told herself, before unbuckling her seatbelt and leaving the car.

  As bad as things were, they could always
be worse. Several months ago, they had been. Besides, Tegan had options. Depending on how this meeting with Elvis went, she might have an out.

  When Elvis called her last night, she'd been glad to hear from the older bear shifter. Tegan had just forked out a hundred bucks to the plumber that her landlord insisted she hire, to fix a problem that wasn't her fault. So, Elvis’ call regarding a potential job was more than welcome.

  "I just hope this is a tame gig," Tegan mumbled before nudging the cafe door open.

  She stood in the doorway for a good minute. It was a Saturday, and it seemed everyone wanted to enjoy brunch out.

  Tegan lifted her hand to wave at Elvis when she spotted him, then quickly dropped it when she saw the man seated opposite turn to face her. "Colton?"

  Tegan unwrapped her scarf as she slowly made her way to the table both men occupied. Things between her and Colton had ended on an awkward note.

  While Tegan had been thoroughly convinced that Colton was a good boy with a bad outer shell, he'd quickly proven her wrong by shutting down and acting like a total jackass the moment she pushed too far.

  Colton was a bad boy with a good streak.

  She knew that now. It was just too bad that her heart didn't care. Tegan's stomach filled with butterflies the moment she met Colton's icy blue eyes.

  He scoffed. "You've got to be kidding me. She's the person you wanted me to meet?"

  Tegan frowned. "Uh, rude."

  "You two know each other?" Elvis asked, his eyes darting back and forth.

  "We met briefly." Tegan folded her arms.

  If ever her heart needed confirmation that Colton wasn't right for her, this was it. He was looking her up and down like every inch of her body gave him a further reason to doubt the fact that she was a trained sniper.

  Then there was the fact that he was seated at a table with Elvis. While Tegan had grown to love the older bear shifter, she couldn't ignore the fact that he ran with a rough crowd. Colton seemed very relaxed around Elvis in a way very few people were, and something told Tegan they had a history.


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